Innovation and Visualization: Trajectories, Strategies, and Myths

Rodopi, 2005 - 271 Seiten
Amy Ione's Innovation and Visualization is the first in detail account that relates the development of visual images to innovations in art, communication, scientific research, and technological advance. Integrated case studies allow Ione to put aside C.P. Snow's "two culture" framework in favor of cross-disciplinary examples that refute the science/humanities dichotomy. The themes, which range from cognitive science to illuminated manuscripts and media studies, will appeal to specialists (artists, art historians, cognitive scientists, etc.) interested in comparing our image saturated culture with the environments of earlier eras. The scope of the examples will appeal to the generalist.

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Autoren-Profil (2005)

Amy Ione is currently the Director of The Diatrope Institute, a California-based group that disseminates information and engages in research exploring art, science and visual studies. She has published extensively on art, science and technology relationships. Ione's artwork has been exhibited extensively in the United States and Europe, and is found in many collections.

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