Abbildungen der Seite

Even complete rest and the best of medical care could not restore her health, and she died after about six months' illness.

She will be much missed by her associates, who held her in high esteem for her personal qualities as well as for her excellent teaching and fine scholarship.

EDWIN C. ROEDDER, Professor of German Language and Literature at the College of the City of New York, has been made an Honorary Citizen of his native village of Oberschefflenz, in Baden, Germany, in recognition of his researches in the history of German culture, as brought out in his recent volume Das südwestdeutsche Reichsdorf in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, which deals with culture in German villages from pre-mediaeval times down to the present.

DR. KARL ZEMEN, who was Visiting Lecturer in Experimental Phonetics at the State University of Iowa during the last academic year, has returned to his regular post in Vienna.

THE FOLLOWING NEW MEMBERS have been received into the LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA, subsequent to the last published list, and up to June 18:

Miss Lydia Brown, 1721 S Street N.W., Washington, D.C. (Cardozo High School)

Miss Alice Hill Byrne, Western College for Women, Oxford, Ohio. (Dean and Prof. of Greek)

Jagadish J. Chatterji, Esq., International School of Vedic and Allied Research, Times Bldg., 1475 Broadway, New York City.

Prof. Edward Chiera, Oriental Institute, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.


Mr. William F. Diller, 239 Pine St., Lancaster, Pa. (Graduate student in Latin, Univ. of Penna.)

Prof. Dean S. Fansler, Riverton, Conn. (English, Brown Univ.)
Prof. Nelius O. Halvorson, Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls,

Iowa. (English)

Miss Anna Heyberger, Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Miss Josephine W. Holt, John Marshall High School, Richmond, Va. (Director of Modern Langs., Richmond High Schools)

Mr. Joseph G. Kresh, 2116 Morris Ave., New York City.

Mr. Edwin John Pattee, 13 A Chauncey, Cambridge, Mass. (Graduate student in Romance Langs., Harvard Univ.)

Prof. Frederick W. Peterson, Foster Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Rhetoric, Univ. of Michigan)


Under this heading will be acknowledged such works as seem to bear on the advancement of the scientific study of language.

The publicity thus given is regarded as a full return for the presentation of the work. Under no circumstances is it possible to comply with the requests being made by certain publishers for the return of books not reviewed quickly.

Reviews will be published as circumstances permit. Copies of them will be sent to the publishers of the works reviewed.

For further bibliographic information consult the annual list of Exchanges.

Acta Philologica Scandinavica 5. 97-192 (1930).

Die altdeutschen Ländernamen. Pp. 10. By HEINRICH SCHAUM. Abstract of dissertation. Giessen: 1929.

American Speech 5. 259-439 (1930).

Anthropos 25. 1-392 (1930).

Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 157. 1-160 (1930).

Archiv für Orientforschung 6. 1-58 (1930).

Archiv Orientální 2. 1–200 (1930).

Das austronesische Sprachgut in den polynesischen Sprachen. By OTTO DEMPWOLFF. (Feestbundel van het Bataviasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen 1929. 62-86.)

Die Behandlung des Todes in den Dramen Grillparzers, Hebbels und Otto Ludwigs. Pp. 28. By HERMANN RENNERT. Giessen: 1929. Beiträge zur Drosteforschung. Pp. 60. By HANS KEMPE. Giessen: 1929.

Die Bezeichnungen des Zahnfleisches in den indogermanischen Sprachen. By EDUARD SCHWYZER. (KZ 57. 256–75).

Biblica 11. 1-128; 1*-16* (1930).

Bibliotheca Africana 3. 265-83 (1930).

Bolletino delle Pubblicazioni Italiane Nos. 343-6 (1930).

Bulletin Hispanique 32. 1-192 (1930).

Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris Nos. 89-91 (1930). Bulletin No. 13. AMERICAN COUNCIL OF LEARNED SOCIETIES. Washington: April, 1930.

Busse; Bedeutungsgeschichtliche Beiträge zur Kultur und Geistesgeschichte. Pp. 296. By JOSEF WEISWEILER. Halle (Saale): Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1930.

Catholic University of America Patristic Studies: XX The Use of Indirect Discourse in the Works of St. Ambrose. Pp. 165. By SISTER M. ANTOINETTE MARTIN. XXI Titles of Address in Christian Latin Epistolography to 543 A.D. Pp. 172. BY SISTER M. BRIDGET O'BRIEN. XXII Saint John Chrysostom's Homilies on the Statues: A Study of their Rhetorical Qualities and Form. Pp. 123. BY SISTER M. ALBANIA BURNS. XXIV The Pagan Divinities and their Worship as Depicted in the Works of Saint Augustine Exclusive of the City of God. Pp. 135. BY SISTER M. DANIEL MADDEN. XXV St. Basil and Monasticism. Pp. 112. BY SISTER MARGARET GERTRUDE MURPHY. XXVI The Use of the Optative Mood in the Works of St. Gregory of Nyssa. Pp. 126. By G. W. P. HOEY. Washington: Catholic University of America, 1930.

Ciceros Brief an Paetus IX 22. Pp. 43. By WILHELM WENDT. Giessen: 1929.

La Cultura 9. 161-400 (1930).

Diphthong Formation; a Preliminary Study. Pp. 6. By R. H. STETSON and F. L. FULLER. (Arch. Néerl. Phon. Exp. 5 [1930]).

Die Emanzipierte in der Dichtung des Naturalismus. Pp. 79. By HEDI GUNTRUM. Giessen: 1928.

Das erste Auftreten der Personen im älteren englischen Drama. Pp. 61. By JAKOB ROSSBACH. Giessen: 1928.

Eine Erwiderung. Pp. 38. By A. S. YAHUDA. (Zeit. f. Sem. 7. [1930]).

English Studies 12. 49-128 (1930).

Étude sur la poésie et sur le vocabulaire de Loys Papon poéte forézien du XVIe siècle. Pp. 105. BY SISTER M. JEROME KEELER. Washington: Catholic University of America, 1930.

Functions of the Breathing Movements in the Mechanism of Speech. By R. H. STETSON and C. V. HUDGINS. (Arch. Néerl. Phon. Exp. 5 [1930].)

Gerichtsszenen im älteren englischen Drama. Pp. 59. By EBERHARD LUCIUS. Giessen: 1928.

Geschichte der armenischen Philologie. Pp. 212. By JOSEPH KARST. Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1930.

Giessener Beiträge zur deutschen Philologie: XXIV Probleme neuerer Mundartforschung; Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen zu einer Darstellung der Mundart von Naunstadt (Taunus). Pp. 80. By FRITZ STROH. XXV Beiträge zur rheinhessischen Winzersprache. Pp. 66. By PAUL KADEL. Giessen: 1928.

Gnomon 6. 113-288, Bibl. Beil. No. 2 (1930).

Goethe und die altdeutsche Kunst. Pp. 72. By ALBRECHT SCHOEGiessen: 1921/1928.


Grimmelshausens Weltbild. Pp. 47. By MARGARETE CHALLIER. Giessen: 1928.

Handbuch des Sanskrit. I. Grammatik. Pp. 538. By ALBERT THUMB. Zweite Auflage. Manuldruck der ersten Auflage verbessert und mit Nachträgen versehen von HERMANN HIRT. Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1930.

Das hethitische Mediopassivum. By M. B. HROZNÝ. (Actes du I Congrès internat. de linguistes 1928 155-64).

Hipponax redivivus. Pp. 76. By FRIEDERICH JUNG. Bonn: 1929. Hispania 13. 173-292 (1930).

Indogermanische Forschungen 48. 1-116 (1930).

Italica 7. 1-72 (1930).

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Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 25. 1-313 (1930).

Journal of the International School of Vedic and Allied Research 1. 25-100 (1930).

The Journal of the Polynesian Society 39. 1-124 (1930).

Lesbisch par und altarmenisch bam bas bay. By EDUARD SCHWYZER. (KZ 57. 242-7).

Leeuvensche Bijdragen 21. 73-117, Bijblad 59-112 (1930).
Le Maître Phonétique 1930. 1-45.

Man 30. 57-116 (1930).

Materialien zum islamischen und jüdischen Eherecht. Pp. 54. By SAMUEL BIALOBLOCKI. Giessen: Alfred Töpelmann, 1928.

Mattole; an Athabaskan Language. Pp. 152. By FANG-KUEI LI. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1930 (The University of Chicago Publications in Anthropology. Linguistic Series.)

Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 23. 225-76 (1929). The Modern Language Forum 15. 45-115 (1930).

Modern Philology 27. 385-506 (1930).

Le Monde Oriental 22. 1-531 (1928).

Nachrichten der Giessener Hochschul-Gesellschaft 7. Nos. 1-2


Neuphilologische Monatsschrift; Zeitschrift für das Studium der angelsächsischen und romanischen Kulturen und ihrer Bedeutung für die deutsche Bildung. Edited by WALTER HÜBNER. 1. 1-344. Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer, 1930.

Das Objekt der unerlaubten Tötung in Israel; Eine Untersuchung über die Bedeutung der Synonyma für "Töten' im Alten Testament. Pp. 32. By RICHARD HEINZE. Giessen: 1928.

On Ok Myit and She Pok, with a Proposed Revision of the Terminology of Burmese 'Tones.' By STUART N. WOLFENDEN. (Jour. Burma Res. Soc. 19. 57-66).

Pater Schmidts Anwendung seiner Kulturkreislehre auf die Sprachwissenschaft. By OTTO DEMPWOLFF. (Arch. f. Anthr. NF 22. 72-7.) Philological Quarterly 9. 97-224 (1930).

Philologus 85. 229-356 (1930).

Portucale 3. 1-144 (1930).

Sur les pronoms personnels de 1re et de 2e personnes dans les langues kartvèles. By R. LAFON. (Bull. Soc. Ling. 30. 153–69.)

Publications by HEINRICH WINKLER. Uralaltaische Völker und Sprachen. Pp. 480. Berlin: 1884. Das Uralaltaische und seine Gruppen. Pp. 184. Berlin: 1885. Zur Sprachgeschichte. Pp. 306: Berlin 1887. Weiteres zur Sprachgeschichte. Pp. 207. Berlin: 1889. Zur indogermanischen Syntax. Pp. 31+ 21. Breslau: 1892. Japaner und Altaier. Pp. 24. Berlin 1894. Germanische Casussyntax. Pp. 551. Berlin: 1896. Die sprache der zweiten columne der dreisprachigen inschriften und das altaische. Pp. 32. Breslau: 1896. Skizzen aus dem Völkerleben. Pp. 198. Berlin: 1903. Der Uralaltaische Sprachstamm. Pp. 316. Berlin: 1909.. Das Baskische und der vorderasiatisch-mittelländische Völker- und Kulturkreis. Pp. 30. Breslau: 1909. Zur Völkerkunde von Osteuropa. Pp. 40. Breslau: 1912. Kaukasische Sprachen (Memnon 7. 20-45 [1913]). La langue basque et les langues ouralo-altaïques. Pp. 46. Halle a.S.: 1917. Also reprints of reviews and short articles. Recensioni. By G. B. PIGHI. (Aerum 5. 547–62).

Revista de Filología Española 16. 225-459 (1929); 17. 1-112 (1930). Revue Hispanique 78. 1-602 (1930).

Ricerche Religiose 6. 97-288 (1930).

Slavia 8. 689-884 (1930).

Die sozialischen und politischen Ideen im Weltbild Georg Büchners. Pp. 40. By GEORG HONIGMANN. Giessen: 1929.

Sprachwissenschaft und Klassische Philologie. By A. DEBRUNNER. (IF 48. 1-25.) Also reprints of reviews and short articles from the same periodical.

Studia Neophilologica 2. 117-224 (1930).

Studier i Nordisk Filologi 20 Nos. 3-4 (1930).

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