Abbildungen der Seite
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To the Honourable the Houfe of Commons Affembled in Parliament.

The humble Petition and Representation of many E the Inhabitants of the County of Buck.


Hat the many glorious victories and fucceffes, wherethe good of this Kingdome, being so cleare a manifeftation of his wisdome power and care against the fraud, and force of all your enemies, &c. And your Petitioners and inany others, feeing the further accomplishment of their deftre's, Shall the more cheerfully proceed to hazard their lives and fortunes in your affistance. And shall ever pray, &c.

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After the reading the fame Petition, The Houfe defired the Petitioners to withdraw, and then debated on this busineffe,and Ordered that Mr. Speaker fhould give the Petitioners the hearty thankes of the Houfe, for their conftant good affections to the Parliament and Kingdome, and especially for this timous and feafonable Teftimony in particular, and that the house had Ordered that their Remonftrance fhould be Printed, that the world may take notice of their extraordinary good affections, and that icmight be a Prefident and Pattern for the rest of the Countyes of this Kingdom to goe by, and that the house had Ordered the feverall particulars contained therein to be confidered of in convenient times The Petitioners were called in yi and Mr. Speaker by the command of the house, gave them this answer accordingly,

Your Petitioners therefore, having seriously perufed,and confidered of the above mentioned Reprefentations and Petitions, doe in their fecond thoughts and belt judgements approve and attest them; and doe with all hearty devotion and alacrity of fpirit concurre with the Petitioners, and Remonftrants of the Counties of Southampton and Buck, and of the Town of Taunton abovesaid,

in all contents of their faid Declarations and Petitions.

And your Petitioners doe humbly and earnestly defire your Honours, That you will now ftrainé forth all your might,to promote the beft reformed Proteftant profeffion, and to establish the purity of Religion, according to the word of God; And doe likewife befeech you, that you will proceed to a speedy fetling of the Civill government in fuch a way as may molt conduce to the freedome and happineffe of this Nation; Herein, as wife and faithfull Phyfitians, you will not onely prefcribe (unto your most truly patient and thankfull Petitioners) rules and middeffes of health; but you will alfo purge, and cure all their present maladies and diftempers; and timously prevent the buds and branching of greater and more dangerous future evills impending over them and this Ifland.

And lastly your Petitioners, in all humble manner teftifying their fidelity, duty and fincere affection,do unfainedly, and cheerfully tender their moft cordiall and reall acknowledgements,for your pious care, and vigilancy indeavouring to preferve all their legall, proper interefts, and birth-rights; And doe voluntarily, and most faithfully prefent unto your Honours, this their just and ferious refolve and purpose, (if God will, and fo difpofe) to adhere unto you, live and dye by you, and ingage with you (and With the Army under the Conduct of his Excellency Thomas Lord Fairfax) all their beft parts, and eftates in the further profecution thereof, to the utmost of their might and understanding against all malignant oppofers, and apoftate powers whatsoever adverfa ry to the truth.

March 24. 1647.

And fhall ever pray, &c.

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Uffer the bearer hereof Coronet Thomas More alias de la Mere

Swith his Servant, Horfes, and neceffaries to paffe your guards

to Paixes-court in the County of Oxford,and back again to London, without offering any violence to his perfon or Servants, or taking away any of his Horfes or other goods. Given under my band

and Seale the 2. of March, 1648. To all Officers and Souldiers


under my command.


Hefe are to Certifie that the bearer hereof Cornet More, late Cornet to my Life-guard, hath been very faithfull in the fervice of the Parliament as one of the Life-guard; and aftewardsas Cornet ever fince the Army was firft raised, and did like wife in the time of the Earl of Effex,perform very faithfull fervice, which I thought good to certifie on his behalfe. Given under my hand and Seale the 20 of February 1648. To all whom thefe may concern.



To the Right Honourable the Committee of Parliament.

for the Army.

The bumble Petition of Thomas More (alias de la More) Efq.


Hat your Petitioner hath faithfully ferved the Parliament as one of the Gentlemen, and after as Cornet of the Life-guard to his Excellency the Lord Fairfax in the Troop commanded by Capt. Hall, as by Certificate under the hand of his Excellency appeareth; and hath also ferved the Parliament as Gentleman of the Life-guard to his Excellency the late Lord Generall Effex, and as Lieut. of Horfe to Captain Richard Aylworth in Com. Glocefter; for which fervices he hath not his accompts yet stated.

Your Petitioner therefore humbly prayeth your Honours to give Order, That his accompts for his fervice in this Army may be ftated, and for his former service, you would referre it to the Committee at Worcester House, to examine and ftate the fame. To the end bee may have the fecuritie of Parliaments, according as is provided by the Ordinance of 2 4.December, 1647.

And he shall pray,&c.

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Maii 1646. Perbreves notæ collectæ ex Recordis literis patentibus, chartis, fcriptis, tranfcriptis, factis, minimentis, & diverfis aliis Evidentiis &c. in domicilio Thome Tempeft apud, Whaddon Chalers, feu Waddon, juxta oppidum,vulgo vocat. Royfton in Com. Cantebr. & Hertford.

Ardewinus de Scalariis.conceffione domini willi Regis & Richardi

Hilii mei primogeniti &c. medietatem baronii mei, &c.

*Sigillat eft figillo magno, &c.

Ego Richardus de Scalariis conceffi & hac mea carta confirmavi Hugoni de Scalariis fratri meo, &c. figillat.

Ego Hugo defefchalers confirmavi Radul.mercatori, &c.

Albericus de Scalariis dedit 5 3. red. in Cruce Robs Galfrido fratri Hugon. & Hen. de Sealar. Tho: de Waddune.

Dominus Galfridus de Scalariis, & Galfrid. fill. The. de Waddon. Charle Wardeben &c. dominus Galfrid de Scalariis, miles. H. 3. s Alianera uxor Galfridi de Scalariis Iunioris, &c. Domina Alie nora de Scalariis de Watdone, & Rich. Turpin, Adam de Wangeforthe 11 me Ed. 1. Agnes relicta quendam Karoli Wardeben dedi, &c. Galfrido filio meo &c.29.Ed.1.

Aungerus de Schalariis de Grauntecefter juxta Cantebr. 11 m Ed. 1. Dominus Tho: de Scalariis 22.Ed. 1. 27.Ed.1.4 Annis 4.5. & Scalariis & Elizab. uxor ejus 10. Ed.2.Teftes, dominus Rogerus de Huntingfield & warin de Baffingburn milites Traylli Hen.le Eyr, &c. & 14. & 19 Ed.2.8. Ed. 3. Galfridus filius Tho: de Scalar. mil. 17. Ed.2. dominus Tho: de Scalariis miles & Tho. fil. 18.Ed.2. Tho:de Sealariis miles & Amiffia uxor ejus 22. Ed.3.Iobane de Scalariis 16. Ed 3. Iohannes de Scalariis paia 50s. pro feedo militis Rad. de Sabam in Whaddon. Honori de Richmond. 6.R. 3 Margeria uxor Iohannis de Scalariis militis & Tho.fil.manerium noftrum cum pertinent. in Whaddon Lady-bury 12°.Ricb 2. cum Melreth & Sabam. Thomas de Scalariis & margeria uxor Iohannis de Heneningbam mil.mater mea tenemus conjun&tim mauerium de Whadden,vocat. Lady-bury, &c. in melreth & Saham ac Adanerium de Thelneton in Northfolk conceff.Baudewin S. George, Rob. Scot, &c.11.H.4. Sigil lat. figill. Tho: Scalers, viz. Argent, a feffe between three annulets Gules


Gules. Iobannes Chalers 16.H.6. Sir John Chalers 2. Ed. 4. Sir John Chalers Knight, and Dame Maude his wife. Iobn More Efq. 20. Ed. 4. who married Alice daughter and Co-heire of the faid Sir Tobn Chalers, and Dame Maude his wife. Ita tefter Thomas de Efcbalers de la More, Son and heire of Iobn More late of Haddon, More, alias Northmore, More Saint Denis,or de la More and Moreton, by Newbridge, or Moreton Oxfordshire.

Notæ ex aliis fcriptis in Cuftodia fcriptoris Thome de Mora & de Scalariis Junii 19. 1649. viz. ut pateat in fequent.


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Ec eft conventio fa&a inter Magiftru.Willm. de Lexinton rectorem Ecclefie de Waddon. ex una parte, & dnm. feala riis ex altera. videliz, quod dcus. W. remifit & quiete clamavit pro fe &fuccefforibus fuis perfonis de Waddon predicto G. & brdibus. fuis to tum jus & clameum quod habuit pafcendi animalia fua ratione commune in quadam cultura de G. que vocatur le Inlande tempore quo no. feminatur falva tn. decime pdce. culture ficut recipit in quodam prato que vocatur le birimede in eadem ville pdce. ecclefie omni tempore folvenda. Debet.etia. aialia. pdci. Rectoris qu. dicta cultura feminat. poft blada afportata die fci. Fobis. Bapte. in autumpno. fine omni contradeve & impdimto. dci. G. &fuorum. intrare & pafcere ufq. ad feftu. sci. Martini proximo fequentis. Et pro bac remifione & quieta clamantia dedit dens. G. dicto W. & fuccefforibus fuis perfonis diciæ Ecclefiæ una, acram tre. arabilis in tritorio de VVadden. cum pertinent. in pura. libam. & perpetuam elemofina. de qua una dimidia acra jacet in campo occidentali abbuttans a pte Auftrali fup le fike, & alia dimidia acra in campo de Knefærd. juxta iter quod fe extendit ufus Litelgrene. conceffit etia dictus G. dco w. qd quoddam foffatu int curia diči w. & qmdam paftura dei G.que vocatur birimede cum aqua in eo contenta ad pocula vel cibaria pparanda fuerit minus apta ? illud faceret p boies fuos mundare vel licentiam daret dco. VV. ipm mundandi. ita ut aqua ad usu boiu figret idonea. Et ut ifta convetio firmior & ftabilior pmanet peci w.

G. cora dno Gilb de prefton. tunc dni Regis jufticiario anno Regni Regis Henr. filii Reg Fobis 36. ea fecerut inrotulari. & pter bo: fup Badem confirmarem epi impetrarunt In cujus rei Teftim ptes alternatim feriptis figna fua appofuerut Hiis teftibus Thoma de V.Vaddon. Steph


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