Introspection in Second Language Research

Claus Færch, Gabriele Kasper
Multilingual Matters, 1987 - 293 Seiten

This book presents a new solution to one of the major methodological problems of second language research, the reconstruction of learners' processes of language learning and language use. Based on recent developments in cognitive psychology, the contributors to the volume demonstrate how introspective methods - verbal reports by learners about their thought processes - provide valuable information about central areas in second language research: cognitive comprehension, translation and test-taking.

Im Buch


Verbal Reports on Thinking
On the Methodological Basis of Introspective Methods
Using Verbal Reports in Research on Language Learning

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Testing Second Language Speaking
Glenn Fulcher
Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2003

Autoren-Profil (1987)

Gabriele Kasper is Professor of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. Her current research is concerned with social interaction in multilingual contexts, including second language learning and assessment, the social side of cognition and emotion, and the application of conversation analysis to standard social science research methods. Her most recent co-edited volumes are Assessing Second Language Pragmatics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) and Emotion in Multilingual Interaction (John Benjamins, in press).

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