Beautifying Country Homes: A Handbook of Landscape Gardening. Illustrated by Plans of Places Already ImprovedO. Judd, 1870 - 52 Seiten |
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Beautifying Country Homes: A Handbook of Landscape Gardening. Illustrated by ... Jacob Weidenmann Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2015 |
Beautifying Country Homes: A Handbook Of Landscape Gardening. Illustrated By ... Jacob Weidenmann Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2022 |
Beautifying Country Homes: A Handbook of Landscape Gardening. Illustrated by ... Jacob Weidenmann Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2018 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
acres American Arbor Vitæ American Elm artificial Austrian Pine barn beautiful BEAUTIFYING COUNTRY HOMES border Catalpa color Conn cost cubic yards curve Deciduous Deciduous Cypress Deutzia Deutzia crenata Dogwood drive Drying yard Dwarf effect entrance European Beech European Larch evergreen feet fence figure flower gardens foliage foot FRONT YARDS give Glyptostrobus grading grass gravel green-house H.BENCKE Hartford Hemlock Horse-chestnut Hydrangea improvements inches Japonica Juniperus laid land landscape architecture lawn Lawson's Cypress layer laying leaves LITH Magnolia Magnolia tripetala main drain mass grouping Metre Norway Maple Norway Spruce orchard ornamental grounds outlet Park picturesque pipe planting PLATE pond produce public road rear REFERENCES.-A require rock-work roses Rustic shrubs side soil Spiræa stakes Stone Pine Sugar Maple surface Sycamore Maple Syringa taste tile top-soil trees and shrubs trench turf Turkey Oak varieties Vegetable garden WEIDENMANN Weigela White width