advanced courses in Spanish. At the end of the semester he sailed to Spain under a Guggenheim Fellowship. He will spend the year in Madrid examining and classifying the manuscripts corresponding to Parts 2-6 of the General Estoría written by order of Alfonso X, and investigating the Latin culture, classic and mediaeval, reflected in the same work. J. R. WARE, until recently Instructor in Latin at the University of Washington, accepted an appointment as Fellow in Chinese at the Harvard-Yenching Institute for the second term of this academic year, and is now in Cambridge. SUBSEQUENT TO THE LAST PUBLISHED LIST OF NEW MEMBERS, and up to the end of 1928, the following new members for 1928 were received, whose addresses and linguistic interests will be found in the List of Members for 1928 printed in this issue: J. H. Adams, G. O. Aykroyd, Miss R. A. Bunzel, H. E. Elmer, Miss A. W. Erswell, S. R. Gilcreast, Miss L. G. Frary, F. W. Gingrich, Miss I. M. Greer, A. V. W. Jackson, M. Jacobs, S. Jaffe, H. Larsen, Miss G. H. Macurdy, H. I. Poleman, P. Radin, C. C. Rice, H. Rosen, G. K. Wagner, S. F. Walcott. The following were received before December 25, 1928, as members for 1929: Prof. Edward P. Davis, Howard Univ., Washington, D. C. (German) Mrs. Milton L. Durlach (Theresa M.), 875 Park Av., New York City. Prof. H. A. Hamilton, Elmira College, Elmira, N. Y. (Class. Philology) Prof. Russell P. Jameson, Oberlin Col., Oberlin, O. (French and Spanish) Mr. Richard Knowles, St. Mark's School, Southborough, Mass. (Languages) Prof. A. R. Morris, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Rhetoric) Mr. Wilbur H. Oda, Germantown Academy, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Prof. Richard H. Paynter, 395 Grand Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. (Social and Abnormal Psychology, Long Island University) Mr. Mario A. Pei, 502 W. 139th St., New York City. (Romance Langs., College of the City of New York) Miss Mabel H. Pollitt, Eastern Ky. State Teachers Col., Richmond, Ky. (Foreign Languages) Mr. Joseph J. Raymond, 595 Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. Prof. Edwin C. Roedder, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. (German) Prof. James A. Spenceley, Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Ont., Canada. (English) Mr. C. K. Thomas, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. (Public Speaking, Phonetics, Speech Correction) Prof. Alfred M. Tozzer, 7 Bryant St., Cambridge, Mass. (Anthropology, Harvard Univ.) MEMBERS AND SUBSCRIBERS FOR 1929 may take advantage of a special offer, to complete their sets of the publications of the Linguistic Society. The publications of any one or several years, and single publications, may be had at 20 per cent discount from the list price; a complete set from 1925 to 1928 inclusive may be had at 30 per cent discount, or $14.00. No credit for single issues will be given except for Language I.1 and II.3, for each of which 50 cents will be credited. These prices are postpaid, net to the Society; orders through agents must include the name of the ultimate recipient. The offer, made in celebration of the Fifth Year of the Society, is not open to those who are not members or subscribers for 1929, and will be withdrawn without notice if the sale threatens to deplete the reserve stock; in any case, it is not expected to be continued beyond December 31, 1929. The only other special offer on the publications of the Society was that of 1926, on the publications of 1925, available to libraries subscribing for 1926. Those who wish to avail themselves of the present offer should make application at once to the Treasurer of the Society. PROCEEDINGS OF THE LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA AT THE FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING NEW YORK, DECEMBER 26-28, 1928 The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society was held in New York City on Wednesday to Friday, December 26 to 28, 1928, in connection with the convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in special conjunction with the Linguistic Part of Section L of that Association, and with the American Anthropological Association and the American Psychological Association; and also in conjunction with the American Philological Association and the Archaeological Institute of America. The headquarters of the Society were at the Hotel Marseilles, Broadway at 103d Street; the first three sessions of the Society were held at the Columbia School of Mines, Broadway above 116th Street, and the other two at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Fifth Avenue and 82d Street, and the American Museum of Natural History, 77th Street and Central Park West. Record was secured of the attendance of the following members and members-elect of the Society; other members were present, but failed to give their names to the Secretary: B. M. Allen, M. J. Andrade, G. O. Aykroyd. L. C. Barret, S. E. Bassett, C. F. Bauer, Miss G. H. Beggs, F. R. Blake, F. Boas, G. M. Bolling, L. S. Bull. A. U. N. Camera, Miss E. F. Claflin, Miss C. C. Coulter, E. Cross, G. O. Curme. N. W. DeWitt, R. J. Dixon. F. Edgerton, H. C. Elmer, Miss A. W. Erswell. H. S. Gehman, W. L. Graff, L. H. Gray, W. J. Grinstead. Miss L. Haessler, Miss E. A. Hahn, H. A. Hamilton, A. W. Harmon, J. W. Hewitt, P. K. Hitti, S. A. Hurlbut. A. V. W. Jackson, S. Jaffe, W. Jochelson. Miss M. L. Keller, G. D. Kellogg, R. G. Kent, R. Koch, F. B. Krauss. E. B. Lease, W. Leopold, M. A. Luria. Miss G. H. Macurdy, C. A. Manning, R. Marcus, N. N. Martinovitch, A. D. Menut, W. S. Messer, T. Michelson, S. Moore, O. Müller. M. M. Odgers, C. J. Ogden. M. Parry, R. M. Pierce, H. I. Poleman, F. R. Preveden, L. R. Prindle. P. Radin, J. J. Raymond, N. J. Reich, Miss G. A. Reichard, A. F. J. Remy, A. L. Rice, C. C. Rice, H. B. Richardson, E. Riess, D. M. Robinson, H. Rosen. G. O. Russell. L. E. Saidla, Miss E. M. Saleski, E. Sapir, R. J. Scott, E. V. Sehrt, Miss M. W. Smith, E. A. Speiser, E. H. Sturtevant. R. H. Tanner, Miss P. Turnbull. H. H. Vaughan. G. K. Wagner, J. T. Westbrook, J. Whatmough, H. R. Wolf, W. F. Wyatt. [87] A subscription luncheon was held at one o'clock on Wednesday, December 26, at the Faculty Club of Columbia University, 117th Street and Morningside Drive, for those who had arrived in advance of the opening of the sessions, and was attended by 35 persons, of whom 34 were members of the Society. The First Session was held in Room 306 of the Columbia School of Mines, jointly with the Linguistic Part of Section L of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, on the afternoon of Wednesday, December 26. President Boas called the meeting to order at 2.40 P.M. About 70 persons were present at the session. By motion, the reading of the minutes was dispensed with, as the minutes of the previous meeting had already been printed in LANGUAGE 4.54-65. The Secretary, Professor R. G. Kent, presented the following report, which was ordered to be received and filed: The work of the Secretary's office has been continued along the same lines as in previous years. The membership shows a slight increase. For the year 1927, there were 381 members, of whom 3 died during that year; 29 (S. T. Barrows, W. N. Bates, J.-B. Beck, L. M. Bourgoin, R. P. Bowen, B. A. Brooks, T. F. Cummings, G. Dewey, B. A. Elzas, B. Faddegon, E. M. Fogel, A. Genin, F. Harrison, R. W. Kessler, R. Lenz, R. Levy, J. C. Mendenhall, J. Morris, J. W. Rankin, J. F: L. Raschen, A. I. Roehm, F. E. Sabin, O. Scheerer, C. F. Schreiber, M. S. Steel, O. Stepanek, W. B. Stephens, M. Vanoverbergh, H. B. van Wesep) presented their resignations effective at the end of 1927; 16 (O. E. Albrecht, F. B. Barasch, A. Coester, D. H. Corley, C. L. Durham, H. P. Flower, O. C. Gebert, R. H. Geoghegan, W. Gustafson, A. R. Halley, D. C. McEuen, J. M. Osma, K. Ruppert, S. B. Smith, E. H. Templin, L. B. V. Watson) were dropped from the membership list as directed by the Constitution of the Society in the case of those who have failed for two years to pay the annual dues. The net membership with which the Society started 1928 was there fore 333; the new members of 1928 are 55 in number, giving a total of 388. With sorrow we record the death of 4: Maurice Bloomfield on June 13, William Gardner Hale on June 23, Pliny E. Goddard on July 13, and Frank Otis Reed on December 8. Appreciations of these are to be found in the Notes and Personalia of LANGUAGE. The library subscriptions have increased from 78 to 89, by the cancellation of 2 and the addition of 13; 10 of the new subscribers secured complete sets of the publications. The exchanges and copies for review have increased from 49 to 55. The liberal policy of the Society toward foreign scholars has been continued, and a few additions and subtractions have been made during the year. Of those thus receiving our publications, 3 have died: G. Fougères, K. F. Johansson, G. Lafaye. It is highly desirable that this list be now revised and put on a more systematic basis, and the Secretary hopes to accomplish this shortly, with the aid of the Executive Committee. Other matters are dealt with in the report of the Executive Committee and in the report of the Treasurer. As Treasurer, Professor Kent then presented the following report, which was ordered received and filed, pending the report of the Auditors: Linguistic Society of America Treasurer's Report, Dec. 25, 1927 to Dec. 23, 1928 Balance from previous year (checkable funds).... $1031.21 |