Abbildungen der Seite

victory near Burgos, iii. 230. Ar-Omar king of Tunis, i. 64.

rives at the gates of Vienna; the Oppede, baron de, president of Aix.
archduke Maximilian refuses to i. 202. Conquers the Vaudois, and
surrender, iii. 233. His reply to
Berthier and Massena, when they
counselled a retreat, iii. 235. Con-
cludes a peace with Austria; medi-
tates a divorce from Josephine, and
marriage with a princess of Aus-
tria, iii. 241. Second marriage of,
with Maria Louisa of Austria, ib.
Takes a journey through his north-
ern dominions of Belgium, iii. 243. Orleans, siege of, i. 107.
Takes possession of Moscow, iii. Orleans, duchess of, i. 87. Accused of
256. Sends Lauriston with propo-

murders the captives, ib.

Orange, William prince of, marries
the princess Mary of England, ii.
99. Attacks the mareschal de Lux-
embourg at Mons, ii. 100. Invades
England, ii. 106.

Orange, prince of, raised to sovereign
power; created hereditary stadt-
holder, ii. 174.

sorcery, i. 97.


sals of peace to the emperor of Rus-Orleans, duke of, i. 195. Death of, i.
sia, iii. 257. Leaves Moscow for
Kalouga, iii. 258. Resolves to quit Orleans, Gaston duke of, ii. 28. Es-
the army, and hasten to Paris, iii.
261. Arrives at the Tuilleries quite
unexpected by the empress, ib.
Again joins his army, iii. 262.
Sends to demand of the emperor of
Austria an armistice offered by the
victorious sovereigns at Frankfort,
iii. 268. Leaves Paris, intrusting
his empress and her son to the care
of the national guards of the capi-
tal, iii. 270. Refuses to approve of
the conditions of the congress of
Châtillon sent to him by Čaulain.
court, iii. 271. Signs an uncondi-
tional abdication on the 11th of
April, 1814, iii. 277.

pouses mademoiselle de Montpen-
sier, ii. 30. Death of, ii. 87.
Orleans, duchess of, sister of Charles
II. of England, uses her influence to
establish a close connexion between
France and England, ii. 93. Death
of, ib.

Necker appointed director of the
treasury; character of, ii. 209. Com-
plains to the king of the insuffi-
ciency and profusion of M. de Sar-
tines, minister of marine, and pro-
poses the mareschal de Castries for
his successor, ii. 210. Resignation
of, ii. 211. Returns to power; pro-
posés a royal sitting somewhat re-
sembling the beds of justice, ii. 227.
Resigns, ii. 228. Resumes the min-
Resumes the min-
istry, ii. 229.

Nerewinden, battle of, ii. 110.
Nelson, lord, iii. 136.
Neuperg, general, ii. 167.
Neustria, adopts the manners of the
Romanized Gauls, i. 11. Is subdued
by Austrasius, i. 15.
Nevers, duke of, ii. 32.

Ney, marshal, iii. 163. Carries the
bridge of Elchingen, iii. 194. Created
prince of Moskwa, iii. 256.

Nile, battle of the, iii. 136.
Noailles, mareschal de, ii. 169.
Normandy, duke of, i. 37.

Normandy invaded by John of Eng.
land and Philip of France, i. 44.
Novi, battle of, iii. 143.


O'Hara, commander, iii. 61.

Oliver the barber, i. 131.

Orleans, Philip duke of, ii. 87. Ap
pointed to the command in Italy, ii.
125. Suspected of administering poi-
son to the dauphin; demands to be
sent to the Bastile; confronted with
witnesses, and tried, ii. 133. Fills
the place of heir presumptive, ii. 137.
Appointed regent; his character, as
given by St. Simon, ii. 141. Pays a
visit of condolence to madame de
Maintenon, on the death of Louis
XIV., and secures to her a hand-
some pension, ii. 142. His admira-
tion of England, and esteem for
Englishmen, ii. 146. Approves of
the policy of England; supports her
menaces against Spain, iii. 148.
Declares war against Spain, and
resolves to punish Alberoni, ii. 150.
Victorious over foreign and domes-
tic foes, ib. Treats the Jansenists
with great severity, ii. 152. Death
of, ii. 153.

Orleans, duke of, son of the regent, ii

Orleans, duke of, places himself at the
head of the American party; exiled
in consequence, ii. 219. Suspected
of instigating the people to sedition,
ii. 224. Driven to exile by La Fay-
ette, ii. 242.

Orleans, bishop of, condemned and
fined for refusing the sacrament, ii

Ormond, duke of, ii. 120.

Ornano, tutor to the duke of Orleans
ii. 28.

Orri, grand inquisitor at Lyons, i. 214
Ossat, cardinal de, i. 281.
Osselin, iii. 17.

Olivarez, the Spanish minister, ii. 32. Ostend, capture of, ii. 173.

[blocks in formation]

Palestine invaded by the soldan of 36.
Egypt, i. 64.

Paris, siege of, i. 276.

Divided into

twelve municipalities, iii. 84.
Paris, a Jansenist priest, ii. 162.
Parker, sir Peter, iii. 164.
Parma, siege of, i. 163.
Pascal, ii. 92.

Pastoureaux, the, exterminated, and
their chief slain, i. 60.
Passau, peace of, i. 215.

Paul III., pope, i. 183. Applies to
Henry II. of France for his alliance.
and aid, i. 212. Death of, ib.
Paul IV., pope, i. 219.

Philip II. of France, i. 42. Assumes
the cross, i. 43. Returns home from
Palestine, i. 44. Conquers Norman-
dy, i. 45. Death of, i. 51.
Philip III. of France, called the Hardy,
i. 65. Death of, i: 67.

Philip IV. of France, i. 67. His char-
acter, i. 68. Invades Flanders, i. 69.
Leagues with the Scotch, ib. An
nexes Lyons to the kingdom of
France, i. 73. Death of, i. 74.
Philip V. of France, i. 75. Death of,

Philip V1. crowned at Rheims, i. 77.
Favors the Scotch, i. 79. Death of,
i. 83.

Paul, emperor of Russia, becomes the
champion of monarchic Europe;
heads a new coalition against Philip duke of Burgundy, i. 94. Death
France, iii. 138. Interferes with Na- of, i. 98.

poleon in behalf of the royal family Philip of Spain marries Mary queen
of southern Italy, iii. 163. Death
of, iii. 164.

Pauline Bonaparte, iii. 201.
Pavia, siege of, i. 168. Battle of, i. 169.
Pepin dethrones Childeric III., the roi
faineant, and causes himself to be
crowned, i. 12. Declared the legiti-
mate monarch of the Franks, i. 13.
Succeeds in rendering the office of
regent hereditary, without assuming
the name of royalty, i. 12. Van-
quishes the Aquitains, i. 15. Obtains
a title to his crown from Rome;
leads an army into Italy, i. 16.
Perpignan, siege of, 195.
Pescara, marquis, i. 148. Marches with
the constable into the south of
France; lays siege to Marseilles, i.
167. Goes to the relief of Pavia, i.
169. Death of, i. 172.

of England, i. 218. Concludes a
treaty with Henry II. of France for
the extirpation of heresy, i. 229. Es-
_tablishes the inquisition, ib.
Philip V. of Spain proposes to abdicate
the throne in favor of his son, ii. 158.
His son died; remounts the throne;
concludes a treaty of alliance with
Austria, ii. 159.

Philip of Anjou succeeds Charles king
of Spain, ii. 117. Departs to take
possession of his new kingdom, ib.
Philip, don, of Spain, established in
the duchy of Parma, ii. 175.
Philippa, daughter of Guy de Dam-
piere, count of Flanders, i. 69.
Philipsburgh, siege of, ii. 164.
Pichegru, iii. 86. Arrest of, iii. 179.
Found strangled in his prison, iii.

Peter the Hermit makes the first cru- Piedmont, king of, forced to abdicate;
sade; procures letters from the pa- exiled to Sardinia, iii. 139.

triarch of Jerusalem to the pope and Pierre de la Brosse, chamberlain and
princes of Europe; bears his mission! favorite of Philip III., i. 67.
to pope Urban, i. 36. And his follow-Pietro de Medici, i. 137.
ers reach Constantinople and fall
victims to the Turks, i. 37.
Peter of Castelnau, the pope's legate,
i. 47.


Pilnitz, conferences of, iii. 9.

Pitt, the English minister, the over-
throw of, and rise of lord Bute's in-
fluence, ii. 192. Voted by the con-
vention to be the "enemy of the
human race," iii. 60. His opinion
of the French revolution, ib. En-
courages England to continue hos-
tilities with France, iii. 90. Aban-
dons the helm of the state to Ad-
dington, iii. 167. Death of, iii. 201.
Makes a

Peter king of Aragon, i. 49. Arrives
in Sicily with an army and fleet, i.
66. Receives the Sicilian exiles.
with their chief, ib. Death of, i. 67.
Peter duke of Brittany, i. 54.
Petion, the Girondist, mayor, ii. 239.
Reconducts Louis XVI. and his
family to Paris, ii. 247. Found dead Pius VII., pope, iii. 163.

all his towns, s..bmit to the cru
saders, i. 53. Death of, i. 60.
Raymond Berenger, count of Prov-
ence, i. 55. Death of, i. 56.
Rebecqui, iii. 17.

journey to Paris to crown Napoleon,
and Josephine, iii. 185.
Poland invaded by the Mogul, i. 57.
The partition of, ii. 202. Second
partition of, iii. 78.
Pompadour, madame de, her in fluence Recaniier, madame, iii. 81.
with the king, ii. 178. Her friend-Reformation, spread of the, i. 184. Its
ship for Quesnel, ii. 179. Her letter progress in the German states, i.

to the French ambassador at Rome, 191.
ib. Establishes manufactories and Remy (Saint), bishop of Rheims, sup-
public buildings, to encourage art,
ii. 181. Ordered to retire from court;
recalled by the king, ii. 185. Death
of, ii. 196.

Pombal, marquis de, destroys the order
of the Jesuits in Portugal, ii. 194.
Pope, the, endeavors to found his spir-
itual authority by temporal power,
i. 16.

Port Royal des Champs. the abbaye of,
the retreat at Pascal and Arnaud,
razed to the ground by a decree of
Louis XIV., ii. 161.

Pradt, abbé de, archbishop of Mechlin,
iii. 250.

Pragmatic Sanction, i. 112.
Prague, battle of, ii. 186.
Presburg, treaty of, iii. 199.
Prie, marquis du, ii. 156.

Prie, madame du, exhorts the queen
to interfere with the king in behalf
of Bourbon, ii. 157.
Protestants, persecutions of the, i. 180.
An indiscriminate and general mas-
sacre of the, i. 253.
Pyrenees, at the treaty of the, France
assumed its present form and ex-
tent, ii. 86.

[blocks in formation]

Rabelais, i. 205.


Ramillies, battle of, ii. 125.
Rampon, iii. 106.

Rancour, battle of, ii. 174.

Rapp, general, aid-de-camp to Napo-
leon, iii. 166.

Rastadt, treaty of, ii, 134.
Ravenna, battle of, i. 148.
Raymond VI. count of Toulouse, ex-
communicated, i. 47. Delivers up

his cities and fortresses; suffers
himself to be flogged in the church
of St. Giles, i. 48.
Raymond, Roger, viscount Beziers, i.
48. Death of, i. 49.

Raymond VII. count of Toulouse, and

plicates for the silver vase taken at
the defeat of Soissons, i. 9.

Renaud, a valet in the service of Du-
mouriez, his heroism at the battle
of Jemappes, iii. 26.

Réné de Vaudemont, duke of Lor
raine, i. 126. Recovers his heritage
of Lorraine; Nancy, the capital of
the province, surrenders to him, i.
127. Death of, i. 130.

Réné II. of Lorraine, i. 130.
Rénée, duchess of Ferrara, i. 184.
Renti, siege of, i. 218.

Retz, de, memoirs of, ii. 55. Some of
his maxims, ii. 64.

Reubel, member of the executive di-
rectory, iii. 100.

Reveillon, a rich manufacturer, of
the fauxbourg of St. Antoine, ii.

Revolution, siege of the, ii. 177. Com-
mencement of the, ii. 231. Remarks
on the, iii. 7. Remarks on the, af-
ter the execution of Louis XVI. iii.
34. Close of the, iii. 152.
Rheingraf, a German leader, engages
in single combat with Coligni; is
slain, i. 247.

Rhine, confederation of the, iii. 202.
Richmond, count de, taken prisoner
by the English at the battle of Agin-
court; conceives a hatred to the
English; obtains the office of con-
stable of France, i. 107.
Richelieu bishop of Luçon, distin-
guishes himself in the states-gene-
ral, ii. 18. Accompanies Mary of
Medicis to Blois, ii. 19. Ordered to
quit Blois and retire to his bishopric,
ii. 20. Recalled to effect an accon-
modation between Mary of Medi-
Gains over
cis and her son, ii. 21.

to the queen the aristocracy and the
reformers, ii. 22. Obtains his broth-
er's bishopric, visits Paris; courts
popularity by preaching, ii. 25. Ob-
tains a cardinal's hat, ii. 26. Defies
the pope and Spain; sends an army
into the Vateline, and expels the
Spaniards, ii. 27. Conspiracies
against, ii. 29. Forbids Buckingham
to visit Paris, ii. 30. Declared prime
minister; assumes the title of gen
eralissimo; advances at the head
of an armed force to humble the
pride of Austria, ii. 34. Gains

[blocks in formation]


Rohan, a prelate of the jesuit party,
consecrates Dubois archbishop of
Cambray, ii. 152.

a complete ascendancy over the Rouchefoucault, duc, de la, and La
king; exposes the selfish views of
Fayette, prompt Louis XVI. to es-
Mary of Medicis, ii. 35.
cape, and offer him the means, ii.
forgiveness of Mary of Medicis, ii.
36. Unpopularity of, ib. Supports Rodney, admiral, ii. 212.
the Protestants, ii. 39. Causes an Roliça, battle of, iii. 227.
army, with the king at its head, to
march into Lorraine, ii. 40. His
administration of, ii. 42. Leads an
army to the conquest of Roussillon,
and brings the king with him, ii.
49. Death of, ii. 51. His character
and administration, ii. 53.
Richelieu, duc de, ii. 160. Dispatched
to Vienna to endeavor to accom-
modate differences, and to counter-
act Ripperda, ib. Appointed to the
command of the expedition against
the island of Minorca; effects a
landing, ii. 184. Presses the siege
of Fort St. Philip, ib. Arrives at
Hanover to supersede D'Estrées in
the command of the army, ii. 187.
Rincon, ambassador to Constantino-
ple, murdered by order of Del Gu-
asto, i. 193.

Ripperda, envoy of Philip V. to the
court of Austria, ii. 159.
Robert the Strong, i. 26.

Robert the Wise marries Bertha,
widow of the count of Blois, i. 27.
Compelled to put away his wife.
Bertha, and marry Constance,
daughter of the count of Toulouse,
i. 28. His character and death, i. 29.
Robert, brother to Henry I. of France,
obtains the duchy of Burgundy, i.

Roland, nephew of Charlemagne, the
hero of Ariosto, and prefect of the
frontiers of Brittany, i. 18.
Roland, madame, her opinion of Du-
mouriez, ii. 253. Her letter to the
king, iii. 256. Execution of, iii. 58.
Rollo, i. 20. Possesses Normandy as
its hereditary duke; swears allegi-
ance to Charles; is baptized with
his whole army, i. 23.

Rome, royalty abolished in, i. 13. Con-
sidered superior to all western cities;
its bishop placed above all other
bishops, i. 16. The church of, on
what it raised its authority, i. 31.
Carried by storm, i. 175. Purchases
the mercy of Napoleon at the price
of some millions of ready money,
and an enormous quantity of her
best works of art, iii. 114.
Roncesvaux, i. 18.

Rooke, Sir George, forces the port of
Vigo; captures and destroys the
fleet of the enemy, ii. 120. Takes
Gibraltar, ii. 123.

Rosebach, battle of, ii. 188
Rosebecque, battle of, i. 95.
Rostopchin, governor of Moscow, iii.

Robert, brother of Louis, takes the Roussillon, edict of, i. 241.
title of count of Artois, i. 55. Death Royer, Collard, iii. 178.
of, i. 70.
Rumbold, Sir George, iii. 182.
Russia concludes an
England, iii. 192.

alliance with

Robespierre, ii. 237. Character of, ii.
267. His speech at the Jacobin
meeting, iii. 18. His reply to Lou- Ruvigny, earl of Galway, ii. 123.
vet's speech, iii. 24. Demands the Ryswick, treaty of, ii. 112.
immediate execution of Louis XVI.,


St. Dominick, order of, instituted, i.

St. Domingo, civil war in, iii. 174.
St. Germain, count, offers a gallant

iii. 28. Proposes that all suspected Sackville, lord George, ii. 190.
persons should be put under arrest, Saint André, mareschal, i. 206. Killed
iii. 43. Attributes all the reverses in the battle of Dreux, i. 239.
of the republican arms to the inef-St. Antoine, battle of, ii. 80.
ficiency of Dumouriez and La Fay- St. Aubin, battle of, i. 134.
ette, iii. 56. Accused of modera- St. Bartholomew, i. 252.
tion, iii. 66. Ordains a fète in honor
of the Deity; causes himself to be
chosen president of the day, and
high priest of the ceremonial, iii.
69. Opens a bureau or office of po-
lice in the committee of public
safety, where he himself sat, iii. 70.
Interferes for the release of Cathe-
rine Theot, ib. Ascends the tribune;
his speech, iii. 71. His answer to
the accusation of Billaud Varennes,
iii. 72. Arrest and rescue of, iii. 73.
Execution of, iii. 74.
Rochefoucau't, duc de la, i 232

[ocr errors]

resistance to prince Ferdinand of
Brunswick, at Crevelt, in the duchy
of Cleves, ii. 189. Created minister
of war, ii. 208.

St. Hilaire, general, iii. 234.
St. Jaques, battle of, i. 112.
St. Just, iii. 72. Arrest and rescue of
iii. 73. Execution of, iii. 74.
St. Louis, order of, instituted, ii. 109.
St. Pol, count, created constable of

France, i. 119. Excites the king
against duke Charles, 1. 121. Be-
headed at the Place de Grève, i. 124.
St. Ruth leads a military expedition,
called the dragonnades, against the
Protestants, ii. 104.

St. Simon, duke, his opinion of Du-
bois, ii. 152. His opinion of the re-
gent Orleans, ii. 153.
St. Quentin, siege of, i. 222.
Saladin takes Jerusalem, i. 43.
Salic law confirmed by a decree of the
states-general, i. 75.
Salisbury, lord, killed in the battle of
Mansourah, i. 59.

Salles declares the opinion of the Gi-
ronde; proposes to decree Louis
XVI. guilty, but to leave the pun-
ishment to be fixed by the people in
their primary assemblies, iii. 30.
Saluces, marquis of, i. 177. Death of,
i. 190.

Sartines, M. de, minister of marine,
ii. 133.

Savary, iii. 167.

Savonnières, M. de, ii, 239.
Savoy, duke of, i, 292,

Savoy, prince Thomas of, ii. 42.
Saxe, mareschal, leads a large army
to the siege of Tournay, ii. 172. In-
vests Maestricht, ii. 175.

Saxons overcome by Charlemagne,
i. 15.

Scheirer, iii, 140.

Schill, colonel, iii. 235.

Schomberg, general of the German

auxiliaries, i. 275. Commands the

royal forces, ii. 38.

tor of the son of Louis XVI., exe-
cution of, iii. 74.

Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester,
the most prominent warrior of the
crusaders, i. 49.

Sion, cardinal, i, 156.
Smith, Sir Sidney, iii. 166.
Smith, Mr. Spenser, iii. 182.
Soissons governed by Syagrius, i. 9.
Governed by Ægidius, ib.

Soissons, count de, ii. 43. Death of
ii. 48.

Sombreuil, mademoiselle de, ii. 269.
Sombreuil, chief of the emigrant ar-
my, iii. 85.

Somerset, duke of, killed in the battle
of Morat, i. 127.
Soubise, comte de, ii. 24.
Soult, marshal, iii. 140.
Spain signs a treaty with the French
republic, iii. 90.

Spaniards, character of the, i. 190.
Spurs, battle of, i. 149.

Staël, madame de, iii. 126. Banished
from Paris by a decree of exile is
sued by Napoleon, iii. 178. Her
character of Napoleon, iii. 186.
Stair, lord, ii. 146.

Stanislaus, the exiled king of Poland,
ii 157. Re-elected king through
the influence of Charles XII, of
Sweden, ii. 163. Russia and Aus-
tria declare against him in favor of
the son of the late king Augustus,
ib. Gives up his claim to the crown
of Poland; receives Lorraine in its
stead, as an appanage during his
life, ii. 165.

Schwerin, a lieutenant in the Prus-Staps, a young German, seized in an

sian service, ii. 167.

Sebastiani, iii. 172.

Ségur, general de, iii. 194.

Semblançay, execution of, i. 165.
Senef, battle of, ii. 97.
Serrurier, iii. 116.

Servan, minister of war, ii. 255.
Sextus V., pope, i. 272.
Sforza Ludovico, i. 141.
Sforza, Francis, i. 186.
Siagrius governs Soissons, i. 9.
Sicard, abbé, ii, 269.

Sicily conquered by Charles of An-
jou, i. 64.

Sièyes, abbé, his character, ii. 226.
Proposes a plan for neutralizing in
surrection, iii. 84. Chosen in place
of Reubel in the directory, iii. 142.
Resigns, iii. 150. Made one of the
provisional consuls charged with
preparing the new constitution, iii.

attempt to stab Napoleon, iii. 240.
Stengel, general, death of, ili. 108.
Suffolk, duke, i. 165. Killed in the
battte of Pavia, i. 169.

Sully, minister of Henry IV. of
France, i. 285. Created superinten-
dent of finance, i. 288. Abjures the
Protestant faith, ii. 11. His char-
acter, ii. 13.
Suwarrow, the Russian general, iii.
141. Ordered by the council at Vi-
enna to march into Switzerland, iii.
145. Considering himself betrayed
by the Austrians, he broke his
sword in resentment and resigned
all command, vowing never more
to serve with the imperialists, iii

Syagrius defeated by Clovis, i. 9.

Taboureau succeeds Clugny as finance
minister, ii. 209.
Talavera, battle of, ii. 300.
Sigismond duke of Austria abandons Talbot, lord, i. 109. Death of, i. 114.
his sovereignty over Switzerland, i. Talleyrand, count of Angoulême, i.

Sienna, siege of, i. 219.



Simon the cobbler, the barbarous tu-Talleyrand, M. de, appointed to the

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