... ... Class I, Vote 14, page 122. Works and Buildings in 35,518 ... +28,775 $41,329 Class III, Vote 18, page 324. Land Purchase Commission 665,000 +242,713 +249,180 ... +1,562 Irish Boundary Commission +5,353 +96,700 ... Inland Revenue.-Officers loaned to the Compensation Com- In addition to the above items, shown in accounts, services are rendered to Northern Ireland of which the cost is included in general headings. The cost is in all cases recovered, either by direct payment or by deduction from the Northern Ireland share of reserved taxes. follows (1925-26). These are as Customs and Excise Dept.-Collection of Customs Dues ... Post Office. Certain agency services (Section 63 Govern- §25,430 ... Exchequer and Audit Dept.-General Allied Service Office of Works.-General Allied Service Rating of Government Property.-General Allied Service +15,852 +5,853 +8,697 +912 +396 +1,053 +249 *The Government of Ireland Act (Section 24) provides for payment to the Government of Northern Ireland of its share of reserved taxes, after deducting the Northern Ireland contribution to Imperial liabilities and expenditure and the cost of reserved services. A net payment of £4,014,814 is shown on this account in the Finance Accounts, 1925-26, page 43, but the final sum due in respect of 1925-26 is not yet determined. These sums are recovered from the Northern Ireland residuary share of reserved taxes before arriving at the net sum referred to at* above. This sum except as regards the small amount in respect of Pensions Appeal Tribunals (an Imperial Service) is recovered from the Northern Ireland residuary share of reserved taxes. § These sums are paid in cash to Departments. APPENDIX No. 62. PAPER handed in by Mr. A. E. Watson, C.B.E. ADVANCES UNDER IRISH LAND PURCHASE ACTS PREVIOUS TO THE IRISH LAND Note.-Advances under the first four of these Acts only were made from the Local Loans Fund. * Including £1,070,363 value of Securities held for sinking Fund not yet applied to cancellation of Guaranteed Land Stock. The British Authorities were not concerned with, and had no knowledge of, the amount of arrears due by Borrowers in respect of Advances under this Act, the British funds receiving the amount of the annuities collectible in full. I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to acknowledge receipt of your circular letter of the 11th inst., No. F.9956, addressed to the Accounting Officer, and enclosing a copy of the Treasury Minute dated the 1st ultimo on the Second Report from the Committee of Public Accounts, 1926, the contents of which have been duly noted. The Secretary, I am, Sir, H.M. Treasury, S.W.1. Your obedient Servant, (Signed) CHARLES WALKER. INDEX. A. Aden.-British military expenditure, to be borne on Middle Eastern Admiralty.-Administrative staff: Numbers 1925 and 1914, and reasons Reply to Treasury Minute, Murray App. 63 (p. 695). Admiralty Research Laboratory.-Erection of roofing over tank and form- Agency services.-Charges, consideration by Committee, Ramsay 548. Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of.-Agricultural Education and Re- Fishery research: Floud 4462-3- Co-ordination with work in Scotland ticulars re, and financial arrangements, Floud 4250-84, 4291-5, 4300, Land settlement: of Ex-service men and future policy, Floud 4507-10. Transfer of estates to County Councils, Floud 4510-14--Wantage Loan to Home Grown Sugar, Limited, and rate of interest, Floud Loans to Agricultural Credit Societies and Agricultural Co-operative Agriculture Reports, 1927-continued. Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of-cont. Motor loan operations: Ramsay 4301--Repayments, position re, and seizure of engines in lieu in some cases, Floud 4304-8, 4322-30, App. 30 (p. 634) Winding up of, Floud 4303. Publications, Floud 4425-6. Research Institutions, no overlapping, Floud 4479-80- -Results and justification for expenditure, Floud 4465-9- -Subsidising of specialist institutions, policy of, Floud 4483-5 System and expenditure, Floud 4387-9, 4453-62. Shell-fish research and development, Floud 4428-9--Small holdings, see under Land Settlement above. Staff: 1927 and 1926, comparison, Floud 4430-52- -Civil pay, arrears under Sutton Judgment, Floud 4380-Number and comparison with pre-war, Floud 4331-4- Salaries, wages and allowances, underexpenditure due to temporary vacancies, Floud 4379-Travelling and removal expenses, Floud 4335-6. Trading Accounts, percentages considered useless and omission suggested, Ramsay 4518-20- -Wall Diagrams of Insect and Fungus Pests, publication, Floud 4402-4- -War services, practically at an end, Floud 4470-2- Young Farmers' Clubs, special officer to promote formation of, Floud 4405. Air Force and Air Ministry.-2nd Report 26- -Aerodromes: Construction: Storage of material at contractor's works owing to deceleration of expension, and expenditure on, Ramsay 5974-5; Nicholson 5976-83; Fass 5984- -War-time contracts, settlement of contractors' claims, Ramsay 5973. Reinstatement of, explanation of charge to, Army Vote, Ramsay 7238; Creedy 7239. Aeroplanes, seaplanes, engines and spares: Nicholson 6213-4 Clearing up of maturing liabilities, explanation, Nicholson 6227-37-no Engines bought abroad included in, Nicholson 6215-6. : Airships R.100, construction by Airship Guarantee Company, particulars re, Nicholson 5910-5, 5930-7, 6201-4-R.101, construction at Cardington, particulars re contract and operations, Nicholson 5890-7, 5898-902, 5904-48, 6205, 6206-9, Treasury criticism, Fass 5898, form of contract, Ramsay 5903-4; Nicholson 5904-7, question of obtaining figures of total cost, Nicholson 6029-36; Dannreuther 6032-6. Allocation of direct labour, etc., Nicholson 6210-2. Hydrogen kerosene engine: Patent position, Nicholson 5799, 5833-5, 5869-73 Purchase, 2nd Report 26, circumstances and objects of, Nicholson 5789-873, App. 49 (pp. 684-5); Ramsay 5796, 5845, 5851; Dannreuther 5796, expenditure should have been charged to head of 66 Airship Development," Ramsay 5788; Fass 5788, explanation of charging of, to head of " Aeroplanes, Seaplanes, Engines and Spares," Nicholson 5788, 5830. Programme, delay in carrying out, Nicholson 5909, total expenditure contemplated, Nicholson 6028. Apprentices, system, Nicholson 6134-6. Appropriation Accounts: 1924-25: Abstract, App. 1 (p. 592)- -Comparison of audited expenditure with Exchequer issue, App. 1 (p. 591). Abstract: Question of form, Watson 5712, 5713-7; Ramsay 5713, 5717, 6894- -Uniformity with other fighting services desirable, 2nd Report 3- Geographical classification, question of, Nicholson 6250; Watson 6250, 6252. Air |