The Works of Shakespeare ...Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1919 |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 6-10 von 65
Seite 17
... quotes Drayton , Poly - Olbion , xxiii . 266 : " And Bells and Bagpipes next belong to Lincolnshire . " Boswell refers to Armin , A Nest of Ninnies , 1608 ( Shak . Soc . ed . , p . 9 ) : " a noyse of minstrells and a Lincolnshire bag ...
... quotes Drayton , Poly - Olbion , xxiii . 266 : " And Bells and Bagpipes next belong to Lincolnshire . " Boswell refers to Armin , A Nest of Ninnies , 1608 ( Shak . Soc . ed . , p . 9 ) : " a noyse of minstrells and a Lincolnshire bag ...
Seite 19
... quotes Nashe , Have with you ( Grosart , iii . 51 ) : " Farre more boystrous and cumber- some than a pair of Swissers omnipo- tent galeaze breeches . " III . a true man ] an honest man , as opposed to a thief . See 11. i . 93 post . 114 ...
... quotes Nashe , Have with you ( Grosart , iii . 51 ) : " Farre more boystrous and cumber- some than a pair of Swissers omnipo- tent galeaze breeches . " III . a true man ] an honest man , as opposed to a thief . See 11. i . 93 post . 114 ...
Seite 21
... quotes an example of Yedward in the Lanca- shire dialect from Shadwell's Lancashire Witches , I. 136. chops ] fat or chubby cheeks . Cotgrave : Fafelu . Puffed up ; fat cheeked ; a chops . " Cf. Marlowe , Few of Malta , 11 : " ' tis not ...
... quotes an example of Yedward in the Lanca- shire dialect from Shadwell's Lancashire Witches , I. 136. chops ] fat or chubby cheeks . Cotgrave : Fafelu . Puffed up ; fat cheeked ; a chops . " Cf. Marlowe , Few of Malta , 11 : " ' tis not ...
Seite 23
... quotes Nashe , Have with you : " He is asham'd of the in- comprehensible corpulencie thereof " [ i.e. of his book ] . 187. wards ] guards , positions on guard . The words " he lay at " may be supplied after " wards . " 187-188 ...
... quotes Nashe , Have with you : " He is asham'd of the in- comprehensible corpulencie thereof " [ i.e. of his book ] . 187. wards ] guards , positions on guard . The words " he lay at " may be supplied after " wards . " 187-188 ...
Seite 24
... quotes 2 Henry IV . v . ii . 126-129 . Hopes , expecta- tions , as in Othello , 1. iii . 203. So " to hope " was sometimes used in a neutral sense ( cf. Gk . λífew and L. sperare ) . 211. sullen ground ] dark background . Steevens ...
... quotes 2 Henry IV . v . ii . 126-129 . Hopes , expecta- tions , as in Othello , 1. iii . 203. So " to hope " was sometimes used in a neutral sense ( cf. Gk . λífew and L. sperare ) . 211. sullen ground ] dark background . Steevens ...
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Anon Arber Bardolph battle Battle of Shrewsbury Beaumont and Fletcher blood Blunt Brome Capell Cotgrave cousin coward death Dekker devil Dict doth Douglas Drayton drink Dyce earle of March England English Enter Exeunt Exit faith Falstaff father fear Gadshill Glend Glendower Grosart hang Hanmer Harry hath haue Hazlitt's Dodsley Heauen Ff heaven Henry IV Heywood Holinshed Honest Whore honour horse Hotspur Humour ibid Iohn Jonson Julius Cæsar Lady lines ending Lord Love's Labour's Lost Lyly Malone Massinger Middleton Minshew Mortimer Nashe night noble North's Plutarch omitted Ff omitted Qq Pearson Percy Persie Peto play Plutarch Poins Pope Prince quotes rest Richard Richard II Romeo and Juliet sack SCENE Scot Shakespeare Shrewsbury Sir John Oldcastle sonne speak Steevens sword tell thee Theobald thou art Twelfth Night vpon Wales Welsh Worcester word Wright Zounds