CONSIDERED ; IN EIGHT SERMONS, PREACHED BEFORE THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, IN THE YEAR MDCCCII. AT THE LECTURE FOUNDED BY JOHN BAMPTON, Α. Μ. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, FOR THE AUTHOR: SOLD BY W. HANWELL AND J. PARKER, AND J. COOKE, OXFORD; BY F. AND C. RIVINGTON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD; AND R. FAULDER, TO THE KING. SIRNEW YORK WHEN I received the permiffion to inscribe these Sermons to Your Majesty, I was not presumptuous enough to confider it as an honour conferred upon myself. I received it only as a mark of Your Majesty's condescending regard to the memory of my Grandfather, whom You had honoured by confidering as one of Your oldeft, and most faithful servants; and I faw in it an additional proof of that goodness, which uniformly leads Your Majesty to retain a gracious recollection of the dutiful attachment of your fubjects. I am well aware, Sir, that the Sermons which I now prefume to lay at Your Majelty's feet have but little claim to Your notice and protection, from any merit which they may possess in themselves. But when I recollect how zealoufly Your Majefty has at all times fupported the Established Church, I am en |