Abbildungen der Seite

a part' in'ti mate re frain'

prac'tis ing

de cep'tion sug gest'ing




"Let pleasure go; put care apart." "He is good whose intimate friends are all good."- Lavater.

[ocr errors]

Those who desire to command respect must refrain from practising deception.

"Life is a rich strain of music, suggesting a realm too fair to be.” — Curtis. The chords of music thrilled the heart.

[blocks in formation]

"He who has good health is young, and he who has no debts is rich."

"He most lives who thinks the most, feels the noblest, acts the best."

"Our best friends are they who tell us of our faults and help us to mend them."

"Do thou thy work; it shall succeed
In thine or in another's day;
And though denied the victor's meed,
Thou shalt not miss the toiler's pay.


re hearse'

ex cep'tion


plun'der ing


re pub'lic


lux'u ry pov'er ty re serve'

a loof'


"Words learned by rote any parrot may rehearse." Cowper.

In winter, with few exceptions, the birds migrate to warmer climates.

"The plundering soldier rarely visits the garret."Juvenal.


Luxury ruins republics; poverty, monarchs.'

"Reserve your kind looks and language for private hours."- Swift. "Our palace stood aloof from the streets."

[blocks in formation]

ef face' crum'ble im mor'tal im bue' prin'ci ple en grave' tab'let

e ter'ni ty sus pi'cion haunt


"If we work upon marble, it will perish; if we work on brass, time will efface it, if we rear temples, they will crumble into dust; if we work on immortal minds, if we imbue them with principles, with a just fear of God and love of our fellow-men, we engrave on those tablets something that will brighten to all eternity." -Webster. "Suspicion always haunts the guilty

[blocks in formation]



Fen'de re [fen'sus] to strike, keep off.
Flec'te re [flex'us] = to bend.


"The polished fire-irons before a fire

de fend'ing may be cold, while the black fender is often unbearably hot."- Ganot.

de fense'

of fend'er

de fend'ant

of fen'sive

re'flex reflect'ing re flect'ed


flex'i ble

"Education is the chief defense of nations."- Burke.

"Truth is offensive when it is against one's interest."

"Nature is the glass reflecting God

As by the sea reflected is the sun.” “The bear has a well-developed paw with a flexible wrist."- Agassiz.

eb'o ny in'dus try im pos'si ble im press'

self-de ni'al man'u al

pro tec'tion

safe'guard can'did

as sort'ed

[ocr errors]



"His image is cut in ebony."-Fuller. Nothing is impossible to industry." Periander.

"All great virtues bear the impress of self-denial.” Channing.

"Manual labor is a normal safeguard, a protection against sin.”

"Blame where you must; be candid where you can."-Goldsmith.

The box contains assorted candies.

[blocks in formation]

Fi ni're [fi ni'tus] = to end, to finish, to limit.
Mo ve're [mo'tus] = to move.

re fine'

con fine'

def'i ni'tion

de fine' su'per fine mo'tor

im mov'a ble mo'tive mo'tion less pro mot'er

"Love refines and elevates the mind." -Milton.

"Great efforts from great motives is the best definition of a happy life."


They define virtue to be life ordered according to Nature."-Robyson. The silk is superfine in quality. A new motor was attached to the sewing-machine.

"Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health."-Addison.

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