Abbildungen der Seite

Prof. David M. Robinson, of The Johns Hopkins University: A Record of Sale from Olynthus. Discussion by Mr. Bolling.

Dr. Philip B. Whitehead, of Clarendon, Vt.: A New Method of Studying the Caesura: the Caesura in Latin Pentameter. The paper was, in the author's absence, read by Mr. Sturtevant.

Prof. Norman W. DeWitt, of Cornell University: Latin licio 'strike'. (Read by title only.)

Adjournment was taken at 3.52 p.m., after which the members of the Societies were invited to make a special visit to the Morgan Library or to the Frick Art Reference Library. Many of those present availed themselves of the opportunity.

The Fifth Session was held on the afternoon of Friday, December 28, in the Library Reading Room of the American Museum of Natural History, Seventy-Seventh Street and Central Park West, jointly with the American Anthropological Association, Section H of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Linguistic Part of Section L of the same Association. Professor Boas, as President both of the Anthropological Association and of the Linguistic Society, called the meeting to order at 2.30 p.m. and presided during the first paper, after which he called to the chair Professor Bolling, as Chairman of Section L of the A. A. A. S. About 100 persons were in attendance. The following papers were presented:

Dr. Ephraim Cross, of New York City: Syncope and Kindred Phenomena in the Roman World, as they bear on the development of the Romance languages. Discussion by Mr. Bolling.

Prof. Francis R. Preveden, of DePaul University: Etymological Miscellanies. Dicussion by Messrs. Edgerton, Kent, Bolling.

Prof. Truman Michelson, of George Washington University and Smithsonian Institution: Some Algonquian Phonetic Shifts.

Prof. Paul Radin, of Fisk University: The Zapotec Language of Oaxaca. Discussion by Messrs. Sapir, Cross, Boas, Bolling.

Dr. W. Bogoras, of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leningrad: Some Remarks on Siberian Shamanism. Discussion by Messrs. Boas, Cross, Bolling.

Dr. John R. Swanton, of the Smithsonian Institution: A Newly Discovered Dialect in the Gulf Area. (Read by title only.)

Prof. Roland G. Kent, of the University of Pennsylvania: A Detail of Linguistic Method. Discussion by Messrs. Sturtevant, Michelson, Preveden, Bolling, Sapir.

Prof. Edward Sapir, of the University of Chicago: The Status of Linguistics as a Science. Discussion by Messrs. Moore, Boas.

The last paper, it should be noted, was made a special order of the day, to begin at 4.30 p.m.; it was given at the request of the authorities of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, to present the conclusions of a committee of the A. A. A. S. to investigate the relation of linguistic science to the natural and physical sciences. This committee consisted of Prof. Sapir, Chairman; Prof. G. M. Bolling; Prof. B. E. Livingston.

Adjournment was taken at 5.20 p.m.

This meeting surpassed all previous meetings in the attendance of scholars; in the offering of papers; and in the coordination of Oriental, classical, modern, and Americanist themes. It marks a decided step forward in linguistic studies in this country, and with the foundation of the Linguistic Institute, makes 1928 a notable year for 'the advancement of the scientific study of language' in America, which is the purpose of the Linguistic Society of America.

(signed) ROLAND G. KENT,



This list includes all those who were on the rolls of the Society in 1928. SC before the name indicates Signers of the Call which led to the foundation of the Society, FM indicates Foundation Members, a date indicates the year of election. So far as the information is at hand, the special subject of instruction or of study, or the occupation, is given. Any changes of address or of title, and any errors, should be at once reported to the Secretary of the Society. Later lists will give the names of those who become members during 1929.


Indogermanische Gesellschaft, bei Prof. Dr. A. Debrunner,
Landgrafenstieg 5, Jena, Germany.

Société de Linguistique de Paris, à la Sorbonne, Paris V, France.


1927 Prof. Dr. A. Debrunner, Landgrafenstieg 5, Jena, Germany. 1927 Prof. Dr. Otto Jespersen, Ermelundsly, Gentofte, Copenhagen, Denmark.

1927 Prof. A. Meillet, 24 Rue de Verneuil, Paris VII, France. 1928 Prof. Dr. W. Meyer-Lübke, Universität, Bonn, Germany. 1927 Dr. P. Rivet, 61 Rue de Buffon, Paris, France. 1928 Prof. Dr. Ed. Sievers, Schillerstr. 8, Leipzig, Germany. 1928 Prof. Dr. F. Sommer, Ludwigstr. 22, München, Germany. 1927 Prof. Dr. Jakob Wackernagel, Gartenstr. 93, Basel, Switzerland. 1927 Prof. Henry Cecil Wyld, Merton College, Oxford, England.


FM Prof. Arthur Adams, Trinity Col., Hartford, Conn. (English) 1928 Mr. J. H. Adams, Kenvil, N. J. (Translator and abstracter, Hercules Experimental Station)

1927 Mrs. Ruth Norton Albright (Mrs. W. F.), Box 333, Jerusalem, Palestine. (Indology)

FM Prof. Joseph E. A. Alexis, 1420 Garfield St., Lincoln, Neb. (Romance Langs, Univ. of Nebraska)

1926 Mr. Bernard M. Allen, Cheshire, Conn. (Latin, Roxbury


1926 Prof. Louis Allen, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. (French) 1927 Mr. Wm. H. Allen, 3345 Woodland Av., Philadelphia, Pa. (Bookseller)

FM Prof. Hermann Almstedt, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (Germanic Langs.)

1926 Mr. Manuel J. Andrade, DeWitt Clinton High School, New York City. (Spanish)

1925 Prof. A. LeRoy Andrews, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. (German) FM Prof. Claude E. Anibal, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio.


1925 Prof. Edward C. Armstrong, 26 Edgehill St., Princeton, N. J. (French, Princeton Univ.)

FM Prof. Herbert D. Austin, Univ. of Southern California, University Av., Los Angeles, Calif. (Italian and French) 1928 Prof. Elizabeth Avery, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. (Spoken English)

1928 Prof. George O. Aykroyd, 175 W. Union Blvd., Bethlehem, Pa. (Classical Langs. and Lits., Moravian Col. and Theol. Sem.) FM Prof. Harry Morgan Ayres, Columbia Univ., New York City. (English)

FM Prof. Earle B. Babcock, Dotation Carnegie, 173 Boulevard St.-Germain, Paris, France. (Romance Langs.)

1925 Prof. James L. Barker, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. (Modern Langs.)

FM Prof. A. J. Barnouw, Columbia Univ., New York City. (Dutch Hist., Lang., and Lit.)

SC Prof. LeRoy Carr Barret, Trinity Col., Hartford, Conn. (Latin) 1927 Mr. Phillips Barry, 5 Craigie Circle, Cambridge, Mass. (Classics) FM Prof. George A. Barton, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, (Semitic Langs.)


1927 Prof. Samuel Eliot Bassett, 295 S. Prospect St., Burlington, Vt. (Greek Lang. and Lit., Univ. of Vermont)

1926 Dr. Claudio Basto, Viana do Castelo, Portugal.

1927 Mr. Charles F. Bauer, 3440 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. (Classics, William Penn Charter School)

FM Prof. Gertrude H. Beggs, Westhampton College, Univ. of Richmond, Va. (Latin)

FM Dean H. M. Belden, 811 Virginia Av., Columbia, Mo. (English,

Univ. of Missouri)

SC Prof. Harold H. Bender, 120 Fitz Randolph Road, Princeton, N. J. (Indo-Germanic Phil., Princeton Univ.)

1927 Prof. Adolph B. Benson, 548 Orange St., New Haven, Conn. (German and Scandinavian, Yale Univ.)

FM Miss M. Julia Bentley, 3517 Middleton Av., Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Latin, Hughes High School)

FM Mr. Morris Berg, 92 S. 13th St., Newark, N. J. (Romance Langs.)

FM Prof. Frank R. Blake, 1600 Park Av., Baltimore, Md. (Oriental Langs., Johns Hopkins Univ.; Principal, Baltimore City Col.)

1928 Prof. D. S. Blondheim, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (Romance Phil.)

SC Prof. Leonard Bloomfield, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (Germanic Phil.)

SC Prof. Emeritus Maurice Bloomfield, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (Sanskrit and Comparative Phil.) Died June 13, 1928.

SC Prof. Franz Boas, Columbia Univ., New York City. (Anthro


FM Mr. George Bobrinskoy, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.


1928 Prof. Emile Boisacq, 271 Chaussée de Vleurgat, Ixelles-Bruxelles, Belgium. (Sanskrit and Comparative Phil., Univ. of Brussels) SC Prof. George Melville Bolling, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio. (Greek) Life Member, 1927.

1926 Prof. J. L. Boysen, Box 1510, Univ. Sta., Austin, Texas. (Germanic Langs., Univ. of Texas)

FM Prof. George H. Brown, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. (Modern Langs.)

FM Prof. George Wm. Brown, 57 Sherman St., Hartford, Conn. (Indology, Kennedy School of Missions)

FM Prof. W. Norman Brown, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Sanskrit)

1925 Prof. W. F. Bryan, 1907 Orrington Av., Evanston, Ill. (English, Northwestern Univ.)

SC Prof. Carl D. Buck, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (Compara

tive Phil.)

1926 Dr. Ludlow S. Bull, Metropolitan Museum, New York City. (Egyptology, Metropolitan Museum and Yale Univ.)

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