Number. TABLE III-CITIES-Continued. Statement Showing Number of Pupils Enrolled, Classified by Color and 96 7,766 26,907 28,429 55,336 9,732 12,550 22,282 77,618 521,690 TABLE IV.-COUNTIES. Statement Showing Average Daily Attendance, Classified by Color and Sex. 133 2,615 557 2,295 54 2,505 69 1,259 223 3,630 136 1,611 106 4,494 130 3,720 619 3,206 134 3,441 282 1,620 460 1,763 155 2,431 54 2,648 234 3,964 203 1,923 462 2,076 17 1,967 1,215 4,686 212 1,411 TABLE IV.-COUNTIES-Continued. Statement Showing Average Daily Attendance, Classified by Color and Sex. 842 3,165 273 2,472 289 2,598 330 2,945 99 2,140 1,868 4,446 355 3,909 595 2,956 92 165 1,188 69 138 2,756 636 1,172 3,439 853 19 2,822 477 3,262 107 1,392 975 21 2,115 3,225 105 2,134 206 3,114 Williamson. Total 96 2,619 2,620 5,239 1,010 1,054 2,064 7,303 127,453 125,238 252,691 25,150 27,734 52,886 305,577 |