Michael R's Reviews > Slaughterhouse-Five

Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
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While he is a talented, skilled writer, this one did not resonate for me. Understood, and actually appreciated the use of "so it goes" and how it tied into the character's resigned fatalistic view of the world after his experiences in war, struck me as important for the overall theme of the novel. Just did not find the book to be as great as many have deemed it. Perhaps it was the fantastical extra terrestrial elements that threw me, or maybe it needs to be taken into context as groundbreaking for the time period when it was written. Not quite sure, just didn't effect me in the way it seems to have done for so many others. Could be that Vonnegut is just not for me.

Didn't even consider it to be explicitly "anti-war," more so a commentary on the affects of one's psyche after experiencing such seemingly meaningless (and incredibly rampant) destruction and death (which I guess could be considered essentially anti-war in itself).

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August 19, 2016 – Shelved

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