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thinks it would have been unpardonable to have omitted an account of this extraordinary and dangerous chase; and as we are of the same opinion, we give it in his own words:

From the mountainous state of the country, it may be supposed that there are likewise an infinity of gullies, canadas, which afford shelter to the wild cattle, and furnish them with food. The huntsman is always mounted on a strong, bold, and well-trained horse. As soon as he catches sight of a wild bull, the chase commences, and he follows it "through bush and briar," leaping up and down precipices of three or four feet, and passes at full speed over a country which, for unevenness, has scarcely any parallel. Were it not for a jacket and trowsers of tanned hide, the flesh would probably be torn from the bones by the thorny branches of the mesquite (a thick bush). The chief object of the huntsman is, never to lose sight of the bull; and the horse is always left to take care of his own and of his master's neck, It never happens that the chase is of any long continuance, as the bull usually takes to the nearest canada. This ravine he follows, through all its ruggedness, at the height of his speed, stumbling, and even rolling along, till its extreme narrowness renders farther progress impossible.


'No sooner does the huntsman, who is usually not far behind, see the dilemma of the bull, than he dismounts, and rapidly taking off his long leathern jacket, and drawing his knife from the side of his right knee, where it had till now been confined by the band which fastens the leathern protectors of his legs, called "botas," he manfully advances towards the animal, who, when he sees his adversary approach, turns round, and makes a furious attempt to destroy him with his horns. This the sportsman, assisted by his coat, evades with a dexterity truly wonderful. And now commences a bloody fight. Spurred up to his utmost fury by the wounds which he is continually receiving from his adversary, the efforts of the bull are tremendous; but the huntsman avoids all his thrusts, and upon each occasion inflicts a fresh wound. There is here no crying "craven," or other of the combatants must inevitably perish. The carrion crow, and other carnivorous birds, who always attend the huntsmen, from the period when the affray commences, set up their horrid croaking, so that the horrors of the fight would be very considerably increased, did the occupation of the hunter permit him to reflect that these birds will eventually feed on the dead carcase of either man or beast! The conflict seldom lasts longer than a quarter of an hour; sometimes it is terminated in a few minutes, if the hunter makes a successful stab; and when the bull has lost a great quantity of blood, his head sinks for want of strength to support it, his huge body begins to totter, and, at last, down he drops on his forelegs, as if praying for mercy, which his relentless conqueror refusing to grant, gives him the coup-de-grace, ending the fight and the misery of the poor brute together.'-pp. 264-266.

Mr. Hardy ascended with his light vessel the river Colorado, which he was carried up by an exceedingly rapid tide to a considerable distance, and then all of a sudden left on the dry sand. It was above a week before such a return of the tide could possibly be expected as would set the vessel afloat, and allow them to re-descend the river. At the same time the provisions of the party were on

the decline, and there were evidently hostile intentions entertained by the natives, who at one time appeared on the shore to the number of five or six thousand. Mr. Hardy displayed on this occasion all the firmness and prudence which is to be expected from a British naval officer; and by these he ultimately extricated the vessel and its crew from its perilous situation, without an act of violence having been committed on either side. This part of our author's journal is extremely curious, as well as the account of his friendly intercourse with the natives of Tiburow, who had been described to him by the Mexicans as implacable and cruel savages: but whose chief sin is, that they, as well as the Indians near the Colorado, are too prudent to admit European settlers among them, and are determined at all hazards to maintain their primitive independence. And if we take into consideration the miserable state of the Indians at the missions, and, indeed, in the whole of Mexico, we are content to see them continue in their present barbarous condition, even at the risk of future travellers again meeting young ladies in the state of undress in which our author has seen them near the Colorado, where a garland of leaves round the middle is a luxury allowed only to the chiefs of the nation, than have them taught a civilization of degrading slavery, and a christianity, darkened and disfigured by pagan sensuality. But as extracts could not convey any idea of the transactions to which we have alluded, we must refer the reader to the volume itself, and return with our author to New Spain.

The revolt of the Yaquis still continued, and was headed by a man whom we are desirous of introducing to our readers. The Yaquis, who are spread all over the province of Senora, are described as the most industrious, and most useful of all the tribes of the province. They were the first to succumb to the Jesuits, who, while they taught them the arts of civilization, made them their slaves. The Jesuits were superseded by the curés, but the thraldom of the poor Indians remained unmitigated. When the power of Spain had been overthrown, and a republican form of government introduced in its stead, the Yaquis, together with several other Indian nations, were declared free citizens of the state. But this freedom was but an empty name; they were not allowed to send representatives of their own body to the congress; the tyranny of the curés was continued, and to carry their misery to its utmost limits, a heavy duty was imposed upon the produce they brought to the towns, whether they were sold or carried back again. Unable to bear any longer with these accumulated evils, they rose in arms, and led by a man who seems to be as noble and humane, as he showed himself skilful and brave, kept up a successful struggle for two years, which terminated in a treaty to their advantage.

This man's name was Juan, with the surname of de la Banderas, from a flag which he had seized in a church, and which he represented to his followers as being the same which had formerly belonged to

the Cazique Montezuma. This flag he always carried along with him, and made it the rallying point for all the Indians who wished to see the restoration of their ancient empire. He is said to be of a small stature, and excessively ugly; but endowed by nature with an irresistible flow of eloquence. The following is a very striking instance of the energy and powers of this untutored Indian :-In the beginning of the rebellion, the Mayo nation had refused to make common cause with their brethren, the Yaquis, and had even promised to the general of the Republic that, if Bandéras should venture among them, they would deliver him up to the Government. This chief, being informed of the hostile intention of the Mayos, boldly went into the midst of them, and, having assembled the inhabitants of their sixteen towns, he harangued them in a noble speech, of which the following was given as the conclusion:

"By imitating our example in the struggle for liberty, you would have proved yourselves worthy of its reward-worthy to be called the descendants of the brave and too-confiding Montezuma. I offered you a share in the glorious enterprise; but the wisdom, spirit, and valour of your ancestors is a flame that burns no more;—the earth has consumed it—the water has extinguished its fire. I offered you the prize of freedom, because I supposed you worthy of it. But I see that I have deceived myself; slavery has brutalized your souls; you have disgraced our forefathers, and you will be the contempt of our sons' sons. I found you slaves, and slaves you may continue!"'-p. 390.

The effect was instantaneous; the refractory tribe implored his pardon, asked for his blessing, and rose, en masse, to join in the rebellion of his people.

By the account, given by Mr. Hardy, of some of the operations of this chief, it seems as if he had been gifted with ubiquity, appearing within spaces of time almost incredible, in the most opposite directions of the provinces; now sweeping a district of its corn and cattle-now surprising a town and plundering its inhabitants; one day emptying a mining establishment of its treasure, and the next attacking the regular troops of General Figueras, with his half-armed men; and whether victorious or defeated, always equally active in injuring or annoying his enemies. From the many instances mentioned by our author of the extraordinary activity and prowess of this chief, whom the Indians at last elected as their "Emperor," we will quote but one :

'On the 20th, a division of cavalry (150 men), under the command of Col. one of the aides-de-camp of the commander-in chief, being in pursuit of Bandéras, was attacked by that chief at Tepágue, between Pitic and San Jose de los Pimos. The combat, like all the others conducted by the Indian chief, was a melée, in which the Yaquis intermixed themselves with the cavalry, and in about twenty minutes completely defeated them. So great was the panic, that the Yaquis remained in possession of all the enemy's fire-arms, swords, and lances, which had been

thrown down to lighten their former bearers, that their weight might not impede their flight.'—p. 409.

The "gallant" colonel and his troop, no doubt, were great cowards; nevertheless, it cannot be denied that it required no small degree of intrepidity in half-naked and badly armed countrymen, to attack a body of cavalry hand to hand in a melée. But the most singular fact stated of Bandéras is, that he would never follow up a victory, so as to seize upon the larger towns, to which he had frequently opened himself the road. Mr. Hardy ascribes this apparent indecision in a man who, on other occasions, gave so many proofs of the contrary quality, to a feeling of humanity, a virtue for which, he assures us, even his enemies gave him credit. For, knowing the ferocious disposition of his followers, he feared that if he had led them into a town just after they had defeated their enemies, whose "tender mercies" they often experienced on other occasions, even his own authority, great as it was, would prove insufficient to repress their fury, and to prevent those horrors inseparable from the sacking of a town. Mercy shown in civil war, is an occurrence so unusual, even among "polished" nations, that we should feel inclined to doubt the justness of our author's surmise, but for the following "fact," which seems to justify a supposition so honourable to the object to whom it is applied.

Fear has generally the effect of rendering the timid cruel; and the whites in Alamos had adopted the short-sighted policy of executing all prisoners who might chance to fall into their hands, under the mistaken idea that their death would diminish the number of enemies: forgetting that these executions would probably awaken a feeling of retribution in the Indians; whereby the usual miseries of war would be invested with tenfold horrors. Now this actually occurred. Some Yaquis had been made prisoners, and, after having been tried by court-martial, sentence of death was passed upon them as rebels; and immediately afterwards, having been invited to receive the consolations of a Spanish priest, which they refused, they were executed. This fact coming soon after to the knowledge of Banderas, who had likewise taken captive several Spaniards, among whom was a priest, he held a court-martial upon them, and they were condemned for being agents of the tyrannical usurpers of the authority of Montezuma. The priest was ordered to administer ghostly comfort to the condemned prisoners, and the next morning they were executed with the same formalities which had attended the executions of the Yaquis condemned in the Real de les Alamos.

No sooner had this act of retribution been accomplished, than Bandéras wrote to General Figueras, giving him an account of the transaction, and recommending him for the future to avoid a repetition of such barbarous cruelty, which, he said, could answer no good purpose, but, on the contrary, would have the effect of inflaming the passions of their respective followers, and add greatly to the sufferings of innocent victims. At the same time he observed, that he had merely followed an example set by those who called themselves Christians and civilized people, to con

vince him that he was not to be intimidated; nor indeed had he been guilty of more severity than was absolutely necessary to secure the lives of such of his people as might in future become prisoners. Moreover, that the repetition of such a proceeding should never occur, provided the Commandant-general would act upon liberal and enlightened principles of reason and humanity.'-pp. 199-201.

Mr. Hardy tells us of a number of atrocious murders and robberies, with which we would willingly gratify those of our readers who may delight in such " interesting narratives," were we not afraid that we have already transgressed the reasonable bounds of a review of a book of travels. But we cannot, out of regard to the fair sex, withhold an anecdote told of a French marquise, which does credit both to the courage and the sang froid of the sex. This lady, it seems, frequently travels as a merchant from one extremity of the Republic to the other, and, in consequence of her well-known intrepidity, is often entrusted with the conveyance of large sums of money.

'She was once attacked by two or three men, one of whom she shot without ceremony, whereupon the rest thought it advisable to ride away. Arriving at the nearest town on the road to which this event happened, information of which had already preceded her, she was taken before the alcalde; and the two surviving rogues, who had attempted to commit the robbery, now appeared as evidence against her. The alcalde, with great solemnity, said he must commit her to prison. Hereupon our heroine took a loaded pistol from her bosom, which having cocked, she presented at the alcalde, making this observation,-" The man whom I shot attempted to rob me, and if you do not allow me immediately to depart, I have another shot ready for your honour, considering you and the two witness accomplices." The case was instantly discharged !'-p. 490.

There are many parts of this interesting book which we must leave unnoticed; but there is one portion which we cannot pass over in silence our author's quackery! and as Mr. H. calls himself a quack, we hope he will excuse us for applying this term to him. This gentleman, (who by the bye must have been always fond of "doctoring," allowed himself to be persuaded by both Mexicans and Indians, that he was a second Esculapius, and consequently distributed blisters, pills, and boluses, in all directions. It may have been necessary for him, for the purpose of conciliating the natives, and perhaps he often treated them more judiciously than their local quacks; yet, as a general practice, we must reprobate the system of many travellers, of prescribing for the unfortunate natives of distant climates, when their countrymen would not trust them with the treatment of their dogs. As Mr. H., however, takes credit for having frequently been successful in his practice, we will enumerate some of the instances he gives, for the benefit of the "faculty." A child and a young lady cured of ulcers, by the "Gotas de Salud," the composition of which is not stated.

A lady snatched from the jaws of death, (in consequence of pains

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