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The Egyptian boy-dark featured Ishmael
In beauty grew and manliness; his eye
Glowed like the sun o'er Nile-and like a bell
On Sabbath morn his voice went thro' the sky;
His proud lip curl'd, and on his cheek the dye
Of days of archery sunk dark and deep;
Full strong and flexile grew his form, and high
His dusky brow, and, all too proud to weep
His sovereign spirit soared-his heart that
could not sleep.

But doom'd to be his own sole world of pride,
And driven forth by jealousy and scorn,
The Lord of Arabs wander'd by the side
Of out-cast Hagar-many an eve and morn,
O'er realms of death where nought but hardy


Shelters the basilisk and sand-storms roll!
To be the sire of nations he was born,

Of nations conquerless-Time o'er his soul Burst like the electric light of glorious northern pole !

In Paran's waste and burning wilderness,
With none to counsel none console-alone,
Alone, where none could love admire and bless
His spirit lighten'd o'er the seasons gone,
Resolved to conquer all that had been done,
Rise unsupported and reign uncontrolled,
And many a bold Bedouin on his throne,
And many a Barian chief of iron mould,
Hath sternly proved that steel may triumph
over gold!

And in her age the Hebrew mother clasp'd
The heir of Salem to her wither'd breast,
And in the breathlessness of rapture grasp'd
Despairs deep hope that made her wildly

And in the pride of woman who hath press'd
The image of her beauty, she forgot
Lone wandering Hagar and her son distress'd,
And reck'd not of the evils of her lot-
But there was one whose eye and justice slum-
ber'd not.

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you not return when the robin sings to the morning, when the rivers burst from the mountains, and the vallies resound with the glad voices of spring? O,I shall watch with an anx

and nurture the roses in your favorite bower; and will you not return to behold their bloom?" And she wiped away the tears that sprung into her eyes.

"I fear," said Andrew, "that

"Yes, you are doomed to leave me : but An-ious eye for you; I shall guard, I shall cherish drew, O when will you return? inform me now, that I may not lengthen the tedious intervening hours by hopeless anticipation; tell me, that I may trim our cottage to welcome your return." The young but manly warrior who was thus addressed, threw off, with a hasty motion, the nodding plume that waved upon his head, and pressing the hand that beat in unison with his, answered,—Adaline, ask not that of me; you know that a veil of mystery is darkly drawn over the future;

I am sacrificing that patriot spirit which should animate every soul at the present day, upon the altar of conjugal affection; and yet the whispers of my heart inform me that there can be no sweeter, no worthier sacrifice. Adaline, you have heard the shout of Liberty,you have heard the summons of my country, which "Heaven from all creatures hides the book of calls me to aid in her rescue. Oppression is


All but the page prescribed, their present state,"

bearing his iron hand upon us, and tyranny has thrown galling fetters around us. But let us believe that the oppressor is building his temples in vain; that his bulwarks shall fall before the united power of an injured people, and his barriers crumble to dust at the fearful voice of opposing Liberty. It is the hour when a struggling land is calling upon all her forces to be put in operation, and I must depart; but when we are separated, and you are smiling to the smiles of that infant cherub, press its precious lips to your own, and deem it a token sent over the rude hills, between us, from his departed father." The warrior seized his arms,hastened a way to the place of rendezvous, followed by the eyes of her whom he loved, until distance dimmed her vision.

and therefore, let us forget to think upon days which are yet to come, and meditate only upon the present; for surely the sorrows which this day's sun has brought upon us, are of sufficient magnitude without increasing them by anticipating those of to-morrow. Yes, it is painful for congenial hearts to sever, for the ties of affection to be thus severely tried. But, shall that tendril of friendship, that wreath of mutual love which has been so fondly cherished between us now wither? No my Ada line, though the hills and the forests rise, a weary distance between us, though the roar of the cannon strikes my ear and its flashes dazzle my eye, yet the image of her whose Many and almost insurmountable were the trials of our forefathers, the heroes of the revlove is the strongest cord that binds my soul to its frail tenement shall be before me. It olutionary struggle. A young and feeble counshall nerve my arm in the fight,it shall sweeten try, groaning under the merciless lash of desmy cup of bitterness when on the weary march.potic power, was their habitation; an avariWhen the din of warring hosts, and the clashing of their arms is around me, then I will love to think of you, and of the quietude in which you are placed. Should I be tormented by pain or hunger, then will I love to think of you. Should the enemy drag me in iron shackles to merciless bondage, then will I love to think of you. Should my days be harrassed by unceasing sorrows, then will I love to think of you; and, knowing as I do, that the life of every man must inevitably be chequered with clouds of woe, mine shall be mitigated by an assurance that I have tasted the full cup of

cious king, zealous for the exaltation of his kingdom and subjects at home, at the expense of the injury, degredation, and servility of those abroad, was their ruler. They could not brook the numerous injuries to which they were subjected, their manly spirits resolved to rouse and spurn with open hostility the source from whence these wrongs had sprung. They came forth, an enthusiastic band, and blew the trumpet of defiance upon their hills, which ceased only, to yield its place to the echoing peal of deliverance. This was the fated 'time that tried men's souls,' and this too, was the

time of the parting which has been delineated. the lonely mother; she knew that she must Many were the partings of a similar nature in pass the icy winter with her darling child, that fearful day. Age was called to bid adieu while he who was her support was stationed to large circles of offsprings, and youth, in its at a garrison, so far distant as to preclude all full vigor was summoned to sever from kind- hopes of hearing occasionally of his welfare. red and friends, perchance to yield its breath That winter passed, the spring came forth in the cannon's mouth, upon the tented field with an airy step and a song of gladness upon of battle. All the tender feelings, the passions, the earth. There was joyfulness notwithstandthe sympathies of the human heart were cal-ing the struggle in which our country was enled up, and put in requisition beneath every


gaged, for the spirits which are attendant upon spring find no depression. But this gaiety Andrew Sanford was a man of amiable dis- entered not into the confines of one dwelling; position, and of tender feelings; but, when the heart of Adaline knew no renovated lighthis country's existence was at stake, he was ness, but on the contrary, became more and endowed with the most heroic fortitude. He more depressed; not that she could not bear had been educated under the guidance of a a protracted separation, but now six long and father, who was well aware of the necessity of dismal months had elapsed and she had re"training up a child in the way he should go," ceived no tidings from Andrew. The camand, following the precepts as well as exam- paign opened and battles were fought, still he ples of that father, he had passed so far upon came not, neither did she. become acquainted the journey of life, unknown to the evil quali- || with his situation. Her spirits became depresties which cast so dark a stigma upon the char- sed by this suspense, and she gave way to the acter of man. He was poor, but virtuous pov- most dismal forebodings. Had he forgotten erty is honorable; and yet, by his persevering his house? she upbraided herself for admitting industry and frugality he had accumulated a so calumnious a thought. Had he fallen besufficient sum to purchase his little cottage, fore the enemy? Alas, combining circumstanand here, after having united his hand and his ces rendered this but too probable. Thus did heart, with one who was the choice of his she commune with herself full many a day, younger days, he found a home of happiness. || while the rose which bloomed upon her cheek The phantoms for which men in exalted life seemed hurrying to decay. But she did not forever wrangle were unknown to him. Al- neglect her domestic avocations; she recolmost unmingled felicity had been his portion, lected her pledge to cherish the bower of roses until the trump of battle sounded through A- and she kept it inviolate; although, as she merica's forests. Andrew, it is true, had been wrought around their little roots with a paina participator in the injuries which were the ful pleasure, she often felt that her toil was precursors of the war. He had beheld with useless, "for," said she, "he will not return an indignant eye the conduct of that nation to see their bloom." Why is it that virtue whose standard has been dyed with the blood must pass through the furnace of affliction?— of every country, and before whose fleets the Why should female goodness be sullied with world was ready to tremble. But calamities worldly sorrows? How can this be answered, however large, which fall upon a nation, will but that it is the fate of mankind. But Adabe but slightly felt by individuals. Of this line had not reached the summit of her afflicAndrew was well aware, and, situated as tions. That nursling infant upon whose sweet he was, in so humble a sphere of life, he would little countenance she beheld plainly delinehave preferred that his country should still ated the features of its father, was falling a suffer her steel to remain unmolested in the prey to disease. How did she watch, with all scabbard, than forego all his domestic enjoy- a mother's anguish, the slow progress of sickments, and the happiness which was concen- ness wasting upon its form. How did she trated in his home. But when the die was dream of days departed, as she gazed upon its cast, when the watchword was spoken, and || pallid features and beheld the expression of contending countries were rushing in arms its sire in every lineament; and how were her impetuously to battle, to contend for life and sorrows augmented by anticipating the day liberty, he was endowed with a sufficient love when she should be left alone upon a cheerof country to cause him to go without repining. less world. There is a sublimity in the fortiAdaline mourned her separation as it merit- tude and patience of woman in sustaining afed to be mourned, with all the intenseness of flictions, and although her heart may eventua feeling heart. Her's was not the evanescent ally give way to the tempests of the world's love of enthusiastic and changeable youth,but sorrow, yet it falls not like that of man; his the pure and strong regard of long cherished sinks in a moment, as the oak is riven by the friendship, ripened to its full maturity. It thunderbolt, but her's bends gently like the was autumn when Andrew was called away, pliant willow, and at last, when unable to susthe forest was putting away its vernal hue, tain the force, falls noiselessly to the earth. and changing to a sallow paleness; the che- The hand of death was fast drawing a veil quered clouds of a cooler sky were hovering over the brow of the mourning mother's infant, over the earth, and all decaying nature pro-daylight's last tinges were lingering upon claimed a dying year. This sober-suited sea- the hills when a faint knock was heard at the son contributed much to the melancholy of door, and a soldier entered the room. What

conflicting emotions, what varied dreams of delight rushed instantly across the brain of Adaline; she rushed to meet him whom she loved, but an unknown countenance and a stern eye met her fond gaze; she fell back into her chair, in all the agony of disappointed expectations. The heart of the soldier was melt

ed into sympathy at the scene before him, and he, indeed, could pour healing balsam upon her wounded spirit. He had brought a letter from Andrew; this was a messenger of joy to her afflicted heart, and had she not felt the weight of another sorrow, she would have been comparatively happy.

Summer came, but Adaline had seen her bud of promise laid beneath the clay cold turf. The child had gone down to the grave, but not unwept; there were tears of real woe shed at its departure from this "vale of tears."—— What words shall now pourtray the situation of this forlorn child of affliction, who was doomed to bow beneath such adverse winds

upon a stormy sea? We will not attempt the description, but hasten to show how much happier was her lot, after having born with fortitude her afflictions, than were thousands of others, who were placed in a similar situation during that trying period. Another year passed slowly and sadly away, without bring ing any farther tidings from her absent lord.

As she was sitting one fine afternoon in spring, pale and emaciated, at her window, she beheld a person coming towards her dwelling there was something in his appearance that reminded her of better days. She knew that it was Andrew. He came from battle, not a

conquerer with the laurel crown of victory, to

a palace of festivity; but a humble soldier to a humble cottage. Yet all he loved on earth was there; and his was happiness superior to that of the victor who has conquered a nation.

He met the partner of his former years with undiminished love, but when he turned with a father's anxiety to search for his infant treas. ure, his eye fell upon a vacant cradle; the child's voice was not heard echoing from the walls, or resounding in the air, and he went in the height of his sorrow, and plucked a new blown rose from that arbor which Adaline had so fondly cherished,and whose pendant boughs waved mournfully in the breeze, and shed their scented leaves upon the little grave of his lovely child. CLARENCE.


We have frequently looked round among our acquaintance, and asked who seemed the tnost felicitous through life, the married man or the bachelor. Almost invariably has the reply been in favor of the former, and as invariably have we traced the causes of celibacy to exist either in an avaricious temperament of mind, an apathy to all generous impulses or social sensibilities, or in a first disappointed and unrequited appropriation of the affections.

"Alas! our young affections run to waste,
Or water but the desert,"

might be truly inscribed upon the title-page of many a bachelor's history, as the true index to the barrenness of his consanguinities. And it is very frequently, individuals who in early life, were in a peculiar degree endowed with a aspen-like susceptibilities, and feelings of the most trangible temperament, who in after years, grow misanthropic in their habits, apathetic towards the influence of female charms and callous to the general world.Nothing falls with such a blighting and devastating influence upon an ardent and enthusiastic disposition, as the fondest hopes of the human bosom procrastinated, and finally destroyed. So withering a blow to impassioned impulses imparts a tinge of melancholly, if not of cynical bitterness to all the pages of after existence, and where we see a bachelor whose circumstances in life have always been respectable, we either pity him as one of disappointed hopes, or despise him as one of contracted principles. Yet there are other and important causes which may be ascertained as sources of celibacy. Many men who really possess, or who arrogate to themselves pecutheir search for a wife, picture as the object liar and remarkable properties of mind, in of that search, some creature so immaculate in

personal and intellectual endowments, that the ordinary specimens of women fall far short of the beings of their imaginations; thus the heydey of youth and feeling evaporates long before this delusion of self arrogance is dispelled. There are others again whose admiration is changed, and whose fidelity is revolutionized, merely that they have discovered their object of idolatry a mere moral, affected with the same weaknesses and propensities as the rest of mankind. These nice men generally become old bachelors, and like Philander in the story, are miserable in their old age because they were fools enough to believe nothing short of an angel worthy of them when young. It is true it sometimes happens, that a man may live more than two score years kindle up the day dreams of a fonder emotion without having met a creature who could than friendship, and consequently by that time, loses all susceptibility, and becomes a bachelor through fate. He is one to be lamented, and with such, all philanthropists would sympathize. In this country the affections are far more important and paramount in the formation of marriage covenants, than in England, and it is asserted by a modern writer of some pretensions, that in England people marry in fear-love in terror-and pray that the marriage bed may prove unfruitful. The birth of a child, instead of being considered as a blessing, is looked upon as a curse, and a numerous progeny considered an unfortunate visitation of Heaven. Cases of this kind are numerous in the medium state of English society, and the principal cause assigned, is the increase of expences which the maintenance

of a family, keeping a house, servants, &c. bring with them. It is a miserable condition of existence, and one to be dreaded and guarded against by a free and republican people. When external ornament, pomp and equipage, are from the state of society considered preferable to peace of mind, internal felicity, and unity of sympathies, it argues against the morality and principle of the people, and is an omen of evil import in reference to their laws, government and liberties. An increase of celibacy should from every view which might be taken of its causes and effects, be considered as an evil, and every measure calculated to create a disunion of sentiment between the sexes to cut off the dependance of man upon woman, and woman upon man for the largest portion of human happiness allotted to the descendants of our general mother" should be deemed inimical to the good of society, to the refined civilization of life, and to the diffusive and participative happiness of all mankind.— That there are men who have selcted or who would select a life of celibacy from choice, seems improbable. Marriage enlarges the scenes of our domestic pleasures-opens new springs of action-new incentives to ambition -new motives for virtue, and in short, increases a man's weight in society, gives more importance to his character and opinions, and bids him look upon himself as one fated to fill an important link in the chain of creation, and to transmit to posterity a name that will not dishonor his children. This doctrine is one of acknowledged truth, yet why are there so many wealthy bachelors among us?

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It is to be regretted that of late years some of our young women have lost all, or many of those natural charms which rendered them such fascinating models of good sense and republican simplicity. Foreign customs and absurd fashions have crept in among us, despite of every precaution, and it is too frequently we find affection, (the darkest shadow that could fall upon beauty) associated with some of the fairest and purest examples of the female sex. In common conversation this foible is peculiarly prevalent, and comes like a mildew to wither and destroy some of the most angelic and admirable emanations of virtue.

It is a boast with some of our modern fair ones, which they make with a peculiar toss of the head, that they never even made themselves a dress-assisted in the preparation of a dinner, or knew the composition of a pie or pudding. So woderful has been their idolatry of high handed notions, that head dresses, flounces and false curls, have superceded all ideas of primitive simplicity, modest deportment, domestic economy, and what is of still more importance, domestic virtues. We of course admit there are many exceptions to this denunciation, but there might be more, and we trust that the influence exercised by many of our own excellent female writers, will be still more effective in correcting the follies

which have mingled with the virtues of their own admirable portion of the creation.

Franklin was the earnest and able advocate of early marriages. Few men have ever lived possessing a more experimental knowledge of human nature, and none whose maxims are more worthy of being treasured up as truths. As Lord Bacon remarks, "a man when be marries gives a hostage to society of his good and correct deportment," whereas the victim of celibacy has no check upon his licentious habits, no sharer in his honors; and of the pleas ures of a married life no man can form an adequate estimate, until he assumes the dignities of that station, for which he was designed and created, and of the horrors of celibacy, none can adequately describe save him who has pined in the loneliness of the mind's solitude, and sighed in vain for one into whose bosom he might pour the gladness of his heart, and sympathize with, in the hours of gloom and adversity.-Phil. Album.

WOMAN.-Women, in their nature, are much more gay and joyous than men, whether it be that their blood is more refined, their fibres more delicate, and their animal spirits more light and volatile, or whether, as some have imagined, there may not be a kind of sex in the very soul; I shall not pretend to determine.

As vivacity is the guilt of women, gravity is that of men. They should each of them, therefore, keep a watch upon the particular bias which nature has fixed in their mind that it may not draw too much, and lead them out of the path of reason.This will certainly happen, if the one in every word and action affects the character of being rigid and severe, and the other of being brisk and airy. Men should beware of being captivated by a kind of savage philosophy, woman, by a thoughtless gaiety. Where these precautions are not observed, the man degenerates into a cynic, the woman into a coquette; the man grows sullen and morose, the woman impertinent and fantastical.

By what I have said, we may conclude, men and women were made as counterparts to one another, that the pains and anxities of the husband might be relieved by the sprightliness and good humor of the wife. When these are rightly tempered, care and cheerfulness go hand in hand; and the family, like a ship that is duly trimmed, wants neither sail

nor ballast.-Addison.

CHILDHOOD.-There is in childhood a holy ignorance-a beautiful credulity-a sort of sanctity, that one cannot contemplate without something of the reverential feelings with which one should approach beings of celestial nature. The impress of divine nature is, as it were, fresh on the infant spirit-fresh and unsullied by contact with this withering world. One trembles, lest an impure breath should dim the clearness of its bright mirror. And

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