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" If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other and the sides about these equal angles proportional, the triangles are similar. "
Euclid's Elements of Geometry: The First Six, the Eleventh and Twelfth Books - Seite 247
von Euclid - 1765 - 464 Seiten
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Bulletin, Ausgaben 33-43

1915 - 818 Seiten
...converse. If two triangles are equiangular their corresponding sides are proportional; and the converse. If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other and the sides about these equal angles proportional, the triangles are similar. The internal bisector of an...
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University of Allahabad - 1915 - 786 Seiten
...equiangular, their corresponding sides are proportion ;• and the converse. If two triangles have one iingle of the one equal to one angle of the other and the sides about these equal angles proportional, the triangles are similar. The internal hisector of an...
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Report of the Examinations Conducted by the Council of Higher Education ...

Newfoundland Council of Higher Education - 1917 - 184 Seiten
...circumscribing circle of the triangle DEF, 9 units long. 132 SEHIOR ASSOCIATE MATHEMATICS. 7. Prove that, if two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, and the sides about those angles proportional, then the triangles are similar. A CB, DB C are two right-angled...
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Statistics of Land-grant Colleges and Universities, Band 2,Ausgaben 17-31

United States. Office of Education - 1917 - 1336 Seiten
...square on AB. BE is drawn at right angles to AC to meet .iCioE. Prove that AE is one-third of AC. 9. If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other and the sides about these equal angles proportional, prove that the triangles are similar. 10. Draw a straight...
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The Money Value of Education, Ausgaben 21-34

Alexander Caswell Ellis - 1917 - 1102 Seiten
...square on AB. BE is drawn at right angles to AC to meet .1 C in E. Prove that AE is one-third of A C. 9. If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other and the sides about these equal angles proportional, prove tha't the triangles are similar. Er,EMEXTART TjUf.ONO...
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The Training of Teachers of Mathematics for the Secondary Schools of the ...

Raymond Clare Archibald - 1918 - 310 Seiten
...square on AB. BE is drawn at right angles to AC to meet AC in E. Prove that AE is one-third of AC. 9. If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other and the sides about these equal angles proportional, prove that the triangles are similar. 10. Draw a straight...
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Bulletin, Ausgaben 27-40

United States. Office of Education - 1918 - 1128 Seiten
...square on AB. BE is drawn at right angles to AC to meet .1 C in E. Prove that AE is one-third of A C. 9. If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle ^f the other and the sides about these equal angles proportional, prove that the triangles are similar....
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Conditions of Recognition, Classification, and Payment of Teachers in the ...

1923 - 264 Seiten
...externally. If two triangles are equiangular their corresponding sides are proportional : and the converse. If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other and the sides about these equal angles proportional, the triangles are similar. The ratio of the areas of similar...
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Theoretical Geometry: Based on the Various Geometry Books by Godfrey and Siddons

Arthur Warry Siddons, Reginald Thomas Hughes - 1926 - 202 Seiten
...DEF. Th. 14. But the As ABC, XEF are equiangular, .'. the As ABC, DEF are equiangular. QED THEORKM 56. If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other and the sides about these equal angles proportional, the triangles are similar. Data ABC, DEF are two triangles...
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Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years,, Band 1

Carl Sandburg - 1926 - 528 Seiten
...stand on equal arcs, whether they be at the centres or circumferences," and "Equal parallelograms which have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, have their sides about the equal angles reciprocally proportional; and parallelograms which have one...
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