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The two contending armies had at length taken position within a few miles of the residence of Mr. Belmont; and Edward had an opportunity of frequently visiting his paternal roof, and one that was dearer to him than his own existence. The reader may probably have already identified him with the cavalier heretofore mentioned. He had made his visit possibly for the last time, and the army was to remove from its position in a day or two, and an engagement was expected soon to take place.

After having bid farewell to Harriet and her father, he mounted his steed and set out on his return to the camp. Just before entering the confines of a forest, he was suddenly aroused from a deep reverie by the appearance of a soldier in British uniform. He shortened his rein, seated himself firmly on his saddle, drew a pistol and cocked it, and ordered the man to stand.

my pocket's nap be eternally closed if any mothers son on earth was iver half so tired as Dennis O'Flagbert."

find more attractive company at the camp than you do here, with a superannuated old man and his dull daughter." "I believe you always delight in doing me injustice when you have an opportunity," he retorted, "and by way of retaliation, I always feel inclined to take revenge on those sweet lips for all those severe things which they say against me." It may here be proper to give an explanation of the incidents which have been related. Mr. Belmont, the venerable old gentleman heretofore mentioned, was an opulent planter. He had early in life lost a devoted and affectionate wife, who had left him but one remembrance of her loveliness and excellence, a lovely little daughter; and all his hopes and wishes had naturally been bound up and centered in her. Harriet Belmont had bloomed into womanhood adorned with all that loveliness of person, and those qualities of mind that a doating father could wish. An early in- "Arrah, honey, and faith, that's what timacy had ensued between her and Ed- I will," said the loquacious Hibernian, ward Courtney, the son of a profession-"for by the shoul of St. Patrick, may al gentleman, who resided in the neighborhood. The intimacy ripened into an attachment of the tenderest nature, which was viewed with pleasure by After interrogating him for some time, both families. Edward had at the com- Capt. Courtney learned that he was a mencement, a rival, though not a dan- deserter. Upon questioning him more gerous one, in George Anson, who was closely, the Irishman, after some circumequally detested by Harriet and her fa- locution, informed him that Capt. Anson ther;-by the former, for his disagree- was to command in person a foraging able manners and base principles, and party which was to make an excursion the disgusting importunity with which that evening into the neighborhood of *he forced himself into her company, and Mr. Belmont's residence. Conviction by the latter, who was a firm and reso- flashed upon the mind of Capt. Courtlute whig, for his torified principles. At ney that villainy was intended, for he length the clarion of war broke the still well knew Anson to be a savage, relentcalmness of peace in that section of the less disposition, and destitute of all honcountry. It is well known that in the orable principle. Immediately on reachstruggle for freedom and independence ing the camp he conducted the deserter which the then colonies maintained with to head quarters. After giving an acthe mother country, a few were found count of what had transpired, he requestbase enough to lend their aid in attempt- ed permission to head a party to be sent ing to rivet upon them the chains of out that night to counteract the operatyranny and oppression. Among this tions of the enemy. His request was few was found George Anson. He re- granted; and after receiving informaceived a commission in the British army, tion of the deserter as to the intended and was appointed to the command of a route of the enemy, the necessary ordvolunteer company of royalists. Ed- ers were given, and preparations were ward Courtney joined the cause of free-made, Capt. Courtney and his party set dom and was subsequently elevated to the rank of captain.

out immediately after dark. It was a beautiful evening; the round silver

enemy surrendered; and Capt. Anson was thus prevented from wreaking his vengeance upon Mr. Belmont and his family.

Capt. Courtney, after serving through the war, was rewarded with the band of Miss Belmont, and is now a cheerful, gray headed old man, and often recounts to his grand children the events of the night on which he commanded the "for


moon shed forth her rays in magnificent splendor, and enlivened the pleasing face of nature; and the scene seemed little calculated for one of deadly strife. Capt. Courtney placed his men in a ravine in a small skirt of woods, through which he expected the enemy were to pass. Here they silently waited their approach. At length the almost noiseless tread of a body of men gave notice that they were approach-aging party."—New Haven Chronicle. ing. After a second time giving orders to his men, which he enjoined them to obey strictly, Capt. Courtney allowed the enemy to approach, which they did in a careless and unsuspecting manner. When sufficiently near, Capt. Courtney stretched his line across the road suddenly, and called upon the British to surrender. Capt. Anson upon seeing who commanded the American force, his whole soul set on fire by the burning wish for revenge, and notwithstanding the superiority of the Americans in point of number, he ordered his men to "fire on the d-d rebels." They obeyed and the fire was returned with fury by the Americans. In the mean time, a party which Capt. Courtney had placed for that purpose, suddenly came up upon the rear of the British, and the fight became very unequal. It was the fortune of the two commanders to engage hand to hand singly. Deadly hate was stamped upon the countenance of either opponent, as quick and rapid thrusts were exchanged between them. After a few moments of desperate strife, Capt. Courtney disarmed his antagonist, and closing in with him, burled him to the ground. "Surrender thyself, thou traitor to thy country," said he," or by the light of yon pale moon, I will with one blow send your spirit into the presence of a Being to whom it will be hard to render an account for your crimes."

LIFE OF LORD LYTTLETON. Thomas, Lord Lyttelton, was the only son of the venerable and illustrious author of the History of Henry the Second.

"May it be eternally lost first," said his antagonist, and snatching a pistol from his belt, he had brought it to a dead level, when with a single blow Capt. Courtney stabbed him in the heart and sent his spirit unreconciled into the presence of his Maker. With a convulsive grasp, he pulled the trigger, and the ball just grazed the head of his adversary. After loosing their leader the

This unhappy young man was remarkable for an early display, and flagitious prostitution of great abilities. That he would not only be a libertine, but a libertine destroyed, was a declaration prophetic of his fall, which he is said, oath when only twelve years of age. Yet, on good authority, to have uttered with an with all his vices and a total absence of moral principle, he attained no small consequence as parliamentary speaker, and without application on his part, was appointed Chief Justice in Eyre, a sinecure, which his father, a ities both of head and heart, could ever proman of dignified sentiment and excellent qual


This illustrious wanderer from the paths of propriety and virtue, united with shameless profligacy, and a front which no blush had ever disconcerted, a weakness not often to be found in minds enlightened by education and a knowledge of the world: he believed that apparitions occasionly visited the earth, and would frequently ring his bell with violence, at midnight, for the servants, who, on enterting in bed, in a cold sweat, with a counteing his appartment, generally found him sitnance evincing every symptom of terror and dismay.

These visitations of a guilty conscience, or a disordered imagination, were probably pro

duced, or sometimes aggravated, by intoxica

tion; and he would oblige one or more of his domestics to sit with him for the remainder of the night.

The man who has passed a life of enormity needs not, I believe, be haunted by any spirit

more terrific than the stinging reflection of crimes unrepented of, time mis-spent, and talents uncultivated.

I hope, for the honor of human nature, that many anecdotes related of him, and many declarations attributed to him, had no other foundation than that kind of bravado which drunkenness and iniquitous vanity too often produce. Many of them, I am persuaded, de

duce their origin from one of his well known

associates of cærulean countenance and infamous life.

Under the influence of such habits as these, with a suitable dependence on Providence for a blessing on the labor of your hands, you will have a good foundation to rest your hope upon, for success in whatever business you may be employed.

The death of Lord Lyttelton was hastened by overheating himself in running or walking for a wager, and incautiously drinking after it. His preternatural prepossessions followed him to the last. In his fatal illness, he persisted that the curtain, drawn back by an invisible hand,opened at the foot of his bed, and pre-pressed his surprise to an inhabitant of Lisbon,

sented to his sight a fluttering dove. This conviction, produced by a disturbed mind, delirium, or a dream, no argument, nor mode of demonstrating his mistake, could ever remove. A collection of letters were published soon after his death, supposed to be written by him which I read with great pleasure. This production of Mr. Coombe, the eccentric author of The Diaboliad, is said by good judges to contain letters on the score of composition, sentiment, and language, exactly such as Lord Lyttelton would have written. It is a sort of epistolary portrait, a picture of his mind, a strong likeness, and the work of an able hand. Port Folio.


HINTS TO MEN OF BUSINESS. Superintend in person as much of your business as practicable, and observe with a watchful eye, the management of what is necessarily committed to the agency of others.

Never lose sight of the powerful influence of example, and be careful in the management of your concerns, to recommend by your own personal practice, uniform habits of active, interested and persevering diligence to those in your employ.

Be prompt and explicit in your instructions to your agents, and let it be understood by them that you expect they will execute the same in strict conformity thereto.

Let no common amusements interfere or mingle with your business; make them entirely distinct employments.

Dispatch at once, if possible, whatever you may take in hand; if interrupted by unavoidable interference, resume and finish it as soon as the obstruction is removed.

Beware of self-indulgence; no business can possibly thrive under the shade of its influence.

Do not assume to yourself more credit for what you do, than you are entitled to, rather be content with a little less; the public mind will always discover where merit is due.

Familiarize yourself with your account books, keep them accurately, and frequently investigate and adjust their contents. This is an important item.

Cultivate domestic habits, for this your lamily if you have one, has a strong and undeniable claim; besides, your customers will always be best pleased when they find you at home, or at the place of your business.

Never let hurry or confusion distract your mind or dispossess you of self-command.


that they should have ventured to raise their houses to such a height in a town so lately overthrown by an earthquake.

It is because it has been so lately overthrown, he replied, that we venture; for as other capitals in Europe deserve an earthquake as much as Lisbon, it is reasonable to believe that they all will be overthrown in their turn, according to their deserts; and, of course, it will be a long time before it comes round to Lisbon again.

A barber at Portsea has the following curious inscription over his door:-"Chins operated upon without laceration, or incision, by Simon Fraser, shaver to the Philanthropic society."

In the year 1759, Dr. Will wrote a pamphlet entitled, "To David Garrick, Esq. the petition of the Letter I, in behalf of himself and sisters." The purport of it was to charge Mr. Garrick with some words including the letter I, as U, in furm for firm, vurtue for virtue, and others.--The pamphlet is now forgotten; but the following Epigram, which Mr. Garrick wrote upon the occasion, deserves to be preserved as one of the best in Language.— To Dr. Will, upon his petition of the letter I, to David Garrick, Esq.

If 'tis true, as you say, that I have injured a letter,

I'll change my note soon, as I hope for the better;

May the just rights of letters, as well as of men, Hereafter be fixt by the tongue and the pen; Most devoutly I wish they may both have

their due,

[blocks in formation]

LIGHTNING AND ITS EFFECTS.-On Sunday, four cattle were killed by lightning in Paxton, and two in Berlin. On Monday a daughter of John Hobart, Esq. of Leicester, was struck down by a discharge of the electric fluid, but has since nearly recovered from its effects. One other person in the house was slightly affected. On the same day, a school house in Uxbridge was struck, and one of the children received some injury. An ox was killed in Leicester on the same day. A barn in Ashburnham was struck and consumed on Saturday evening, and two cows were killed in Fitchburg on Sunday.

In Beverly the Town School House was struck, cupola shivered to pieces, and one of the pillars supporting the cupola entirely demolished.

Two Cows, that were grazing in the field, were struck dead in Ipswich.

In Salem, on Saturday last, we learn that a building at Marblehead neck was struck by lightning, and set on fire-and an alarm was given in the town in the height of the storm. The fire was extinguished without much damage.-Evening Gazette.

Melancholy.-On Tuesday morning last, Mr. Jacob Snow, of Heath, was found dead in his barn. The verdict of the Jury of inquest was that he came to his death by harging himself, with a rope suspended from a beam. informed that Mr. Snow has been partially deranged for several months past.


We are

In this town, Mr. John Lovell, to Miss Narcissa Brown-Mr. Nahum Gates, to Miss Sally Graves, all of Worcester.

In Millbury, on the 19th inst. by Rev. Mr. Goffe, Mr. Henry Tower to Miss Hannah Harrington.

In Oxford, June 29, James Chadwick, to Mary Ann Richardson.

In Northboro', Ebenezer D. Blake, of Goffstown, (N. H.) to Adeline Ball.

In Lancaster, Edward A. Raymond, of Boston, to Mrs. Eliza Taylor Blackman.

In Wrentham, Joseph Tillinghası, Esq. to Miss Fanny Whitney.


In this town, June 28th, Amos Whitney. In Lancaster, on the 4th inst. an infant son of Mr. Torry Fitch, aged 6 days.

In Charlton, Altha R. Fay, wife of Charles M. Fay, aged 30.

In Phillipston on the 2d instant suddenly, Thomas Ward, Esq. aged 76.

In Petersham, June 29, Miss Mary Ann Brigham aged 26.

In Fitchburg, on Friday last, Theodore Everett, aged 11 months, youngest child of Oliver Everett.




The "Author of Waverly," never exhibited
greater talent of description, than in his de-
lineation of this female gipsey in Guy Man-
nering. The lofty stature-the grey elf-
locks of her hair, her dress, combining the
costume of the Scot, the beggar and the
Egyptian-the elevation of her arms, her
strongly marked countenance, withered by
the sun and the storm-the mystery that
hung about her conduct, and above all her
power of language,manifesting the ruins of a
gigantic intellect untutored by education,
and unrestrained by principle, bordering oc-
casionally upon insanity--all uniting to form
one of those unearthly characters, that has
defied imitation, even by the great mind
that produced it. The scene which mani-
fests the striking features of her character is
her denunciation of Godfrey Bertram, Laird
of Ellangowan, who had expelled from her
domains, seven families of her kinsfolks by
destroying their miserable cottages, and driv-
ing off the inhabitants by the strong arm of
the law. The Gypsies had commenced
their line of march, when they accidentally
encountered the Laird upon horseback.-
The road passed through a deep ravin, eso
that the Scotch Laird could not pass the
procession, without coming in close contact
with the miserable fugitives. Upon one of
the high banks stood the Gypsey, in the at-
titude of a sybil in frenzy, her right hand
stretched out, with a sapling bough that she
had just pulled. We have received from
one of our correspondents, her speech upon
this occasion, thrown into verse, which we
now present to our readers.
Ellengowan! ride your ways!
Nor on my exil'd people gaze.
Ride your ways! but with you bear
The ban of ruin and despair.

E'en ride your ways! but with you take
The curse I utter for your sake.

Seven smoking hearths ye've quenched to-day,
But age itself may live to see

Your own hall hearth-stone dark and drear
And you a lonely mourner there :
Our shel'tring roof ye've torn and riven
And left us to the winds of Heaven.
Go Bertram! ask in foreign lands,
How Ellangowan's roof tree stands,
Your steeds may stable at Dernclaugh,
And round our doors the grass may grow.
Yet mark! the hare its young shall call
Safe on the hearth stone of your hall.
Through unknown paths my people tread,
The heath and moor moss are their bed;
Houseless beneath the wintry sky,
Scorn'd and deserted you shall die.
Now Ellangowan ride your ways
Lone be your nights, and drear your days,
Ee'n ride your ways! and meet your fate,
The Gipsey's scorn, the Gipsey's hate.





'Twas noon upon the pyramids; the sun,
In his high zenith, look'd in splendor down
O'er Egypt's vernal vallies; not a breath
Breathed through the lofty sycamores, or waved
The laboring palms thick foliage; mid-day's

Was on the Orange groves; and silently,
The deep, broad bosom of the mighty Nile,
That" mother of the waters," rolled along,
Spreading luxuriance and fertility
Throughout the land.

The battles din had ceased,
Full many a phalanx of Egyptian youth
Had fallen at Actium, and the bloody troops
Of Rome's insidions Emperor, had quench'd
Their thirst for carnage, and had overthrown
The towering expectations, and the hopes
Of the ambitious Anthony, and made
The high triumvir rue the fatal day


As Jack and Harry passed along the street, They met Jack's Polly, beautifully sweet. "Why surely Jack," quoth his friend Harry, "I wonder that you do not marry." "I shall," said Jack, "for it would be A very charming Poll I see."


A MATCH FOR A BAILIFF.-Two sheriff's officers were recently sent to execute a writ against a Quaker, well known in the City.On arriving at his house, they saw his wife, who in reply to their inquiries whether her husband was at home, replied in the afirmative, at the same time requesting they would be seated, and he should speedily see them.--The officers waited patiently for some time, but he did not make his appearance: and the fair Quakeress coming into the room, they reminded her of her promise that they should see her husband. Nay, friends,' replied she,

That brought his steps within the walls of 'I promised that he should see thee: he has


-Woe for his wedded Queen when he had rent
The cord that bound his life, it were a stroke
To crush Man's towering spirit--but it fell
On Cleopatra, like the lightning's bolt
Upon the willow, on her couch she sunk,
Within her guarded palace; her whole heart
Broke forth in an ungovernable gush-
"Go from my presence, servants, do not strive,
With counterfeited sympathy, to soothe
This heaving bosom, 'twere but mockery.
Sorrow has built his home within mine heart;
Affliction there is dwelling; I have drunk
Deep of a sedimental chalice; Woe
Has stood before me with deceitful smiles,
And accents on his tongue, which might have

A less unwary bosom. O, what now,
Is regal pomp to me? The Princely robes,
The powerful sceptres, and the blazonry
Of every earthly crown, are but as gold
That gilds a baser metal: O, how man
Is bound a slave to fortune: He who thinks
That life may be breathed out in pleasing


And happy moments, has ne'er seen the world,

Or studied human nature. But the foe
Is in my footsteps, and must I be bound
By a proud tyrant in degrading chains,
And borne from freedom? No, the world shall


That Cleopatra still must die a Queen."
She rose upon her couch, and throwing back
Her curling tresses, they disclosed a face,
Whose pale expression could not but divulge
The workings of the bosom. She had nerved
Her feelings for the worst, and now she looked

On death with fortitude.

She clasped the venom'd serpent to her bosom,
And drawing round her the imperial robe
Of earthly majesty, again she sunk
And breathed away her life.


seen thee--he doth not like thy looks; and therefore hath avoided thy path and quitted his house by another road.'

TOWN AND COUNTRY.--The following dialogue, which we overheard while walking down Chatham-street, the other day, may amuse some of our readers, and serve to prove, what many have maintained, that native wit is characteristic of females, let their rank in life be what it may. The dramastis personœ were a brother and sister, whose names we suspect to be Abijah and Rebecca.

Abijah.--Don't stare about so, Becca, and stare at every thing--folks will see that you were never in town before. And I shall be ashamed to meet any of my friends with you by my side.

Rebecca-That's just what uncle Ben said --says he, "Bija has got plaguy proud since he has been three months in York." Take care of that coach there.

Abijah.-Don't be alarmed. Did you ever The horses themselves know better. Why, hear of coaches coming on the side-walk?Becca, even our city horses know as much as you country people do.

Rebecca. Do they? Then I guess they know a plaguy sight more than their owners. N. Y. Mirror.

Praise your friends, and let your friends praise you.

WORCESTER TALISMAN. Published every other Saturday morning, by DORR & HOWLAND, Worcester, (Mass.) at $1 a year, payable in advance.

Agents paying five dollars will be entitled to receive SIX copies.

Letters, intended for THE TALISMAN, must be post paid to insure attention.


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