Abbildungen der Seite

Como la moza del abad

que no cuece y tiene pan. "Like the abbot's maid, who does not bake, and has bread." It is used as a reproach to those who wish to be maintained without work, like the abbott's or curate's servants of some countries, who are fed upon the offerings of the parishioners.

Como el gallo de moron, cacareando y sin pluma. "Like a cock upon a hillock, clucking without feathers."It is applicable to those persons, who, having gained a long pending law suit, chuckle at their triumph, whilst they remain without a shilling, having spent all they possessed in defraying the expences of the litigation.

Como el perro del Ortelano, que ni come las berzas, ni las dexa comer à otro.-" Like the gardener's dog, that neither eats greens, nor will let others eat them." It corresponds with the fable of "The dog in the manger."-Envy pretends to no other happiness than what it derives from the misery of other people, and will rather suffer pain itself than allow others to be happy.

Como perro con cencerro.- -"Like a dog with a bell."-A familiar mode of expressing that a person had suddenly taken offence, and had bolted, like a dog with a bell tied to his tail." Compañia de dos compañia de dios." Two in a company are God's company."-It suggests, that two persons are more likely to agree together upon any negotiation than when more are in company, and on this consideration they are more pleasing to God.

Grata superveniet divis concordia duplex.

Compañia de tres, no vale res." A company of three is not worth a ree."-Three persons in

company are too many for any secret affair, and two few for social enjoyment.

Compon un sapillo y parecerà bonilla.-" Dress a little toad, and it will look pretty."—It shews that the most deformed thing may, by ornament and dress, appear agreeable.

Comprar lo que no hás menester, y venderás lo que podrás escusar." Buy what you do not want, and you will sell what you cannot spare." Which admonishes that he who spends his money in superfluities, will find himself under the necessity of disposing of what is absolutely useful.

Si inutilia emas, necessaria vendes.

Con agena mano, sacar la culebra del horado.— "To draw the snake out of the hole with another's hand."-We say, "To make a cat's paw of one," from the well-known fable of the monkey and the chesnuts.

Con alegre compania se sufre la triste vida."Jovial companions make this dull life tolerable."

"Merrily, merrily, shall we live now,

"Under the blossom that hangs on the



"True self love and social are the same."


Con arte y engaño, se vive el medio año; con engaño y arte se vive la otra parte.-" Man lives one half of the year by art and deceit, and the other half by deceit and art."-Which denotes the mode of life of many persons, who,

without possessing any property of their own, live in an expensive and fashionable style, by their wits. The French properly call them Chevaliers d'Industrie.

Con bien vengas mal si vienes solo." Welcome, misfortune, if thou comest alone."- "Misfor

tunes tread upon the heels of each other."

Con buen trage, se encubre ruin linage." A good dress hides a base pedigree."-We say, "Fine feathers make fine birds."

Con el ojo ni la fé no me burlarè." I will not jest with my eye nor my faith."-It signifies that

they are both tender and serious things, and must not be trifled with.

Con escobilla el paño, y la seda con la mano."Clean cloth with a brush and silk with the hand."-Do not neglect trifles, they make the sum total of our lives.

"Think nought a trifle, though it small appear;

"Small sands the mountains, moments make

the year, "And trifles life. Your care to trifles give, "Or you may die before you truly live."


Con esos polvos se hicieron esos lodos." With that dust they made that mud."-It signifies that bad causes must produce evil consequences.

Con hijo de gato no se burlan los ratones." The mice do not joke with the kitten."-It inculcates that persons of moderate talents should be reserved in the company of those who possess extraordinary abilities.

Con hombre interesal, no pongas tu caudal.-"Do not join your stock with that of an avaricious man.”—The thirst of gain frequently makes men commit many mean and dishonest actions.

Con la perdiz la mano en la nariz.-" With a partridge, the hand at the nose."-Meaning, they should be eaten with a high flavor.

Con las glorias se olvidan las memorias." In our glories our memories fail us."-Those who arrive at high honors forget, with great facility, the benefits they received, and no longer recognize their former friends.

Con latin, rocin y florin andaràs el mundo."With latin, a horse, and money, thou wilt pass through the world."-Three very useful acquisitions to a man as he travels through life.

Con lo que erés defendido no lo pongas en poder de tu enemigo." That with which you defended yourself, do not put into the hands of your enemy:"That is, your reputation.

"The purest treasure mortal times afford
"Is spotless reputation; that away,

"Men are but gilded loam or painted clay."


Con lo que sana el higado, enferma la bolsa.— "That which heals the fig tree, sickens the purse."-Things of importance are not accomplished without labour and expence.

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Con lo

que Sancha sana, Marta cae mala." What cures Sancha, makes Martha sick."-We say, "One man's meat is another man's poison."

Con mala persona el remedio, mucha tierra en medio." The remedy against a bad man is to have land betwixt you and him."-To keep free from bad company you must keep them at a distance.

Con mal està el huso, quando la barba no anda de suso. "The spindle is of little use when the beard is not over it."-Which alludes to the want a widow experiences for her late husband. Conocerás la locura, en cantar y jugar y correr mula. "A man's folly is perceived by his singing, playing, and riding."-They generally betray a

man's character.

Con otro eá llegarémos à la aldea." With another effort we shall arrive at the village."—Meaning, that with industry and perseverance, we accomplish the object of our pursuits.

Con pan y vino se anda el camino.-" Bread and wine carry a man through a journey."

Con quien paces, y no con quien naces." With whom you feed, and not with those who fed you."-It teaches that we must often forego the ties of nature from motives of convenience and utility; or, that intercourse with the world does more than education to form our characters.

Hic amor hac patria, ubi sunt tibi pabula longe.

Vivitur ex patria vivitur exque cibis.

Consejo de oreja, no vale una arveja.-" Advice whispered is not worth a pea.”—Advice which is given in a secret or underhand manner ought always to be received with suspicion and caution. Sincerity needs no mystery.

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