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With great respect and esteem, your obe 123 rank and file passed this place this

dient servant,

EDMUND P. GAINES, Brig. Gen. Com'g. The Hon. John Armstrong, the Sec'ry of War. From the Buffalo Gazette, August 16. SPLENDID DEFENCE OF FORT ERIE. We take great pleasure in presenting our readers with the following glorious and interesting news from our gallant army at Fort Erie, received last evening from undoubted authority:

morning, for Greenbush. Colonel Drummond and six or seven officers were killed, one Dep. Q. M. Gen. (said to be captain Elliot). and two platoon officers, prisoners. Our loss, in killed does not exceed twenty, most of which we learn are of the artillery. We regret to state, that captain Williams and lieutenant M'Donough, of the artillery, are killed; lieutenant Fontaine, missing, supposed taken prisoner.

Some of our officers were wounded, but we have not learned their names.

On Sunday evening lieutenant general From the circumstance of the enemy's Drummond made his dispositions for storm- main body lying within grape and canister ing Fort Erie. About half-past 2 o'clock distance from the fort, their loss must be yesterday morning the attack commenced very severe, greater than what is mentioned from three coloums, one directed against the in the above estimation. The enemy's wagFort, one against Towson's battery, and the gons were uncommonly active yesterday third moved up the river in order to force a morning in removing the wounded. passage between the Fort and river. The The prisoners are of the 8th, 100th, 103d, column that approached the Fort succeeded 104th, and De Watteville's regiments, and a in gaining the rampart, after having been few sailors.

several times repulsed; when about 300 of It is impossible for us in this sketch, to them had gained the works and made a say anything of the individual skill and galstand, an explosion from some unknown lantry of the officers, or the steady bravery cause completely cleared the ramparts of the of the men engaged in this glorious defence; enemy, the most of whom were utterly de- we presume all did their duty. Brigadier stroyed. The column that moved to attack general Gaines commanded the fort. the south (or Towson's) battery made desperate charges, but were met with such firmness by our artillery and infantry, as to be compelled to fall back-they advanced a second and third time with great resolution, but being met with such distinguished gallantry, they gave way and retired. The column that marched up the river, were repulsed before they assaulted the batteries.

Our army at fort Erie continues almost daily to skirmish with the enemy, which is principally confined to the attack of pickets on both sides. There has been more or less

cannonading every day during the week past, without any material advantage to either. On Wednesday a party of riflemen under captain Birdsall, attacked and drove in the enemy's picket; they lost from fifteen Shortly after the explosion, the enemy to twenty killed. We lost only one man.finding their efforts to gain the Fort or carry On Friday major Morgan with a detachment the batteries, unaviling, withdrew his forces from his rifle corps attacked the enemy in from the whole line, and retreated to the the skirts of the woods back of the fort; and woods. The action continued one hour and after a brisk musketry of some time returned an half, during which (except the short in- to the fort, with the loss of ten or twelve kil terval that the enemy occupied the ramparts) led, among whom, we regret to say, was that the artillery from that fort and batteries excellent officer major Lodowick Morgan, of kept up a most destructive fire, as well on the 1st rifle regiment, who so gallantly rethe main body of the enemy as on the at- pulsed the enemy at Conjockety Creek, on tacking columns. These colums were com- the morning of the 3d instant. He was inposed of the best of the British army, terred at Buffalo, on Saturday, with all the volunteers from every corps, the forlorn hope. honour due to his rank and distinguished The enemy's loss is estimated at rising 800. bravery.

Our fleet on Lake Ontario, to the number the examples of ardor and firmness set them of nine sail arrived off fort Niagara about by their commanders.

In the action at the Falls of Niagara,

eight or ten days since. The Sylph, said to be the swiftest sailer on the lake, gave chase Captain Ketchum is again distinguished, in to a British brig, which being unable to being detached by Colonel Jessup to the rear escape, was abandoned and blown up. From of the enemy's line, supported by the Lieut. every appearance she was loaded with muni- Colonel with the 5th regiment, formed at tions of war,, intended for the British forts. right angles, with the enemy's left flank, Commodore Chauncey commands the fleet, and keeping watch over the British regiment whose health is fast improving. Three of of dragoons, drawn up on a parallel line on the enemy's small vessels lie in Niagara his right. Thus did Ketchum under cover river, blockaded by our fleet. of the night, between two lines of the enemy,

We have the unpleasant task to inform seize a party of British officers and men, the public of the loss of two United States among whom were Major General Riall, and schooners lying near Fort Erie, by capture. an aid of Lieutenant General Drummond, It appears that the enemy fitted out an ex-(the Lieutenant General having narrowly pedition of nine boats, on the lake above escaped,) and bring them safely to his Fort Erie, and made a simultaneous attack Colonel. Soon after Captain Ketchum had upon our three schooners; the Porcupine obtained from general Riall his name, and succeeded in beating them off; the Somers expressed to him his happiness at meeting and Ohio were captured, and taken down with him-the General is said to have inthe river, below the point, near Frenchman's quired, "where is the General ?" creek. The Porcupine sailed on Sunday for Erie.

We learn that Captain Dobbs, of the British royal navy, commanded the party which captured the Somers and Ohio.

General Riall when at Buffalo, sent his sword with a polite note, to lieutenant Colonel Jessup--the lieutenant Colonel was there on account of his wounds.

The defeat at Fort Erie, disastrous as it The Repulse at Conjocta was, was felt even more severely from the cir


We have been correctly informed of particulars of the heroism of captain Ketchum of the 25th regiment, whose name has cumstance of a similar repulse, although not received the just applause of the public-attended with such loss of life, at Conjocta though, it is regretted by his fellow-officers, Creek, near Black Rock. We admit readily that he has not been honoured with a brevet that the intention of the British General to from the government. The gallant conduct effect a diversion here and carry the batteries of this young officer on the 5th of July, has at Black Rock was defeated, but we cannot been set forth by general Scott. The parti- permit Major Morgan's statement as to culars which reflect on him honours equally numbers to pass unnoticed. The Major high, are, that in the month of June previ- declares that the British numbered from ous he had marched his company from the twenty to fifteen hundred men, the actual rendezvous at Hartford--a full company of number having been four hundred and sixty. recruits, assembled by him under special It was quite unnecessary for Major Morgan authority from the commanding officer of to have increased the force opposed to him, the regiment, to form a flank company, par- in sum or ratio, as every one will readily ticularly dressed and equipped, and drilled admit the fact of his having, with little by him for light service-and all young men. better than half the number defeated an The intrepid conduct of these men, so lately attack which involved great results. Major from the interior in opposing three times Morgan's report*will be found below in our their force, when operating by themselves notes :— on that day, completely proves that the good conduct, of our soldiers, however inexperienced, will depend, as in the instance of the gallant leader of this detachment upon



FORT, ERIE, August 5th 1814. Having been stationed with the 1st battalion of the 1st regiment of Riflemen at Black Rock;

on Lake Erie.

American journals were loud in their Talbot on that lake; and robbed 50 heads Outrage at Port Talbot, condemnation of the of families of all their horses, and of every severities and atrocities article of household furniture, and wearing practised by the British in the Chesapeake, apparel, belonging to them. The number but are most careful never to allow that of individuals who were thus thrown naked Americans could be guilty of similar "atro- and destitute upon the world, amounted to cities." We find. however, on the authority 49 men, 37 women,-three of the latter, and of Mr. James, that an occurrence took place two of the former, nearly 70 years of age, on Lake Erie which we believe will parallel-and 148 children. A great many of the anything, however bad, that ever occurred more respectable inhabitants were not only along the shores of the Chesapeake. We robbed, but carried off as prisoners: among give the affair in Mr. James's words:- them, a member of the house of assembly,

Mr. Barnwell, though ill of fever and

The Americans will not allow us to give ague. An authenticated account of this an uninterruppted detail of open and honora- most attrocious proceeding, delivered in by ble warfare. Among several petty outrages colonel Talbot, the owner of the settlement, upon private property, one that occurred on stands upon the records of the "Loyal and Lake Erie is too heinous to pass unnoticed. Patriotic Society of Upper Canada;" yet On the 16th of August, a party of about not a whisper on the subject has escaped 100 Americans and Indians landed at Port-any one American Historian.


on the evening of the 2d instant, I observed the to have been torn to bind their wounds. British army moving up the river on the op- took six prisoners, who stated the British force posite shore, and su pected they might make opposed to us, to consist of from 12 to 1500 a feint on Fort Erie, with an intention of a men, commanded by lieutenant colonel Tucker, real attack on the Buffalo side. I immediately moved and took a position on the upper side of Conjocta Creek, and that night threw up a battery of some logs, which I found on the ground, and had the bridge torn away.

of the 41st regiment. They also state that their object was to re-capture general Riall, with other British prisoners, and destroy the public stores deposited at Buffalo. The action continued about two hours and half. I am happy About 2 o'clock the next morning, my to state they were completely failed in their picquets from below gave me information of the attempts. Our loss is trifling compared with landing of nine boats full of troops, half-a-mile theirs--we had two killed and eight wounded. below. I immediately got my men (240 in I am sorry to inform you that captain Hamilnumber) to their quarters, and patiently waited ton, lieutenants Wadsworth and M'Intosh are their approach. At a quarter past four they acngst the latter. Their gallantry in exadvanced upon us, and commenced the attack; posing themselves to encourage their men, I sending a party before to repair the bridge under think entitles them to the notice of their the cover of their fire. When they had got at country. My whole command behaved in a good rifle distance, I opened a heavy fire on them, manner that merited my warmest approbation; which laid a number of them on the ground, and in justice to them, I cannot avoid menand compelled them to retire. They then tioning the names of the officers which are formed in the skirt of the wood, and kept up as follwos:-Captain Hamilton, lieutenants the fight at long shot, coatinually reinforcing Wadsworth, Ryan, Calhoun, M'Intosh, Arnold, from the Canada shore, until they had 23 boat Shortride, M'Farland, Tipton, Armstrong, loads, and then attempted to outflank us, by send-Smith, Cobbs, Davidson and Austin, with ensign ing a large body up the creek to ford it, when Page. I detached lieuts. Ryan, Smith and Armstrong, with about 60 men, to oppose their left wing, where they were again repulsed with consider able loss-after which they appeared disposed to give up their object, and retreated by throwing six boat loads of troops on Squaw Island, which enfiladed the creek, and prevented me from harassing their rear. Their superior numbers enabled them to take their killed and wounded off the field which we plainly saw, and observed they suffered severely. We found Wounded, some of their dead thrown into the river, and Killed, covered with logs and stones, and some on the field. We also collected a number of muskets and accoutrements, with clothing that appeared

If, sir, you believe we have done our duty, we shall feel highly gratified.

I am, sir, respectfully, our obedient servant.
Major 1st rifle Regiment

Major-General Brown.
RECAPITULATIOn of our Killed and Wounded.
Captain, Subalterns, Rank and file.














The fortification at Fort Erie repaired.-General
Brown's boasts of victory.-Skirmish at
Lyon's Creek.-Armstrong and Ingersol on
General Izzard.—Passamaquoddy Bay and
the events in that quarter.

rence, Niagara, Lady Prevost, Caledonia and Porcupine.

Reduced as General Drummond was by the losses at Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, and Fort Erie, the arrival of the 6th and 82nd regiments, mustering some one thousand and forty men was insufficient to place him in a

Little time was lost by the Americans, position to threaten so formidable a post,

especially as he had been compelled to send
six companies of the 41st to Fort George,
and what was left of the 103rd to Burling-
ton, thus leaving himself in point of num-
very little stronger than before.

The fortification at Fort after General DrumErie repair. mond's repulse, in commencing the re-construction of the defences at Fort Erie, injured by the explosion; the completion also of the new works that were in course of erection, at the time of the The heavy and constant rains, and the low assault, was pressed on so rapidly that, in a swampy grounds on which the army had been very short space of time, they were able to so long encamped, and the privations they had boast that "Fort Erie was rendered impreg- undergone, spread typhus and intermittent nable to the attacks of any other than a vastly fevers amongst the troops, to such an extent superior force." These defences were mount- that General Drummond, so far from being ed with twenty-seven heavy guns, and the able to assume the offensive, was compelled garrison was reinforced by new levies of to act most cautiously on the defensive. militia. It almost appeared from the strength The position of the two armies was, at this of the reinforcements as if the Americans time, as follows:-The Americans occupied were resolved at all hazards to keep posses- Fort Erie with their rear covered by the sion of Fort Erie as a sort of equipoise to ships. The British batteries were placed the British holding Fort Niagara. We learn directly in front, but strange to say were from "sketches of the war" that three hun- guarded only by a line of piquets, the main dred and twenty regulars arrived in the St. body being about a mile and a half to the Lawrence from Lake Huron; a company of rear; we presume that this position was riflemen from Sandusky; and several other taken up by General Drummond on account detachments of regulars from Batavia and of the ground being somewhat higher and Sackett's Harbour, giving in all a force of less swampy.

three thousand four hundred men, and besides From the 1st to the 17th September little these large numbers the Fort was protected, occurred of consequence, except a few trifling lakeward, by the broadsides of the St. Law-affairs of piquets, but General Brown, who

had by this time entirely recovered from his piquets between No. 2 and No. 3 batteries, wounds, having learned from stragglers the and, having succeeded in penetrating by No. sickly condition of General Drummond's 4 piquet, part of his force turned to his left. army, and that the General was meditating and thereby surrounded our right, and got the removal of his forces to a healthier lo- almost immediate possession of No. 3 battery. cality, determined to anticipate the move- The enemy then directed his attacks, with a ments, and to gain the credit of having very superior force, towards No. 2 battery; compelled the retreat. On the afternoon of but the obstinate resistance made by the the 17th he accordingly advanced with a piquets, under every possible disadvantage, large force, and succeeded after a gallant delayed considerably his getting possession resistance in carrying the whole line of bat- of No. 2 battery; in which, however, he at teries. The Americans were, however, not last succeeded. permitted sufficient time to destroy the works, As soon as the alarm was given, the 1st indeed they were not even able to spike the brigade, being next for support, composed of guns, as detachments of the Royal Scots, the the Royal Scots, the 82nd and 89th regiments, 89th, the Glengary light infantry, three com- under Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon, received panies of the 6th and seven companies of the orders to march forward; and also the light 82nd now made their appearance, and drove demi-brigade under Lieutenant-Colonel the enemy, at the bayonets' point, from the Pearson: the 6th regiment remaining in batteries nearly to the glacis of Fort Erie, reserve, under Lieutenant-Colonel Campmaking several prisoners in the charge and bell. From the Concession-road, the pursuit. By five o'clock the works were Royal Scots, with the 89th as support, again occupied and the line of piquets moved by the new road, and met the renewed.

As will be seen by General De Watteville's letter to General Drummond the loss of the British in this affair was very severe. The Americans acknowledge a total loss of five hundred and ten killed, wounded and pri


enemy near the block-house, on the right of No. 3 battery; whom they engaged, and, by their steady and intrepid conduct checked his further progress. The 82d regiment, and three companies of the 6th regiment, were detached to the left, in order to support Nos. 1 and 2 batteries. The enemy having, at that time, possession of No. 2 battery, and still pushing forward, seven companies of the 82d, under major Proctor, and the three companies of the 6th, under major Taylor, received directions to SIR, I have the honor to report to you, oppose the enemy's forces, and immediately that the enemy attacked, on the 17th in the charged them with the most intrepid braafternoon at three o'clock, our position be- very, driving them back across our entrenchfore Fort Erie, the 2nd brigade, under colonel ments; and also from No. 2 battery, thereby Fischer, composed of the 8th and de Watte- preventing their destroying it, or damaging ville's regiments, being on duty. its guns in a considerable degree. Lieu

Despatch from Major-General De Watterille,
to Lieutenant-General Drummond.
Camp before Fort-Erie,
Sept. 19, 1814.

Under cover of a heavy fire of his artillery tenant-Colonel Pearson, with the Glengarry from Fort Erie, and much favoured by the light infantry, under Lieutenant-Colonel nature of the ground, and also by the state Battersby, pushed forward by the centreof the weather, the rain falling in torrents road, and attacked, and carried, with great at the moment of his approach, the enemy gallantry, the new entrenchment, then in succeeded in turning the right of our line full possession of the enemy.

of piquets, without being perceived, and The enemy, being thus repulsed at every with a very considerable force, attacked point, was forced to retire with precipitation both the piquets and support, in the flank to their works, leaving several prisoners, and and rear: at the same time, another of the a number of their wounded in our hands. enemy's columns attacked, in front, the By five o'clock the entrenchments were again

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