Abbildungen der Seite

deliberately passed upon their merits. We may, and do, sincerely regret the existing taste for fictitious writings; but these Oriental conceptions are far less injurious, intellectually and morally, than the most of our modern Occidental romances, and are in every way incomparably superior. These stories will be read, and re-read, and admired, by the scholar, the poet, and the rustic, by old and young, as among the most fascinating and brilliant creations of the human fancy. 21. First Book in Spanish: or a Practical Introduction to the Study of the Spanish Language. By JOSEPH SALKELD, A. M. Harper & Brothers: 1848.

THIS work contains full instructions in Pronunciation; a Grammar; Exercises on the Ollendorff plan; Reading Lessons, and a Vocabulary. It is simple and philosophical in its arrangement, and affords all the aid essential to a knowledge of the Spanish. It will no doubt tend to increase the study of the Castillian language in this country, than which none is said to be more sweet, elegant, and expressive. Professor Vealsquez, of Columbia College, has in course of preparation a new Dicionary of this language. These facilities will tempt many to acquire this tongue, and enrich themselves with its literature.

22. Thankfulness, a Narrative: comprising passages from the Diary of the Rev. Allan Temple. By CHARLES B. TAYLER. Harper & Brothers: 1848.

A BOOK worth reading. It teaches good wholesome doctrine, and breathes a lovely Christian spirit. It is not a veritable history, we suppose, but the record of a man as he ought to be. It is designed to illustrate the happiness and reward of a dutiful, devoted, grateful Christian. This is done by sketching the character and history of the so-called Rev. Allan Temple. There is nothing striking or original in it, but much that is pleasing, instructive, and promotive of a right kind of piety. 23. The British Quarterly Review—for May and August, 1848. London.

THIS Review, although young in years, has attained to a full maturity of stature and life. It is conducted with marked ability. There are some articles of sterling and permanent value in the two numbers now before us. We specify as specially able and good the one on " Charles Lamb, his Genius and Writings," and the criticism on Warren, the author of "Now and Then."

24. The proper Mode of Keeping the Sabbath. Being Sabbath Manual, No. 4. By Rev. JUSTIN EDWARDS, D. D. American Tract Society.

DR. Edwards is doing a great and effectual work in behalf of the Sabbath. The fruit of his indefatigable labors is abundant, and everywhere manifest. These little Manuals, which he has prepared on the subject, are eminently adapted to do good. They are simple, concise, straight-forward, Scriptural, and powerfully illustrated by facts continually occurring in the providence of God. In previous numbers, he has shown the obligation of the Sabbath as an institution not merely expressive of the will of God, but as founded on natural laws; also that God in His Word, and by His providence, has clearly designated the first day of the week as the day to be observed as the Christian Sabbath; and finally that the Sabbath is a family institution, designed and adapted to aid parents in the holy and responsible work of training up their children for God. In the present number he considers the proper mode of its observance, applies the law of the Sabbath to the facts of real life and to all classes of men, and closes by pointing out the active duties of this holy day. This Manual ought to be in the hands of every Christian, and circulated over all the land, and the great subject which it advocates brought home with fresh interest and power, to the hearts of all who love religion and the welfare of our country and race.


On page 215, line 32, read it before extends. On p. 248, line 25, r: these, before things, and leave out then. On p. 218, line 37, for i. e. r. either. On p. 243, line 33, r. even, in place of ever. On p. 247, line 8, r. who for whom. On p. 248, line 17, for loose r. looser; p. 251, line 13, read their for this. July No.-Title p. for Re velations r. Revelation. On p. 478, line 1, for institutions r. instructions. On p. 503, line 39, omit &c., &c., &c. On p. 541, line 12, for though r. through. On p. 568, line 26, for Acalypse r. Apocalypse. On p. 567, line 26, for King r. Kurg. On p. 617, line 27, for mummery r. mummy. On p. 618, line 8, for redivious r. redivivus.

Abbott, John S. C. Kings and Queens
noticed, 570.

Adams, Samuel, M. D. The Natural
History of Man in his Spiritual Rela-
tions, 595.

Aquilar, Grace, her Home Influence no-
ticed, 753.

Arabian Nights, noticed, 753.

Allen, Joseph, D. D. His Young School-
mistress noticed, 752.

Dying Robin, and other tales, 752.
American Dictionary of the English Lan-
guage, by Noah Webster, LL.D, Una-
bridged, Revised, and Corrected, by Prof.
Goodrich, noticed, 188.

Arvine, K., Rev. His Cyclopedia of mo-
ral and religious Anecdotes, 381.
Atonement, Nature of it, by T. H. Skinner,
D. D., 86. Grace has respect to mode,
86. Necessity of an Atonement, 87,
How an Atonement answers the pur-
pose, 88. God's perfections not in the
way of an Atonement, 92. An expla-
nation, 93. Sufficiency of the Atone-
ment, 94. No ground for objection
on this view of it, 95. It is not ob-
scure, nor a strict forensic transaction,
97. Its extent determined from its na-
ture, ibid. Its ulterior influences, 98.
Baird, Robert, D.D., Influence of Christ-
ianity on Civil and Religious Liberty,


Barbarism the First Danger, a Discourse
for Home Missions, by Dr. Bushnell,
review of, 252.

Barnes Albert, Notes on Isaiah noticed,

On the Epistles of James,
Peter, John, and Jude, noticed, 568.
Bible Ethics: Religion Teaching by Ex-
ample, by R. W. Dickenson, D.D., by
Prof. Tayler Lewis, LL.D., 554. Ten-
dency to undervalue the Old Test.,
555. Bible must be studied, 556. A
charge against Calvin, 557. Paul's
list of worthies, 558. Reasons for
liking this book, 560. What should
be the style of preaching, 561. These
essays models for sermonizing, 563.
Bible Everything or Nothing, by Prof.
Tayler Lewis, LL.D., 100. Progress
in what, 101. Not in respect to
great Scriptural truths, 102. Pro-
gress in knowledge, 105. Science
of nature insufficient to teach God,
106. Man's moral nature the light
and life of the intellectual, 109. That
nature being corrupt needs aid to resist

the atheistical tendencies of the intel-
lectual, 111. Light in the Bible, 114.
Difficulties of the Bible-less than
those of nature and the world without
it, 118. Two opposite tendencies of
science and revelation, 119. Science
generalizes conscience individualizes


Bible not of Man, by Gardiner Spring,
D.D, noticed, 188.

Bible, Philosophy of the, by Rev. James
Rowland, 510. Bible lays the founda-
tion of obligation, 511. Sublimity of
Bible sentiments, 513. The Bible
philosophically accurate as it regards
distinctions, 514. Source of difficulties
human imperfection, 517. The super-
human wisdom of the Bible, 519.
Bible, Republican Tendencies of, by Rev.
Enoch Pond, D.D., 283. Operation
of Bible laws, 284. Political insti-
tutions of Moses, 287. Influence of
Bible on freedom, 289. Restraints of
the Gospel, 292. History of Mexican
republic, &c., 295. Despots afraid of
the Bible, 296.

Bible True, and Infidelity Wicked, by
William S. Plumer, D.D., noticed,

[blocks in formation]

Burdett, Charles. Mary Grover, or the
trusting Wife, noticed, 570.
Carleton, Capt. His Battle of Buena
Vista, noticed, 751.

Chalmers, by Professor Tayler Lewis, 333.
Religion and philosophy of the 18th
century, 335. Chalmers' early minis-
try, 337. Chalmers in 1805 and in
1847, 338. The change, 340. Enters
upon a higher life, 343. Some traits
of him, 344. His faith, 346. Periods
of interest in our land, 350. Chalmers'
astronomical discourses, 352. As a
preacher to the poor, 355. His chris-
tian character, 356. His service to the
church, 358.


Scripture Readings, noticed, 379.

Sabbath Readings, noticed, 752.
Channing, William Ellory, memoir of,
with extracts from his correspondence,
noticed, 568.

Cheever, G. B., D.D. Ecclesiastical
Discoveries of the Puritans, 1.

Faith in God, and Faith in

God's Word, 644.

-Introduction to Arvine's Cy-
clopedia, 381.
Cheever, Henry T., Rev. The life of
Faith a Mental Discipline, 315.


-Review of Madame Guyon,

Childe, E. V. His Edward Vernon, or
my Cousin's Story, noticed, 752.
Children of the New Forest, by Capt. Mar-
ryatt, noticed, 570.

Christ, the Supreme Godhead of, the corner
stone of Christianity, by Rev. William
R. Gordon, noticed, 753.
Christianity, its influence on Civil and Re-
ligious Liberty, by Robert Baird, D. D.,
191. Influence of the gospel on indi-
vidual character, 192. Do. on society
at large, 194. Gospel finds man in
a state of sin and misery, 199. Thril-
ling anecdote of a professor of Moral
Philosophy, 200. Facts of history il-
lustrate the beneficial influence of the
gospel on human liberty. 203. The
Reformation an instance, 204. Hol-
land, do., 205. Puritanism, do., 207
Who were the Puritans? 209. Their
character and labors, 211.

Classical Studies, Aids to, by Prof San-
born, 299. Dante's Comedia, its influ-
ence on his native tongue, 300. Study
of language strengthens memory, 303.
Matures the judgment, 304. Anecdote
of Lord Chatham, 306. Acquisitions
valued the more by reason of the toil
they cost, 309. Utility of using one's
own powers in overcoming difficulties,
312. Power of association, 313.
Colleges, Influence of, especially on West-
ern Education and Civilization, by
Rev. Charles White, D. D., 383. Col-
leges fitted and responsible to intro-
duce thorough scholarship, 384 Their
influence upon common schools, 389.
do., in promoting Christian civiliza-
tion, 395. Civilization defective with-
out Christianity, 399. Efficiency of
Christianity on learning, order, etc.,
400. Do., to produce homogeneity,
402. Christianity is a good moral
power, 403. Colleges seats of religi
on, 404. Their agency exerted by the
men they educate, 406. Especially a
pious ministry, 408. Summary of be-
neficial influences, 411.

Concordance, Greek, the Englishman's of
the New Testament, including a concor-
dance to the Proper Names; with In-
dexes, Greek-English, and English-
Greek, noticed, 750.

Corson, John W., M. D. Loiterings in
Europe, noticed, 569.
Cyclopedia of Moral and Religious Anec-

dotes, by Rev. K. Arvine, with Intro-
duction by Dr. Cheever, noticed, 381.
Duffield, George, D. D. Finney's Theo-
logy Reviewed, 212, 413, 711.
Dying Robin, and other tales, by Joseph
Alden, D. D., noticed, 752.
Earnest Ministry, or the Want of the
Times, by John Angell James, with
introduction by Dr. Condit, noticed,


Edwards, Justin, D. D. His Sabbath
Manual noticed, 754.

Europe, Loiterings in, by John W. Cor-
son, M. D., noticed, 569.

Faith in God and Faith in God's Word,
by Rev. G. B. Cheever, D. D., 644.
The distinction, 645. True faith be-
gins with God's Word, 645. Influence
of the Romish church on piety, 646.
A delusion, 649. Defect in Foster,
650. Edwards' faith, 651. Self-deni-
al not salvation, 652. Christ the only
life, 654. Faith in God's Word, the
highest faith, 655. How are we to
get this faith, 657. Man left to him-
self will never attain to it, 660. Illus-
trations of this truth, 662. Goethe's
awful blindness, 664. Scripture defi-
nition of faith, 665. Objection raised,
666. An evil heart, 667. The wit-
ness of the Spirit, testimony of Calvin
and others, 669.

Faith, the Life of, a Mental Discipline, by
Rev. Henry T. Cheever, 315. The
Word of God the life of faith, 316.
Perfect discipline the object of all ed-
ucation, 318. Practical power of faith,
319. Intellect is disciplined by devo-
tion, 321. An error we commit, 322.
Earnestness secures success, 324.
Family Power, the, by Rev. S. T. Spear,
noticed, 750.

Finney's Theology, reviewed by George
Duffield, D. D., 212. The author's
philosophy, 213. Freedom of the
will, 215. His definition of free will,
217. His psychological views imper-
fectly delineated 219. Objection to
his manner of bringing forward his
system, 221. The Bible states the
facts of revelation, simply, as matters
for the heart to believe, 223. Basis of
the author's whole system, 214. Mo-
ral obligation has reference to what?

227. Reaches beyond the intention,
229. Where it exists according to the
author, 231. He makes mind and will
free only in the choice of an ultimate
end, 233. His views of the ultimate
good, 235. Do., of moral virtue, 237.
Maintains his theory in opposition to
every other, 241. What is the ulti-
mate end? 247.

413. Proper office of philo-
sophy, 413. Creeds, 415. Westmin-
ster Assembly, 416. Appeal to the
law and the testimony, 418. Justifica-
tion by faith, 423. Luther's testimony,
424. Calvin's, 425. Edwards', 426.
Do., of the Bible, 427. What is justi-
fication as an act? 428. An illustra-
tion, 431. The Adamic covenant, 435.
The Sinaitic, 436. That of grace, 437.
Finney's definition of justification, 439.
Slanders Westminster conf. faith, 441.
Futility of an objection, 442. Affirms
that Christ owed no personal obedi-
ence, 444. Loses sight of the myste-
ry of his person, 446. Abhors ortho-
dox distinctions, 448. Teaches that
the believer justifies himself, 450.

711. That justification is
the condition of sanctification, 712.
Views are indefinite, 716. His lan-
guage what an Antinomian or fanatic
might use, 719. Doctrinal light and
inward light, 720. It lowers the
standard of law, 723. His views con-
trary to the teaching of Christ, 726.
Insists on the attainability of sinless
perfection, 729. His views of depra-
vity, 730. Opposed to the orthodox
view, 732. Scripture testimony, 737.
Philosophy fails to account for the de-
pravity of our race, 738. Finney fails
to do it, 739. Christ's rule of judg-
ment differs from his, 740. He makes
depravity to consist wholly in acts of
will, 753, The covenant with Adam
was made for the race, 755,
Girondists, History of the, by Lamartine,
noticed, 568.

God, the Justice of, by Enoch Pond, D.D.
586. Commercial and governmental
justice, 587. An equivalent necessary,
598. Is justice a form of benevolence,
589. Proof that God is just, 590. His
justice glorious, 591. Gives stability
to government, 592. A display of it
essential to His glory, 593. How it is
manifested, 594.

Gordon, Rev. William R. His supreme
Godhead of Christ, noticed, 753.
Gospel, the, in Advance of the Age, being
a Homily for the Times, by Rev.
Robert Montgomery, noticed, 748.

Great Truths in Simple Words, noticed,


Greek Reading Book, for use schools, by
Rev. J. A. Spencer, noticed, 380.
Greek Grammar for the use of schools
and colleges, by E. A. Sophocles,
A.M., noticed, 380.

Grover, Mary, or the Trusting Wife, by
Charles Burdett, noticed, 570.
Guernsey, Rev. Alfred H. Tax-Book of
the Roman Chancery, 359.
Guide to Acquaintance with God, by Rev.
James Sherman, noticed, 752.
Henry IV., Life of, King of France and
Navarre, by G. P. R. James, noticed,
His Pioneer History,


Hildreth S. P.

noticed, 750.
Hill, Rev. Robert W. Religion of Merit
and Religion of Grace, 478.
History of England, Pictorial, noticed,


History of the Peleponessian War, by
Thucydides, according to the text of
Dindorf, with notes by J. J. Owen,
D.D., noticed, 565.

Home Influence, by Grace Aguilar, no-
ticed, 753.

Hotchkin, Rev. James H. His History
of Western New York, noticed, 747.
Infant Baptism, a Scriptural Service and
Dipping Unnecessary, by Rev. Robert
Wilson, noticed, noticed, 749.
James, G. P. R. His Life of Henry IV.,
King of France and Navarre, noticed,

James, John Angell. His Earnest Minis-
try the Want of the Times, noticed,

Justification by Works, 325. What is the

doctrine of the New Testament, 326.
In what sense is a man justified by
faith, 327. False tendencies, 328.
God's way by faith the best, 331. Im-
portance of works, 331.

Kings and Queens: or Life in the Palace,
by John S. C. Abbott, noticed, 570.
Kurg, W. T. His Fundamental Philo-
sopy noticed, 567.

Knapp, George Christian, D. D. His

letters on Christian Theology, transla-
ted by Dr. Woods, noticed, 189.
Lamartine. History of the Girondists
noticed, 568.

Lewis, Tayler, LL.D. Bible everything
or nothing, 100.


Chalmers, 333.
Bible Ethics, 554.

The Revolutionary Spirit,

Lectures on Christian Theology, by George
Christian Knapp, D. D., Professor of

Theology in the University of Halle,
translated by Leonard Woods, D. D.,
noticed, 189.
Libraries, a Plea for, with especial refer-
ence to the wants of Western Institu-
tions, by Rev. N. Porter, Jr.. 166.
Yale College library, 167. Professors
in our institutions testify to the need
of libraries, 168. The nature of edu-
cation shows the need, 170. Ad-
vancement of the mode of thought in-
creases the demand for books, 173. A
good library makes a college the cen-
tre of literary attraction and influence,
174. Libraries especially needed in
the institutions of a new country, 176.
Danger from the uneducated minds of
the West, 177. The remedy, 178.
Infidelity and Romanism at the West,
181. D'Aubigne's History answered
by Romanists, 182. Western mind
peculiarly fitted to be influenced by
error, 183. Advantage of learning,
184. A striking instance, 185.
Life and Writings of Madame Guyon, by
Rev. Henry T. Cheever, 608. Preta-
tory remarks, 609. Use to be made of
the book, 613, Extracts, 614. Cha-
racter of Madame Guyon, 616. Glance
at her life and writings, 618. Her con-
version, 619. A remarkable incident,
622. Remark of Professor Upham,
623. Providential trials, 624. Leaves
Paris, 627. Inward conflicts-delive-
rance, 629. Her life at Gex, 631. Her
imprisonment, 633. Her release and
second imprisonment, 635. Fenelon's
defence of her, 635. Banished in con-
sequence, 638. Further trials of Ma-
dame Guyon, 640. Closing remarks,

Literature of the Saracens, influence of, by
Edward Beecher, D. D., 145. Ten-
dency to overlook it-Guizot's Histo-
tory, 145. Frederick Schlegel still
more one-sided, 146. Not a question
of authority but of facts, 147. Baba-
rian invasions, 148. Their extent, 149.
Deliverance-mental, 150. A new de-
velopment, 151. Saracenic develop-
ment in Spain, 152. Ommiades of
Spain, 154. Arabian philosophy, dia-
lectical, 155. Remains of the Escuri-
al library. 156. God's providence in
the mixture of the races in Europe,
158. Arabia gave birth to the Euro-
pean scholastic theology of the Middle
Ages, 159. Arabic influence in the
case of individuals, 160. Do., authors,
161. Do., on the forming literature of
Europe, 163. Arabs gave the first im-
pulse to European commerce, 163.

[blocks in formation]

Man and his Motives, by Geo. Moore,
M.D., noticed, 747.

Marryatt Captain. His Children of the
New Forest, noticed 570.
Mason, Erskine, D.D. The Promise of
the Spirit, 67.

Melchisedec, who was he, by Rev. Isaac
Headley, 495. Not a mere man, 496.
What Paul says of him, 49. Identity
of Christ and Melchisedec, 500. But
two priesthoods named in the Bible,

Milton, John. His Poctical Works, with
a Memoir and Critical Remarks, by
James Montgomery, noticed. 188.
Missionary Enterprise, Skepticism in Re-
lation to the, by Rev. J. P. Thompson,
453. First, in relation to the condi-
tion of the heathen, 455. Secondly,
as to God's purpose to have the world
evangelized, 463. Do as to the time,
468. Do as to any known instru-
mentalities, 471. Evil of such skep-
ticism, 474. It is unreasonable and
wicked, 475.

Montgomery James. His work on Milton,
noticed, 188.
Montgomery, Robert Rev. His Gospel in
Advance of the Age, noticed, 748.
Moore, George, M.D. His Power of the

Soul over the Body-Uses of the Body
in Relation to the Mind-and Man and
his Motives, noticed, 747.
Niagara, a Poem, by Rev. C. H. A. Bulk-
ley, noticed, 569.

Nicodemus, by Rev. J. Macdonald, 502.
Opinions of him cited, 503. Are these
opinions just? 504. Probable reasons

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