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topic of the day, the Maynooth Endowment Bill. A Meeting was also held in May, for the purpose of petitioning the House of Lords on that Anti-Protestant Act, a Petition was adopted, numerously signed, and forwarded for presentation to that House. In recording the assembling of the Members of the Association in October last, your Committee are assured that they express your unanimous feeling, when they speak of the gladdening spirit and heartfelt happiness which they experienced on once again seeing the worthy and venerated president of the Society, John Cator, Esq., presiding in person, and they earnestly trust his late visit may, in the providence of God, be the presage of a happy repetition.

The anniversary of the Papal Gunpowder Plot was commemorated on the 5th of November last by a numerously attended Meeting, and your Committee beg to tender to those Members and Friends of the Society, who kindly addressed that Meeting, their most grateful acknowledgments for the manly, constitutional, and Scriptural sentiments propounded in favour of the principles espoused by the Association.

Your Committee also beg to express their deep sense of the service rendered by those gentlemen who have delivered lectures to the Society during the past year.

Your Committee have also to register the kind attention of the Committee of the " Prayer Book and Homily Society" in making a most acceptable gift of Homilies and other Tracts to the Association.

The library of the Society has received an addition of many useful and entertaining works, from donors and by purchase. *

There is also one other subject which has been presented to, and engaged the

The formation of Protestant Libra

ries, and the introduction of standard and interesting works on Protestantism into those libraries already formed, whether Parochial and Lending Libraries, or those of Mechanics' Institutes, is most important. The Protestant Association have published a series of works adapted to this object.-ED.

attention of, your Committee, namely, a proposition to unite in one common band with the County Association, which, until now, has been separate and distinct in its operations. The ́ effect of such an union, they feel, would be to produce a concentration of action, which would more effectually work out, both in the County and City, the objects in which the Societies are mutually engaged.

In conclusion, your Committee would earnestly impress that the threatening aspect of the times urge strongly upon the Protestant to bear in mind the words of Holy Writ, "Remove not the antient land-mark which thy fathers have set." The constant propagation of unbelief and factious principles carried on by means of Popish, Infidel, and Radical publications, and the vast increase of a population yearly outstripping all the united efforts of the Church of God to lead them to a knowledge of the Truth, and to conduct them in the ways of loyalty, virtue, and morality, demand most pressingly the support of the National Church, with her powers unimpaired and extended, and of those other Protestant Institutions which have not yet been wrested from the nation by the faithless hands of God-forgetting politicians. Let us be firm in our attachment to the Church of our fathers, England's greatest barrier against the encroachments of all enemies of Truth, liberty, and order. Let us be ardent in desire to see her, in the words of an eminent statesman, "great and powerful: to see her foundations laid low and deep, that she may crush the giant powers of rebellious darkness: to have her head raised up to that Heaven to which she conducts us: to have her open wide her hospitable gates, by a noble and liberal comprehension, but to have no breaches in her walls; to have her cherish all those who are within, and pity all those who are without; to have her a common blessing to the world, an example, if not an instructor, to those who have not the happiness to belong to her. To have her give a lesson of peace to mankind, that a vexed and wandering generation may be taught to seek for repose and toleration in the maternal bosom of Christian Charity, and not in

the harlot lap of infidelity and indif- inquiries were proposed to me by some ference."

Then rally around her, by dangers unaw'd, The Church of our Fathers,

The Church of our God.

ROMISH PRIESTS IN CANADA. EXTRACT of a letter from Rev. W. Scott, Wesleyan Missionary, dated St. Clair, Port Samia, January 8th, 1845.

The efforts of the Papacy, in various parts of the world, to destroy true Christianity, and substitute its own direful errors and institutions, are now the subject of cominon observation. Priests and Jesuits are almost everywhere to be found, insinuating themselves amongst the people, and striving to promote the advancement of the Papal system. During the past year an extraordinary effort was made among the St. Clair Indians by them; but, by the blessing of God, they have not succeeded. At one time three Priests together made a sudden and unexpected descent upon this fair portion of the Lord's vineyard. One of these I had always seen at Manitoulin Island, when three several times I have visited that place; and he is now a fluent speaker in the Ojibeway language, and therefore well adapted to this mischievous undertaking. God, however, "taketh the wise in their own craftiness, and disappointeth the hope of the hypocrite."

On the arrival of these Priests of Romanism, a temporary chapel, toward the upper end of this Indian reserve, near to the village of Port Samia, was erected, and pictures ard crucifixes were hung all around it, in mimic grandeur and mock solemnity. The French and Indian Roman Catholics who reside near this place were sent for, and a great display was to be made on the approaching Sabbath. The Priests visit the Indians on this reserve from house to house, and invite them to attend; and other messengers are sent among the Indians, using every means to entice them "only to behold their superior way of worship." That there should be great excitement was not surprising. Many

of our Class-Leaders respecting the claims of Popery; and they were satisfied of its unscriptural character and ruinous tendency. Nor could the jesuitry of the priesthood divert these faithful men from their allegiance to Christ, and their attachment to Wesleyan Methodism.

Previously to the Popish display I had given notice that on the same day I should deliver two discourses on the doctrines, discipline, and fruits of Popery. Our Indian friends were de lighted with this announcement, and made it a duty to invite all their friends to attend our services. The allurements of Popery were in vain. Our chapel was filled, and the Indians listened with intelligent attention to the discourses delivered in the morning and evening. Only a very few went to the Popish mass-house; and, though their ceremonies were continued through the week, yet the Wesleyan Indians were firm and unflinching. I know of only two exceptions—one woman and one man. You, my dear Sirs, need no information as to the duplicity and vileness of Popish Priests; but it may be useful to state a few facts which transpired here, and which are further illustrations of Romanism.

The Priests, while here, were continually active, creeping into houses, both early and late. In one Indian's wigwam there was a sick child. The parents are pious and intelligent Wesleyans. The Priest sympathizes with their afflictions; and, acting upon deep parental affection, proposes a remedy. That remedy was baptism by a Romish Priest. He had the effrontery to assure the mother that the child would quickly recover, and would not again be liable to sickness and disease. What could be more easy? What more desirable? "There could be no harm in trying," thought the mother, almost persuaded. Hearing of this Popish game, accompanied by my interpreter, I immediately repaired to the wigwam. The wicked lies and deception of the Priest were unveiled, and the parents affectionately warned not thus to renounce Christianity, deny the good providence of God, and be ensnared by this mischievous scheme. They were mercifully preserved, and saw

the design of the Priest. The child was even then recovering; and, committing it to the care of God, the babe was restored, and Popery defeated.

One or two instances may also be given, to show the manner in which the Priests were overcome by real Christianity. Dunickwenene, a ClassLeader, was visited by two Priests. They began to speak well of Methodism, but represented their own religion as vastly superior. It had come down from the Apostles, and was the only true religion. "Well," said the Indian, "I wonder, I wonder: I know some Roman Catholic Indians, and some Frenchmen too; they get drunk, they fight, they quarrel, they do not love one another. Now," said he, "look at me: I was the worst Indian on this reserve, drinking and fighting, and committing all manner of wickedness. I heard the Gospel, turned from my sins, have been a Christian some years, and have ceased to do evil. See me-I am a new man. If your religion be so very superior, why does it not produce better effects? I do not believe you." This was an argument not to be gainsayed. The Priests became angry, and left the Indian, feeling he was too strong for them.

With another Indian Class-Léader, Jonas Coe, a Priest entered into conversation; and, seeing an Indian translation of one of the Gospels, began to disparage its merits, and deny its correctness. "The Missionaries put in what they please," said_the_Priest; but this Indian could read and understand English. He asked the Priest to read a passage in Indian; and then, taking down his English Testament, turned to the same passage there; and, desiring the Priest to read that also, asked if that was not a fair translation, and both alike the word of God. The Priest acknowledged the truth, and said they were right. "Are you the interpreter here?" said he. "No," said the Indian; "but I have been taught to read the word of God, and know that what our Missionary teaches agrees therewith." And so the Priest again changed the conversation, and soon left him. Ah! these Priests can do but little mischief where the power of godliness is felt, and where they dare not use coercion.

Another more recent event has had a good effect on the Mission-an Indian man renouncing Popery. He came to me with a sorrowful countenance, having a crucifix suspended from his neck, and deploring his condition. He said he had been deceived by representations of Popish superiority; he had lost his happiness, and among the Papists he found there was no love. He was sorry for having left his Methodist brethren, where he was always happy, and wished to renounce Popery. He did so in the public congregation, and handed me his crucifix. I took occasion to describe the enormities and follies of Popery; and a happy impression was produced. The Indian was threatened by the French Papists; but he is firm, and thankful for his deliverance from these enemies of vital religion.

With heart-felt gratitude, therefore, do I record the goodness of God in preserving the St. Clair Mission from the deadly influence of Popish superstition. The visit of the Priests is only a matter of history: its effect is not visible, except in attaching the Indians more closely to our Wesleyan form of vital Christianity. We have not laboured in vain; but the present position of the Mission strikingly proves that the good Spirit of God himself produced the glorious change which has been wrought among the Indians of the St. Clair River.


Ir is with feelings of heartfelt gratitude to Almighty God that the Committee of the Malta Protestant College announce to their friends and subscribers the opening of the School which is intended to form the groundwork of their future College.

This may be considered as the accomplishment of a very important part of their undertaking, and in thus intimating it, a brief statement of the steps by which it has been attained may not be uninteresting.

The confidential communication signed by their Noble Chairman was so liberally responded to by a large

number of those to whom it was addressed, as to justify the Committee in dispatching an agent to Malta, about fifteen months ago, for the purpose of purchasing a suitable site. This mission was executed to their entire satisfaction. With the assistance of a gentleman resident at Valetta (whose services have been truly valuable), a desirable property, with extensive buildings already upon it, was procured. It is situated at St. Julien's Bay, a delightful and salubrious spot, about two miles from Valetta, and it is pronounced by those who are acquainted with the Island to be a most eligible situation for an educational establishment, possessing unusual advantages for promoting the health and comfort of the students.

The buildings already upon the property are commodious, and the Committee determined to take immediate steps to render them suitable for the reception of Fifty Pupils, with the necessary accommodation for the Mas


In this part of their work the Committee have been greatly indebted to Mr. Scamp, the architect of the church lately erected at Malta by the munificence of the Queen-Dowager, under whose able direction a wing has been added to the original edifice, which completes the arrangement.

The cost of the original purchase was 2,500/., and the addition has been made at an expense of about 500/.

During the progress of these works the Committee experienced considerable anxiety lest, in consequence of a peculiarity in the law of Malta, they should be disturbed in the possession of the property by some hostile party. They are thankful, however, to state that the year of redemption has expired without any such attempt having

been made.

The next point which occupied the attention of the Committee was the appointment of officers for the Institution, and in this part of their work it is difficult for them to express how deeply they have felt its importance, and their need of Divine guidance.

For the office of Vice-Principal they have selected the Rev. Samuel Gobat, a gentleman already well known as the indefatigable Missionary to Abyssinia,

and as an Oriental scholar of the highest standing. His mature judgment and devoted piety, added to his intimate knowledge of the Oriental and modern European languages, render him a valuable acquisition to the infant Institution.

To the important situation of First Master your Committee have appointed, provisionally, the Rev. John Hickman, M.A., of St. John's College, Cambridge. Mr. Hickman was strongly recommended to them as a man of sound religious views, and one who has already had great experience in tuition.

The only other appointment yet made is that of Mr. Zeller to the office of Assistant Master, also provisionally. Mr. Zeller is a native of Switzerland, the son of a very distinguished schoolmaster, and was warmly recommended by His Excellency the Chevalier Bunsen.

The Committee further intend to select a pious and learned member of one of the English Universities for the important office of Principal, but this they have postponed for a few months.

Under the management of the teachers already named, the Institution was opened on the 3d of February last, an account of which event has just been received. The kind friend at Valetta, to whom allusion has already been made, writes that the impression made upon those who were present on this occasion was of the most pleasing character, and affords much hope of future success.

Your Committee have the gratification to add, that the Lord Bishop of Gibraltar has, with much kindness and cordiality, accepted the office of Visitor; the venerable Bishop of Calcutta has extended his patronage to the Institution; and his Excellency the Chevalier Bunsen, Ambassador from his Majesty the King of Prussia, has allowed his name to be placed on the list of the Provisional Committee. To these sources of encouragement the Committee feel bound to add the very gratifying letters which they have received from many of the principal merchants and bankers in the Mediterranean.

Guided and prospered thus far in their undertaking, your Committee

humbly trust that, by the blessing of Almighty God, they will be permitted, without delay, to carry out their original plan to its full extent. For this a sum of 15,000l. (including 5,000l. already collected), will be required, and the Committee earnestly appeal to those kind friends who came so generously forward at the commencement of the undertaking to aid them now in securing its completion.

The work is of the most urgent importance. Its object is nothing less than to spread the pure light of revealed religion, with the blessings of moral and intellectual cultivation, amongst nations now sunk in the lowest state of degradation.

It is to raise up from amongst themselves Missionaries, whose feet shall be beautiful upon the mountains, who shall publish the Gospel of Peace, who, through Divine mercy, shall recall the members of the fallen Asiatic Churches to their first love, and be instrumental in leading even the darkened sons of Africa to stretch forth their hands unto God.

It is, as an important, though subordinate, end, to spread far and wide the light of literature and of science, and, if God permit, to sow the seed which, in due time, may yield for these lands a goodly band of men qualified to promote the best interests of society, in the learned professions, or in the various departments of commerce.

In venturing to anticipate these results, your Committee humbly commend their Infant Establishment to Almighty God, with the earnest prayer, that it may now and at all times be so conducted as to promote his glory, and to diffuse those blessings which He is pleased in His unerring Word to connect with the honour of His name, viz. "peace on earth, and good will towards men."

London, March 14, 1846.

The wretched man was executed, as our readers are aware, for attempting to murder Sir FRANCIS HOPKINS. He pleaded not guilty to the charge, and even on the scaffold protested, in the most positive manner, that he had no part nor hand in the crime. He was a member of the Church of Rome, and so powerfully were enlisted on his behalf the sympathies of that Church, that a Petition, numerously signed by its priests, was presented to the LordLieutenant on his behalf, and a Roman Catholic Prelate publicly expressed his conviction that he was an innocent and an injured man; but the evidence of his guilt was so clear and convincing that the representative of our gracious Queen, with the concurrence of the judge who tried the case, was constrained to come to the determination that the law should take its course. We express no opinion upon this particular case; we merely state the facts as they have come before the public, and we take advantage of the excitement which these facts have produced to show that it is possible that a consistent and devoted Romanist, such as BRIAN SEERY was, could protest in the dying hour that he was innocent of a crime laid to his charge, and which he had actually committed; and moreover, that he could call that God, before whom he was shortly to appear, to witness his protestation. We most emphatically and distinctly assert that this is possible; and while we do not pronounce upon the case of Seery, we most unequivocally maintain that the Church of Rome has sanctioned and authorized such moral principles as would justify the culprit in denying his guilt as solemnly and earnestly as he did even in a dying hour!

We proceed at once to evidence of an indisputable character-"The Moral Theology of Saint Alphonsus Liguori.' It will be necessary to point out the authority of the work on which we ground this most weighty accusa


BRIAN SEERY is no more. He has paid the uttermost penalty of the law, and now in the eternal world he must render an account to Him, "to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid."

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1st. The author was canonized in the year 1839, only seven years ago.

found guilty of the crime of murder at *Two men, who were since tried and the assizes of Longford, declared themselves innocent as vehemently and solemnly as Seery.

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