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of security, of which, as becomes their greater timidity, they are more tenacious than ourselves. Having ventured from their bathing box into the rough embraces of Neptune, their first care is to prevent that boisterous suitor from eloping with them altogether; in other words, they have a wholesome horror of being carried out to sea, and accordingly deem it expedient to moor themselves, in about three feet of water, to the steps of the machine, in which position of security they bob and dip, and dip and bob, with wonderful perseverance and enjoyment, never for an instant relaxing their grasp of that four feet of cord on which their confidence is anchored. Alas, for woman's trust! In this instance, the tide was ebbing, the rope was rotten, and whilst I was tranquilly gazing on the distant horizon, and wondering how far it might be in a direct line to Boulogne, Grace Hardbargain was borne off by the retiring waters towards the coast of France.

My attention was first arrested by great confusion amongst the bathers, and the female organ in distress, shrilly vociferating its highest notes of alarm. The old mermaid, looking like a gallant tar in her pea-jacket and pilot cloth trowsers, was rushing to and fro, completely bewildered with horror, and being unable to swim, perfectly at a loss as to what she should do. Her screams, combined with those of the other fair shouters, attracted the attention of sundry sailors, who were mending their boats and lounging upon the beach; but these fine fellows are not the fastest runners in the world, and several hundred yards of shingle, almost kneedeep, would have effectually prevented their rendering assistance until too late, had a rescue not appeared from the least expected quarter, at the critical moment when Grace came splashing and struggling to the surface for the third time, generally supposed to be a last chance for the choking sufferer.

Just as all seemed hopeless, a bathing machine door opened, and a white figure, darting like a flash of lightning through the air, disappeared in the sea. There was an interval of coughing, splashing, and spluttering, and once or twice two heads and a wisp of a blue bathing gown appeared and disappeared again below the surface; but Green was a strong swimmer, and his presence of mind, so unaccountably deficient when he asked a lady to drink wine, stood him in good stead now, when it was a question of life and death to extricate her from the water. The distance was nothing, though a few yards go a great way when out of one's depth, and long ere Grace had lost her consciousness she found herself safely established on terra firma, the centre of a circle of sympathizers, sobbing and shivering, and crying like a child, with a vivid idea that she had been much too near to be pleasant to that description of death which is supposed by theorists to be the most delightful method of quitting our present state. Hot restoratives soon brought the young lady to herself; whilst " her preserver," to use the language of novelists, took advantage of the confusion to run straight home in his wet things, nor was he seen abroad again that day.

An adventure, such as I have described, could have but one termination. When a man blushes crimson at every word addressed to him by a young lady, and then rescues her from so horrible a fate as drowning at the risk of his own life, she has a fair right to suppose that he is not altogether insensible to her attractions. That point being established, her approbation of his discernment soon merges in esteem for himself,


Cleveland Shortlegs

The Property & Henry Hall Emn of Dudding hill Farm, Willesden Middlesex.

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and should the couple, thus brought together, have opportunities of walking about tête-à-téte in fine weather, and gazing upon the " sad sea wave," which recalls such interesting recollections to each of them, why in the natural course of events, settlements and bride-cake are the only conclusion. Besides, little Grace was romantic-woman always is, up to thirty-thirty, did I say? Bless her! she is romantic all her life; and then, doubtless it is less awkward to have been carried about in a bathing gown by one's own husband than any one else; and if he should not be one's husband at the time he is on such confidential terms, why the best plan is to make him so as soon as possible afterwards. Be this as it may, Grace Hardbargain is now Mrs. Green. How she ever brought her retiring swain to ask the critical question, I am at a loss to say. Perhaps, as an old bachelor, I should be thought disrespectful to hazard a solution of the problem. I only know, it happened to be Leap Year-a period which I am given to understand confers valuable privileges on the fair sex.


I am proud to state that I smothered my feelings and went to the wedding, nor was I so overcome as to be unable to attend the subsequent "breakfast;" but the most tasteless glass of dry champagne I ever remember to have quaffed at old Hardbargain's, was when I drank "Happiness and long life to the bride and bridegroom-your go o health, Green my boy; Mrs. GREEN, your good health!"




A few months back, our facetious friend Scribble, gradually warming with his subject, proceeded to demonstrate how good horses might be bred, if they could not be bought. The anxious inquirer after such treasures will, in our August number of this past year, find it thus written :

"If you fail to find what you want among the casts-off of gentlemen's studs, or in a Welsh drove, or among the farmers of your own neighbourhood, and are content to breed, we would suggest a thoroughbred mare put to a short, handsome Cleveland stallion. This is contrary to the usual practice, but we think it may answer. There is in the stud at Dudding Hill Farm, near Neasdon, the property of Mr. Hall, an exceedingly handsome stallion of this character, called the Cleveland Shortlegs: he is of immense power, and rides, we are told, like a pony. The cross between him and a thorough-bred mare has been tried this season in several instances, and by next year the produce will prove, as far as yearlings can, the probable fulfilment of our expectations. Everybody has not the same faith in this cross that I have. I believe Mr. Hall thinks well of it-I do, for this reason, that

there is no argument (from analogy) against it. The stock may prove valuable weight-carrying hunters-they cannot fail of being quick and weight-carrying hacks.

We are able to confirm what is here said of the Cleveland Shortlegs. He is quite as clever as he looks, with wonderfully light, perfect action, and altogether, as a specimen of the sort, well worthy of the place we give him. The following particulars may be useful to such of our readers as may be inclined to back Scribble's recommendation :—

Cleveland Shortlegs is a good bay or brown horse, with black legs, standing sixteen hands and an inch high, with immense bone, and excellent temper. He is now rising seven years old, and has covered two seasons; his first in 1852, with Mr. Groves, at Plumpton Hall, Yorkshire, and last year at Dudding Hill, having been purchased by the Messrs. Hall, at a long figure.

Cleveland Shortlegs, bred by Mr. Edward Temperley, late of Holywell Bank Top, Northumberland, is of the old original Cleveland breed, and got by the celebrated Noble Surprise, dam by Old Golden Elephant, grandam by Summer Cock. This mare, the grandam, was bred by Messrs. Ferguson, of Catterick Bridge, who sold her for a large sum to Mr. Nicholson, of Berwick Hall, for the stud. To pursue the pedigree, we have the great grandam by Luck's all, and the great great grandam, Cleveland Fancy.

Noble Surprise was by Bay Chilton, by Catfoss; Catfoss by Old Grand Turk.

Old Golden Elephant, the sire of Cleveland Shortlegs' dam, was by Noble, and Noble by Joliffe. This mare, the dam of Shortlegs, is also the dam of Young Triumph, sold at two years old for a very large price, to go abroad. She is allowed to be one of the best Clevelands in the three kingdoms, and her produce certainly do everything to warrant the cha


Cleveland Shortlegs is advertised at three guineas a mare, but at half price for any farmer residing within the hunt of the Neasdon Harriers.

There are few more perfect establishments of the kind than the Dudding Hill Stud Farm, and none more worthy of a visit from the sportsman in town. It lies some four miles out on the Harrow road, turning off to the right from the Willesden Paddocks, which it now promises so completely to eclipse. Everything is done here in the same. spirit of completeness; and whether the stranger is desirous of seeing a stud-farm well laid out, or a famous show of stud horses, he can in either case hardly fail to be gratified.

Amongst the latter, the Messrs. Hall have now the celebrated Harkaway, The Libel, Lothario, Kremlin, and Retriever-all of some renown in the Calendar and the Stud Book. We need not, however, proceed with the result of our own experience of the Dudding Hill establishment. "Cecil," who lately paid a visit there, does it every justice in a paper of his, to be found in another part of this number, and to which we must direct the reader for "further particulars."

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