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tish Dominions, in the same manner as if it were expressly stipulated by the present Treaty.

XI. His Britannic Majesty and His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, agree severally to grant the same favours, honours, immunities, privileges, and exemptions from duties and imposts, to Their respective Ambassadors, Ministers, or accredited Agents at the Courts of each of them; and whatever favour either of the two Sovereigns shall grant in this particular at His own Court, the other Sovereign engages to grant the same at His Court.

XII. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal declares and engages, in His own name and in that of His Heirs and Successors, that the subjects of His Britannic Majesty residing within His Territories and Dominions, shall not be disturbed, troubled, persecuted, or annoyed on account of their religion; but that they shall have perfect liberty of conscience therein, and leave to attend and celebrate Divine Service to the honour of Almighty God, either within their own private houses, or in their own particular churches and chapels, which His Royal Highness does now and for ever graciously grant to them the permission of building and maintaining within His Dominions: provided however, that the said churches and chapels shall be built in such a manner as externally to resemble private dwelling houses; and also, that the use of bells be not permitted therein, for the purpose of publicly announcing the time of Divine Service: and it is further stipulated, that neither the subjects of Great Britain, nor any other foreigners of a different communion from the religion established in the Dominions of Portugal, shall be persecuted or disquieted for conscience-sake, either in their persons or property, so long as they conduct themselves with order, decency, and morality, and in a manner conformable to the usages of the country, and to its constitution in Church and State; but if it should be proved that they preach or declaim publicly against the Catholic religion, or that they endeavour to make proselytes or converts, the parties so offending may, upon manifestation of their delinquency, be sent out of the country in which the offence shall have been committed; and those who behave in public with disrespect or impropriety towards the forms and ceremonies of

cerimonias da religião Catholica dominante serão chamados per ante a policia civil, e poderáŏ ser castigados com multas, ou com prisão em suas proprias casas. E se a offensa for tão grave, e tão enorme que perturbe a tranquillidade publica, e ponha em perigo a segurança das instituições da Igreja, e do Estado estabelecidas pelas leys, as pessoas que tal offensa fizerem, havendo a devida prova do facto, poderáŏ ser mandadas sahir dos Dominios de Portugal. Permittirse ha tambem enterrar os vassallos de Sua Magestade Britannica, que morrerem nos Territorios de Sua Alteza Real O Principe Regente de Portugal, em convenientes lugares, que serão designados para este fim: nem se perturbaráo de modo algum, nem por qualquer motivo os funeraes, ou as sepulturas dos mortos. Do mesmo modo os vassallos de Portugal gozaráo nos Dominios de Sua Magestade Britannica de huma perfeita, e illimitada liberdade de consciencia em todas as materias de religião, conforme ao systema de tolerancia, que se acha nelles estabelecido. Elles poderáŏ livremente praticar os exercicios da sua religião publica, ou particularmente nas suas proprias casas de habitação, ou nas capellas, e lugares de culto, designados para este objecto, sem que se lhe ponha o menor obstaculo, embarrasso, ou difficuldade alguma, tanto agora, como para o futuro.

XIII. Conveiose e ajustouse, entre as altas Partes Contractantes, que se estabeleceráŏ paquetes para o fim de facilitar o serviço publico das duas Côrtes, e as relações commerciaes dos Seus respectivos vassallos. Concluirse ha huma Convenção sobre as bases da que foi concluida no Rio de Janeiro, aos 14 de Setembro, de 1808, para determinar os termos sobre que se estabeleceráo os refferidos paquetes: aqual Convenção será ratificada ao mesmo tempo que o presente Tratado.

XIV. Conveiose e ajustouse, que as pessoas culpadas de alta traição, de falsidade, e de outros crimes de huma natureza odiosa, dentro dos Dominios de qualquer das altas Partes Contractantes, não serão admittidas, nem receberáŏ protecção nos Dominios da outra. E que nenhuma das altas Partes Contractantes receberá de proposito, e deliberadamente nos Seus Estados, e entreterá ao Seu serviço pessoas, que forem vassallos da outra

the established Catholic religion, shall be amenable to the civil police, and may be punished by fine, or by confinement within their own dwelling houses. And if the offence be so flagrant and so enormous as to disturb the public tranquillity, or endanger the safety of the institutions of Church and State (as established by law,) the parties so offending may, on due proof of the fact, be sent out of the Dominions of Portugal. Liberty shall also be granted to bury the subjects of His Britannic Majesty who may die in the Territories of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, in convenient places to be appointed for that purpose; nor shall the funerals or sepulchres of the dead be disturbed in anywise, nor upon any account. In the same manner the subjects of Portugal shall enjoy within all the Dominions of His Britannic Majesty a perfect and unrestrained liberty of conscience in all matters of religion, agreeably to the system of toleration established therein. They may freely perform the exercises of their religion publicly or privately within their own dwelling houses, or in the chapels and places of worship appointed for that purpose, without any the smallest hindrance, annoyance, or difficulty whatsoever, either now or hereafter.

XIII. It is agreed and covenanted, by the high Contracting Parties, that packets shall be established for the purpose of furthering the public service of the two Courts, and of facilitating the commercial intercourse of Their respective subjects. A Convention shall be concluded forthwith on the basis of that which was signed at Rio de Janeiro, on the 14th day of September, 1808, in order to settle the terms upon which the said packets are to be established, which Convention shall be ratified at the same time with the present Treaty.

XIV. It is agreed and covenanted, that persons guilty of high treason, forgery, or other offences of a heinous nature, within the Dominions of either of the high Contracting Parties, shall not be harboured nor receive protection in the Dominions of the other. And that neither of the high Contracting Parties shall knowingly and wilfully receive into and entertain in Their service, persons, subjects of the other Power, deserting from the military service

Potencia, que desertarem do serviço militar d'ella, quer de mar, quer de terra ; antes pelo contrario as dimittiráo respectivamente do Seu serviço, logo que assim forem requeridas. Mas conveiose, e declarouse que nenhuma das altas Partes Contractantes concederá á qualquer outro Estado favor algum a respeito de pessoas que desertarem do servico d'aquelle Estado, que não seja considerado como concedido igualmente á outra altra Parte Contractante, do mesmo modo como se o refferido favor tivesse sido expressamente estipulado pelo presente Tratado. Demais conveiose, que nos casos de deserção de moços, ou marinheiros das embarcações pertencentes aos vassallos de qualquer das altas Partes Contractantes, no tempo em que estiverem nos portos da outra alta Parte, os Magistrados serão obrigados a dar efficaz assistencia para a sua aprehenção, sobre a devida representação feita para este fim pelo Consul Geral, ou Consul, ou pelo seu deputado, ou representante; e que nenhuma corporação publica, civil, ou religiosa terá poder de proteger taes desertores.

XV. Todos os generos, mercadorias, e artigos, quaesquerque sejão da producção, manufactura, industria, ou invenção dos Dominios, e vassallos de Sua Magestade Britannica serão admittidos em todos, e em cada hum dos Portos, e Dominios de Sua Alteza Real O Principe Regente de Portugal, tanto na Europa, como na America, Africa e Asia, quer sejao consignados a vassallos Britannicos, quer á Portuguezes, pagando geral e unicamente direitos de quinze por cento, conforme o valor que lhes for estabelecido pela pauta, que na lingua Portugueza corresponde á taboa das avaliações, cuja principal base será a factura jurada dos sobreditos generos, mercadorias, e artigos, tomando tambem em consideração (tanto quanto for justo e praticavel) o preço correnté dos mesmos no paiz onde elles forem importados. Esta pauta, ou avaliação será determinada, e fixada por hum igual numero de negociantes Britannicos, e Portuguezes, de conhecida inteireza, e honra, com a assistencia pela parte dos negociantes Britannicos do Consul Geral, ou Consul de Sua Magestade Britannica, e pela parte dos negociantes Portuguezes com a assistencia do Superintendente, ou Administrador Geral da Alfandega, ou dos seus respectivos deputados. E a sobredita pauta, ou taboa das avaliações, se fará, e promulgará em cada hum dos portos perten

thereof, whether by sea or land; but that on the contrary they shall each respectively discharge any such person from Their service, upon being required: but it is agreed and declared, that neither of the high Contracting Parties shall grant to any other State any favour on the subject of persons deserting from the service of that State, which shall not be considered as granted also to the other high Contracting Party, in the same manner as if the said favour had been expressly stipulated by the present Treaty. And it is further agreed, that in cases of apprentices or sailors deserting from vessels belonging to the subjects of either of the high Contracting Parties while within the ports of the other Party, the Magistrates shall be bound to give effectual assistance for their apprehension, on due application to that effect being made by the Consul General, or Consul, or by his deputy or representative; and that no public body, civil or religious, shall have the power of protecting such deserters.

XV. All goods, merchandizes, and articles whatsoever of the produce, manufacture, industry, or invention of the Dominions and subjects of His Britannic Majesty, shall be admitted into all and singular the Ports and Dominions of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, as well in Europe as in America, Africa and Asia, whether consigned to British or Portugueze subjects, on paying generally and solely, duties to the amount of fifteen per cent. according to the value which shall be set upon them by a tariff or table of valuations, called in the Portugueze language pauta, the principal basis of which shall be the sworn invoice cost of the aforesaid goods, merchandizes, and articles, taking also into consideration (as far as may be just or practicable) the current prices thereof in the country into which they are imported. This tariff or valuation shall be determined and settled by an equal number of British and Portugueze merchants of known integrity and honour, with the assistance, on the part of the British merchants, of His Britannic Majesty's Consul General, or Consul, and on the part of the Portugueze merchants with the assistance of the Superintendant, or Administrator General of the customs, or of their respective deputies. And the aforesaid tariff or table of valuations shall be made and promulgated in each of

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