Abbildungen der Seite

reading the Scriptures, the noble Chair- | land and Wales, but also in the West man offered a few remarks.

The Rev. C. J. Goodhart, the Secretary, then read the Report, which stated that the gross receipts of the Society, exclusive of the Jubilee Fund, amounted to £31,368, and the expenditure to £35,150. The Jubilee Fund, on the 31st of March, amounted to £1,018. The Report gave an interesting account of the operations of the Society during the year, and referred with devout gratitude to the large measure of success with which the God of Israel had crowned their labours during the past fifty years.

The Bishop of London ably moved the first resolution, and suggested the desirableness of educating young men of the Hebrew persuasion, who had embraced Christianity, to go abroad as missionaries. The Rev. Dr. Marsh seconded the resolution, and called on the assembly to aid the Society, not only with their purses, but by their prayers. The Rev. Dr. M'Neile supported the resolution, in an energetic speech; after which it was passed unanimously.

Other resolutions, urging increased exertions on the part of the meeting, having been adopted, a vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the business of the day.


THE Annual Soirée and Meeting of this Association was held on Monday, May 3rd, at the Milton Club, when G. W. Alexander, Esq., was called to the chair. The assembly having adjourned to the large room, the Chairman commenced the business of the evening, by offering a few remarks upon the necessity that existed for more vigorous efforts to promote the voluntary education of the people.

The Secretary read the Report, from which it appeared, that in the normal institutions connected with the Association upwards of 100 young persons had been trained for teaching, a considerable portion of whom were now engaged in the work. The Association had contributed liberal sums towards the establishment and support of schools, not only in Eng

Indies, where it has aided many of the schools connected with the London, Moravian, and Baptist Missionary Societies. The receipts for the past year, with a balance in hand of £272 13s. at the former audit, amounted to £731 2s. 6d., which, after all expenses being paid, left a balance of £282 14s. 2d. in the hands of the Treasurer.

The claims of this valuable Association upon the friends of voluntary education were very efficiently urged upon the audience by the Revs. D. Katterns, J. Curwen, H. Richards, A. Reed, J. H. Hinton, and W. Brock.


THE Twenty-second Anniversary Meeting of this Society was held in the Poultry Chapel, on Monday evening, May 17th, the Earl of Shaftesbury in the chair. A hymn having been sung, the Rev. Dr. Spence offered up prayer. The Rev. T. James read the Report, which gave a sketch of the Society's operations at Toronto, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town, Natal, Victoria, Tasmania, Sydney, Adelaide, &c. &c. The receipts for the year were stated to have exceeded those of any former year, the total amount being £6,544 13s. 6d., and the expenditure £5,569; leaving a balance in favour of the Society of £974 18s. 1d., which is absorbed by the amount due to the fund raised to meet the expenses of the outfit of the sixteen missionaries whom Mr. Poore came to England to obtain.

The noble Chairman then delivered one of the most admirable opening speeches out of the many we have had the pleasure of hearing from his Lordship, in which he bore distinct testimony to the importance and efficiency of the voluntary principle, set forth the necessity and value of providing for the spiritual instruction of of our colonial dependencies, and expressed the satisfaction it afforded him to co-operate with his Nonconformist brethren in carrying on the cause of God, whether at home or abroad.

The meeting, which we rejoiced to see so well attended, was effectively addressed by Mr. Baxter, M.P., F. J. Sargood, Esq. (of Victoria), the Revs S. M'All, T. Arnold, Newman Hall, F. Tomkins, and Dr. Archer.



THE Sixteenth Annual Meeting of this Society was held in Exeter Hall, on Wednesday evening, May 5th; Colonel Good. wyn in the chair. There was a large number of soldiers present. The Report stated that agents were employed in England, Scotland, and Ireland; and that two Scripture-readers had recently been sent out to India. Scripture-readers visited the barracks at Aldershott Camp, Brighton, Bristol, Deal, Dover, Exeter, Falmouth, Hampton-court, and numerous other places. The cash-statement showed receipts to the amount of £4,356 ls. 11d., which, after all expenses were paid, left a balance due to the Treasurer of £39 18s. 10d. The Report was adopted on the motion of Colonel Rawlinson, seconded by Mr. Joseph Payne.

Various resolutions having been passed, a vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the meeting.

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the Jubilee Memorial Building, which had been transferred to the Benevolent Fund. The sales at the Depository had amounted to £12,556 19s. 6d. A legacy of £200 had been left by Mrs. W. Flanders, who had long been a warm friend to Sunday-schools. The Report concluded by stating the painful fact that there are still more than 300,000 young persons in London alone, between five and fifteen years of age, who are not found in the Sunday-school; so that for every child inside there are two outside the walls. Mr. G. H. Davis, the Rev. Paxton Hood,

the Rev. Dr. Archer, the Rev. J. P. Cook (of Paris), the Rev. Newman Hall, and Mr. Charles Swallow addressed the meeting.

The morning conference was held at the Jubilee Building at seven o'clock, when the Committee, together with the officers of the London Auxiliaries and

branches, spent two hours in prayer, and in discussing important subjects connected with Sunday-school Instruction.


THE usual Annual Soirée in connexion with this Society was held on Tuesday evening, May 4th, in the Freemasons' Hall, where a numerous company assembled. Among those present, were the Rev. Drs. Campbell, Spence, Steane, Tidman, and the Revs. Messrs. Davies, Hall, Jobson, Lester, &c. Mr. Thomas Chambers, the Common Serjeant, occupied the chair. The Rev. Archdeacon Phillpott addressed the meeting, and

exhorted them to more unity.

The Rev. J. P. Cooke, as the representative of the French branch of that alliance, gave an account of the progress of religion in that country. The Rev. M.

Malan, the Rev. Dr. M'Crie, and others, also offered remarks on the importance of practically carrying out, as widely as possible, the spirit and principles of that Alliance, which had long proved an interesting bond of union among so many of the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.


THE Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the

supporters of this Society was held at Willis's Rooms, St. James's, on Monday morning, May 3rd, under the presidency of the Marquis of Cholmondeley. The Report stated that, during the past year, the Society had circulated 19,973 copies of the Scriptures amongst sailors, soldiers, and canal-boatmen. The number of Bibles and Testaments supplied exclusively to troops going to India had been 12,489. The Rev. G. R. Gleig, the Rev. Professor Browne, Major H. L. Powys, Colonel Aylmer, the Hon. Captain F. Maude, and others, spoke in high terms of the operations of this useful Society, and urged its claims to public support.



part in the affairs of a Society which he considered was doing much good. He dwelt at some length on the important feature in the Society's constitution that, to some extent, it was a medical missionary society, by which the wants of the body were attended to, as well as the wants of the soul. The effect of this arrangement had been very useful in China, where men had been brought to the knowledge of the gospel, by attending before the missionary to be cured of their bodily ills.

Mr. George Pearse, the Honorary Secretary, read the Report, which stated that the Society had sent out seven missionary brethren, and eight female missionaries, including the wives of those who are married, and had supported several native labourers, within little more than five years. Having drawn attention to the disturbed state of the in

ON Thursday evening, April 29th, the Annual Meeting of this Institution was held in Exeter Hall. The Right Hon. Lord Calthorpe presided, and in his open-ternal affairs of China, the Report proing address said it was difficult to overrate the value of Sunday-schools, and the importance of that institution. Mr. J. G. Fleet, the Corresponding Secretrary, read the Annual Report, which set forth the labours of the Committee in connexion with their publications, lectures, training classes, &c., and gave extracts from communications received from their friends in India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Bermudas, and the Bahama Islands, showing the progress and usefulness of the Society.

The meeting, which was well attended, and efficiently addressed by the Bishop of London, the Bishop of Cashel, the Rev. T. Nolan, B.D., and the Rev. W. Cadman, M.A., was closed with singing and prayer.


THE friends and supporters of this Society celebrated its anniversary by a public breakfast, at Freemasons' Hall, on Friday morning, April 30th, at eight o'clock, when Sir E. N. Buxton, M.P., presided. At the conclusion of the breakfast, the Annual Meeting was held. The chairman, in introducing the business of the day, expressed the great pleasure he felt in being allowed to take

ceeded to say, that Ningpo had been fixed upon as the centre of missionary operations in the north, where Dr. Parker was still labouring most successfully as medical missionary; that his temporary hospital was generally filled by patients, and that several of them had been received into the church. Dr. Pruen, at Penang, reports 11 individuals baptized during the year, and the schools are said to contain 92 boys and 38 girls. The receipts for the year were £1,606 8s., and the expenditure £1,366 78. 1d.

The Hon. and Rev. B. Noel, Lieut.Col. Rowlandson, Captain Fishbourne, and others, addressed the meeting, and showed that the state of China at the present moment was such as to stimulate and encourage us to do all we could to forward the great work of evangelization in that vast country.


THE Fifty-third Annual Meeting of this Society was held at the School-rooms, Borough-road, on Monday, May 10th; Lord John Russell in the chair.

After the customary examination, which was highly satisfactory, the business commenced by the Secretary reading the Report. 252 young persons have at

tended the classes of the Normal College during the year; of these 102 have been appointed to schools. In the Model Schools, the average daily attendance of boys is 603, of girls 350; the total admitted since these schools were opened is 62,102. During the year, 119 grants of money and school materials have been made to schools at home and in the colonies. Ten Ragged Schools have been thus assisted. The receipts for the year were £10,169 9s. 8d., and the expenditure amounted to £10,228 16s. 3d.

The Earl of Glanville, Earl Ducie, Rev. Mr. Taggart, Rev. Dr. Angus, Rev. W. Cadman, Mr. Robert Forster, and others took part in the animated proceedings of the day.


ON Monday evening, May 10th, the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of this So

| ciety was held in the large room, Exeter Hall, the Earl of Shaftesbury presiding.

Mr. W. Locke read the Report, which stated that the number of schools in connexion with the Union was 135 Sundayschools, having 20,500 scholars; 98 dayschools, with 14,390 scholars; and 131 week-evening schools, with 8,650 scholars. The number of voluntary teachers was 2,580, and the number of paid teachers 328. From the last cash-statement it appeared that, including a balance in hand of £758 11s. 5d., the income amounted to £6,518 68. 1d., of which a balance remained, after paying all expenses, of £874 108.

On the motion of the Rev. Canon Miller, seconded by the Rev. Mr. Graham, the Report was adopted.

Other resolutions having been passed, a vote of thanks to the noble Chairman concluded the proceedings.

The remaining Anniversaries will be noticed next month.


THE usual May meeting of the Trustees of the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE was held at the Milton Club, on Wednesday, May 12th, after the missionary sermon at Surrey Chapel.

Various suggestions were offered as to the best means of extending our circulation. Among others we deem the following, made by the Rev. John Angel James, worthy of special notice-that the wealthy widows in our congregations should take several copies monthly, which they might give, or lend, to the widows in their several neighbourhoods, who

are not able to purchase it for themselves.

When it is remembered that for each additional thousand copies sold monthly, the trustees are enabled to make grants to eight or ten more widows, it must be obvious that, beyond the intrinsic value of the magazine, its wide circulation is a matter in which all our Christian friends should feel the deepest interest.

We trust that our friends will not lose sight of this simple way in which they can show their sympathy for their sisters in affliction.

Missionary Magazine




Ox the recurrence of another Anniversary of our time-honoured Society, we have especial cause to thank God and take courage, on the review of the manifold mercies which have been mingled with the trying experiences of the past year. During the crisis of the revolt in India, nothing short of the destruction of some of our most flourishing Missions could be anticipated; but our fears have been rebuked, and a gracious Providence has so ordered events that this great catastrophe has been rendered instrumental in stimulating the zeal and efforts of British Christians for the wider spread of the Gospel in that country. And further, through the discoveries of Dr. Livingstone, in Central South Africa, a way has been opened for the messengers of mercy into regions hitherto inaccessible to the light of truth. In other parts, also, of the Mission field, witnesses have risen up to testify to the grace of God, in converting sinners from the error of their way, and in building up believers in their most holy faith. Moreover, the various Services connected with the Anniversary, have been characterised by an earnest tone of piety, and by a concentration of aim and purpose which, under the Divine blessing, form the best guarantee for the success of our plans and efforts in furtherance of the Gospel, while the numerous attendance on the Public Meeting at Exeter Hall, and the sustained interest with which the statements of the various speakers were listened to, serve to attest that the cause of Missions retains a strong hold upon the judgment and affections of the friends and constituents of the Society.


New Broad Street Chapel.-An early Morning Prayer Meeting was held, specially to implore the Divine blessing on the several Services of the Anniversary.

Weigh House Chapel.—Service for the Juvenile Friends of the Society. Rev. R. BRUCE, of Huddersfield, commenced with reading and prayer. Rev. R. W. DALE, A.M., of Birmingham, preached from Matt. iv. 8-10. The Service was concluded by Rev. JOHN HALLETT, of Norwich.


Fetter Lane Welsh Chapel.-A Sermon in the Welsh language was preached by Rev. THOMAS JONES, of Moriston, Glamorganshire, from Acts i. 8.


Surrey Chapel.-After the usual Liturgical Service, which was read by Rev. NEWMAN HALL, prayer was offered by Rev. JAMES SHERMAN, of Blackheath. Rev. ENOCH MELLOR,


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