Table 45.-Income Tax. Amount and Effective Rate of Tax on Specimen Incomes, 1926-27. (B) If income is all "Investment " Income. 45. Statistics of the assessments for the year 1926-27 will be published in our next Report. In the following pages appear statistics of the assessments for the year 1925-26. These statistics relate to assessments formally made between the 6th April 1925 and the 5th April 1926, irrespective of the year of assessment concerned or of the time when the tax was collected. In the main, such assessments are in respect of income chargeable for that year of assessment, but they also include a comparatively small proportion of assessments in respect of income chargeable for prior years. In the latter cases, the rates of tax charged and the personal allowances, etc., granted were governed by the law in force for the year of assessment concerned, and are shown in Table 44. 46. The statistics which follow should be read in the light of the following definitions of the various expressions used, viz. : Gross Income means the income brought under the review of the Department, before adjustments are made in respect of repairs to lands, houses, etc., empty property, wear and tear of machinery, overcharges in the assessments, etc. It includes certain income belonging to individuals whose total income is below the effective exemption limit of £135 assessable income. Actual Income means the statutory income of the taxpayer, estimated in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Acts, after deduction of the income of individuals below the effective exemption limit and of the adjustments referred to under the definition of Gross Income. Earned Income is defined fully in section 14 (3) of the Income Tax Act, 1918, and may be broadly described as income immediately derived by an individual from the carrying on or exercise by him of his trade, profession, vocation or employment. Assessable Income is the actual income less the earned income allowance. Taxable Income represents that part of the assessable income upon which Income Tax is actually calculated. It is thus the assessable income less the personal allowances and deductions. INCOME TAX-SCHEDULES A, B, C, D, and E. Table 46.-Assessments made in 1925-26. (ƒ) AssessABLE INCOME (viz., (d) MINUS (e)] | 1,942,156,386 180,704,632 (g) Personal Allowances, Deductions, and 25,895,540 2,336,890,382 2,541,448 190,675,272 23,354,092 2,146,215,110 Reliefs This item represents that fraction of the income of exempt persons which comes under the purview of the Department. † Including some income taxed at the rates in force for previous years (see Table 44.) This is the total ultimate yield of the assessments made in 1925-26 whether actually collected in that year or later. Table 47.-Income Tax. Gross Income, Reductions and Allowances, Taxable Income, and Net Produce. United Kingdom. £ £ 3,082,150,214 76,924,997 26,765,569 3,211,410 1,662,724,028 66,147,193 15,258,040 2,072,050 44,839,604 5,077,976 £ £ 119,157,384 £ 38,067,504 161,035,658 336,338,827 187,223,057 374,083,515 224,728,194 423,424,213 606,655,877 815,875,765 1922-23 3,019,601,063 67,048,489 25,933,124 3,211,410 48,265,479 3,605,229 57,064,235 496,588,481 701,716,447 Estimates 2,944,449,789 66,124,245 2,900,000,000 34,603,850 4,508,000 75,071,578 3,912,016 69,136,160 354,203,558 607,559,407 66,000,000 30,000,000 5,000,000 77,000,000 4,000,000 68,000,000 365,000,000 615,000,000 * The figures in this column represent that fraction of the income of exempt persons which for administrative reasons comes within the purview of the Department. Table 47.-Income Tax. Gross Income, Reductions and Allowances, Taxable Income, and Net Produce-continued. Personal Allowances, &c. 1,148,050,491 2,462,478,379 141,429,351 1,012,771,017 2,353,184,449 128,742,123 909,822,205 1,304,554,639 1,356,627,864 353,219,573❘ 4,905,827 1,154,200,368 1,308,278,011 345,963,237 4,805,045 1,038,564,328 1,314,620,121 294,994,186 4,916,570 2,317,884,616 126,507,458 894,557,028 1,021,064,486 1,296,820,130 291,246,244 | 4,854,104 980,515,316 1,322,793,108 262,877,254 | 4,868,097 1,052,192,825 1,348,532,531 272,978,496 5,055,157 27.29 |