Abbildungen der Seite

the faid fhutter is turned down by means of hinges, when the light alone, without any characters, will appear. One or more day or night fignals, to answer the above purposes, may be affixed on hackney-coaches, ftage-coaches, and other carriages ufually engaged on hire: or the day fignal may be exhibited on the perfon of the driver, or upon the outfide of each fuch carriage when unhired, and concealed when hired.

For reducing the friction of wheels there may be ufed in the boxes prepared oil, viz. whale-blubber, put it into a pan placed upon a boiler, and by the heat of the fteam arifing therefrom when boiling the oil is extracted. The oil is then put into a separate fieam-pan with water, and is there purified. This oil may be used with advantage in the boxes of all care riages, or burnt in lamps,


The Paffions, in a Series of Ten Songs for the Voice and Piano-forte. Written and com pofed by Mr. Dibdin, 8s.


HE Paffions which Mr. Dibdin has touched in this work are those of Love, Mirth, Glory, Friendship, Courage, Hope, Feur, Sport, Chearfulness, and Pleasure. The airs (for each paflion forms the fubject of a feparate fong) are well adapted to their respective objects of imitation, and the words are written with the ufual force and point of the author, The variegated caft of this pro duction, and the fancy and appropriatenefs with which the whole is conceived and executed will, we doubt not, attract that notice, and produce that reward, due to moft of Mr. D.'s ingenious and enter taining labours.

Three Sonatas for the Piano-forte. Compofed and dedicated to the Princess Amelia, by Leopold Kozeluch, Efq. 8s.

tions on the mode of playing and finging
the Welsh music. The airs are certainly
felected with great tafte and judgment,
and are ably adapted for the inftrument
for which they are profeffedly intended,
The whole forms a body of pleasing exer
cifes for juvenile practitioners, and will
be found as ufeful as agreeable.
The Complaint of Ninotboma, a Song written by
Mr. Colleridge, and fet to Music by I. F.
Rimbault. 15. 6d.

"The Complaint of Ninothoma," with which is given an accompaniment for the piano-forte, is fet with confiderable judgment and ability. The expreffion is juft and forcible, and the general caft of the melody original and ftriking. The paffages at the lines," Nor beneath the cold blafts of the tree," A ghoft by my cavern it darted," and "To howl thro my cavern by night," are particularly impreffive, and evince both the feeling and talents of the compofer.

Number I. of the Vocal Magazine, confifting of Canzonets, Madrigals, Songs, Duetts, Tries, Quartetts, Quintetts, Glees, &c. Compofed by Joseph Kemp, 3s. 6d.

Mr. Kozeluch has thrown into thefe fonatas inuch of that fire, taste, and bril liancy of imagination, for which his pro ductions are fo eminently diftinguished. The ideas are, for the most part, of a povel caft, and rife out of each other This publication, both in its plan and with eafe and nature. Some of the flow execution, is fo creditable to Mr. Kemp's movements are remarkably graceful, and judgment and ingenuity, as to induce the modulation is every where fo ingeniour with that it may meet duc encourageous and matterly as to point out the judgment and fcience of the composer.

A Collection of Welsh Airs, exprefly adapted for the Piano-forte. Dedicated to Sir W. W. Wynne, by John Parry. 55.

Thefe airs are arranged on a novel plan, forming fix divertimentos, cach confifting of three of the most popular and favourite melodies; and are recommended by accompaniments for a flute and violoncello, and notes and obfervas,

ment. The melodies and harmonizations
are much above mediocrity, and will not,
in our opinion, fail to please the gene-
rality of hearers. The work will be
published in monthly numbers, and mott
of the pieces are to have an accompanis
ment for the piano-forte or harp.
Four Air, with Variations. Composed and in
fcribed to Mijs Kortright, by Jojeph William
Holden, Muf. Bac. Oxon. 4s.

Thefe airs are attractive in their style, and their variations are fanciful and do

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cluding fymphonies are pleafing. We, however, cannot but with that the compofer had avoided the levity of effect refulting from the two bars of confequtive femiquavers.

Scena, Solo for the Piano-forte and Polacca, as fung and performed by Sig. Naldi and Mrs. Billington, in the favourite Opera Il Fanatico per la Mufica. Compofed and dedicated to Mifs Mildmay, by G. G. Ferrari. 49.

Mr. Ferrari has difplayed in this Scena much of his ufual tafte and well-known experience in vocal compofition and performance. Many of the paffages are triking, and perfectly his own, while the effect of the whole befpeaks great fpirit and force of imagination.

A Medley Divertimento for the Piano-forte, felected and composed by. Mazzingbi. 15.

This medley is conftructed with a judicious attention to variety, without wholly hence the general effect is fo pleafing as lofing fight of conuection or analogy: to enfure the piece a favourable reception with the lovers of ingenious and agreeable trifles.

lihed his propofals for printing by fubDr. CLARKE, of Cambridge, has pubfcription a collection of Twelve Glees, to be dedicated to the Duke of Gloucefter. For the accommodation of those who are not accustomed to read from the forte will be added to fuch of the comfcore, an accompaniment for the pianopofitions as require a fopravo voice. The principal part of this work has already been diftinguifhed in public performance; and the whole, as we fhall expect, will do honour to Dr. Clarke's well-known talents, and be highly acceptable to the lovers of this interefting fpesies of com position.

MONTHLY RETROSPECT OF THE FINE ARTS. The Uje of all New Prints, and Communications of Articles of Intelligence are requefied.




THIS inftitution, fo honourable to all the fubfcribers, was opened the latter end of last month, and contains many very fine pictures; but we are forry to fay, that the effect of many of them was almost wholly deftroyed by the

abominable scarlet paper with which the walls are still covered. Several of the pictures which we faw at the exhibition of the Royal Academicians we again recognize; and feeing the effect they produce here, and recollecting the effect they had there, enables us to decide with more certainty than we could by any other criterion. None but high-coloured


pictures can ftand against it; and should this a-ta-mode fancy be univerfally adopted, it would inevitably vitiate the tyle of colouring in this country. Some pictures painted by Mr. S. W. Reynolds, which were much admired at the Royal Academy, are here fo much injured that their admirers fcarcely know them again: though this is easily accounted for, as they are in fome degree imitations of Rembrandt's landfcapes, and have very little local colour, the fiery back-ground of fcarlet paper reduces them to heavy mafies of black and white; yet, were they not overpowered by this fenfelefs finery, they are pictures of great and acknowledged merit, The injury fuftained by this overcharged colouring is by no means confined to the pictures painted by Reynolds; it extends to many, very many more, which it is not neceffary to enumerate.

We with to notice many of the pro ductions in this exhibition, but have room in this Retrospect for fo few that we fhall wholly omit them until a future


There are feveral models of defigns for monuments; their merits are various; the belt are thofe of Bacon, Rolli, and Flaxman.

A South View on the River Liffey, Dublin: taken from the Coal Quay, or Fruit Market. On the right is that grand Edifice called the Four Courts, defigned and began by Cauley, and completed by Gauden; the Dome of which bearing a great Refemblance to tbut of the Pantheon at Rome. In the front, the Ruins of the Coal Quay Bridge, as they appeared after the Flood in December 1802; in the middle ground, Bloody Bridge, and beyond that Queen's Bridge; a diftant View of the Saluting Battery, and Phoenix Park, termi mating the whole. T. S. Roberts, del. ; Bluck, fculpt. Publifhed, Feb. 1807, by

R. Ackermann.

A view of modern buildings, whatever may be its intrinfic merit, must be mapaged with confiderable skill to render it in any emment degree attentive to thofe who are generally confidered as the high pricfts of the Temple of Tafte. To the antiquary, it being built by his contemporaries, will be an inturmountable objection; and being erected in the city of Dublin, and degraded by the vulgar appellations of the Four Courts, River Liffey, Coal Quay, Bloody Bridge, &c. &c. &c. it will be infpected with very little intereft by the travelled connor feur

Notwithstanding all this, every one who looks at this print mult acknowledge that, in many particulars, it has a fair claim to rank in a very high clats, and is entitled to a large portion of praife. The fituation from which the view was taken is uncommonly well chofen for the general effect; and the copy we faw, which was in colours, was extremely pićturefque, and would keep its place either in a port-folio, or among a well-chofen felection of frame prints for the decoration of a drawing-room.

The companion print, reprefenting a View of College Green, Weftmorelandfreet, part of Sackville-fireet, and Carfile-bridge, by the fame artifts, is in a very forward fiate, and will be published in a few weeks.

Befides thefe, Mr. Ackermann has just publifhed feveral prints, which continue the feries of beautiful little vignettes defigned by Burney, and engraved by Agar, And, alfo, a continuation of the prints. illuftrating The Mijeries of Human Life, upon a larger fcale, designed and engraved by Rowlandfou, whofe whimficality of humour is too well known to render it neceffary to record it in this page; though we will beg leave to hint, that he very capable of doing what we his figures more character, lefs caricature with be more frequently did, i, e. give

otherwife have been very fine designs, as we have fometimes feen what would lofe a portion of their effect by being overcharged with caricature gun-powder.

With two of Mr. Ackermann's beforementioned prints we were much pleased: they have a confiderable portion of broad humour. The first, under the clafs of The Miferies of Travelling, reprefents a ftage-coach, "juft as you are going off with only one other perfon on your fide of the coach, who you flatter yourself is the last,—seeing the door fuddenly opened, and the landlady, coachman, guard, &c. &c, cramming, fhoving, buttrelling up an overgron, puffing, greafy hunan hog, of the butcher or grazier breed; the whole machine straiuing and groaning under its cargo," &c. &c. &c. The next is claffed as one of The Miferies of London: in going out to dinner (already too late), your carriage delayed by a feore of coaches, which choak up the whole ftreet, and allow you at least an hour more than you require to sharpen your wits for table-talk.

Breast against breast, with ruinous affault, And deafening shock they come."


Reverend Rabbi Raphael Meldolo, Chief A mister of the Synagogue of Spanish and Porthews in London. To bis worthy and eulent Patron, David Linde, Efq. this Plate is eith permission inscribed, by his obediext bu ble Servant J. Lopez, by whom it is engraved from a Picture painted by F. B.

This is a final print engraved with great delicacy in the chalk, and exhibits the novelty of a Jew Rabbi in the hat, wig, and band of an English bishop: his gown is fomewhat different, being more like that of a doctor of laws; but the gentleman has no beard, and is altogether fo metamorphofed that it is impollible to recognize his character.

The Pig Pointer. 7. Gooch, pinxt.; J. Landjer, feulpt. Published by W. B. Daniel, London.

This is a very well delineated little print of a fportfinan and a pig in a little landscape: it does not come directly into the clafs of portraits of illustrious perfoas, yet is it as curious as moft of them, from the very extraordinary abilities of the animal it pourtrays, of whom there is a fhort history in a printed paper which accompanies the engraving. SLUT, the name by which it feems they thought proper to diftinguifh this animal, was, it feems, a native and a fort of wandering outlaw on the New Foreft, in which ftate it feems to have been found by one of the keepers, and by him prefented to his brother. The brothers were con

cerned together in breaking pointers and fetters; and being frequently difgutted with the dullness of fome of the canine fpecies, withed to prove that they could teach any other animal the fame art, and with this right learned pig they ac complithed in a very wonderful degree, by making him mafter of the whole art and mytery of pointing in the space of fourteen days. In this character the animal feems to have been greatly refpeted for many years, when its maker died, and Slut, at the auction of his pointers, was included in the fale, and bought in at ten guineas. Sir H. Mildmay having expreffed a wish to fee her, the was fent to Dogmersfield Park, where the remained fome years. She was latt in the poffeffion of Colonel Sikes, and was the ten years old, and had become fat and flothful, but would point game as well as before. When killed, which was at Balilden Houte, Slut weighed 700 pounds!

A moft fingularly fine picture has been painted by Mr. Stothart, from Chaucer's Pilgrims. For fuch a fubject we have perhaps no artift in this country fo well qualified as he is, and this painting is really a chef d'ouvre. A plate is to he engraved from it by Mr. Bromley, whole burin, we have every reason to expect, will do juftice to Mr. Stothart's pencil. The fize of the print, 31 inches by 10. Proofs, price five guineas; other impreflions, three guineas.


In the public and private Practice of one of the Phyficians of the Finsbury Difpenfury, from the 20th of January to the 20th of February.

MORBI Infantiles.....

Febris intermittens tertiana


Pheumatifmus acutus

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5 Conftipatis

Tuis cum Dyspnea







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Of the doctrine which in the last Report 7 the writer fo emphatically inculcated con1 cerning the treatment of infancy, he meets 15 almost every day with additional and more 1 decided confirmation.

When a celebrated French minifter en◄ quired

quired of an eminent merchant at Paris, in what way he could be of service to the interefts of commerce,-he replied, merely," Laillez nous faire,"-Let us alone.A fimilar obfervation may as well be applied to the health and welfare of our physical frame; more especially during the incipient and imperfect developement of vitality. A medical practitioner is too fond of doing fomething. He deems it neceflary to produce fome internal, or to perform fome external, operation. Whereas, in a great multitude of cafes, the beft thing he can do, is to do nothing: -to ftand as a kind of fentinel by the body of his patient, in order to avert the agency of any hoftile power, rather than to adminifter what is directly or positively beneficial. His utility for the most part confifts in preventing injury: he occupies a poft which might otherwife have been filled by one incompetent to the fituation.

Thefe remarks are more particularly connected with the phyfical calamities of childhood.

When we contemplate a chu ch-yard, the earth of which is compofed principally of the bodies of infants, it is natural for us to fancy, but furely unreafonable to believe, that these beings were born for no other purpose than to die; or that it is within the design of Nature, that the pangs of production, on the part of the mother, thould on that of her offfpring be almost immediately fucceeded by the struggle of diffolution. Fault muft exift fomewhere--it cannot be in the Providence of God-it muft therefore at

tach to the improvidence and indifcretion of man.

More fatal confequences originate from ignorance than from voluntary crime. Infanticide, when it is perpetrated by the dagger of maternal defperation, or in the agony of anticipated difgrace, is a fubject of attonithment and of horror. But if an helpless victim be drugged to death, or poifoned by the forced ingurgitation of haufeous and effentially noxious potions, we lament the refult merely with out thinking about the means which inevitably led to its occurrence.

Confcience feels no concern in cafes of medicinal murder.*

The too ordinary habit of jefting upon this fubject in familiar or convivial converfa tion, has an unhappy tendency to fear the heart, and leads us to regard with an inhuman and indecorous levity and indifference thofe

Next to phyfic, wine and other cordials · ought to be peremptorily prohibited by the tutors and guardians of infancy. Intemperance is not an abfolute, but a relative thing. To a child a glafs of wine is a debauch. It bears the fame proportion to its conftitution as a bottle does tó that of an adult. The unimpaired and fuperabundant excitability of an infant requires no extraordinary or artificial ftimulus. Wine affords not any permanent nourishment or fupport. It contributes not in the leaft degree to the stamina of the human frame. It excites a temporary excess of action, without adding to the materials, or increafing the ftrength of the conflitution. Whilft it awakens or enlivens the flame, it inevitably exhaufts the fuel from which its corrufcations originate. Alcohol in its various and however diluted modifications, ought not to be had recourfe to, even in more mature and advanced life, except upon an emergency, when a defect of extemporary vigour obliges us to draw upon the future for fupply. A perfon, however, fhould be very cautious and circumfpećt before he in this manner mortgages his constitution. There is a kind of compound intereft to be acquired in vital as well as pecuniary. property. In our first years, deviations comparatively flight from the line of fobriety and nature, inflict more effential injury on the imperfectly formed and inficiently cemented fabric, than it will be likely afterwards to receive from the attacks of habitual and more outrageous excels.

In confirmation of the Reporter's fentiments and doctrine, he is happy to produce the ideas on this fubject of fo eminent a man and practical philofopher as Mr. Locke, to whom his country is much indebted for the folidity of his remarks upon infantile treatinent and education.

is words are thefe: "Perhaps it will be expected from me that I fhould give fome directions of phyfic to prevent difeafes. For which I have only this one very facredly to be observed: Never to give children any phyfic for prevention. The obfervation of what I have already advised, will, I fuppofe, do better than apothecary's drugs and medicines. Have a great care of tampering that way, leaft inftead of preventing, you draw on diseases. Not even upon every little indifpofition is phy

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