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nion or bed fellow. O patience, what zeal poffeffes me whenever liberty and no excife, is or are endangered; but I ftill hope your intentions are not of that kind. I am florid, and it is difficult to keep my breath, if that quits, O all is over to us enlightened philofophers, of our enlightened hemifphere: moft certainly it is a moft jolly and buckfome philofophy: O the joy of my younger days; no difturbance or biting of confcience, all calm within; and the enjoyment to a glut brim-full, and running over of the five pipes; inftruments and conductors, or fenfe into the heart. This, men of learning and light call heaven, or the fullnefs and end of man; no fcripture bug-bears, but all fmooth water to them that will enjoy. Yet I confefs old Mofes dropped a story which has not a little difconcerted my notion of reafon; he proves from the tortoife, that will, memory, and understanding, do not depend and derive its fource or origin from the brain; for the turtle comes the nearest to man, in planing and carrying them into execution for the preferving their progeny, which goes far beyond the ape, who is confidered to come nearest man, which our philofophy teaches, having moft brains proportionable to the fize. Mofes declares the tortoife have neither brains nor marrow.

Hoft. I have often heard your new philofophers brag of their proofs from the brains, and lay it down as the ground and fundamental article of their faith, which raifed my curiofity, hearing of the fubtlety and prudence of this


animal, to purchase the one you had one of your dinners dreffed in, that worked fuch wonderful effects both on you and your companion, and which liked to have been the death of Rabbi Mofes. I opened the head, and this is that you fee in the Phial, which is preferved in fpirits, all that was contained in the head, and which is nothing more than like a fheath of a Tarantula, or web or membrane, containing neither brains or any other fubftance. The bones are alfo as the head, all folid as a ftone.

Luther. I think it rather a, refinement on Calvinifm; for although they ufe every precaution to ftifle the confcience by difavowing fin, unless hatched as a chick, through ignorance and folly, yet, when a foul, or immortality, is granted, we experience an interloper, who lurks about the heart, and, like a bufy-body, raising an immediate buttle on the heel of every gratification that is forbid by scripture or chriftianity, this falls in of course; fo that we become dupes to the foul we cannot refrain, neither can we enjoy. I have, therefore, ever confidered the life of a Calvinift the life of a dog, who commonly receives his meal with. fear of the whip. I am very ill from the flurry you urged me, doubting my veracity in laying before you the laws, and benign, gentle and meek conftitution of Great Britain. I am quite fpent, overcharging my ftomach, so that I can paddle in it at my throat, and I find not my old friend at hand, ftrong evacuation; I am fwelled and muft burt, unless I can blow heartily my fowgelder's horn, which would re

lieve. Take my common-prayer book, and at the head you will read two acts as a specimen of many more ftatutes for the uniformity and univerfality of our Sion, fo that there may be one religion, both in prayer and facraments, without this conformity; you will there fee the penalties to be inflicted. The ift act was enacted under our gracious fovereign queen Elizabeth, the other under our gracious fovereign Charles the Second. So help me God. They were happy days. So be it.

End of the Ninth Conference.




Scene changes. Mofes, Boy, and Notaries.

ESSIAH confirmed his covenant

Mofes with many for one week, caufed ME

the facrifice and oblation to ceafe, and Himfelf cut off, and from that period defolation. Two parts of this prophecy are confirmed and remain confirmed at this day. Ifrael has been without temple or facrifice, and themfelves drove out and abandoned by their God, fcattered throughout all nations, hated and despised, and their country defolate. Where their temple stood is placed the abomination of de-. folation, the worship of the Impoftor Mahomet. This part of the prophecy ftands open to the whole world, and this from the very time marked and pointed out to us by our fcriptures that the Meffiah fhould come, from which point of time you date your chriftianity. But, alas! where fhall Ifrael fearch for the fulfilling of the other two parts of this prophecy? where is the Meffiah that is cut off, or, where are the men that He confirmed His covenant with?

Boy. Jefus Chrift is the Meffiah foretold by all the prophets who at the appointed time came into the world and manifefted Himself to Ifrael and the world. He entered on His Divine Miffion at the age of thirty, and confirmed His covenant, according to the prophecy, with many, and in the middle of the week he was cut off, which was the three years He was on

His Miffion, when you cut him off from the earth, hanging the Lord of Life on a tree. You have rejected him and he has rejected you. You accused him of blafphemy against God and your temple and being an impoftor, and he has fhewed himself to be that God you accused him of blafpheming, and fulfilled the prophecy in all its parts: abrogated, annulled, repealed, and tranflated His old covenant into the fecond, and new covenant, which He promised from the beginning, and throughout His fcriptures, had your temple destroyed, and on the ground on which your temple stood was erected a heathen, and at this day, a Mahometan temple, or place of worship. He appointed and confirmed twelve bishops, known by the name of the apostles; one of the twelve He appointed His Vicar, whom he invested with ample power as head and chief, which has come down by a regular fucceffion from St. Peter, who was the firft appointed and feated his chair in Rome to the prefent time. He appointed feventy others also. After His Refurrection, he appeared at different times for forty days, when he afcended to heaven in the fight of one hundred and twenty. He appeared once to five hundred brethren, and, no doubt, many others. A few days after His Afcenfion, Peter's firft fermon added three thousand difciples; and a few days after, they increased to five thousand, and in a fhort period the new covenant was extended to all parts of the earth. Their found hath gone forth into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.

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