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" Pursues that chain which links th' immense design, Joins Heaven and Earth, and mortal and divine ; Sees, that no being any bliss can know, But touches some above, and some below ; Learns from this union of the rising whole The first, last purpose of the... "
Essai sur l'homme: poëme philosophique par Alexandre Pope, en cinq langues ... - Seite 45
von Alexander Pope - 1762 - 347 Seiten
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An Essay on Man

Alexander Pope - 1763 - 150 Seiten
...fome below ; Learns from this union of the rifing Whole, The firft, laft purpofe of the human foul ; And knows where Faith, Law, Morals, all began, All end, in LOVE OF GOD, and LOVE OF MAN. 340 For him alone, hope leads from goal to goal, And opens ftill, and opens on his foul ; NOTES. dent...
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An Essay on Man: By Alexander Pope, Esq. Enlarged and Improved by the Author ...

Alexander Pope - 1763 - 150 Seiten
...foul ; And knows where Faith, Law, Morals, all l>egan, All end, in LOVE OF GOD, and LOVE OF MAN. 340 For him alone, hope leads from goal to goal, And opens ftill, and opens on his foul ; NOTES. dent as this truth was, yet Riches and falft Philofophy had fo blinded the difcernment even...
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An Essay on Man: By Alexander Pope, Esq. Enlarged and Improved by the Author ...

Alexander Pope - 1763 - 154 Seiten
...Tome below ; Learns from this union of the fifing Wholei The firft, laft purpofe of the human foiil j And knows where Faith, Law, Morals, all began, All end, in LOVE OF GOD, arid LOVE OF MAN. 340 For him alone, hope leads from goal to goal, And opens ftillj and opens ori his...
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The Life of Alexander Pope, Esq: Comp. from Original Manuscripts; with a ...

Owen Ruffhead - 1769 - 600 Seiten which hope leads the good man. " For him alone Hope leads from goal to goal, " And opens ftil!, and opens on his foul ; •' Till lengthen'd on to FAITH, and unconfin'd, " It pours the blifs that fills up all the minj." (f ) This foolifh Pride is finely ridiculed in feveral...
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The Life of Alexander Pope, Esq: Compiled from Original Manuscripts; with a ...

Owen Ruffhead - 1769 - 592 Seiten
...our poet evidently points out the guide, which if REVELATION, the goal to which hope leads the good man. " For him alone Hope leads from goal to goal, " And opens {till, and opens on his foul ; " Till lengthen'd on to FAITH, and unconfin'd, " It pours the blifs...
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The Life of Alexander Pope, Esq: Compiled from Original Manuscripts; with a ...

Owen Ruffhead - 1769 - 598 Seiten
...our poet evidently points out the guide, which is REVELATIQN, the goal to which hope leads the good man. " For him alone Hope leads from goal to goal, " And opens Ail1, and opens on his foul ; •' Till lengthen'd on to FAITH, and unconfin'd, *' It pours the blifs...
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Essai sur l'homme: poëme philosophique par Alexandre Pope, en cinq langues ...

Alexander Pope - 1772 - 376 Seiten
...purpofe of the human foul; j40 And knows where Faith , Law , Morals , all began , All end , in L ov E OF GOD, and LOVE OF MAN. For him alone, Hope leads...foul ; Till lengthen'd on to FAITH, and unconfin'd, j45 It pours the blifs that fills up all the mind. He fees , why Nature plants in Man alone Hope of...
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Der Mensch, ein philosophisches Gedicht

Alexander Pope - 1772 - 374 Seiten
...foul ; 340 And knows where Faith , Law , Morals , ali began , .Ali end ,inLovE o FG o D , and Lo VE OF MAN. For him alone, Hope leads from goal to goal,...opens ftill, and opens on his foul; 'Till lengthen'd onto FAITH, and unconfin'd, 345 It pours the blifs that fills up ali the mind. He fees , why Nature...
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An essay on man. Enlarged and improved by the author. With notes, critical ...

Alexander Pope - 1776 - 52 Seiten
...ESSAY ON MAN. Learns, from tin.s union of the rifing Whole, The firft, laft purpofe of the human foul ; And knows where Faith, Law, Morals, all began, All end, in LOVE OF GOD, and LOVE OP MAN. For him alone, Hope leads from goal to goal, And opens ftill, and opens on his fonl; 'Till...
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Bell's Edition, Bände 75-76

John Bell - 1796 - 524 Seiten
...some below ; Learns from this union of the rising whole, The first, last, purpose of the human soul ; And knows where faith, law, morals, all began, All end, in love of God, and love of Man. 340 For him alone Hope leads from goal to goal, And opens still, and opens on his soul ; Till lengthen'd...
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