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Obs. 2. Opus is often construed like an indeclinable adjective; as, Dur nobis opus est. We need a general, Cic. Dices nummos mihi opus esse, Id. Nobis exempla opus sunt, Id.

Obs. 3 Opus is elegantly joined with the perfect participle; as, opus maturato, Need of haste; Opus consulto. Need of deliberation; Quid facto usus est? Ter. The participle has sometimes a substantive joined with it; as, Mihi opus fuit Hirtio convento, It behoved me to meet with Hirtius. Cic.

Obs. 4. Opus is sometimes joined with the infinitive, or the subjunctive with ut; as, Siquid forte sit, quod opus sit sciri, Cie, Nun tibi opus est, ægram ut te adsimules, Plant Sive opus est imperitare equis, Horat. It is often placed absolutely, i. e. without depending on any other word; as, sic opus est ; si opus sit, &c.


1. Adjectives governing the Genitive.

X. Verbal adjectives, or such as signify an affection of the mind, govern the genitive; as,

Avidus gloriae, Desirous of glory.
Memor beneficiorum, Mindful of favours.

Ignarus fraudis, Ignorant of fraud.


To this rule belong, I. Verbal adjectives in AX; as, capax, edax, ferax, tenax, pertinax, &c. and certain participial adjectives in NS and TUS; as, amans, appetens, cupiens, insolens, sciens; consultus, doctus, expertus, insuetus, insolitus, &c. II. Adjectives expressing various affections of the mind ; 1. Desire ; as, avarus, cupidus, studiosus, &c. Knowledge, ignorance and doubting; as, callidus, certus, eertior, conscius, gnarus, peritus, prudens, &c. Ignarus, incertus, inscius, imprudens, imperitus, immemor, rudis ; ambiguus, dubius, suspensus, &c. 3. Care and diligence, and the contrary; as, anxius, curiosus, solicitus, providus, diligens; incuriosus, securus, negligens, &c. 4. Fear and confidence; as, formidolosus, pavidus, timidus, trepidus ; impavidus, interritus, intrepidus. 5. Guilt and innocence; as, noxius, reus, suspectus, compertus; innoxius, innocens, insons.

To these add many adjectives of various significations; as. æger animi; ardens, audar, aversus diversus, egregius, erectus falsus, felix, fessus, furens, ingens, integer, lætus, præstans animi; modicus voti; integer vita; seri studio um, Hor. But we say æger pedibus, ardens in cupiditatibus, præstans doctrina, modicus cultu; Lætus né gotio, de re, or propter rem, &c. and never æger pedum, &c.

Obs. 1. Verbals in NS are used both as adjectives and participles; thus, patiens algoris, able to bear cold; and patiens algorem, actually bearing cold. So amans virtutis, and amans virtutem: doctus grammaticæ, skilled in grammar; doctus grammaticam, one who has learned it.

Obs. 2. Many of these adjectives vary their construction; as, avidus in pecuniis, Cic. Avidior ad rem Ter. Jure consultus & peritus, or juris, Cie Rudis literarum, in jure civili Cic. Rudis a te, ad mala Ovid Doctus Latine Larinis tieris, Cie. As euetus labore, in omnia, Liv. Mensa herili, Virg. Insuetus moribus Romanis, in the dat. Liv. Laboris, ad onera portanda, Cæs. Desuetus bello, & triumphis, in the dat or abl. rather the dat. Virg. Anxius, solicitus, securus, de re aliqua; diligens, in, ad,

de, Cie Negligens in aliquem, in or de re: Reus de vi, criminibus, Cic. Certior fac tus de re, rather than rei, Cic.

Obs. 3. The genitive after these adjectives is thought to be governed by causâ, in re, or in negotio, or some such word understood; as, Capidus laudis, i e. causâ or in re laudis, desirous of praise, that is, on account of, or in the matter of praise But many of the adjectives themselves may be supposed to contain in their own signification the force of a substantive; thus, studiosus pecuniæ fond of money, is the same with habens studium pecuniæ, having a fondness for money.

XI. Partitives, and words placed partitively, comparatives, superlatives, interrogatives, and some numerals, govern the genitive plural ; as,

Aliquis philosophorum,
Senior fratrum,

Doctissimus Romanorum,
Quis nostrum ?
Una musarum,

Octavus sapientum,

Some one of the philosophers.

The elder of the brothers.

The most learned of the Romans.
Which of us?

One of the muses.

The eighth of the wise men.

Adjectives are called Partitives, or are said to be placed partitively, when they signify a part of any number of persons or things, having after them, in English, of or among; as, alius, nullus, solus, &c. quis and qui, with their compounds also Comparatives, Superlatives, and some Numerals; as, unus, duo, tres; primus, secundus, &c. To these add multi, pauci, plerique, medius.

Obs. 1. Partitives, &c. agree in gender with the substantive which they have after them in the genitive; but when there are two substantives of different genders, the partitive, c. rather agrees with the former; as, Indus fluminum maximus, Cic. Rarely with the latter; as. Delphinus animalium velocissimum, Plin. The genitive here is governed by ex numero, or by the same substantive understood in the singular number; as, Nulla sororum, scil. so or, or ex numero sororum.

Obs. 2. Partitives, c. are often otherwise construed with the prepositions d, e, ex, or in; as, Unus de fratribus; or by the poets, with ante or inter; as, Pulcherrimus ante omnes, for omnium Virg. Primus inter omnes, Id.

Obs. 3. Partitives, &c. govern collective nouns in the genitive singular, and are of the same gender with the individuals of which the collective noun is composed; as, Vir fortissimus nostræ civitatis, Cic. Maximus stirpis, Liv. Ultimos orbis Britannos, Horat. od. 1. 35. 29.

Obs. 4. Comparatives are used, when we speak of two; Superlatives when we speak of more than two; as, Major fratrum, the elder of the brothers, meaning two; Maximus fratrum, The eldest of the brothers, meaning more than two In like manner, uter, alter, neuter, are applied with regard to two; quis, unus, alius, nullus, with regard to three or more; as, Uter vestrum. Whether or which of you two; Quis vestrum, Which of you three: but these are sometimes taken promiscuously the one for the other.

2. Adjectives governing the Dative.

XII. Adjectives signifying profit or disprofit, likeness or unlikeness, &c. govern the dative;


Uilis bello,

Perniciosus reipublicæ,

Similis patri,

Profitable for war.

Hurtful to the commonwealth.
Like to his father.

Or thus, Any adjective may govern the dative in Latin, which has the signs TO or FOR after it in English.

To this rule belong;

1. Adjectives of profit or disprofit; as, Benignus, bonus, commodus, felix, fructuosus, prosper, saluber.Calamitosus damnosus, dirus, exitiosus, funestus, incommodus, malus. noxius, perniciosus,pestifer.

2. Of pleasure or pain; as, Acceptus, dulcis, gratus. gratiosus, jucundus, lætus, suavis. Acerbus, amarus, insuavis, inju undus, ingratus, molestus, tristis.

3. Of friendship or hatred as Addictus, æquus, amicus. benevolus, blandus, carus, deditus, filus, fidelis, lenis, mitis, propias Adversus, mulus, asper, crudelis, contrarius, infensus, infestus, infidus, immitis, inimicus, iniquus, invisus, invitus, iratus, odiosus, suspectus, irur.

4. Of clearness or obscurity; as, Apertus, certus,compertus, conspicuus, manifestus, notus, perspicuus. Ambiguus, dub us, ignotus, incertus, obscurus.

5. Of nearness; as Finitimus, proprior, proximus, propinquus, socius, vieīnus. 6. Of fitness or unfitness: as Aptus, appositus, accommodatus, habilis, ideneus, opportunus. -Ineptus, inhabilis, importunus, inconveniens.

7. Of ease or difficulty, as, Facilis; levis, obvius, pervius. Difficilis, arduus, gravis. laboriosus, periculosus, invius. To these add such as sigui y propensity or readiness; as. Pronus, proclivis, propensus, promptus. paratus.

8. Of equality or inequality; as. Equalis. æquævus, par, compar, suppar.-Ine qualis, impar, dispar, discors. Also of likeness or unlikeness; as, Similis, æmulus, geminus.Dissimilis, absonus, alienus, dive sus, discolor,

9. Several adjectives compounded with CON; as, Cognatus, concolor, concors, confinis, congruus, cons inguineus, consentaneus consonus,conveniens, contiguus, continuus, continens, contiguous; as, Mari aër continens est, Cic.

To these add many other adjectives of various significations; as. Obnoxius, subjectus, supplex, credulus, absurdus, decarus, deformis, presto, indeci. at hand, secundus, &c, -particularly.

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Verbals in BILIS and DUS govern the dative; as,

Amandus vel amabilis omnibus,

To be loved by all men.

So Mors est terribilis malis; Optabilis omnibus pax; Adhibenda est nobis diligentia, Cic. Semel omnibus calcanda esi via lethi. Hor. Also some participles of the perfect tense; as, Bella matribus detestata, hated by, Hor.

Verbals in DUS are o ten construed with the prep. a; as, Deus est venerandus, & colendus a nobis, Cic. Perfect participles are usually so; as, Mors Crassi est a multis, defleta, rather than, multis defleta. Cic. A te invitatus, rogatus, proditus, &c. hardly ever tibi.

Obs. 1. The dative is properly not governed by adjectives, nor by any other part of speech; but put after them, to express the object to which their signification refers.

The particle to in English is often to be supplied; as, Similis patri, Like his father, to being understood.

Obs. 2. Substantives have likewise sometimes a dative after them; as, Ille est pater, dux, vel filius mihi, He is father, leader, or son to me: so, Presidium reis, decus amicis, &c. Hor. Exitium pecori, Virg. Virtutibus hostis, Cic.

Obs. 3. The following adjectives have sometimes the dative after them, and sometimes the genitive; Affinis, similis, communis, par, proprius, finitimus, fidus, conterminus, superstes, conscius, æqualis, contrarius, and adversus ; as Similis tibi, or tui; Superstes patri, or patris; Conscius facinori or facinoris. Conscius and some others frequently govern both the genitive and dative; as, Mens sibi conscia recti. We say, Similes, dissimiles, pares, dispares, æquales, communes, inter se Par & communis cum aliquo. Civitas secum ipsa discors; discordes ad alia. Liv.

Obs. 4. Adjectives signifying usefulness, or fitness, and the contrary, have after them the dative or the accusative with a preposition; as,

Utilis, inutillis, aptus, ineptus, accomodatus, idoneus, habilis, inhabilis, opportūnus, conveniens,& alicui rei, or ad aliquid. Many other adjectives governing the dative are likewise construed with prepositions; as, Attentus quæsitis, Hor. Attentus ad rem, Ter.

Obs. 5. Of adjectives which denote friendship or hatred, or any other affection of the mind towards any one. I. Some are usually construed with the dative only; as, Affabilis, arrogans, asper, carus, difficilis, fidelis, invisus, iratus, offensus, suspectus, ALICUI. II Some with the preposition IN and the accusative; as, Acerbus, animatus, beneficus, gratiosus, injuriosus, liberalis, mendax miseri ors, offi iosus, pus, impius, prolixus, severus, sordidus, torvus, vehemens, IN ALIQUEM III. Some either with the dative, or with the accus. and the preposition IN ERGA or ADVERSUS going before; as, Contumax, criminosus, dužus, exitiabilis, gravis, hospitalis implaca bilis, (and perhaps also inexorabilis & intolerabilis) iniquus savus, ALICUI or IN ALIQUEM. Benevolus benignus, molestus, ALICUI or ERGA ALIQUEM Mitis comis, IN, or ERGA ALIQUEM and ALICUI. Pervicax ADVERSUS ALIQUEM. Crudelis, IN ALIQUEM, seldom ALICUI. Amicus, æmulus, infensus, infestus, ALICUI, seldom IN ALIQUEM. Gratus ALICUI, or IN, ERGA, ADVERSUS ALIQUEM. We say alenus alicui or alicujus; but oftener ab aliquo, and sometimes aliquo without the preposition.

AUDIENS is construed with two datives; as, Regi dicto audiens erat, he was obedient to the king; not regis; Dicto audiens fuit jussis magistratuum, Nep. Nobis dicto au• dientes sunt, not dictis, Cic.

Obs. 6. Adjectives signifying motion or tendency to a thing, have usually after them the accusative with the preposition ad or in, seldom the dative; as,

Pronus, propensus, proclivis, celer, tardus, piger, &c. ad iram, or in iram.

Obs. 7. Propior and proximus, in imitation of their primitive prope, often govern the accusative; as, Propior montem, scil. ad, Sall. Proximus finem, Liv.

Obs. 8. IDEM sometimes has the dative, chiefly in the poets; as, Invitum qui servar, idem facit occidenti, Hor. Jupiter omnibus idem. Virg Eadem illis censemus, Cic. But in prose we commonly find idem qui, e, ac, atque, and also ut, cum; as, Peripa tetici quondam iidem erant qui Academici, Cic. Est animus erga te, idem ac fuit, Ter. Dianam & Lunam eandem esse putant, Cic. Idem faciunt, ut. &c. In eodem loco mecum, Cic. But it would be improper to say of the same person or thing under different names, idem cum; as, Luna eadem est cum Diana.

We likewise say, alius ac, atque or et; and so sometimes rimilis & par.

3. Adjectives governing the Ablative.

XIII. These adjectives, dignus, indignus, contentus, præditus, captus, and fretus; also natus, satus, ortus, editus, and the like, govern the ablative; as,

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So generatus, creatus, cretus, prognatus, oriundus, procreatus regibus.

Obs 1. The ablative after these adjectives is governed by some preposition understood; as, Contentus parvo, scil. cum; Fretus viribus, scil, in, &. Sometimes the preposition is expressed; as, Ortus ex concubina, Sallust Editus de nympha, Ovid.

Obs. 2. Dignus, indignus, and contentus, have sometimes the genitive after them; as, dignus avōrum, Virg. So Macte esto, or macti estote vi tutitis or virtute, Increase in virtue, or Go on and prosper; Juberem macte virtute esse, sc, te, Liv. ii. 12. In the last example macte seems to be used adverbially.

4. Adjectives governing the Genitive or Ablative. XIV. Adjectives of plenty or want govern the genitive or ablative; as,

Plenus iræ or irâ, Full of anger. Inops rationis or ratione, Void of reason.

So Non inopes temporis, sed prodigi sumus, Sen Lentulus non verbis inops, Cic. Dei plena sunt omnia. Cic. Maxima quæque domus servis est plena superbis, Juv. Res est soliciti plena timoris amor, Ovid. Amor & melle & felle est fœcundissimus, Plaut. Fæcunda virorum paupertas fugitur, Lucan. Omnium consiliorum ejus parti. ceps, Curt. Homo ratione particeps. Cic. Nihil insidiis vacuum, Id. Vacuas cædis habete manus, Ovid.

Some of these adjectives are construed, 1. with the genitive only; as, Benignus, exsors, impos, impotens, irritus, liberalis, munificus, prætargus.

2. With the ablative only: Beatus, differtus, frugifer, mutilus, tentus, distentus, tumidus, turgidus.

3. With the genitive more frequently: Compos, consors, egenus, exhæres, expers, fertilis, indigus, parcus, pauper, prodigus, sterilis.

4. With the ablative more frequently: Abundans, cassus, extorris, fœtus, frequens, gravis, gravidu, jejunus, liber, locuples, nudus, oneratus, onustus, orbus, pollens, solutus, truncus, viduus, and captus.

5. With both promiscuously: Copiosus, dives, fœcundus. ferax, immunis, inanis, inops, largus, modicus, immodicus, nimius, opulentus, plenus, potens, refertus, satur, vacuus, uber.

6 With a preposition; as, Copiosus, firmus, paratus, imparatus, inops, instructus, à re aliqua; for quod ad rem aliquam attinet, in or with respect to any thing. Extorris ab solo patrio, banished; Orba ab optimatibus concio, Liv. So pauper, tenuis, fœcun dus, modicus, parcus, in re aliqua ́ Immunis, inanis, liber, nundus, solutus, vacuus a re aliqua. Potens ad rem, & in re.


1. VERBS governing only one Case. 1. Verbs which govern the Genitive. XV. Sum, when it signifies possession, property, or duty, governs the genitive; as,

Est regis, It belongs to the king; It is the part or property of a king.

So Insipientis est di ere, non puthram. It is the part or property of a fool, &c. Militum est suo duci parere. It is the part or duty of soldiers, &c. Laudare se vani; vi tuperare stulti est, Sen. Hominis est errare; Arrogantis est negligere quid de se quis que sentiat, Cic. Pecus est Meliboei, Virg. Hæc sunt hominis, Ter. Pauperis est nu. merare pecus, Ovid. Temeritas est florentis ætatis, prudentia senectutis, Cic.

¶ Meum, tuum, suum, nostrum, vestrum, are excepted; as, Tuum est, It is your duty. Scio tuum esse, I know that it is your duty.

Obs. 1. These possessive pronouns are used in the neuter gender instead of their substantives, mei, tui, sui, nostri, vestri. Other possessives are also construed in this manner; as, Est regium, est humanum, the same with est regis, est hominis. Et facere et pati fortia, Romanum est. Liv. ii. 12.

Obs. 2. Here some substantive must he understood; as, officium, munus, res, negotium, opus, & which are sometimes expressed; as. Munus est principum; Tuum est hoc munus, Cie. Neutiquam offi ium libei esse hominis puto. Ter. In some cases, the preceding substantive may be repeated; as, Hic liber est (liber) fratris. In like maner, some substantive must be supplied in such expressions as these; Eu sunt modo gloriosa, neque patrondi belli, scil. causa or facta, Sall. Nihil tam æquandæ libertatis est, for ad æquandam libertatem perting, Liv.

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