Abbildungen der Seite

Antes que conozcas, ni alabes, ni cohondas." Avoid praising or censuring a person with whom you are not acquainted."

Antes que te cases, mira lo que haces.-" Before you marry look at what you are about."-Look before you leap.

A otro perro, con ese hueso." Throw that bone to another dog."-Play that trick upon another, 'twill not pass with me.

A padre guardador, hijo gastador." To a hoarding father succeeds an extravagant son."

Apagóse el tizon, y pareció quien le encendió.—Some say pereció." When the fire is extinguished, the incendiary appears."-Signifying, that those who had been enemies and have become friends, punish the author of their dispute, or discover who caused it.

A palabras locas, orejas sordas.—"To mad words lend deaf ears."

Apaña suegro, para quien te herede, manto de luto, corazon alegre." Gather wealth, father-inlaw, for your heir, he will have a mourning cloak, and a joyful heart."

"Friends in sable weeds appear,

"Grieve for an hour, perhaps then mourn a year; "And bear about the mockery of woe

"To midnight dances and the public show."

РОРЕ. A pan duro, diente agudo." A sharp tooth for hard


A pan y cuchillo." A saying to signify bed and


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A par de rio, ni compres viña ni olivar, ni caseria. "Do not buy a vineyard, nor an olive ground, nor a farm near a river."-Because of the danger of its overflowing.

Apartate de mi, daré por mi y por ti.-" Keep at a distance and I will give for myself and you."

The allusion is to fruit trees, which, when close together, do not yield so much fruit as when they are placed at a distance.

A perro viejo no hay, tus, tus.-"To an old dog never say tus, tus."-Tus, tus, is used in Spain to appease dogs when barking with rage. We say, "No catching of old birds with chaff." It is very difficult to deceive a man of judgment and experience.

A placeres acelerados, dones acrecentados." Pleasures quickly conferred must give increased reward."-Because agreeable news, which had been anticipated, is generally liberally rewarded. Qui citò lata refert, præmia bina ferat.

A pobreza, no hay verguenza.-" Poverty has no
shame."-Poverty compels many to commit
mean actions and to suffer disgrace.

Paupertas fugitur, totoque arcessitur orbe.

A poca barba, poca verguenza.-" Little beard and
little shame."-It is said to young and inexpe-
rienced persons who are very presumptuous
and pay no respect to their superiors.

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A poco pan, tomar primero." Where there is a scarcity of bread cut first of the loaf."

Aprendiz de Portugal, no sabe cozer y quiere cortar. "A Portuguese apprentice, who knows not how to sew, and would cut out."-One of the

many expressions of contempt. the Spaniards. use towards their neighbours the Portuguese. Fingere vult vestem sartor, rudis ipse suendi. A puerta cerrada, el diablo se vuelve." When the devil finds the door shut, he retires."It is used to shew the necessity of resisting the allurements of vice, and of repelling every temptation to commit crime.

A puerta cerrada, labor mejorada.-" When the door is shut the work improves."--There is less distraction.

A puñadas entran las buenas hadas." Good luck enters by cuffing."-A man must struggle and use every exertion to be fortunate.

Audaces fortuna juvat timidosque repellit. "Fortune assists the bold and repels the coward." Apurar testigos, mas es de enemigo, que amigo."To examine witnesses rigidly is more the duty of an enemy than a friend."-Because it may discover what may injure the party.

Aquel es tu amigo, que te quita de ruido." He is your friend who brings you out of trouble or quarrels."-Meaning, that he is not a friend who will bring you into scrapes, or leave you to fight your battles alone.

Aquella ave es mala, que su nido caga." That's an ill bird which befouls its own nest."

Aquella es bien casada, que ni tiene suegra ni cuñada." She is well married who has neither mother-in-law nor sister-in-law, by her husband." In Spain they entertain no great opinion of this class of kindred.

Aquellos son ricos que tienen amigos." They are rich who have friends ;"-that is, true ones.

Aquel va mas sano, que anda por lo llano.-" He

goes more securely, who travels on the high road."-Advice to select the most sure and honorable means of accomplishing any undertaking.

Qui tulerit per plana gradus, is tutior ibit.

A quien dan no escoge." Beggars must not be choosers."

A quien dices tu puridad, à ese das tu libertad."To him you tell your secrets, to him you resign your liberty."

A quien dios quiere, bien la casa la sabe." He whom God loves, his house is well known."

A quien dios quiere, bien en Sevilla le dan de comer. "He is fed well in Seville whom God loves." This proverb is used by the admirers of Seville; others say, Quien no hà visto à Sévilla, no hà visto maravilla." He who has not seen Seville, has seen no wonder." They say also of Madrid, De Madrid al cielo.-" From Madrid to Heaven.'

A quien dios quiere bien, la perra le pare lechones. "The man whom God loves well, his bitch whelps pigs."-An extraordinary mode of expressing, that where God's blessing dwells, prosperity follows.

A quien duele la muela, que la éche fuera." Let him who has the tooth-ache, have the tooth drawn."-Signifying, that each person should apply a remedy for his own misfortune.

A quien está, en su tienda, no le achacan que se hallo en la contienda. "He who attends to his shop will not be accused of having been concerned in the quarrel." They who are regular in their attendance to their duty, and who employ their time well, are never suspected of committing the crimes of the idle and vagrant.

A quien has de acallar, no le hagas llorar." He whom you have to sooth, you must not give cause to grieve;"-which implies, that you must be cautious not to offend another, when you have afterwards to give him satisfaction. "Amicum ita habeas, posse ut fieri hunc inimicum scias." LABERIUS.

A quien madruga, dios le ayuda." He who rises early God assists."-Providence will help the provident and industrious man.

A quien mala fama tiene, no acompañes, ni quieras bien." Do not keep company with, nor be fond of one who has got an ill name."-We say, "Tell me your company, and I will tell you who you are.

A quien miedo han, lo suyo le dan." He who is feared, receives his own."

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A quien no mata puerco, no le dan morcilla.—" He who does not kill hogs, will not receive black puddings."It is usual in Spain, when they kill a hog, to make black puddings, and to present their neighbours with some. It expresses the interested views of mankind, when they give, that they expect a return. The poor man, without a hog, gets few black puddings.

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