Language, Band 61,Ausgaben 3-4George Melville Bolling, Bernard Bloch Linguistic Society of America, 1985 |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 1-3 von 32
Seite 583
... argue for innate principles constraining this mapping , one could develop an ' efficiency of use ' argument based on ... argue for is innateness . We can observe the functions that languages perform ; we can argue for or against ...
... argue for innate principles constraining this mapping , one could develop an ' efficiency of use ' argument based on ... argue for is innateness . We can observe the functions that languages perform ; we can argue for or against ...
Seite 616
... argue for the underlying structure in 129 , on analogy with the structure of quasi - purposive clauses like 121-123 , and of fi purpose clauses in general . The only argument that might tip the balance in favor of the former analysis is ...
... argue for the underlying structure in 129 , on analogy with the structure of quasi - purposive clauses like 121-123 , and of fi purpose clauses in general . The only argument that might tip the balance in favor of the former analysis is ...
Seite 702
... arguments had shown that deletion behaved like a kind of contraction . What R shows is that , whether deletion ... argue that the flaw in Labov's ordering argument is symp- tomatic of a general incapacity of quantitative arguments ...
... arguments had shown that deletion behaved like a kind of contraction . What R shows is that , whether deletion ... argue that the flaw in Labov's ordering argument is symp- tomatic of a general incapacity of quantitative arguments ...
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
adjectives agent Ainu allow analysis anaphoric argue argument auxiliary auxiliary verb b₂ basilectal Bresnan Caribbean English Chomsky claim clauses clitic coherence Combination Rule complements Comrie constituent constraints constructions context coördination Creole decreolization dialects discourse discussion Dutch enclitic English examples f-structure fact FIGURE finite French function functional composition German grammar guage impersonal infinitival infinitive interpretation intonation Japanese John lexical life-form linguistic markedness marker mental models modal morphemes morphology noun NP's object paper partial combination passive phonetic phonology phrase position possible pragmatic predicate preposition present principles problem pronoun proposed question reference Relational Grammar relative response restricted Selkup semantic sentences sociolinguistic speakers speech structure syntactic syntactic categories syntax tense theory tion topics transformational grammar types uncertainty utterance verbal verbs voeren voici voici/voilà voilà volume waan word order X-bar Theory