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among the Aristocracy of England is, to soften down the prejudices which have existed against the Church of Rome, but which are, unhappily, fast disappearing from among English Society.- -Liverpool.-Plans for a Popish cathedral on a grand scale have been submitted by Mr. Pugin. Its length will be 400 feet. The cost will exceed £100,000. Subscriptions of £500 to £2,000 each are already spoken of.


Converts from Popery.On Sunday, Nov. 9, nine Roman Catholics read their recantation from Popery in the parish church of St. Audeon's, Dublin, and were received into the Church of England by the Rev. T. Scott, a most zealous and excellent clergyman, who preached on the occasion to a very full congregation. The Dublin Packet states that more than thirty respectable inhabitants of Dingle, in the county of Kerry, have lately renounced Popery and become Protestants. -The "Infidel Colleges."-The Dublin Warder states that Priest Kirwan has been appointed to the professorship of the new College at Galway, and his appointment notified to him by the Chief Secretary in a disgustingly fulsome letter. The following is an extract: "His Excellency is induced to select you for that important post, in consideration of your connection with the county of Galway, as a minister of the Roman Catholic religion in one of its most extensive parishes, and in deference to the testimonials in your favour which his Excellency has received." Even the Evening Packet, which usually supports the ministerial policy, terms this a gross violation of all public decency." It calls loudly for no less than "everlasting shame" upon the Government of Sir Robert Peel for this pro-Popery act. This appointment is pretty significant of the intention of Government to allow the "godless colleges' to become in the hands of the Popish faction, that which the Irish national schools are Popish schools. Another priest, named Kane, has been appointed President of the "godless" college at Cork.- -Fifth of November.-The anniversary of the Gunpowder plot, and of the landing of King William, was well kept up at Derry, Saintfield, Downpatrick, Ardmore, Inniskillen, &c. The lodges mustered in great strength and attended divine service; and during the day there were various rejoicings. At Ardmore the Papists attacked the Protestants, who were quietly passing.

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The Protestant Association has just published "Twelve Letters on the Act of last Session," (The Maynooth Endowment Act,) by the Rev. T. R. Birks, M.A., Rector of Kelshall, price 6d.; also the Sermon preached

by Mr. Birks for the Association on the Evening of Nov. 5, in Fitzroy Episcopal Chapel, price 2d.

FOREIGN.-The Russian Provinces on the Baltic.-Treatment of the Protestants.The latest news from these provinces is of a most melancholy nature. The work of Russianizing the people is proceeding unhindered. The people are of the Esthonian or Lithuanian race, and since the Reformation have become Lutherans, fond of their Bibles, hymn-books, and clergy. Attempts are being made, as with the Roman Catholic population of Russia, to induce these Protestants to enter the Greek Church. The Protestant theological seminary at Dorpat is likely to be extinguished. The authorities are taking advantage of the present want and destitution amongst the peasantry, and offering money to those who enter the Greek Church. But few of the evangelical clergy, it is expected, will soon be required, whose salaries will then be cut down by the Government to the lowest possible amount. The result of this cannot be doubtful.-From the Allgemeine Zeitung.- -Turkey.-The Lazarist priests, who are missionaries connected with the Propaganda, and under the direction of the Jesuits, have for some time established themselves at Bebec, on the banks of the Bosphorus, about four miles from Pera. They have established colleges, and schools for children, the latter under the care of the Sisters of Charity at Bebec, Smyrna, Aleppo, Alexandria, Damascus, Beyrout, and many other neighbouring localities. The French Government have for some time taken the Lazarists and their establishments under their protection, and now, as in the South Seas, Popery and French interests go hand-in-hand. Baden.-More Anti-Catholic Movements.~ The Augsburg Gazette announces that a reform movement is beginning to manifest itself amongst the Popish clergy of Baden.

United States.-The New York Herald states that a movement, somewhat similar to that commenced by Ronge in Germany, has recently originated among the Roman Catholics of Cincinnati. It seems that a Church has been organized there in direct and avowed opposition to the domination of the Pope and the hierarchy of the Romish Church. A number of the most intelligent and influential Roman Catholics in that region have associated themselves together in perfect independence of the Papal See. The distinctive tenets of the Romish Church are to be rigidly maintained, with its rites, ceremonies, and sacraments; a priest has been authorized by the people to minister to them with all the imposing ceremonial of the

Church from which they depart.-Abridged three hundredth anniversary of the opening from the Times, Nov. 20.-, -Belgium.-In of the Council of Trent. Those prelates the recent debates in the senate, on the pro- have addressed circulars to each of their ject of address, in reply to the King's speech, curés on this subject, and with each of the it was objected to the new Government, by circulars they have sent, to be distributed some speakers, that contrary to public opi- among the faithful, a large number of copies nion, as clearly manifested at the recent of a Romish Catechism, printed at Rome, elections, it had been re-modelled on a sys- at the end of which is the bull which protem as favourable as ever, if not more so, to nounces anathemas against Luther and his the Roman Catholic or Jesuit party, and followers. These are significant acts, at a that that party still continued to exercise moment when all Germany is each day beconsiderable influence in it (the Govern- coming more interested in religious quesment).- -Bavaria.-The Morning Herald, tions. All this proves the serious danger Nov. 20, has the following:-A letter from which threatens the Church of Rome in Munich, of the 12th inst., says," The elec- Germany. What will be the effect of these tions of our deputies have been brought to a acts of Rome? that of the wind upon a fire close in almost every locality. The greatest -to fan the flame." The Augsburg Ganumber of the former ones, and particularly zette confirms the rumour of the speedy those who were remarked for their zeal for publication of an encyclical letter by the Catholicism, have been worsted in the elec- Pope, addressed to the German clergy, on toral struggle." the subject of the new reformation in that country."-Dublin Warder.--Popery unchanged.-When the deputation to the Jews, from the Church of Scotland, landed at Leghorn, they thought there could be no crime in giving away a few tracts in a free port. They gave eight Gospel tracts to as many men, who carried up their luggage. Scarce an hour elapsed ere an officer ap peared, inquiring if they had distributed these tracts. Their whole books were straightway carried off, and themselves summoned before the commissary of police without delay. The result was, that, on the censor's report, many of their tracts were kept, and along with them all copies of Keith on the Prophecies, as containing interpretations opposed to those of the Church of Rome; that the members of the deputation were commanded immediately to leave Leghorn, and had passed on them a sentence of perpetual banishment from the Tuscan dominions. In Sardinia, every Bible is taken out of the people's hands by the Popish Government. Protestantism is opposed in Belgium by the priests threatening every proprietor who may seem inclined to grant a spot on which a Protestant church might be built, with being allowed to drop into hell without the rites of his Church-a threat commonly successful.

The German Catholic Church.-L'Esperance, of Nov. 7, has the following:-The German Catholic Church is steadily increasing; it has lately held a Council at Stutgard, when Ronge was present, which has been followed by one at Berlin, the deliberations in which were of an exceedingly interesting and important nature. This Church is strengthening itself. It is quite a new body in the religious world. The separation from Rome is definitive-it is an act of the most decided character, and there is not the slightest probability of a return to the previous state of things. L'Univers is exceedingly rejoiced at the conversion of Mr. Newman. Without denying the importance of this event, which we regard rather as a good than an evil, we repeat that the movement commenced in England by Pusey is nothing, compared to that which Ronge has accomplished in Germany. In the former, several ecclesiastics have caused the stir; in the latter, the masses have separated with or without their priests. The Bishop of Breslau is preparing to launch his anathemas against two priests who have become converted; they write from Bonn, that all the Popish archbishops and bishops of Germany have received an invitation from Rome to celebrate with great pomp the approaching

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"If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."









WE are drawing to the close of a most eventful year,- a year during which much has been done to establish Popery, and much also to promote and establish Protestantism.

Great activity has pervaded, and still pervades, each party. The end is not yet. Rome's efforts are prodigious-without a parallel— and, according to her own foresight, she seems sure of victory. The race, however, is not always to the swift, nor the battle always to the mighty.

There is another agency than that of man at work. The struggle is between the truth of God and the lies of Satan. And we know with whom the victory will be.

Defeat may, for awhile, seem to follow defeat, and disaster to crowd upon disaster, but they who are on the side of truth are on the winning side. All that is pure and holy and religious is with them, and the Lord Jesus, for whose truth they contend, is with them.

They, however, who are on the side of error, are on the losing side; prosperity may seem to smile upon them, and each effort to be crowned with success; but it is only to prepare for a more fatal ruin, that shall be "speedy, sudden, terrible."

A knowledge of futurity does not belong to man, except in those cases where He, to whose mind the past, the present, and the future are one, has been pleased to reveal it, and then the exact period at which predicted events are to take place is oftentimes wisely hid from man.

But the broad outlines of prophecy are given to direct and guide us, to be a light to our feet, and a lantern to our paths. Especially with reference to Rome do we seem to need such light.

Though the truths of the Gospel are so plain, that the simplest mind may comprehend, embrace them, and be saved-there are also mysteries, into which the wisest of mankind, aided by mere human wisdom, seek to dive in vain. In the present times, when so many efforts are made to mystify the doctrines of Christianity, to assimilate Popery to Protestantism, and Protestantism to Popery, and so to amalgamate truth with error, that they too often succeed in mystifying themselves and others, is it not a great and gracious boon to have the sure word of prophecy? to be able to point out Rome as Babylon ?-Popery as the predicted Apostasy? To say to those who would draw off others from the simplicity of truth, as the truth is in Jesus-who would entangle in the maze of Jesuitical refinement, or scholastic subtleties-we have the more sure word of prophecy, whereunto we do well to take heed?

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