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to the Spanish capital a most strange || I have weathered many a tough gale to appearance to people accustomed to the quietness with which all is done in the north. We were the more struck with it, because Madrid was the first large city we had found peopled after we entered Spain.

At the hour of the Siesta, and more particularly in summer, during the heat of the day, all this uproar ceased, and the whole city resigned itself to sleep. The only sound then heard in the streets was the echo of the trampling of the horses of some of our troops of cavalry, returning from, or going their rounds or the drum of some detachment of infantry about to mount the solitary guard. That very drum had already beaten the march and the charge in Alexandria, in Cairo, in Rome, and almost in every city of Europe, from Konigsberg to Madrid."


gether, and now we must part: you have been a good friend to me: I shall never find such another!"-The surgeon was struck by the manner in which he had taken leave of his arm, and a handsome subscription was entered into for his benefit. He got well in a few weeks, but has not yet lost the recollection of parting with his old friend.

ARABIC SAYINGS.-Reside where thou wilt,

acquire knowledge and virtue, and they will stand thee in the place of ancestors: the man is he who can say, " See what I am ;" not he who says, "see what my father was." When God would display in broad day, a virtue hidden in the shade, he excites against it the tongue of the envious. If the flame did not catch every thing surrounding it, the exquisite perfume of the aloes would be unknown.Thus life is but a fragile fragment; senseless is he who attaches himself to it: what is past

is dead; what is to come is hidden: thou hast only the moment in which thou breathest.— Thy life is divided into two portions; consider well what they are: that which is gone, is a dream; that which remains, a wish.

a wonder, and its site fairy-land. You do not descend, you rise to Pompeii. Its first aspect is that of a mound of earth, and, when you enter, above lofty columns and walls you see large trees growing. The ashes that overwhelmed the city, and the soil thrown out in making the excavations, have produced this mound-like exterior.-But what shall I say of the interior? Perfect streets, rows of shops,

About two years ago a sailor had the misfortune to take on board more grog than ballast, and falling into the hold, POMPEII Ten days ago we went to Pomdislocated his shoulder. The poor fel-peii. It was all marvel and beauty; the city low was at sea, and being without proper surgical aid, he lost the use of his limb. It hung useless from his body, and proved a great burthen. Having applied to the most celebrated surgeon in London, he was told that nothing could be done for him but removing the arm from the socket. He was not so ready at first to part company with his arm, but being told it would never again render him any assistance, Jack consented to have it cut off, observing at the time that no bull should keep aboard more cats than could catch mice. He was admitted,some months since, into Guy's Hospital, and prepared for the operation. All the pupils attended to see the operator take off the arm, and nothing could exceed the skill displayed by Sir

on the occasion. The arm was put aside to be taken away. Jack never uttered a word until it was over. He then said, "I should like to see my arm, if you have no objection." "None," replied "if you desire." The amputated limb was brought, and Jack, taking the hand, exclaimed very deliberately, "farewell messmate! You and


theatres, palaces, temples, standing in majestic and silent desolation: our aged guide and ourselves, the only human beings visible, amidst edifices, and in places once thronged, and noisy with multitudes, intent on business, or pleasure, or piety!-Tour of a recent Trav eller.

GERMAN SMOKERS. The devotion for tobacco is here no sham or affectation, but a real downright, hearty national infatuation-the air seems impregnated with thesmell. The clerk, whose hands are engaged in engrossing, smokes, holding his pipe between his teeth, the bowl of it resting some yards off in a window seat. The postilion, when the disentanglement of a contumacious knot in a package obliges him to quit his, lays it down as he would surrender his heart's blood-with a dismal groan. The students more gentle and ceptable sacrifices to their Indian God; sixbook-learned, make more ingenious and acteen of them came here, occupying the Dilligence, from Halle, each armed with his pipe

and store of ammunition; they sat with the windows closed that the valued fume might not escape, puffing away and revelling delighted.

A COMPLIMENT RETURNED. Hogarth being once at the house of Vanloo, then the fashionable portrait painter, and looking over a legion of his portraits, Monsieur, with a low bow, told him he had not words to express how much he admired his charicatures. Ho

and made many enquiries respecting her situation and mode of life. Finding she was dependant and had formed the intention of trusting to her pen for her future subsistance, he urged her in the most eloquent and gentle manner, to abandon such a thought, and pointed out the wretchedness of a mode of existence at once so laborious and precaricus.--He warned her of doing what she had then done, and counselled her never again to visit a young man, either in his own house or any where else; and having ascertained what she

garth returned his bow, and told him he equal-expected to receive for her manuscript, which ly admired his.

A PAIR OF POCKETS. No prince was more addressed than Charles II.; but the very people who sent these generous, nay, extravagant offers, scarcely allowed him the necessary supplies. Killigrew gave private orders to the King's tailor to make one of his majesty's coat-pockets of an enormous size, and the other scarcely larger than a thimble. The King, being informed that this was done at the desire of Killigrew, asked him the reason. May it please your majesty,' replied the wag, 'the large pocket is to receive the addresses and professions of your subjects; and the other is to put the money in, which they present you with.

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HAPPINESS. That all that are happy are equally happy is not true. A peasant and a philosopher may be equally satisfied but not equally happy. Happiness consists in the multiplicity of agreeable consciousnesses. A peasant has not capacity for having equal happiness with a philosopher. This question was very happily illustrated by the Rev. Mr. Robt. Brown, of Utrecht. "A small drinking-glass and a large one," said he, "may be equally full, but a large one holds more than the small."

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he advised her not to publish, he presented her with a £50 note, and dismissed her, full of gratitude, and deeply affected by his dignified kindness and the sterling value of his advice.


I often consider that were we, more frequently than we do, to contrast our own pocondition of the wretched of our race, in many litical and social privileges, with the degraded parts of the world, we would hence find, and I think, feel an imposing cause for individual and national gratitude. A few reflections on this subject, even though desultory, may nevertheless prompt useful thoughts and considerations.

In regard to our social relations, we cannot prize too highly the means within our grasp to improve them. Among these, and perhaps the greatest of them,are freedom of inquiry,the security of individual rights, and the maintenance of rational liberty. These privileges are derived from the genius and construction of our government, and secured to us by the provisions made for the proper and efficient administration of it Good government,therefore, and social happiness, are as intimately connected as cause and effect, the latter depending on the former. No country, it is conceded, can boast of the same equality of rank and fortune among its citizens, and the same like dissemination of social interest and enjoy. ment, as our own; consequently, the argument results in favor of the ascendant genius and provisions of the American constitution, as the operative causes of our political and social prosperity.

With the privileges, and general fund of hapnity, we enjoy, let us for a moment contrast the piness which, as individuals, and as a commudegraded character and conditions of the world. Many parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, contain millions of the human family, who, in consequence of" man's inhumanity to man," are doomed to suffer, under different forms, the iron hand of oppression in all the wretchedness of hopeless penury. This, thank Heaven, is not a stain upon our national escutcheon. In some portions of Asia and Africa man claims kindred with the brute, and feasts upon his fellow.Humanity shudders at the very suggestion,


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and weeps over this extreme degredation of knowledge at this period of the world, superour nature. In other regions, thousands of our cede the necessity of such an argument; yet species daily writhe under the severity of the it is necessary that the reader should be relash, or other instruments of torture far more minded of the general truth; and I would furcruel and excruciating. Here is the gibbet,and ther remind him that it is in the great influthere the stake, from the one suspended, and ence the cultivation of the mind has upon the at the other burning, in quick succession, un- character and moral condition of man, that its numbered immolated victims whose linger- importance consists. Nations have arisen or ing tortures are insulted by the jeers of fallen in the scale of power and greatness, in their unfeeling tormentors. Inventions are proportion as they have attended to, or slightsought out, and even the productions of the ed the cultivation of the mind. It is the negmineral and vegetable kingdoms, are laid un- lect to improve it, that constitutes the differder contribution, to aid in administering to the ence between savage and civilized man. Those wretchedness of millions. Plains once verdant therefore who are disposed to impute the misare now red, and mountains streaming witheries of human life to any other cause than the blood of nations. The crown and the cres- man himself, should be cautious lest they of cent meet in deadly combat, the former, the fend against, and incur the displeasure of avenger of Grecian wrongs, the latter, the de- Heaven: for I do contend that it is contradictfender of assumed and unholy pretensions.-ing all our knowledge, both natural and reFrom these accumulated sufferings, even wo- vealed, of the infinite justice, wisdom, and man is not exempt. Though the oppression goodness of Deity, to suppose that so much under which she is brought does not, like that inequality in both the physical and moral conto which degraded man is subjected, laceratedition of man, as is discoverable in reviewing her body, and exact her blood, yet it is no less the nations of the earth, could have been the subduing. Not to speak of the wretched pen- work of an infinitely just, wise and gool Beury of her condition, vassalage is her portion. ing. Let us therefore cease impiously to imIf she is a mother, she is doomed to be separat- pugn the justice of Heaven, by attributing to ed from her children, and see them faint, per- || Deity the authorship of a state of things whol haps expire under the merciless scourge. If she ly incompatible with his nature, and turn our is young and blooming, let the imagination de- attention to the investigation of the causes of pict her sufferings; the pen recoils from the those apparent inequalities, and the conse description. quent wretchedness of man, upon principles deducible from facts, and from a just consideration of the attributes and character of the Deity. It is an observation of the celebrated Addison, that the most of the difficulties and misfortunes incident to human iife, result from our own imprudence and indiscretion. The same doctrine is taught us also, but under different circumstances, by an apostle of the Saviour of man, when he declares that by our works we must stand or fall. These authorities are sufficient to establish the truth of the position, (even if all others were wanting,) that the happiness of man, either collectively or individually considered, depends upon him. self. He, therefore, who in consequence of misfortunes, repines at the dispensations of providence, offends against the clearest lights of reasou, and stands in the presence of Deity, a guilty violator of his revealed will.

These, reader, are but imperfect outlines of the miserable condition of millions of our species. We, who bask in the sunshine of peace, and drink at the fountain of social happiness; who neither feel nor fear the hand of oppression; and whose budding hopes are every day blossoming and maturing into realities; we do not appreciate as we ought our high and enviable destiny. The most abject creature of the American republic,is a prince, when the means of his enjoyment are contrasted with thousands of Europeans, Asiatics, and Africans. Could we Occasionally witness degraded and wretched man as he exists in some parts of the earth, we would then value more justly than we do, and see cause to be thankful for our "goodly heritage;" a legacy bequeathed to us by Heaven through our forefathers, for which the least return we can make, is the expression of our undissembled gratitude. SILVANUS.

NECESSITY OF CULTIVATING THE MIND. Amidst the infinite variety of subjects which the varying scenes of life call to our attention, perhaps there is none of more importance than the cultivation of the mind. Indeed, this is a subject in which all are concerned, because the true interest and happiness of all are intimately and inseparably connected with it

It is unnecessary to enter on a process of metaphysical reasoning to show that the permanent felicity of man depends upon the ascendency of mind over physical nature. The great advances of the intellect in the pursuits of

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But if it be true that our happiness, or misery, is thus at our own disposal, how, it may be inquired, is it that we find so much human misery and wretchedness in the world? This interrogatory is answered by the argument showing the necessity of cultivating the mind. When this is neglected, reason loses her empire, the judgment is distorted, and man thus deprived, as it were, of his understanding, is rendered incompetent to pursue regularly those means which religion, reason, and sound discretion prescribe as best calculated to avoid the evils of life, and to secure a happy immortality. In viewing the history of man from the earliest ages to the present time, it will be found that those nations who attended to the

order that a something may remain of them af ter their earthly dissolution, to collect laurels. and to make them the objects of admiration to posterity. Pliny the Younger made this confession: "I confess," said he, “that nothing employs my mind more than the extreme desire I have of immortalising my name, since such appears to me to be a design worthy of a man of honor and virtue. He, who knows his life to be free from reproach, fears not to have it handed down to posterity."




cultivation of the human mind, and with whom literature, science and the arts flourished to the greatest extent, were alone great, powerful and happy: and, on the contrary, that those nations who neglected the improvement of the mind, remained shrouded in the mantle of ignorance, wretchedness and obscurity. Now, those means which are best calculated to enhance national prosperity, wealth and happiness, are equally adapted to the same purposes in individual life; for whatever is calculated to increase the physical power, and improve the moral condition of a whole nation, must necessarily improve the condition of every individual in it. Upon these principles, then, let us profit by the experience of ages past. Let man study the history of himself, that he may improve his condition; for the world has existed long enough to af ford experimental knowledge sufficient for the government and happiness of its inhabitants, without having recourse to theoretical speculations in any of the departments of knowl-ventually prove to be as great a hoax as many edge. We ought, therefore, however discord. ant our opinions in other matters necessarily connected with the journey of life, and as we value our own happiness, or that of those around us, to be united in the cultivation of the mind, as affording a rational ground of securing individual happiness, as the best security of a free government, and as the true foundation for the perpetuity of the American Re-ble, in case the wonderful invention should public.


MISERIES. To be compelled to listen to the story of an honest man who has been unfortunate, and not to possess the means of relieving his distresses-A full heart and an empty pocket!

To have as much of sound principle as will keep you silent when a company of slanderers, like a flock of buzzards round a stray horse, are regaling themselves upon a character :knowing that you are deemed an idiot for not being fluent in scandall.

It is stated that a new method has been invented and patented in France, for the instruction of children of all ages in reading, in from two to six days. This will probably e

of our fortnight systems of learning grammar, mathematics, &c. However, it might be well enough for our legislature to make some statutory provision for the teaching par force all the children within the limits of our Common

wealth to read in the shortest manner possi

actually be of as great worth as it is thought to be. It might serve to amuse for our legislators and lengthen out the sittings of the general court as well as legislating upon the width of wheel rims that the people may be permitted to use,and the times and manner they may be allowed to take fish and shoot birds, it being presumed that "the intelligent yeomanry" of the state have not sufficient discretion to direct themselves in such important

To be dunned by a wretch who stands be-affairs. fore you with each fist resting upon money in his pockets, while you are full of honor, but empty of cash! feeling a painful desire to kick him down stairs, but constrained to soothe and to treat him with courtesy for the sake of those who look up to you for bread. -Oh misery most refined!

Passing along the street in attendance upon a lady who speaks so loud as to leave you in a confusion of doubts, to know whether she is addressing the world or yourself-speaking to the public, or mildly replying in your private ear. No small misery.

It was announced some months since that Capt Morgan was supposed to be in Smyrna, a recent letter from that place contradicts the supposition of that person being Morgan who was supposed there to be him.

Great excitements exist in Ireland among the Catholic population, and it is thought they will eventually resort to force to assert their rights.

At an exhibition, to be seated behind the portentious screen of a Leghorn, or the total The advances of the Russian Army in Tureclipse of a dandy's dozen capes, and compell-key have by no means fulfilled the expectaed to stretch your neck another joint-looking ever afterwards as if you were half hanged!

AMBITION. It is natural for great souls to wish to procure immortality to their names, in

tions of Europe. They are wasting their strength and time before second rate fortresses, and recent accounts state that their army is about retiring for winter quarters.

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And now,

when comes the calm, mild day, as still such days must come, To call the squirrel and the bee, from out their winter home;

When the sound of dropping nuts is heard, though all the leaves are still,

And wrinkle in the smoky light the waters of the rill:

Then the south-wind searches for the flowers, whose fragrance late he bore, And sighs to find them in the field, and by the stream no more.

And then I think of one, who in her youthful beauty died,

The fair, meek blossom that grew up, and faded by my side;—

In the cold, moist earth, we laid her, when the tempest cast the leaf

And we wept that one so lovely should have a life so brief :

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Yet not uumeet it was that one, like that young friend of ours,—

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WORCESTER TALISMAN. Published every other Saturday morning, by DORR & HOWLAND, Worcester, (Mass.) at $1 a year, payable in advance.

Agents paying five dollars will be enti tled to receive SIX copies.

Letters, intended for THE TALISMAN,

So buoyant and so beautiful,should perish like must be post paid to insure attention.

the flowers.



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