FM Mr. B. R. Ewing, Jr., Washington and Lee Univ., Lexington, Va. (Romance Langs.) 1926 Prof. Oscar F. W. Fernsemer, Hunter College, 66 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. (German) 1928 Prof. Gilbert Malcolm Fess, 311 Hitt St., Columbia, Mo. (French, Univ. of Missouri) 1927 Prof. Edward Fitch, Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. (Greek) SC Prof. George T. Flom, 611 W. Green St., Urbana, Ill. (Scandinavian Langs, and Lits., Univ. of Illinois) FM Mr. Maynard D. Follin, Box 118, Detroit, Mich.; winter address, Dunedin, Fla. FM Prof. Frank H. Fowler, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. (Classical Langs.) 1928 Dr. Louise G. Frary, 5049 Dupont Av. South, Minneapolis, Minn. FM Prof. Charles C. Fries, 7 Harvard Place, Ann Arbor, Mich. (English, Univ. of Michigan) FM Dr. Henry S. Gehman, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. (Sem itic Langs.) FM Mr. E. A. Gellot, 290 Broadway, New York City. (Artist) Langs.) 1928 Dr. S. R. Gilcreast, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. (French and Spanish) 1929 Mr. Wilbur E. Gilman, 219 S. Baker Hall, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (English) 1928 Prof. F.W. Gingrich, Albright College, Reading, Pa. (Greek) 1926 Prof. Charles Goetsch, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (Ger manic Phil.) FM Rabbi Solomon Goldman, 629 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago, Ill. 1927 Miss Jane F. Goodloe, Homewood Apartments, Baltimore, Maryland. 1929 Mr. Eugene Gottlieb, Box 3039 Univ. Sta., Columbus, Ohio. (German, Ohio State Univ.) 1928 Prof. Willem L. Graff, McGill Univ., Montreal, Canada. (Germanic Langs.) 1928 Prof. Charles H. Grandgent, 107 Walker St., Cambridge, Mass. (Romance Langs., Harvard Univ.) 1929 Mr. Benjamin F. Gravely, Box 209, Martinsville, Va. (Dealer in Linguistic Books) 1925 Prof. Claudine Gray, Hunter College, New York City. (French) SC Prof. Louis H. Gray, Columbia Univ., New York City. (Oriental Langs.) 1928 Prof. Ina May Greer, State Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. (Graduate student in English) 1928 Mr. Mack Hall Griffin, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. (Latin and Greek) 1926 Prof. Charles Grimm, Williams Col., Williamstown, Mass. (Romanic Langs.) 1927 Prof. Wren Jones Grinstead, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Education) 1927 Mr. John F. Gummere, Wm. Penn Charter School, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. (Languages) 1925 Dr. August Günther, Studien-Rat, Lessingstr. 7, Völklingen, Saar. (Lettic) FM Prof. Luise Haessler, Butler Hall, 400 W. 119th St., New York City. (German, Hunter College) FM Prof. E. Adelaide Hahn, 640 Riverside Drive, New York City, (Greek and Latin, Hunter Col.) FM Prof. A. Irving Hallowell, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Anthropology) 1929 Prof. H. A. Hamilton, Elmira Coll., Elmira, N. Y. (Classical Phil.) 1929 Prof. Miles L. Hanley, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. (English) 1929 Mr. Zellig S. Harris, 5601 Diamond St., Philadelphia, Pa. FM Mr. Joel Hatheway, 15 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. (Chairman of the Board of Examiners of the Bureau of Education) 1928 Frank Hawley, Esq., 56 Stanley St., Norton-on-Tees, Durham, England. 1927 Mr. Paul R. Hays, 510 Hamilton Hall, Columbia Univ., New York City. (Greek and Latin) 1926 Dr. R.-M. S. Heffner, 24 Langdon St., Arlington, Mass. (German, Harvard Univ.) 1926 Prof. J. W. Hewitt, Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, Conn. (Classics) 1929 Mr. Maurice Hicklin, Box 892, Arcata, Humboldt Co., Calif. (English and Journalism, Humboldt State Teachers Coll.) 1928 Dr. Archibald A. Hill, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (English) 1929 Miss Grace A. Hill, College of the City of Detroit, Detroit, Mich. (Head of French Dept.) 1926 Prof. Raymond T. Hill, 902 Yale Sta., New Haven, Conn. (French, Yale Univ.) FM Prof. Elijah Clarence Hills, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Calif. (Romance Phil.) 1925 Mr. Edward M. Hinton, 720 Blythe Av., Drexel Hill, Pa. (English, Univ. of Tenn.) 1929 Mr. L. S. Hitchcock, Los Alamos Ranch School, Otowi, N.M. (Headmaster) 1927 Prof. Philip K. Hitti, 14 Wilton St., Princeton, N. J. (Semitic Lit., Princeton Univ.) 1929 Rev. P. Michael Hlavčák, St. Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, Pa. (Prof. of Latin, Greek, Slovak) FM Mr. F. W. Hodge, Musuem of the American Indian, New York City. FM Prof. Urban T. Holmes, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. (French) 1925 Prof. Emeritus E. Washburn Hopkins, 299 Lawrence St., New Haven, Conn. (Sanskrit and Comparative Phil., Yale Univ.) FM Mrs. Francis W. Hopkins (Grace Sturtevant), 548 Orange St., (Classics) New Haven, Conn. 1926 Prof. Robert C. Horn, Muhlenberg Col., Allentown, Pa. (Greek) FM Prof. J. Preston Hoskins, 10 College Road, Princeton, N. J. (Germanic Langs. and Lit., Princeton Univ.) FM Prof. Harry M. Hubbell, 484 Yale Av., New Haven, Conn. (Greek and Latin, Yale Univ.) FM A. M. Huntington, Esq., 1 E. 89th St., New York City. (Author) Benefactor, 1927. 1926 Mr. Stephen A. Hurlbut, St. Alban's School, Washington, D. C. (Latin and Greek) FM Mr. William A. Hurwitz, 2614 N. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. (Languages, W. Phila. High School) 1926 Prof. H. Hyvernat, 3405 Twelfth St., N. E., Brookland, D. C. (Semitic Langs. and Lits., Catholic Univ.) FM Prof. Sanki Ichikawa, 25 Kitayamabushicho, Ushigome, Tokyo, Japan. (English, Tokyo Imperial Univ.) 1927 Mr. Charles P. Iwanicki, 788 N. Taney St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1928 Prof. A. V. Williams Jackson, Columbia Univ., New York City. (Indo-Iranian Langs.) 1929 Prof. Jess H. Jackson, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. (English) FM Prof. Cary F. Jacob, 10 West St., Northampton, Mass. (Spoken English, Smith Col.) 1928 Dr. Melville Jacobs, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Wash. (Anthropology) 1928 Mr. Sidney Jaffe, 5365 Diamond St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1929 Prof. Russell P. Jameson, Oberlin Coll., Oberlin, Ohio. (Romance Langs.) 1929 Mr. Vincent F. Jankauskas, 1226 Bloomfield St., Hoboken, N. J. (Etruscan) 1928 Prof. T. Atkinson Jenkins, 5411 Greenwood Av., Chicago, Ill. (History of the French Lang., Univ. of Chicago) FM Mr. Waldemar Jochelson, American Museum of Natural History, New York City. (East Siberian and Aleutian Dialects) 1929 Dr. E. J. Johns, 149 Greenwich Av., Greenwich, Conn. (Spanish, Univ. of Fla.) 1929 Prof. Edwin Lee Johnson, College Hall, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn. (Latin and Greek) 1927 Prof. Oliver M. Johnston, Box 1132, Stanford University, Calif. (Romanic Langs.) 1929 Prof. Marguerite E. Jones, Hunter College, Park Av. and 68th St., New York City. (Speech) FM Prof. Oscar L. Keith, Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. (Romance Langs.) FM Prof. May Lansfield Keller, Westhampton College, Univ. of Richmond, Va. (English) FM Miss Ruth M. Keller, 568 S. Champion Av., Columbus, Ohio. 1925 Prof. G. D. Kellogg, Union Col., Schenectady, N. Y. (Latin) FM Prof. Robert J. Kellogg, Ottawa Univ., Ottawa, Kans. (Modern Langs. and Linguistics) FM Prof. John M. Kelso, Williamsport, Pa. 1928 Prof. Hayward Keniston, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (Spanish Lang.) FM Prof. Arthur G. Kennedy, 435 Coleridge Av., Palo Alto, Calif. (English Phil., Stanford Univ.) SC Prof. Roland G. Kent, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Comparative Phil.) Life Member, 1927. 1929 Prof. John S. Kenyon, Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio. (English) FM Mr. J. Alexander Kerns, Washington Sq. Coll., New York Univ., New York City. (Latin) 1927 Prof. Watson Kirkconnell, Wesley College, Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. (English) FM Mr. Eugene Klein, 200 S. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. (Philatelist; collector of Oriental manuscripts) 1927 Prof. James A. Kleist, St. Louis Univ., Grand and Pine Blvds., St. Louis, Mo. (Classical Langs.) FM Prof. Charles Knapp, 1737 Sedgwick Av., New York City. (Greek and Latin, Columbia Univ.) FM Prof. William E. Knickerbocker, College of the City of New York, New York City. (Romance Langs.) 1926 Mrs. Elizabeth Knott (Mrs. J. P.), 7735 Haskins Av., Chicago, Ill. (Classical Archaeology) 1926 Mr. T. A. Knott, 30 Firglade Av., Springfield, Mass. (General Editor of Webster's New International Dictionary) 1929 Mr. Richard Knowles, St. Mark's School, Southborough, Mass. (Master of Langs.) 1929 Mr. Edwin O. Koch, 1010 E. Kankakee St., Keokuk, Ill. (Latin) 1929 Mr. Richard Koch, 907 S. 16th St., Newark, N. J. FM Prof. Selma S. König, 38 Breese Terrace, Madison, Wisc. (Graduate student in German and French, Univ. of Wisconsin) FM Mr. Franklin B. Krauss, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Latin) SC Prof. A. L. Kroeber, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Calif. (An thropology) 1926 Prof. Samuel Kroesch, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. (German) FM Prof. Hans Kurath, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (Ger man) FM Prof. A. G. Laird, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (Greek) 1927 Prof. Emeritus Henry R. Lang, Box 176, Yale Sta., New Haven, Conn. (Romance Langs. and Lits., Yale Univ.) FM Prof. Philippe de La Rochelle, Columbia Univ., New York City. (French) 1928 Prof. Henning Larsen, Woodlawn Apts., Iowa City, Iowa. (English, State Univ. of Iowa) FM Dr. Berthold Laufer, Field Musuem of Natural History, Chicago, Ill. (Eastern Asiatic Langs.) FM Prof. Emory B Lease, Hudson View Gardens, 183d St. and Pinehurst Av., New York City. (Classical Langs., Col. of City of New York) |