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" It was at Rome, on the 15th of October 1764, as I sat musing amidst the ruins of the Capitol, while the bare-footed friars were singing vespers in the Temple of Jupiter, that the idea of writing the decline and fall of the city first started to my mind. "
The Eclectic review. vol. 1-New [8th] - Seite 150
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History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Aix-la-Chaoelle ...

Philip Henry Stanhope (5th earl.) - 1836 - 574 Seiten
...says, at Rome, on the 15th of October, 1764, as he sat musing amidst the ruins of the Capitol, and while the barefooted friars were singing Vespers in the Temple of Jupiter, that the idea of writing the decline and fall of the city first started to his mind. It. was on the...
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The Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esq: With Memoirs of His Life and ...

Edward Gibbon - 1837 - 1164 Seiten
...qualifications : but, in this sketch, those to whom I am known will not accuse me of framing my own panegyric. It was at Rome, on the 15th of October, 1764, as I...friars were singing vespers in the temple of Jupiter,* that the idea of writing the decline and fall of the city first started to my mind. But my original...
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The Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esq: With Memoirs of His Life and ...

Edward Gibbon - 1837 - 878 Seiten
...qualifications : but, in this sketch, those to whom I am known will not accuse me of framing my own panegyric. It was at Rome, on the 15th of October, 1764, as I...friars were singing vespers in the temple of Jupiter,* that the idea of writing the decline and fall of the city first started to my mind. But my original...
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The Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esq: With Memoirs of His Life and ...

Edward Gibbon - 1837 - 878 Seiten
...those to whom I am known will not accuse me of framing my own panegyric. It was at Rome, on the loth of October, 1764, as I sat musing amidst the ruins...friars were singing vespers in the temple of Jupiter,* that the idea of writing the decline and fall of the city first started to rny mind. But my original...
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The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Edward Gibbon - 1837 - 1304 Seiten
...fixed the source of his fame. "It was at Rome, on the 15th of October 1764, as he sat musing umidst the ruins of the Capitol, while the bare-footed friars...vespers in the temple of Jupiter (now the church of the Zoccolants, or Franciscan friars), that the idea of writing the DECUNE and FA LI of the city first...
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The gallery of portraits: with memoirs ...: Gustavus Adolphus

1837 - 272 Seiten
...trace the links which connected what he had read with what he saw ; and it was when he was musing in the ruins of the Capitol, while the barefooted friars were singing vespers in the Temple of Jupiter, that the idea of writing the Decline and Fall of the City first started to his mind. This idea, once...
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Lives of eminent and illustrious Englishmen, ed. by G. G. Cunningham, Band 6

Englishmen - 1837 - 530 Seiten
...eleven months amongst his old friends, he proceeded to Italy. It was at Rome, as "he sat musing amongst the ruins of the capitol, while the bare-footed friars were singing vespers in the temple of Jupiter, the idea of writing the decline and fall of the city first started to his mind." He returned from Italy...
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An Analytical and Comparative View of All Religions Now Extant Among Mankind

Josiah Conder - 1838 - 724 Seiten
...worship."f " It was at Rome," says the great infidel Historian of Christianity, " when musing amid the ruins of the Capitol, while the bare-footed friars...vespers in the temple of Jupiter, (now the church of the Franciscan friars,) that the idea of writing the Decline and Fall of the city first started to my mind."...
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The New-York review [ed. by F.L. Hawks]. Wanting no.6,8, Band 2

Francis Lister Hawks - 1838 - 542 Seiten
...of the muse, in the choice of his subject and in the conduct of his work. " It was," says Gibbon, " as I sat musing amidst the ruins of the Capitol, while...friars were singing vespers in the temple of Jupiter, that the idea of writing the decline and fall of the city first started to my mind."* In the same manner,...
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The penny cyclopædia [ed. by G. Long]., Band 11

Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge - 1838 - 540 Seiten
...own words, ' useless to the historian of the Roman Empire. During his visit to Rome in 17C4, 'as he sat musing amidst the ruins of the Capitol, while...friars were singing vespers in the temple of Jupiter, the idea of writing the decline and fall of the city tirst started to his mind.' Many years however...
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