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" Created half to rise, and half to fall: Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all; Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurl'd; The glory jest, and riddle of the world! "
Essai sur l'homme: poëme philosophique par Alexandre Pope, en cinq langues ... - Seite 13
von Alexander Pope - 1762 - 347 Seiten
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The Life Of Alexander Pope Compiled From Original Manuscripts With A ...

Owen Ruffhead - 2006 - 588 Seiten
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The Phantom of the New Ages

Kamran Pirnahad - 2006 - 155 Seiten
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The English Reader: What Every Literate Person Needs to Know

Diane Ravitch, Michael Ravitch - 2006 - 512 Seiten
...passion, all confused; Still by himself abused or disabused; Created half to rise, and half to fall: Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all; Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurl'd; The glory jest, and riddle of the world! Go, wondrous creature! mount where Science...
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Poets Thinking

Helen Vendler - 2006 - 166 Seiten
...Passion, all confused; Still by himself abused, or disabused; Created half to rise, and half to fall; Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all; Sole judge of Truth, in endless Error hurled: The glory, jest, and riddle of the world! [II, 3-18] There is a magnificence...
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Poems Collected

Alexander Pope - 2006 - 420 Seiten
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Poems by George Crabbe

Adolphus William Ward - 2006 - 556 Seiten
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The Major Works

Alexander Pope - 2006 - 770 Seiten
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Neel Burton, K. W. M. Fulford - 2006 - 192 Seiten
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The Yale Book of Quotations

Fred R. Shapiro - 2006 - 1092 Seiten
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Educated Imagination and Other Writings on Critical Theory, 1933-1962

Northrop Frye - 2006 - 608 Seiten
...passion, all confused; Still by himself abused, or disabused; Created half to rise, and half to fall; Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all; Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurled: The glory, jest, and riddle of the world!5 There is no point at which the writing...
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