Abbildungen der Seite

of the people.--The Empires of the World.--Of the

Cæsars, Baber, and Napoleon.-Uniqueness of British

domination.--The present time pre-eminently fitted for

undertaking the task of Popular Education in India.--

Review of the History of Indian Education.--Its three

epochs.--Government System of Education faulty.--Dis-

tinction between general and special education.--Every

man, however low and grovelling, receives all life long

some education or other.-In India there is in one sense

no general education.--Percentage of boys that finish a

complete course of general instruction.-A mournful

question. Necessity of rendering Colleges self-support-

ing.-Grounds for viewing the measure as easy of accom-

plishment.-Percentage of boys receiving elementary

education.--The state of this education.-Number of

Schools in the Bombay Presidency.--Statistics of Popu-

lation in the different divisions of British India.-The

educational requirements of each calculated in compari-

son with some of the States of Europe. With reference

to Primary Schools.--With reference to Teachers.-

Unfitness of the present Staff even in the highest English

Seminary. The number of Normal Colleges and of In-

spectors required.--The people too poor to join the

Schools.--Their popular notions on Englishmen's leaving

India for their Mother Country.--Great misapprehension

among Englishmen with reference to the wants of the

people.—Advocacy of the German method of popular in-

struction.—Striking resemblance in the state of Germany

and of India.--Our present system of education not

essentially differing from the German, though so popu-

larly taken.—Mere Schools and School Training ineffec-

tual to work any change among the people.-The French

Colportage described.-Establishment of a Committee

for the diffusion of knowledge advocated.-The present

state of Prose and Poetry in the Vernacular.--The es-

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