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Several verbs seem to have dropt the termination en in

the Participle; as,








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[blocks in formation]

Frequent mistakes are committed with regard to those verbs which make the Partici ple Perfect different from the Past Time; thus it is said, he begun for he began; he run for he ran; the Participle being used instead of the Past Time; and much more fre quently the Past Time instead of the Participle; as, I had wrote, for I had written; it was wrote, for it was written; so bore for børne; chose for chosen; bid for bidden drove for driven; broke for broken; rode for ridden, &c.

Several verbs are either defective, or made up of parts derived from different verbs of the same signification; as, go, went, gone, wet, wit or wot, wot; wis, wist; ought quoth, must, together with most of the auxiliary verbs.


The Latins have four different ways of varying verbs, called the First, the Second, the Third, and the Fourth Conjugation.

The Conjugations are thus distinguished:

The First has a long before re of the Infinitive; the Second has e long, the Third has e short, and the Fourth has i long, before re of the Infinitive.

Except dar, to give, which has a short, and also its compounds; thus, Circundăre, to surround; circundămus, -dătis, -dăbam, -dăbo. r.

The different conjugations are likewise distinguished from one another by the different terminations of the following tenses :

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1. -abar,

2. -ēbar,

3. -ēbar,

4. iēbar,

-ābāris or -ābāre, •ābātur ; -ābāmur, -ābāmĭni, -abantur. -ēbāris or -ēbāre, -ēbātur ; -ēbāmur, -ēbāmini, -ēbantur. -ēbāris or -ēbāre, -ēbātur ; -ēbāmur, -ēbāmīni, -ēbantur. iēbāris or iēbāre, -iēbātur ; -iēbāmur, -iēbāmīni, -iēbantur.

[blocks in formation]

1. arer, ārēris or -ārēre,
2. -ērer, ērēris or ērēre, -ērētur ;
3. -ĕre, -ĕrēris or ĕrēre, -ĕrētur ; -ĕrēmur,
4. irer, īrēris or irere, irētur ; -īrēmur,

-ārētur ; -ārēmur,

-ārēmini, -arentur


-ērêmîni, -ērentur,

-ĕrēmĭni, .ĕrentur. īrēmini, irentur, ·


[blocks in formation]

Observe, Verbs in io of the third conjugation have iunt in the third person plur. of the present indic. active, and iuntur in the passive; and so in the imperative, iunto and iuntor. In the imperfect and future of the indicative they have always the termi nations of the fourth conjugation, iēbam and iam ; iēbar and iar, &c.

The terminations of the other tenses are the same through all the Conjugations. Thus,

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These Tenses, in the Passive Voice, are formed by the Participle Perfect, and the auxiliary verb sum, which is also used to express the Future of the Infinitive Active.

SUM is an irregular verb, and thus conjugated:

[blocks in formation]

3. Est, He is;

2. Es, Thou art, or you are, Estis, Ye or you are

Sunt, They are.

1. Eram, I was,

Imperfect. was.

Eramus, We were,

2. Eras, Thou zast, or you were, Eratis, Ye were,

Erant, They were.

Perfect. have been or was.

Foimus, We have been,

3. Erat, He was ;

1. Fui, I have been,

3. Fuit, He hath been;


1. Fuĕram, I had been,

2. Fuisti, Thou hast been, Fuistis, Ye have been,

Fuērunt, or -ēre, They have been. had been.

2. Fueras, Thou hadst been, 3. Fuerat, He had been ;


1. Ero, I shall be,
2. Eris, Thou shalt be,
3. Erit, He shall be ;

Fuĕrāmus, We had been,

Fueratis, Ye had been,
Fuerant, They had been.

shall or will.

Erimus, We shall be,
Eritis, Ye shall be,
Erunt, They shall be,

Subjunctive Mode.

Present Tense.

may or can.
Simus, We may be,
Sitis, Ye may be,
Sint, They may be.

1. Sim, I may be,

2. Sis, Thou mayest be,

3. Sit, He may be ;

Imperfect. might, could, would, or should.

[blocks in formation]

1. Fuerim, I may have been, 2. Fueris, Thou mayest have been, 3. Fuerit, He may have been; Fuerint, They may have been. Plu-perfect. might, could, would, or should have; or had. 1. Fuissem, Imight have been. Fuissēmus, We might have been, 2. Fuisses, Thou mightest have Fuissetis, Ye might have been,


3. Fuisset, He might have been; Fuissent, They might have been.


1. Fuĕro, I shall have been,
2. Fueris, Thou shalt have been,

shall have.

Fuĕrimus, We shall have been,
Fueritis, Ye shall have been,

3. Fuerit, He shall have been; Fuerint, They shall have been

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