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THE EDWARDS, KINGS OF ENGLAND (11 S. i. 501).-In his interesting notes at the above reference MR. A. S. ELLIS employs a term which, as a Scot, I cannot allow to pass unchallenged. Edward the Elder," says MR. ELLIS, I was himself the first who extended his authority over the whole of Great Britain."



Sir Thomas Allin (his name is often incorrectly given as Allen), who was commander-in-chief of the English fleet in 1670, and whose principal duty at that time was to overawe the piratical Barbary cruisers, writes to Williamson on 26 August, 1670, and gives a most spirited relation of an encounter with Turks with the object of freeing these prisoners, and he supplies a list of 62 for Non inultus premor! Here we have whom he had just secured freedom-S. P. reasserted the claim in successfully resisting Dom. Car. II. 278 (50). See also in this which my countrymen waged almost incesconnexion "A True Relation of the Victory sant war for three hundred years. The sole of His Majesties Fleet......against the basis for that claim is the well-known passage Pyrates of Algiers....taken out of the in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ad ann. Letters of Sir Thomas Allin. T. Newcomb 924. Be it far from me to join issue. in a in the Savoy. 1670"; and a less painful matter whereon so much blood and ink has story which is given in "The Adven- been shed in the past; but I venture tures of Mr. T. S., an English Merchant respectfully to ask how MR. ELLIS can taken prisoner by the Turks of Argiers justify the use of the term "Great Britain " [sic] and carried into the In land countries as applied to any dominion in the tenth of Africa. Moses Pitt in Little Britain. century. 1670."

That munificent lady of the seventeenth century known as Alice, Duchess Dudley (wife of Sir Robert Dudley, and created Duchess Dudley in her own right 23 May, 1645), left money for the relief of captives in the hands of the Turks :

"Alice, Dutchess Dudley, who died at her house near St. Giles Church, Holborn, 22 Jan., 1668/9, bequeathed £100 a year for ever for the redemption of Christian captives out of the hands of the Turks. She also bequeathed 6d. apiece to every indigent person meeting her corpse on the road from London to Stoneley (Stoneleigh, Warwickshire), where she was buried."-S. P. Dom. Car. II.

Some people made capital out of Charles II.'s letter, for in December, 1670, there appeared an announcement that as the letters patent granted

"to make collections to redeem Turkish captives are now expired, the persons still collecting money thereon are to be apprehended, and punished according to law."-S. P. Dom. Car. II. 281 (118).

The best general history of England's relations with Tangier in 1670 is found in 'Tangier as a Naval Station, viz., the twenty-second chapter of England in the Mediterranean, 1603-1713, by Julian Corbett, 1904. A. L. HUMPHREYS.

187, Piccadilly, W.

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MR. SWEETMAN will find much to interest him in two papers on 'Devonshire Briefs' written by Dr. T. N. Brushfield, F.S.A., and published in the Transactions of the Devonshire Association for 1895 and 1896. FRED. C. FROST, F.S.I.


[W. S. S. also thanked for reply.]

If he means to imply the territory now known by that name, I would remind him. that the designation was used for the first time officially by James VI. and I., who, greatly to the displeasure of his English subjects and in the very teeth of the highest legal opinion, instituted the new title by royal warrant in 1604, although the judges declared that all legal processes would thereby be invalidated.

That, however, cannot be MR. ELLIS'S meaning in the phrase "the whole of Great Britain, for the Western Isles were not ceded by the King of Norway till 1266, and Orkney and Shetland were not incorporated in the Scottish realm till 1471. If we assume (for argument's sake, but without prejudice) that the statement in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is correct in the main (though it varies in detail in the seven extant copies), and that Edward the Elder did acquire the suzerainty of the Kingdom of Alba (the title


Scotia or Scotland was not in use until the following century), the utmost that can be claimed is that his authority was conterminous with the realm of Constantin II., which only comprised the district between Forth and Clyde on the south and the Helmsdale

and Inver rivers on the north, from sea to sea, but without the adjacent islands. And although the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle' (the sole authority) asserts that Regnwald 'of Northumbria and the King of the Strathclyde Welsh also submitted, it is certain that King Edward's writs would not have run in Caithness, Moray, Ross, and Galloway.

What we reckon to be the true nativity of the Kingdom of Scotland is 15 August, 1057, one hundred and thirty-two years

after Edward the Elder's death, on which for the use of English-speaking people, day King Malcolm Ceann-mor defeated and enable the querist to find what he wants? slew the usurper Macbeth at Lumphannan. Such a work is the "New Dictionary of Founding upon Edward the Elder's alleged Foreign Phrases, comprising extracts from suzerainty over part of North Britain in the great writers, idioms, proverbs, maxims, tenth century, the Norman and Plantagenet mottoes, technical words and terms, press kings claimed supremacy over the entire allusions, &c. &c. Edited by H. P. Jones," realm of Scotland in the twelfth, thirteenth, new edition, London, Deacon & Co., 1902. and fourteenth centuries, but failed to Cassell's Book of Quotations,' edited by establish it. HERBERT MAXWELL. Benham, and Hoyt and Ward's 'Cyclopædia lists of phrases, proverbs, maxims, and of Practical Quotations also contain long reflections from French, German, Italian, and Spanish sources. A considerable number of humorous and patriotic sentiments might be gleaned from works like these. But perhaps still more suitable for the purpose required would be "The Library of Humour, emanating from the Walter Scott Publishing Company, and including The Humour of France, of Germany, Italy, and Spain, in separate volumes. W. ŚCOTT. CHARLES II.:

BATH KING OF ARMS (11 S. i. 510). This is perfectly correct. When the Order of the Bath was reconstituted by writ of Privy Seal, 18 May, 11. Geo. I., i.e., 1725, one of the officers then specifically appropriated to the Order was the King of Arms.

Grey Longueville, F.S.A., was the first Bath King of Arms, and was appointed 1 June, 1725. In the January following the King by his sign manual created Longueville "Gloucester King of Arms, and Principal Herald of the parts of Wales," this appointment being then vacant, and ordained that this office of Gloucester shall be inseparably annexed, united, and perpetually consolidated with the office of Bath King of Arms "; and in the same letters patent (14 January, 1725/6) Longueville was also created Hanover Herald.

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See Hugh Clark's 'History of Knight. hood, 1784, vol. i. pp. 77-91, and Mark Noble's History of the College of Arms, 1805, pp. 366–7.

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Bath King of Arms, though not a member of the College, takes precedence next after Garter. The office was created in 1725 for the service of the Order of the Bath. He has a crown like the other Kings of Arms, and a peculiar costume directed by the Statutes of the Order. See Parker's 'Glossary of Heraldry.' J. BAGNALL.

[LEO. C. also thanked for reply.]

TOASTS AND SENTIMENTS (11 S. i. 406).– Collections of toasts and sentiments, even in English, are not very common. I have noted only one such collection in 1789, 6 The Toast-Master: : being a Genteel Collection of Sentiments and Toasts,' a sixpenny pamphlet, published in London, which subsequently did duty, under a slightly altered title, as a Scottish chapbook.

My imperfect acquaintance with foreign. publications prevents me from saying definitely whether or not there are collections in French, German, Italian, Spanish, or Scandinavian. But would not a good dictionary of quotations and foreign phrases, published

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BOOK PURCHASES SAMUEL MEARNES (11 S. i. 481).-When I transcribed the purchases made for the library of Charles II. by Samuel Mearnes, I was not aware of the work done by Mr. Cyril Davenport of the British Museum, nor of his beautifully produced life of Samuel Mearnes, the royal bookbinder. Therein he gives full details of his remarkable career, and states that some of his book-lists had been discovered. Fortunately, however, those printed in 'N. & Q.' are new to him. C. C. STOPES.

PAUL KESTER (11 S. i. 448) is a resident of Gunston, Virginia, U.S.A., and can be reached by letter addressed to him there. JOHN T. LOOMIS.

1726, Corcoran Street, Washington, D.C.

INITIALS ON RUSSIAN IKON (11 S. i. 487). -I suggest that L. L. K. is right in reading a tse, but that this is followed by an Old Slavonic letter derived from the Greek

ira, and consisting of a single perpendicular

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stroke. This combination with a mark of contraction (like a Z lying on its side) stands for Tsar Judeiski, King of the help L. L. K., if he will send me a copy of the Jews." If this is not right, I can perhaps letters on a post-card.

FRED. G. ACKERLEY. Grindleton Vicarage, Clitheroe.

I would suggest to L. L. K. that the Russian initials TSC (the Ts forming one letter in the Russian) and HC, that is TsS and NS, may stand for Tsarstvo Nebesnoe, the heavenly kingdom, or the kingdom of


heaven, tsarstvo signifying kingdom. There Before the negotiations with the English is little or no difference between the Russian commanders began, and the Church Slavonic form of the letter tse. There is no letter s in either language in the equivalents to our Nazarene and Nazareth. H. RAYMENT.

"CANABULL BLUE SILKE 22 (11 S. i. 488).Might I suggest that the first word may be a misreading or mistranscript of " Changabull"-changeable? That which is now called "shot silk " was in olden time known 89 "changeable silk," and is not infrequently mentioned.

George Meriton in his Nomenclator Clericalis, 1685, 8vo, gives a fairly long list of fabrics, and for the silks mentions "Silk, Sleave Silk, Changeable Silk, Flowred Silk, Strip'd Silk, Silk Crape, Say, or thin Silk, Damask Silk."

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The Law-Latin Dictionary,' 1718, 8vo, also mentions "A Garment of Changeable Silk."

"Mas antes que estas cosas se tratasen ni concluyesen con el General, siendo convidado Mateo Márquez Gaitan del coronel padrastro del Conde [i.e., Sir Christopher Blount, stepfather to the Earl of Essex] y con ellos Antonio Estandec [Standen], el cual habia servido S.M. en estos reinos, y el Conde de Sigues [Essex] y otros dos coroneles....

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In 'Acts of the Privy Council of England, 1596-7, p. 368, is a letter to Richarde Hickman (for payment of a private debt) :

"Whereas you were to paie a certaine somme of money to Sir Anthony Standen, knight, and should have given him assuraunce for the same, which you have not performed by reason of his goinge in the voyage of Cales [Cadiz]....'

These two references probably relate to
the same person.

MODERN NAMES DERIVED FROM LATINIZED FORMS: GALFRID (11 S. i. 186, 338, 436, JOHN HODGKIN. 494). The Kentish Gazette, 4 September, 66 1804, announced the death, at her house

By this phrase would not canopy-blue silk be intended, that is, canopy-of-heaven on Richmond-green, Surry, in the 88th year of her age, [of] Mrs. Mann, widow of blue? "Canopy " occurs amongst old late Galfridus Mann, Esq." writers as a synonym for the overhanging R. J. FYNMORE. firmament, as appears from several passages in the N.E.D., 8.v. The word is also met with in the forms canape," 'canaby," "cannabie," &c.

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22 66


Yet another Galfrid, and a very early one, emerges from the dim past. Blomefield, the historian of Norfolk, records the fact that one Galfrid Kemp was living at Norwich the surname, he is silent as to the Christian in 1272; but though he elaborately explains


Walpole's friends Galfridus Mann and his
The querist probably remembers Horace
son Galfrid.
Y. T.

COURT LEET: MANOR COURT (10 S. vii. 327, 377; viii. 16, 93, 334, 413).-Under this head it may be worthy of record that The Hampstead and Highgate Express of 11 June contains an interesting account of the proceedings in connexion with the "Summer General Court Baron and Court AUTHOB OF QUOTATION WANTED (11 S. Leet" of the manor of Hampstead. After i. 508). The lines which GAMMA asks about the usual quaint ceremonies had been are from the exquisite poem At Last,' enacted, the company adjourned to famous by that poet of the American people John "Jack Straw's Castle" for luncheon. Toasts, Greenleaf Whittier. They were written with speeches, followed, the chairman tracing in anticipation of the time when his feet the history of the ancient manor from the should pass days of its charter a very instructive survey he seeks for is for his good and ill to be to paths unknown." All unreckoned, and that there may be found for him

of a notable suburb. Junior Athenæum Club.


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SIR ANTHONY AND ANTHONY STANDEN (11 S. i. 388, 469).-An, Anthony Standen who had been in the service of Philip II. is mentioned at p. 146 of the Historia del Saqueo de Cádiz por los Ingleses en 1596, escrita por Fr. Pedro de Abreu, religioso del Orden de S. Francisco," a contemporary account, but not published until 1866 at Cadiz (Taylorian Library, Oxford).




Some humble door among Thy many mansions, so that he may find at last " The life for which I long.

Pickard in his life of Whittier (vol. ii. .p. 690) states that

At Last' for The Atlantic, Whittier writes: "As "in sending to T. B. Aldrich the copy of the poem the expression of my deepest religious feeling it may not be without interest, and it may help some

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[MR. J. ELIOT HODGKIN, MR. T. C. MCMICHAEL, aid the REV. J. WILLCOCK also thanked for replies.] EDWARD =

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IORWERTH: IORWERTH VII. (11 S. i. 387, 490).—MR. MAYHEW's partial solution of the Iorwerth-Edward problem is very welcome. There is no phonetic reason why medieval Welshmen should not have said Edward. Edwart would perhaps have been slightly easier for them, and that form does appear in 1565, in the dedication of a Radnorshire parish church, yn Ref y Clawdd," to St. Edward the King. The form Iorwert adduced by MR. KREBS from Aneurin Owen's Ancient Laws was doubt less intended for Iorwerth. The oldest MS. of the laws of Hywel Dda, namely, 'The Black Book of Chirk,' was written c. A.D. 1200. At that time Welsh orthography was undergoing great alteration, and the scribe of The Black Book' had particular difficulty with the dental aspirates. For instance, he wrote pet, pedh, and peht, as well as the true form peth: cf. Dr. J. G. Evans's Report on MSS. in the Welsh Language,' i. 359.

With regard to MR. MAYHEW's solution, it is noteworthy that we are not instructed why Welshmen commence the name for Edward with the palatal spirant y. MR. MAYHEW has only accounted for the displacement of d by r. Now

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tion. Since reading MR. MAYHEW's reply I have not the least doubt that Welshmen first heard Yaro-werd, or something very like that, and that they naturally equated that word with the nearest name to it in sound that they knew. That name happened to be Gere-werth, *Ier-werth, Iorwerth, Ior-woerth, and Ior-werth again, in different periods of Welsh literature since the fourth century. The first audition by the Welsh of *Yaro-werd must have taken

place a very long time ago, and I hope that MR. MAYHEW will examine the chronology of the phonetic changes involved, and that he will give us the benefit of his erudition.

He is, however, mistaken in supposing that Iorwerth could be a Welsh mode of representing a dialect form of the O.E. royal name Eadweard. As M. GAIDOZ said in his query, this Welsh name is a very old one. It appears in Welsh history as early as the second quarter of the fifth century; whereas no early instance of Eadweard has come to light.

The earliest appearance of any form of Iorwerth occurs in a thirteenth-century tract of three pages in the Cotton codex Vespasian A. XIV. (3), which is entitled ' De Situ Brecheniauc.2

"The Welsh forms and glosses in it show it to have been copied by some one who did not understand Welsh from an earlier MS. at least as old as more's article in the Cymmrodor, 1886, vii. 105-6. the eleventh century."-See Mr. Egerton Philli

The tract contains the oldest account we have of the Welsh prince Brachân of Brecheiniauc (c. 390-450), and it gives the names of Brachan's sons, daughters, sons-inThe tenth daughter is thus described: law, and, in several cases, grandchildren. and these words are glossed Aranwen uxor Gereuerth regis de Powis "; "inde dicitur Ioruerthiaun."

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In the Cognacio Brychain,' MS. Domitian I. (13) of a thirteenth-century a seventeenth-century copy in the Cotton MS. (cf. Phillimore, u.s., p. 106), we get nacio Brychani agrees in many things with (10) Arganwen apud Powys." The Cogit does not yield the name of Arganwen's the De Situ Brecheniauc, but unfortunately husband. The form Gěrĕwĕrth may be relied on, however. I read the manuscript when preparing an analysis of the Brychan documents for my Indexes to Old-Welsh Genealogies," published in Stokes and If MR. MAYHEW could show that the theme Meyer's Archiv für celtische Lexicographie, ead- was sounded anywhere in the Welsh i. 522-33, and the documents have sinco Marches as a rising diphthong (eád) like been edited and annotated by the Rev. A. W. yer- or yar, Welshmen would be acquitted Wade-Evans; see the Cymmrodor,. 1906, thereby of the charge of haphazard substitu- pp. 18-50. The letter g in Gereuerth and

e before a vowel at the beginning of words, as Eadweard, Foforwic, was clearly sounded like y. or the High-Dutch j. Thus we still say York; and Yedward is found in Shakespeare, and Earl' is in Scotland sounded Yerl, like the Danish Jarl."E. A. Freeman, Old English History for Children,' 1869, p. xvi.


Mercian dux in 811; vide Searle's. Onomasticon' for more exact references. In face of these illustrations I judge that Gereuerth or Iorwerth, King of Powys Iorwerthiaun in the middle of the fifth century, was of Germanic descent.

Arganwen is the forerunner of the palatal a tenant in 1055; and 6 is the name of a spirant which disappeared eventually from between vowels, and became I initially. Compare the words argant, among the eighth-century glosses in the Codex Oxoniensis Prior; scamnhegint, in the eighth- or ninth-century Juvencus codex; and the alternative spellings Conhage, Conhae, in two eighth-century charters in the 'Liber Landavensis. Ar-gant-ar-yant, now ariant; scamnhegint ysgafneynt.

It is a curious coincidence that the name Earwaker should come to us from Cheshire, which was once a part of Powysland, and may even have comprised the kingdom of Iorwerthiaun. ALFRED ANSCOMBE.


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Gereuerth was son of Tegonwy map Leon (M.S. teon) map Gwineu, and as he married a daughter of Brachan, his floruit Owing to the miscarriage of a proof, there may be dated provisionally 445-80. Other are two or three corrections needed in Welsh and later instances of this name may be found words in my reply at the second reference. in my Indexes, u.8., vols. i., ii., iii., Nos. 502, L. 10, for Ienan read Ieuan 1. 14, for 503, 1082, 1083, 1084. The prototheme of amner read amser; and in 1. 18 Gereuerth is clearly dissyllabic. Consequently, cywyeld" should be cywydd. H. I. B. on the one hand it cannot equate Iôr, as M. GAIDOZ suggests; on the other, some 'JONATHAN SHARP (11 S. i. 466).-As examination of the prototheme of Edward is far as I am aware, the identity of the author The title-page called for. It is not easy to account for has never been disclosed. the change from d to r in Earwaker if the reads "Jonathan Sharp; or, The Adventures first element was a monosyllable. Now of a Kentuckian. Written by himself." Edbald of Kent, who is called odbald by Allibone accepts this indication of authorBede (H. E., II. ix.), is referred to as ship, and enters the book as the production Audu-baldus in Pope Boniface's letter to Sharp, Jonathan.” The evidence in Edwin of Northumbria. This recalls the favour of Sharp being the author is exforms Audo-vacrius and Odo-acer, the second tremely slight. The book is classed among of which was adduced so aptly by MR. novels in the Index to the London CataMAYHEW in order to explain the English logue of Books. The New Monthly Magazine, "His Earwaker. Eadwacer appears twice in quoted by Allibone, says of it: Searle's Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonicum,' [Sharp's] narrative is worthy of Defoe." p. 189, and both instances are assigned to the It is not mentioned in Halkett and Laing's eleventh century. Mr. Searle also gives Dictionary. As a copy of the work is Eadu, uncompounded, from the Durham contained in the Edinburgh Advocates' Liber Vitæ, as the name of a queen and Library, and must have been known to abbess. The prototheme of Edward has the compilers of the 'Dictionary,' their anonymous been monosyllabic, in composition, for omission to enter it as 1,300 years; but the forms Eadu and Audu- pseudonymous may perhaps be understood warrant the assumption that it was origin- as acquiescence in Allibone's view of its W. SCOTT. ally a dissyllable in composition in O.E. To authorship. this may be added the fact that the root occurs twice in the ninth-century Winchester Chronicle' as eap-, eað-; see annals 827, 828. Now a form eápu-weard (with the rising diphthong) might become yaru-werd. But that is not Gereuerth.

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Gere- in Gere-uerth receives no elucidation from Brythonic sources. Among Welsh names it is unique. For illustration of both themes we must turn to Old English, and particularly to Mercian. The elements occur as follows: 1, Gearu-red; 2, Iaru-man; 3, Gearo-man; 4, Geara-god; 5, Ieruman; 6, Ciol-uerth. Of these, 1 is from the Durham Liber Vita; 2 and 5 are Latin forms of the name of 3, Gearoman, Bishop of the Mercians in 662; 4 is the name of

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GEORGE KNAPP, M.P.: KNAPP FAMILY (11 S. i. 389).-I have been forwarded the following reply by a correspondent :

"George Knapp was the eldest son of George Knapp of Abingdon, gent., by Katharine, daughter of Joseph Tyrrell of Kidlington, Oxon. He was born 29 January, and baptized 21 February, 1753/4, at St. Helen's, Abingdon. He was Governor of Christ's Hospital, Abingdon, 17761784; Chamberlain 1790; Principal Burgess 1791; Mayor 1792, 1797, 1799, and 1807. His monument in St. Helen's says that his 'liberality of mind and benevolence of heart endeared him to all who knew him. He was elected by his fellowtownsmen to represent them in Parliament May 4, 1807. This important and honourable trust, during the short time he was permitted by Providence to devote his services to them, he executed with the strictest integrity. He d.

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