I am no way facetious, nor disposed for the mirth and galliardize of company; yet in one dream I can compose a whole comedy, behold the action, apprehend the jests, and laugh myself awake at the conceits thereof. The British Essayists: The Spectator - Seite 158von Alexander Chalmers - 1802Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
 | 1718 - 360 Seiten
...Nativity my Afcendant was the watery Sign of Scorpius : / was born i» the Planetary Hour of Saturn, and 1 think, I have a piece of that leaden Planet in me. I am no way factttouss nor diffofed for the Mirth and Galliardize ef Comfany, yet in ont Dream I can compefe a>... | |
 | 1737 - 354 Seiten
...Nativity my Afcenl dant dant was the watery Sign of Scorpius : / was born in the pie natary Hourof Saturn, and I think I have a Piece of that leaden Planet in me. I am no way faceti'.us, nor difpofedfor the Mirth and Galliardize of Company ; yet in tne Dream I can compofe a... | |
 | Joseph Addison, Sir Richard Steele - 1753 - 384 Seiten
...Nativity my Afcendent ivat the watery Sign cf Scorpius : 1 was born in the Planetary Hour of Saturn, ami I think I have a piece of that leaden Planet in me. I am 'no 'way facetioust » nor difpofed for the Mirth and Galliardize of Company ; yet in one Dream I can compofe... | |
 | sir Thomas Browne - 1754 - 420 Seiten
...match the fancies of our fleep. At my nativity, my afcendant was the watery fign of i Scorpius ; I was born in the planetary hour of Saturn, and I think I have apiece of that leaden planet in me: I am no way facetious, nor difpofed for the mirth and gallantry... | |
 | William King - 1754 - 354 Seiten
...adds, That we are more than our Jehes in ourjleep. I am no ways, fays he, facetious or difpofed 'for for the mirth and galliardize of company ; yet in one dream I can compofe a whole comedy, behold the aSlion, apprehend the jefts, and laugh my f elf awake at the conceits... | |
 | 1803 - 408 Seiten
...not match the fancies of our sleeps. At my nativity my ascendant was the watery sign of Scorpio : I was born in the planetary hour of Saturn, and I think...behold the action, apprehend the jests, and laugh myself awake at the conceits thereof. Were my memory as faithful as my reasor is then fruitful, I would... | |
 | Joseph Addison - 1804 - 578 Seiten
...not match the fancies of our sleeps. At my nativity my ascendant was the watery sign of Scorpius. I was born in the planetary hour of Saturn, and I think...behold the action, apprehend the jests, and laugh myself awake at the conceits thereof. Were my memory as faithful as my reason is then fruitful, I would... | |
 | George Burnett - 1807 - 1152 Seiten
...the fancies of our sleeps. At my nativity my ascendent was the earthly sign of Scorpius; I was bora in the planetary hour of Saturn, and I think I have...behold the action, apprehend the jests, and laugh thyself awake at the conceits thereof. Were my memory as faithful as my reason is then fruitful, I... | |
 | George Burnett - 1807 - 548 Seiten
...not match the fancies of our sleeps. At my nativity my ascendent was the earthly sign of Scorpius; I was born in the planetary hour of Saturn, and I think...am no way facetious, nor disposed for the mirth and galJiardize of company; yet in one dream I can compose a whole comedy, behold the action, apprehend... | |
 | George Burnett - 1807 - 556 Seiten
...not match the fancies of our sleeps. At my nativity my ascendent was the earthly sign of Scorpius; I was born in the planetary hour of Saturn, and I think...am no way facetious, nor disposed for the mirth and galJiardize of company; yet in one dream I can com* pose a whole comedy, behold the action, apprehend... | |
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