See Note to Class VI, Vote 14 in detailed Statement following. The Savings on Votes and Appropriations-in-Aid realised in excess of Estimates for the year 1923-24, amounting to £32,350,914 7s. 5d., shown in Column 7, were dealt with as follows: In the Financial Year GRAND TOTAL OF EXPENDITURE Surplus of Receipts in Aid over Gross Expenditure. 1924-25 1925-26 Written off from the Exchequer Grant Accounts out of Ways and Means of 1923-24 Transferred to the Army (Ordnance Factories) Supplies Suspense Account from which account a like sum was surrendered to H.M. Exchequer in 1925. ABSTRACT STATEMENT showing the APPROPRIATION of GRANTS and RECEIPTS in AID of GRANTS, for the undermentioned CIVIL SERVICES after Audit by the Comptroller and Auditor General, and Review by the Public Accounts Committee of the House of Commons for the Year ended 31st March, 1924, and the Amounts of the UNEXPENDED BALANCES or DEFICIENCIES arising upon the same. (For details see H.C. 15 of 1924-25.) |