Abbildungen der Seite

verstehen, verstehe, verstand, verstanden, v., to comprehend,

to understand.

verstopfen, v., to stop, to obstruct.

versuchen, v., to try, to attempt.

Vertrauen, n., §, trust, confidence.

vertrauen, v., to trust, to confide, to rely upon. vertreiben, vertreibe, vertrieb, vertrieben, v., to drive away, to expel, to pass (time).

verurtheilen, v., to sentence, to condemn.

vervollkommnen, v., to perfect, to accomplish.

verwunden, v., to wound, to hurt.

verwundern, v., to wonder, to be surprised.
Verwunderung, f., surprise, astonishment.
verwünscht, adj., cursed, detestable.
verzagen, v., to lose courage, to despair.
Vieh, n., es, beast, brute, cattle.

viel, adj. & adv., much, a great deal, many.
vier, num.
adj., four.

voll, adj., full, filled, entire.

vollbracht, adj. & part., finished, performed, accomplished. vollends, adv., quite, entirely.

vollkommen, adj., perfect, accomplished.

von, prep., of, from, by, upon, on.

vor, prep. & adv., for, before, from, of, to, since, ago.

voran, adv., before, at the head.

vorbei, adv., by, past, over, done, gone.

Vorhang, m., es, pl. Vorhänge, curtain.

vorlegen, v., to lay or put before, to propose, to serve with.

vorüber, adv., past, by, over, finished.

vorübergehen, v., to pass by.

Vorwurf, m., es, pl. Vorwürfe, bait, reproach.

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wachen, v., to wake, to watch.

wachsen, wachse, wuchs, gewachsen, v., to grow, to increase. Wächter, m., s,


wacker, adj., stout, gallant, brave.

Wagen, m., 8, pl. Wägen, waggon, coach, carriage, cart. Wahlspruch, m., es, pl. Wahlsprüche, device, motto. wahr, adj., true, genuine.

währen, v., to endure, to last, to continue.

Wahrheit, f., pl. en, truth, verity."
Wald, m., es, pl. Wälder, forest, wood.
Waldhäuschen, n., 8, little forest-house.
wallen, v., to bubble, to boil up, to wave.
Wand, f., pl. Wände, wall, side.

Wandel, m., 8, conduct, behaviour, mutation.
wandern, v., to wander, to travel.
Wanderschaft, f., peregrination, travels.
war, was, imp., vide sein.

ward, imperf., vide werden.

Warnung, f., pl. en, warning, admonition.

warten, v, to stay, to wait, to attend to, to nurse.

warum, adv., why, wherefore.

rras, pron., what, that; for etwas, something. Wasserhöhle, f, gulf of water, whirl-pool.

Wassersuppe, f., gruel, water-soup.

weben, v., to weave, to work.

wecken, v., to wake, to awake.

Weg, m., es, pl. e, way, walk, road.

reg, adv., away, gone.

wegthun, v., to put away, to put aside.

Web, n., es, woe, grief, pang.

wehe! int., wo! woe! wehe thun, v., to hurt, to offend, to

cause pains.

wehen, v., to blow, to wave.

Wehmuth, f., sadness, sorrowfulness.

weil, conj., because, while, during, since, as, when.

Weile, f., while, idle time.

weilen, v., to tarry, to stay.

Wein, m., es, wine, vine.

weise, adj., wise, sage.

Weise, f., mode, manner, fashion, habit, custom; tune.

Weiser, m., wise man.

Weisheit, f., wisdom, prudence.

weiß, adj., white, clean.

weit, adj., distant, far, wide, large.

weit und breit, adv., far and near.

weiter, adv., further, larger.

welcher, welche, welches, pron., who, which, what.

Welle, f., pl. en, wave, billow.

Welt, f., pl. en, world, universe; people. wem, pron., to whom.

wenig, adj. & adv., little, few, some.

wenn, conj., when, if.

werden, werde, wurde or ward, geworden, v., to become, to

be, to grow.

werfen, werfe, warf, geworfen, v., to throw, to cast, to fling. Werk, n., es, pl. e, work, action.

weßen, v., to rub, to sharpen.

wieder, prep., against, contrary to.

wie, adv., how; conj., as, like.

wieder, adv., again, anew, afresh; back, in return.

wiederfahren, v., to happen; vide fahren.

wiederkehren, v., to return.

wiederstehen, v., to resist; vide stehen. Wiege, f., pl. n, cradle.

wild, adj., wild, savage, dissolute, fierce. will, vide wollen.

Willen, m., 8, will, mind, wish, purpose.

wimmeln, v., to crawl, to crowd.

winken, v., to wink, to nod, to beckon. Winken, n., s, beckoning, nodding.

Wipfel, m., 8, top, summit.

wirbeln, v., to whirl, to beat a trill.

wird, vide werden.

wirklich, adj. & adv., real, true, positive; really, truly.

wirst, pres., vide werden.

wissen, weiß, wußte, gewußt, v., to know, to have knowledge. mo, adv., where, somewhere; wo nicht, if not.

Woche, f., pl. en, week.

Woge, f., pl. en, wave, billow.

wohl, adj. & adv., well, indeed.

wohlan, adv., well, come on.

Wohlgefallen, n., 8, delight, pleasure.

Wohlgefallen haben an, v., to take delight in a thing.

Wohlthätigkeit, f., benificence, charity.

wohlthun, v., to do good, to do well.

wohnen, v., to dwell, to live, to reside. wölben, v., to vault, to arch.

Wolf, m., es, pl. e, wolf.

wollen, will, wollte, gewollt, v., to will, to be willing, to


romit, adv., wherewith, by which.

woran, adv., whereon, at what.

worden or geworden, part., vide werden.
worin, adv., wherein, in which.
Wort, n., es, pl. e, word, term.

wühlen, v., to rake, to dig up, to root.
Wunde, f., wound, hurt.

wunderlich, adj., strange, odd.
wünschen, v., to wish, to long for.
Wurst, f., pl. Würste, sausage, saucisse.
Wurzel, f., pl. n, root.

mußte, imp., vide wissen.

Wuth, f., rage, fury.

müthen, v., to rage, to be mad.


zagen, v., to tremble, to be in fear.

zahlen, v., to pay.

zählen, v., to number, to reckon, to count. Zahn, m., es, pl. Zähne, tooth.

zart, adj., tender, soft, delicate.

zärtlich, adj., tender, soft, delicate.

Zauberfädchen, n., magic thread.

Zauberkreis, m., magic circle, magic district.

Zeichen, n., 8, sign, token, mark.

zeigen, v., to show, to point out, to appear. Zeit, f., pl. en, time, season.

zeitlang, adv., for some time.

zerdrücken, v., to crush, to ruffle.

zerfauen, v., to chew.

zerreißen, zerreiße, zerriß, zerrissen, v., to tear to pieces, to lacerate.

zerrissen, vide zerreißen.

zerschellen, v., to dash to pieces, to be smashed. zerschmettern, v., to dash to pieces.

zerschneiden, zerschneide, zerschnitt, zerschnitten, v., to cut to pieces, to carve.

Zeugniß, n., sses, pl. e, testimonial, certificate, evidence. ziehen, ziehe, zog, gezogen, v., to draw, to pull, to educate,

to cast.

Ziel, n., es, pl. e, term, limit, scope.

Zier, f., ornament.

zischen, v., to hiss.

Zorn, m., es, anger, wrath, passion, rage. zu, prep. & adv., at, by, to, for, in, on. zubringen, v., to bring to, to spend.

zucken, v., to draw, to shrug, to stir, to move. zuerst, adv., first, for the first.

zufrieden, adj., content, satisfied.

zugehen, v., to go on, to happen, to proceed, to take place. Zügel, m., 3, rein, bridle.

zugeschlossen, part., vide zuschließen.

zuleht, adv., at last, after all, finally. zum, instead of zu dem.

zurück, adv., back, backwards, behind. zusammen, adv., together.

zuschließen, schließe zu, schloß zu, zugeschlossen, v., to close, to lock up.

zusehends, adv., visibly.

Zuversicht, f., confidence, assurance, trust.

zuwenden, wende zu, wandte zu, zugewandt, v., to turn to,

to procure.

zwar, conj., certainly, it is true, indeed.

zwei, num. adj., two.

zweimal, adv, twice.

zweite, adj., second, next.

zwicken, v., to pinch, to nip.

Zwieback, m., es, bisquit.

zwischen, prep., between, betwixt, among. zwölf, num.

adj., twelve.


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