Abbildungen der Seite

If "certain" in this case means in truth "uncertain," conf., as a similar linguistic specialty, the use of the word "believe." A man believes that of the truth of which he has an assured conviction; but if anybody asks you if it is one o'clock, and it chances that you have just heard the clock strike, you do not say that you believe that it is one o'clock, but simply it is so; whereas if you suppose that to be the time, but are uncertain, you say, "I believe that it is one o'clock."

I think that other instances might be found of words that have come to be used to mean or imply the exact reverse of their proper meaning. T. A. T.

USE OF YORK AT THE INSTALLATION OF CANONS (7th S. v. 505).—The Chapter of York being the first in rank and the oldest in age of any of the old foundations, and being also unique as to the constitution of the governing body, I should be glad to be allowed to make a correction of ST. SWITHIN's note. There are not, as he imagines, any "Honorary Canons" at York, where, alone among English foundations, the prebendaries have retained all their ancient rights and privileges, with the sole exception that by recent legislation they have been deprived of the emoluments formerly attached to their prebends. The residentiaries, as such, have no stalls or preaching turns assigned to them, and are not mentioned in the list of precedence, while the non-residentiaries present to all benefices and offices, and have a right to be present and to vote at all meetings of the Chapter, as well as to control and audit the expenditure of the revenues derived from the cathedral estates.

At the ceremony of installation the canons receive the book, the loaf of bread, and the kiss of brotherhood, symbols of the ancient constitution of the Chapter, which was a brotherhood of secular canons, devoted to study and to the instruction of youth, having a common refectory, but bound by no monastic vows. Since Alcuin was one of the canons it is believed that the foundation must be at least as ancient as the time of Archbishop Egbert (735-758 A.D.). King Athelstan in 936 calls them Colidei (Dei Cola), and the name of Culdees was retained as late as the reign of Henry I. This appellation is only one indication among many that the descent of York is not from St. Augustine, Canterbury, and Rome, but from St. Patrick, St. Columba, Iona, and Lindisfarne. If St. Chad had not unhappily been ousted by St. Wilfrid, we should undoubtedly have retained more relics of the primitive constitution of the most ancient existing foundation in the kingdom, which enables me to designate myself A CANON AND CULDEE.

THE CURTIN (7th S. v. 407).-According to a note by Dr. Furnivall in the New Shakspere Society's edition of Stubbs's Anatomy of Abuses,' p. 43, the Curtain Theatre was close by the

Theatre near Curtain Court, now Gloster Street, Shoreditch, and was built by 1577; but in Mr. Percy Fitzgerald's 'New History of the English Stage' it is stated, on the authority of Mr. Collier, that it was built in 1580. It would appear from an extract quoted in Arber's reprint of Gosson's School of Abuse,' p. 79, from Stow's 'Survey of London,' that both the Curtain and the Theatre were erected on the site of the Priory of St. John Baptist, called Holywell (Shoreditch), "both. standing on the south-west side, towards the field." Mr. J. A. Symonds, in 'Shakespeare's Predecessors in the English Drama,' p. 277, says the Curtain took its name, in all probability, from the plot of ground on which it was built, and subjoins a note, "Curtina in base Latin means a little court." A. COLLINGWOOD Lee. Waltham Abbey, Essex.

The theatre named the Curtain "derived its name from the piece of ground of considerable size termed the Curtain, which anciently belonged to Holywell Priory." It is so named in a lease 29 Hen. VIII., 1538. Further very interesting particulars may be read in Mr. Halliwell-Phillipps's Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare'; in my copy, sixth edition, vol. i. pp. 338 et seq.

Forest Hill,


EXTRACT FROM PARISH REGISTER (7th S. v. 367).-If MR. PIGOTT has copied the entry correctly, the words "were married" I should conAbout 1562, and for sider are a clerical error.

some years afterwards, marriages were celebrated before a justice of the peace, the banns having been published three several Lord's Days after the close of the morning exercise, or at the market cross on three market days in three several weeks, according to Act of Parliament. Would not the dates Jan. 8 and 15 be two of the days when the banns were published? In the year 1653 Parliament directed registrars to be chosen in every parish for the registering births and burials, and to whom notice of intended marriage had to be given. It is quite possible the registrar mentioned had been elected, but had not taken his oath before some county justice before the first publication of the banns. See Burn's 'Parish Registers of England,' 1862.


F. TAVARES (7th S. v. 329).-Francisco Tavares was a member of the Council of the Prince Regent of Portugal, afterwards D. Joam VI., Knight of the Order of the Christ, M.D., professor at the University of Coimbra, first physician of the Royal Chamber, Great Physician of the Realm, Member of the Junta do Proto-medicato, Fellow of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon, of the Academy of Medicine of Barcelona, &c. He was born in Coimbra about the middle of the last century, and

died at Lisbon, May 20, 1812. Besides the book quoted by MR. TAVARÉ, he is the author of eight more medical works. See Francisco Innocencia da Silva, 'Diccionario Bibliographico Portuguez,' Lisboa, 1859, vol. iii. p. 71, and Gazeta Medica de Lisboa, No. 121, June 1, 1858. EDUARDO PRADO.


"DEAD MEN"-EMPTY BOTTLES (7th S. v. 448). -I have always heard that empty bottles were, especially among army men, called "marines." And I remember that some sixty years ago a good story used to be told, I think, of the Duke of York. His Royal Highness, at some military convivial meeting, little thinking of giving offence to the susceptibilities of any man present, ordered a servant to "take away those marines." Upon which a grey-headed veteran belonging to that corps arose, and wanted to know what H.R.H. intended by so designating the body to which he had the honour to belong. Empty bottles !” said H.R.H. "Why, fellows who have done their duty and are ready to do it again, to be sure!" T. A. T. "TO CHEW THE RAG " (7th S. v. 469). Is this confined to soldiers? To " rag a man is good Lincolnshire for chaff or tease. At school, to get a boy into a rage was called "getting his rag out." Sometimes this was improved into "shirty," and "getting his shirt out."


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I have heard that when soldiers are flogged it is a great comfort to them to have something to chew, whether a lump of rag or a bit of lead-often a bullet hammered out flat. They say it keeps them from biting their tongue. And there is no doubt that some children in a sulk will chew their pocket-handkerchiefs. I have seen them.

Boston, Lincolnshire.

R. R.

"TO MAKE UP HIS MOUTH" (7th S. v. 387).—This expression is still in use in some parts of Shropshire with regard to eating. After a person has eaten a sufficiency he will be tempted to have just a little more of something different, e. g., "a snack of bread and cheese to make up your mouth" is often the good wife's suggestion to her farmer lord. The transition from this practical use of the term to the figurative one quoted is not difficult, and makes the meaning of the latter clear. JOSIAH OLDFIELD, B. A.

Dorrington, Shrewsbury. To popular words or phrases of last century foreign dictionaries of the period seem to be the most complete index so far as sense is concerned. In German and French word-books of the time the above phrase is rendered as if meaning profit or make profit. Littleton's 'Latin Dictionary' (1706) gives the rendering of the phrase as "os componere,"

presumably to make up one's face, arrange it, and thence perhaps to cease from being "down in the mouth," a phrase which is of no new origin.

Can the sense of making up one's face, being affected or joyful, have gradually come to mean the usual cause of pleasure, namely, that of gain? JULIUS STEGGALL.

This is an ancient proverbial expression, but one which I have not found included in the more modern collections, such as Ray's, Hazlitt's, &c., which are, indeed, very imperfect. It is used in the Proverbs of John Heywood,' Sharman's reprint of 1546 edition, p. 76:—

Herewithall his wife to make up my mouth,
Not onely her husband's taunting tale avouth,
But thereto deviseth to cast in my teeth
Checks and choking oysters.

Decker makes use of it in the 'Seven Deadly Sins of London,' Arber's reprint of 1606 edition, P. 12: "The poore Orator having made up his mouth, Bankruptisme gave him very good words," &c. In both cases it means to close or finish one's speech. I suppose by Walpole's time it had reached some such signification as "to square one's affairs," ," "conclude one's business," but the sense is considerably varied. H. C. HART. This is equivalent to "make mowes," i. e., wry It is used by Shakspere :—


Persevere, counterfeit sad looks,

Make mouths upon me when I turn my back. And by Addison :

how making mouths turns to account in Warwickshire more than any other parts of England, I cannot comprehend."

"Why they should keep running asses at Coleshill, or

It is uncertain whether the worde mowe is a

corruption of mouth, or from the French moue. It

occurs as a verb in the interlude called 'The World and the Child' (1522) :—

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'NEW ENGLISH DICTIONARY' (7th S. v. 504). — My instance of almaundey is wrong. It was unluckily taken from a proof before my collation of it with the MS., which has almaunden, the plural noun. Let me, therefore, substitute for this two words from the revise of the same sheet of Mr. Austin's text, of which one, at least, is not in our 'Dictionary':

1. "Arbolettys.-Take Milke, Boter an Chese, and boyle in fere; pen take eyroun, and cast per-to; pan take Percely & Sawge, & hacke it smal, & take powder Gyngere & Galyngale, and caste it per-to, and pan serue it forth."-P. 20.

2. Bawde, v.t. pan take pin Purpays as a Freysshe Samoun, & sethe it in fayre Water; & when he is I-sothe

[blocks in formation]



A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles. Edited by Jas. A. H. Murray, LL.D., &c. Part IV. Sections 1 and 2. (Oxford, Clarendon Press.) PART IV. of the New English Dictionary,' which now sees the light, consists of two sections the first, "Bra' to "Byz," completing vol. i., the second, "C" to "Cass," opening vol. ii. It is pleasant to congratulate the editor and his staff upon the "substantial instalment" of the work which is now given the public. It will be obvious to all who glance at the portly volume, with its twelve to thirteen hundred pages, each page consisting of three closely-printed columns, that the task already accomplished is greater than that involved in almost any completed dictionary. Concerning the manner in which it has been executed little information is needed by readers of N. & Q.' Instead, then, of attempting to analyze or describe a book which defies alike analysis and description, we will commend to our readers the importance of assisting to the utmost of their power in a task which is, in the full sense, of national importance. This many of them have shown themselves anxious to do. Time is, however, a matter of signal importance, and the gain to Dr. Murray and his assistants that would accrue if correspondents would forward to Dr. Murray, at the Scriptorium, Oxford, answers to the words after which he inquires is not easily calculable. These replies, if so marked, would be forwarded to N. & Q.,' and would take their turn for insertion. Another duty, which applies to the few only, is that of consulting the Dictionary' before writing to 'N. & Q.' on words beginning with A and B, since rare indeed must be the cases in which information is obtain able that is not contained in the volume now at hand. Yet another duty-which weighs heaviest upon scholars -that of supporting by purchasing the successive numbers a labour the expense of which is in proportion to its importance, is too obvious to call for comment. A large portion of Dr. Murray's preface to vol, i, consists of acknowledgment of indebtedness to those who have laboured in the collection and the arrangement of materials. These include, in addition to many Englishmen of highest eminence, many American and German scholars. Thanks to the collaboration of Mr. Henry Bradley, who is at work upon a different section of the dictionary, it is hoped and expected that the rate of progress will be greatly accelerated. The aim and scope of the work, the method upon which it is conducted, and its claims to consideration are naturally explained by the editor. These also are matters upon which our readers are well informed. We may recommend, however, a study of the introductory paper, since few even of the best informed can be aware how many are the workers, and how numerous and important are the responsibilities involved in the production of the book.

The Works of Sir George Etherege: Plays and Poems. Edited by A. Wilson Verity, B.A. (Nimmo.) To the majority of readers Etherege and Sedley are less known than some contemporary or immediately subsequent dramatists. A collection such as that edited by Leigh Hunt for the dramatic series of Moxon does much

to popularize writings, and Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar have, since its appearance, enjoyed a supremacy which, in one case at least, is not incontestable. The quarto editions of Etherege have never been common, and the collection of plays and poems issued in 1704, though more than once reprinted, has become absorbed, and is now seldom encountered. A new edition of Etherege is accordingly welcome, especially when, as in the present case, it takes a handsome library form, in which shape the dramatist has not previously been accessible. Fortunately, moreover, for the modern biosidence as English envoy at Ratisbon has become acgrapher, the correspondence of Etherege during his recessible, and a man who, in spite of the endearing epithet could not easily be dissociated from the Mohocks, his of "Gentle George" bestowed upon him by his associate, companions, has now something approaching to an inmatic services of Etherege may yet, possibly, be brought dividuality. Further revelations concerning the diploas Mr. Verity asserts, that "his prose is generally clear to light. His correspondence seems, at any rate, to show, and straightforward." Not heavy is Etherege's literary baggage. It consists of a few poems, chiefly erotic, in avowal of inconstancy, and three plays, which show a which perhaps the most notable feature is the open vein of genuine comedy, and brought reputation and fortune to the stage of the Restoration. In judging these productions it is fair to compare them with the works of D'Avenant and Crowne rather than with those of their more brilliant successors. licensed for printing so early as 1664, and contains rhymed passages, which, however, in his subsequent works Etherege dropped. In the general joy at the cessation of Puritan rule, such freedoms of expression as distinguished our poet were pardonable. Mild, indeed, do these appear beside the coarseness and obscenities of his successors. Etherege, moreover, enriched the stage with types that were copied, and with more than one character which survived for years, and, in a sense, survive even now. Mr. Verity, who in his prefatory matter and his few The reprint, indeed, is judicious, and is well edited by notes displays both scholarship and judgment. Meanwhile the lover of books is only too thankful to possess works of this stamp in editions such as Mr. Nimmo supplies. Veritable bibliographical treasures are these, right in all respects, and the collector watches with augmenting satisfaction the line expanding upon his shelves. No English publisher is rendering to bibliography services more acceptable than those of Mr. material subsequently known as moreen is indicated in Nimmo. Will some learned reader tell whether the the following lines from Etherege's 'Song of Basset'? Let equipage and dress despair Since Basset is come in; For nothing can oblige the fair Like money and moreen.

The earliest was

In a following verse coney is used in a sense with which we are not familiar; and the last verse contains a term apparently belonging to the game which we fail to find in the New Dictionary':—

What pity 'tis, those conquering eyes,
Which all the world subdue,
Should, while the lover, gazing, dies,
Be only on Alpue.

The Morall Philosophie of Doni. By Sir Thomas North.
Edited by Joseph Jacobs, late of St. John's College,
Cambridge. (Nutt.)

We have nothing but praise to bestow upon this reprint, which forms the latest volume of Mr. Nutt's delightful " Bibliothèque de Carabas." The first portion of a general title which we have been compelled to abridge, The

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graphs, portraits, and relics of Pope, his friends, and contemporaries, as well as of engravings of Old Twickenham." 3. "That the foundation of a permanent Popean Collection in the Twickenham Free Public Library be part of the work of the celebration."

4. "That a water pageant, illustrative of Twickenham in the eighteenth century, be arranged."

To carry these proposals into effect a committee was appointed, which now includes the names of Sir Mountstuart E. Grant Duff, Mr. Alfred Austin, the Rev. Stopford Brooke, Mr. W. J. Courthope, Mr. H. M. Cundall, Mr. Austin Dobson, Dr. Richard Garnett, Mr. E. W. Gosse, Mr. Eliot Hodgkin, Mr. J. Russell Lowell, Mr. Alfred Morrison, Prof. Henry Morley, Prof. Fred. Pollock, Mr. R. F. Sketchley, Mr. Leslie Stephen, Prof. A. W. Ward, together with the Rev. Richard Tahourdin (vicar), Mr. Bigwood, M.P., Mr. Labouchere, M.P., Capt. Sydney Webb, Mr. C. J. Thrupp (chairman of the Local Board), Mr. Vincent Griffiths (chairman of the Free Public Library), the Rev. L. M. D'Orsey (hon, local secretary), Mr. E. King (of Richmond), and other residents of Twickenham.

Earliest English Version of the Fables of Bidpai,' explains the value of the work. Editions of Bidpai multiply to meet the demands of the scholarly and the curious. There are two classes, however, to which the present will be the favourite edition-the student of English literature and the bibliophile. So far as both are concerned the original work, published in 1570, is unobtainable. Copies were in the Inglis, the Garrick, and the Bright collections. These are now untraceable. The British Museum has no copy, and the only public library that can boast a perfect exemplar is the Bodleian. Mr. Jacobs's volume is to some extent a facsimile. The typographical peculiarities of the first forty pages are preserved, and the quaintest of the original woodcuts, imitated from the Italian, are reproduced. For the black-letter type in which the remainder of the 1570 edition is printed ordinary type is substituted, as less trying to the eyes. Other illustrations have been added. Of these one is a reproduction of a design from a fine Persian MS., executed for Tana Sahib, the last Rajah of Golconda (Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,579); a second is from the original edition of the Latin version of John of Capua; a third is an original design of Mr. Burne Jones. To give a A number of books, autographs, pictures, and engravfull account of the fables of Bidpai, which have gone pro- ings connected with Pope and Twickenham have already bably through more versions than any work except the been offered for exhibition. May I appeal to readers of Holy Scriptures, is a bibliographical labour not lightly N. & Q.' willing to lend desirable objects to communito be undertaken. Mr. Jacobs, however, has afforded, in a cate without delay with Mr. E. Maynard, librarian of the full and scholarly introduction, an account of the Indian Free Public Library, Twickenham? The greatest care original, of their transmission to the West, the illustra- will be taken of articles lent for exhibition, and attention tions, and other like matters, has dealt at some length will be paid to their being returned in proper order. A with the character of the work, and, besides supplying printed catalogue will form a permanent record of what other illustrative matter, has collected all the informa- may be expected to make an extremely interesting feation accessible concerning Sir Thomas North, the trans-ture of the commemoration. The loan museum will be lator. This worthy, as Mr. Jacobs would have us consider opened on Tuesday, July 31, with an address by Prof. him, is best known to Englishmen by his retranslation Henry Morley. It will close August 4. from Amyot's French translation of Plutarch,' a work which Shakspeare is known to have used. He translated, however, mainly from the French, the Libro Aureo' of Guevara, itself an adaptation of the Meditations' of Marcus Aurelius. In the case of a translator thus ready to go to second-hand sources it is not surprising that the 'Indian Fables' of Bidpai should reach us through the Italian version by Doni, itself to a great extent a translation of the Latin rendering of John of Capua.

Whatever the source, the book is welcome. North is not so vigorous a writer as Amyot, nor is his position in English literature so high as that in French of his predecessor. He was, however, the means of bringing some eminently important books within reach of English readers, and his prose style is terse, nervous, and agreeable. Pleasant, also, is it to read Mr. Jacobs's, on the whole, well-merited eulogy. It would be for the advantage of literature if the whole of the fables were accessible in a similar form. The editor's task is well performed; not less so is that of the publisher. With its scholarly disquisition and its lovely paper and type the book makes an appeal which will, in many quarters at least, be irresistible.

THE PROPOSED POPE COMMEMORATION.-At a meeting held at Twickenham on Friday, June 15, attended by residents in the neighbourhood and some well-known men of letters and collectors, the following resolutions were unanimously carried :

1. "That it is desirable to celebrate the completion of two centuries from the birth of Alexander Pope, one of the most illustrious names in English literature, by a commemorative festival at Twickenham, a place intimately connected with his fame, where he lived for sixand-twenty years, and where he died."

Donations to the proposed Popean Collection in the Twickenham Free Public Library, and offers or help in connexion with the other objects of the committee will be thankfully received. The commemoration will take place between July 28 and August 4.-HENRY R. TEDDER, Hon. Sec. Pope Commemoration Committee, Athenæum Club, S.W.

Notices to Correspondents.

We must call special attention to the following notices: ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications correspondents
must observe the following rule. Let each note, query,
or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the
signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to
appear. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested
to head the second communication "Duplicate."

His father allows him two hundred a year
And he'll lay you a thousand to ten.
Is not this from Capt. Morris's Lyra Urbanica,'
Bentley, 1844?

E. WALFORD ("Think of this when you smoke tobacco ").-The authorship of an early version of this is attributed to George Wither. See N. & Q.,' 2nd S. i. passim.


Editorial Communications should be addressed to "The Editor of Notes and Queries'"-Advertisements and Business Letters to "The Publisher "-at the Office, 22, Took's Court, Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane, E.C.

We beg leave to state that we decline to return com2. "That the commemoration take the shape of a munications which, for any reason, we do not print; and temporary loan museum of editions of the works, auto-to this rule we can make no exception.


NOTES:-Tottenham in his Boots, 41-Thomas Vicary, 42-
MS8. of the Paston Letters-Brooke of Astley, 43-Ohthere's
Voyage-Minch or Minsh Houses-Nore, 44-Dickens and
Sir T. Martin-Fielding's Daughter-Crowland Abbey, 45-
Sneap-Stampede-Soapy Sam-'Vice Versâ'-Woollett
and Bartolozzi-Warspite, 46.

QUERIES:-Chapman's 'All Fools'-Cliffe Family-George
Hanger, Lord Coleraine-"Odd-come-shorts": "Tantadling
Tarts"-H.-Jonathan Oldfield-Newspapers, 47- Randle
MacDonnell-Elastic-Alton Castle-A Night-cap Stratagem
-Alex. Hamilton- Venables-Name of Portrait-Blue
Aprons-Neville, 48-Portuguese Revolution of 1640, 49.

A painting by Pope Steevens, a well-known Irish artist, was made in 1749 of him in the act of descending the steps of the House of Commons, exhibiting his riding-dress, boots and whip included. This was engraved by Andrew Miller, and great numbers of the engravings were scattered through the country. Some few have been occasionally offered for sale, but, so far as I could ascertain, they have always brought a very high price.

Strange to say, I have never been able, after a diligent search carried on for years, to discover the precise subject on which the vote was given. REPLIES:–“ Primrose path," 49-Little Summer of St. Luke In Archdall's edition of Lodge's 'Irish Peerage,' -Palm Sunday-Edwards-A. Brice and Lord Ogleby-1789, at p. 269 of vol. vii., it is stated that the Catsbrain-"Blood is thicker than water," 50"Straw-question was "whether any redundancy in the boots"-" Ex pede Herculem"-Burial-place of George L., Irish Treasury should there continue, or be sent 51-Bell Legend at Brailes-Jarvis's Don Quixote' Records of Celtic Occupation, 52-Ancient Views of the into England"; and in his amusing 'Memoirs' Sir Zodiac-Fable of the Dogs and the Kite-Prayer, 53-Lapp Jonah Barrington improves on this statement, and Folk-tales-Passage from Ruskin-Roman Wall in the City -Matthew Arnold-Curiosities of Cataloguing-Annas, 54- gives the sum of 60,000l. as the precise amount Rhenish Uniform - Title of Novel - Hampton Poyleof the surplus. I think that both Archdall and Hanover-Beaconsfield and the Primrose, 55-Norfolk Song -Death of Charles I.-"H." Bronze Penny-Coroners and Barrington are wrong. The latter is well known Churchwardens, 56-Stafford House-Study of Dante- to have drawn considerably on his imagination for Expulsion of Jews-Steel Pens-Death Bell, 57-Authors facts. Wanted, 58.


NOTES ON BOOKS:-Rylands's Lancashire Inquisitions'

-Earwaker's Index to the Wills and Inventories, Court of Probate, Chester-Bradley's The Goths -Green's Calendar of State Papers '-Mackay's 'Dictionary of Lowland


Notices to Correspondents, &c.


Long ago I carefully examined the Commons' Journals, page by page, from the beginning to the end of the reign of George II., and no such question is recorded there. I copied every division on every question during that whole period. Exclusive of three occasions, when the Speaker's vote was given, there were but four divisions decided by a single vote, but the question of disposing of a surplus in the Treasury was not one of these.

TOTTENHAM IN HIS BOOTS. In Francis Hardy's 'Life of Lord Charlmont,' Permit me to solicit the assistance of some of 1812, vol. i. p. 76, a different account is given. your numerous readers in reference to the vote He says, "During Lord Carteret's administration given by my ancestor on some very important the strange attempt to continue the supplies for question in the Irish House of Commons. Charles twenty-one years was defeated only by one voice"; Tottenham, of Tottenham Green, in the county of and then in a note, "Colonel Tottenham, he deWexford, was elected one of the members for the serves to be recorded," &c., and then he tells the borough of New Ross, in the same county, in 1727, story of the boots. In Warburton's 'Annals of in the first Parliament of George II., and continued Dublin' it is stated that this attempt was made in to represent that constituency until his death in 1729; and in the Commons' Journals, vol. iii. 1758. The designation above mentioned was be- p. 601, I found that a Committee had recomstowed on him in consequence of a vote which de-mended the taxes to be granted to the Crown for cided the question at issue. Having been informed that the matter was of extreme importance, he rode some sixty miles to Dublin from his residence, and as the division was imminent, and likely to be very close, he rode direct to the House, without delaying to change his riding suit for uniform or full dress, which was then supposed to be necessary. He arrived at the critical moment, in his huge jack-boots and spattered over with mud, and gave his vote (which happened to be the casting one) for his country and against the Government.

It has been a tradition amongst his descendants that he was fined the sum of 500l. for appearing in the House in his dirty boots. However that may be, the whole country rejoiced at his patriotic conduct.

twenty-one years on November 21, 1729. In the report on the question of the Committee of Ways and Means the taxes were approved of, but the "twenty-one years" was omitted. Warburton says, "This audacious attempt was defeated but by a majority of one," but he does not name that one. It seems to me that the question was decided in a Committee of the whole House; but committee proceedings are not usually recorded in the Journals.

Assuming that Hardy's is the correct account, Why was the portrait already mentioned not painted for twenty years after the vote was given? The painting was made in 1749, but up to 1751 there was no surplus in the Irish Treasury. On December 23, 1749, an Act was passed for discharging 70,000l. and 58,000l. of the National Debt, and

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