Quote, Double Quote: Aesthetics between High and Popular CulturePaul Ferstl, Keyvan Sarkhosh Rodopi, 01.02.2014 - 248 Seiten The boundary between ‘high’ culture and ‘popular’ culture is neither hermetic nor stable. A wide-spread mechanism of a reception strongly influenced by structuralism and post-modernism has led to the amplification and acceleration of cultural production between these two poles. Relying on a decidedly theoretical approach, this volume offers a broad perspective transgressing linguistic, cultural, temporal, and media borders. Reflections and perspectives on the relationship between ‘high’ and ‘popular’ culture are the subject of the thirteen articles collected here. Side by side with theoretical approaches, case studies covering classical and Heavy Metal music, TV series and pornographic films, zombies and ‘Creature Features’, philosophically infused comics and popular lexicography, professional wrestling and hypertext literature pave the way to a contemporary aesthetics. |
7 | |
23 | |
Doppelte Optik and lange Ohren Notes on the Aesthetic Compromise | 43 |
Press Instructions of the NS Propaganda Ministry on Literary Texts in Magazines | 64 |
Literary Field or Digital Soup? Literature in the Internet | 87 |
Sick sick sick? Pornography Disgust and the Limit Values of Aesthetics | 99 |
Thoughts Toward the Morphology of Creature Features | 121 |
Zombies Outside the Horror Genre | 135 |
Why Family Guy Does not Copy The Simpsons | 151 |
Reflections on the Montréal Screwjob | 167 |
Reflections on Serious Writing in Popular Culture | 179 |
On Some Features of Philosophy in Salut Deleuze | 197 |
Alphabetical Writing between Information Entertainment and Experiment Playful Variations of Lexicography in High and Popular Culture | 221 |
Notes on Contributors | 245 |
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Quote, Double Quote: Aesthetics Between High and Popular Culture Paul Ferstl,Keyvan Sarkhosh Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2014 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Adventures of Incredible aesthetic alphabetic Arrache Coeur ästhetische audience Berlin Bourdieu Camp Carl Einstein characters Cinema comic book Zurich concept context creature features critical Dead depictions Dictionary Dieck disgust doppelte Optik Ekel entertainment episode example face Family Guy fictional film Frankfurt a.M. genre German Gilles Deleuze Große Guattari high culture horror Ibid images Incredible Orpheus Kinder der Toten kitsch knowledge Kunst lexicographic lexicon literary literature magazines mass culture Meaning of Liff means metalepsis Metallica Middle-earth mode München Nietzsche Notes on Camp novel objects philosophy political pop culture popular culture pornography Postmoderne propaganda reader reference Reich representation Return of Deleuze Roland Barthes Roman Sarkhosh scene Screwjob sexual Shawn Michaels Simpsons Stewie story structure Suhrkamp Susan Sontag taste Thomas Mann tion trans Trash Trashmen ture Umberto Eco University Press Wagner words wrestling York Zeitschriften-Dienst Zeitung Žižek zombie narratives