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amton, N. Y., November, 13-15, 1917

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The Eighteenth New York State Conference of Charities and rection was held in the City of Binghamton on No■ber 13, 14 and 15, 1917. Dr. Lee K. Frankel, Third Vicesident of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New -k City, and for many years actively connected with charitable social activities, was President. Each of the seven sessions s marked by special interest in conditions brought about by present war and the sessions on Health, Delinquency, and cational Training were devoted more particularly to war con


The Nineteenth Conference will be held in Rochester, Novem12, 13 and 14, 1918. The President is Mr. Charles H. nson, Secretary of the New York State Board of Charities, any.

The Conference is supported by voluntary contributions. All sons interested in public or private charitable or correctional k in New York State are invited to become members.


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