Abbildungen der Seite

The Confederates captured Galveston.....
The Unionists gained a victory at Murfreesboro.
The Unionists were defeated at Chancellorsville...
West Virginia was admitted into the Union...
Lee made his second invasion of Maryland..
The Union army was victorious at Gettysburg.
Vicksburg was surrendered to the Unionists...
Port Hudson was surrendered to the Unionists.
The great riot in New York........

The Confederates were victorious at Chickamauga. The Unionists gained a victory at Chattanooga.. 1864. The Unionists were defeated at Olustee..

Grant was appointed Lieutenant-General...
The battle of the Wilderness.

Sherman began his march against Atlanta..
The battles near Spottsylvania..

The Kearsarge met and sunk the Alabama..
The Confederates, under Early, invaded Maryland.
Chambersburg was sacked and partly burned..
The Unionists gained a victory in Mobile Bay..
Sherman captured Atlanta....

.Jan. 1.

.Jan. 2. ..May 3. .June 20. .June 21. ..July 3.

July 4.

.July 8. .July 13-16. ..Sept. 20. .Nov. 25. .Feb. 20. .March 3.

.May 5, 6.

.May 7. .May 9–21. ..June 19.

..July 4. ..July 30.

..Aug. 5.

..Sept. 2.

The Unionists were victorious at Cedar Creek.
Nevada was admitted into the Union....
The Unionists gained a victory at Nashville.
1865. Union troops and fleet captured Fort Fisher.
Sherman captured Columbia..

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Charleston was occupied by Union troops..
Wilmington was captured by Union troops..
The Freedmen's Bureau Bill became a law....
Union troops occupied Petersburg and Richmond.
Lee surrendered to Grant...

President Lincoln was assassinated..

Andrew Johnson was inaugurated President.

1867. Nebraska was admitted into the Union.....

Alaska was purchased for $7,200,000....

.April 3.

. April 9. .April 14.

April 15. ...March 1.

..June 20.

1868. The House of Representatives impeached Pres. Johnson... Feb. 24.

The president was acquitted... . . .

The Fourteenth Amendment was declared adopted.. 1869. Ulysses S. Grant was inaugurated President.... 1870. The Fifteenth Amendment was declared adopted... 1871. The Great Fire of Chicago.............

.May 26.

..July 28.

.March 4.

.Feb. 22. .Oct. 7, 8, 9.



Ab'a-tis. Branches of trees sharpened | An-ti-scor-bu'tic. Curing or prevent

and turned outward for defense.

Ab'di-cate.. To give up (as, an office).

Ab-o-rig'i-nes (-rij'e-neez).

inhabitants of a country.

The first

Ab-o-rig'i-nal. First; primitive.
Ab'ro-gate. To repeal; to annul.
Ab-solve'. To clear from blame or

[blocks in formation]


Ad'e-quate. Equal to; sufficient. Adjunct. Something joined to; an appendage.

Ad-ven'tur-er. One who lives by bold and hazardons undertakings. Affix. Somining attached to; a syllable joined to a word. Ag-gress'ive. Assailing; disposed to attack.

Ag-ri-cult'ūr-al. Pertaining to farming or tillage.

Aid-de-camp (ād'e-kawng). One who attends on a military officer to convey his orders.

Al'che-my. Chemistry as understood and practised in former times, one of its chief objects being to change the common metals into gold. Al-le'giance (-jance).` Obligation of a subject; loyalty. Al-le-vi-a'tion. Act of lessening; mitigation.

Al-ter'nate-ly. By turns; one after the other.

Am-a-teur' (-tür). A lover of any science or art; not a professor. Am-mu-ni'tion.

Military stores, as

powder, balls, etc. An'a-lyze. To separate into component parts.

An'ar-chy. Want of government; confusion.

An-i-mad-ver'sion, Unfavorable comment; censure.

An-nex-a'tion. Act of joining to;


An-ni-hi-la'tion. Act of destroying; reducing to nothing.

An-tag'o-nist. An opponent.

ing the scurvy.

A-pos'ta-sy. A falling from one's profession or faith.

A-pos'tate. One guilty of apostasy. A-pos'tle. One sent to preach the gospel.

Ap pa ri'tion. An appearance of a preternatural character; a ghost. Ap-pel-la'tion. A name; a title. Aqua Viæ. Latin phrase, meaning water of life; brandy.

Ar-chi-pel-a'go (ar-ke-pel'a'go). A sea crowded with islands; a large group of islands.

Archives (ar'kives). Records; place for records.

Ar'ma-ment. A land or naval force. Ar'que-buse (ar'kwe-bus). A hand-gun. Ar-que-bus-ier'. A soldier armed with n arquebuse.

Ar-til'lé-ry. Weapons of war; troops that manage cannon, etc. As-sim'i-late. To make similar to. A-sy'lum. A refuge; a charitable institution.

A-tone ment. Satisfaction for crime; expiation.

Au'gu-ry. Foretelling events by signs

or omens.

Aus-pi'cious. Having omens of success: favorable.

Ban-do-leer'. A small case for powder. Bar'o-ny. The territory or dignity of a baron.

Bar-ri-cade'. An obstruction formed hurriedly against an attack.

Bar'racks. Buildings for soldiers to lodge in.

Ba-salt'ic (ba-zawlt'ic). Consisting of a grayish-black stone.

Ba-shaw'. A Turkish governor or viceroy.

Bas'so-Re-liev'o (Italian). Sculpture in which the figures partly stand out from a plane surface. Be-leag'uer (be-le'ger). To besiege; to block up.

Bel-lig'e rent. Waging war. Ben-e-factor. One who does good,who confers a benefit.

An-tip'o-des. Those who live on op- Be-nig'ni-ty. Goodness of heart; kind

posite sides of the earth.


Bick'er-ings. Quarrels; contentions. | Con-fed'er-a-cy. A league, or mutual Big'o-try. Blind zeal in favor of any particular doctrine or faith.

Bilge. The broadest part of a ship's bottom; to spring a leak. Bivouac (biv'wak). Passing the night in the open air, as soldiers. Bland'ness. Mildness; softness. Bom-bard'ment.

An attack with bombs (large iron shells filled with powder). Bomb'-proof. Secure against bombs; a place of refuge in a fort, against bombs. Brig'an-tine. A small brig, or twomasted vessel.

Bull'ion (bull'yun). Uncoined silver or gold. Burgh'er (burg'er). An inhabitant of a burgh, or corporate town; a citizen. Bur-go-mas'ter. A magistrate in a Dutch city.

Can'is-ter. A small box for tea, coffee, powder, etc. Abbreviation of Canister shot; a charge for cannon, consisting of bullets, etc., inclosed in a canister or


Can-non-ade'. An assault with can


Ca-pit'u-late. To yield on expressed conditions.

Car-tel'. An agreement for the exchange of prisoners.

Casque (cask). A helmet.


Con-fis-ca'tion. Transferring to the state as a penalty; forfeiture. Con-fla-gra'tion. An extensive fire. Con-nu'bi-al. Pertaining to marriage. Con-san-guin'i-ty. Relationship by blood or birth. Con-ster-na'tion. Amazement; excessive alarm.

Con-ta'gi-ous. Communicated by con tact; infectious. Con-tem po-ra-ry. Existing at the same time. Con'tra-band. Unlawful; forbidden.

Con-ven'tion-al. Agreed on by compact; customary.

Co-op'er-ate. To work with others.
Cop'pice. A wood of small growth.
Cor'po-ral. An inferior military offi-
cer, next below a sergeant.
Cru'ci-fix. A representation of our Lord

on the cross.

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De-ci'pher. To explain what is written in cipher; to unfold.

Ca-tas'tro-phe. The termination of an De-ploy'. To unfold; to open out the

event; a calamity.

divisions of an army.

Cav-al-cade'. A procession on horse-De-pop'u-late. To dispeople; to lay back.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


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E-duce'. To draw out; to extract.
Ef-fem'i-nate. Womanish; tender;


E-lab'o-rate. To finish with labor and


El Do-ra'do (Spanish). A country rich in gold.

E-lix'ir. A tincture; an extract. E-man-ci-pa'tion. A setting free from slavery.

Em-bez zle. To appropriate to one's own use property held in trust. E-mer'gen-cy. Pressing necessity. Em'is-sa-ry. One sent on a mission. E-mol'u-ment. Profit from an office or employment.

En-co'mi-um. Formal praise; panegyric.

En-dow'ment. Gift of a permanent fund; gift of nature; talent. En-thu'si-asm. Ardent or excessive zeal.

E-nun'ci-ate. To utter distinctly; to declare.

Fick'le-ness. Changeableness of opinion or purpose; inconstancy. Fo-ren'sic. Relating to public assemblies. For-mal'i-ty. Observance of forms


For mid-a-ble. Apt to excite fear; dreadful.

For-tu'i-tous. Accidental; happening by chance.

Franchise (fran'chiz). A political right or privilege.

Free boot-er. A plunderer. Frigate. A ship of war, next in size to a ship of the line.

Frontier. The border of a country. Ful-min-a'tion. Denunciation of censure; explosion.

Fun-da-ment'al. Pertaining to the foundation; essential. Fu-see'. A firelock, or gun.

Garʼri-son. A body of soldiers in charge of a fort.

Gauntlet. An iron glove.

Ge'ni-al. Productive; cheerful or gay.

Ep'och. Time of an important event, used for reckoning dates; an era. E-ques tri-an. Pertaining to horse-Guar'an-ty. To warrant; a surety.


E-rad'i-cate. To root out; to abolish. E'ru-dite. Learned; well read.

Gut'tur-al. Pertaining to the throat.

Hal'low. To make sacred or holy.

Es-tu-a'ry. Arm of the sea in which | Har'bin-ger. That which indicates

the tide rises.

Es-pouse. To marry; to assume the defense of.

Et'i-quette (-ket). Forms of civility;

ceremony. Eu'cha-rist.

The sacrament of the

Lord's supper. Eu'lo-gy. A speech or writing in praise of any person.

E-vac'u-ate. To make empty; to quit. E-ven'tu-al-ly. In the event; finally. Ex-as'per-ate. To make angry; to provoke.

Ex-com-mu'ni-cate. To exclude from church communion. Ex'e-crate. To curse. Ex-ec'u-tor. One who carries a will into effect. Ex-em'plar.

A copy or pattern; a model for imitation." Ex-i-gen'cy. Pressing necessity. Ex-ot'ic. Foreign; a foreign plant. Ex-p'ti-ate (-she-ate). To enlarge upon in discourse.

coming evil; a precursor.

Hawk's bells. Bells used in falconry, to fasten on the foot of the hawk. He-red'i-ta-ry. Descending by inheritance.

Her'e-sy. Error in religious faith or doctrine.

Hol'o-caust. A whole animal used in a burnt-offering.

Ho-ri'zon. The circle which bounds our view.

How'it-zer. A short gun mounted on a carriage.

Hus'band-ry. Farming; tillage.

Ignis Fatuus (Latin). A meteor seen in the night over marshy ground, and leading travellers astray; anything deceptive.

Ig-no-min'i-ous. Disgraceful.
II-lim-i-ta'ble. Unbounded.
Im-mor'tal-ize. To make enduring
or immortal.

Im-mu'ni-ty. Freedom from obligation; special exemption.

Im-pla'ca-ble. Not to be appeased or satisfied.

Ex-pa-tri-a'tion. Act of quitting; re-
nouncing one's native country.
Ex-pe'di-en-cy. Fitness; propriety.
Ex-ter-mi-naʼtion. Utter destruc-In-au'gu-rate. To induct into office

[blocks in formation]

with appropriate ceremonies. In-cen'di-a-ry. One who maliciously sets fire to a house; producing sedition. In-clem'ent. Harsh; severe. In-com-pat'i-ble. Inconsistent with. In-corpor-ate. To unite with; to form into a body.

In-cursion. Inroad; invasion.
In-den-ta'tion. A cut; a notch.
In-dom'i-ta-ble. Not to be subdued;
unconquerable; untamable.

In-ert'. Without power to move; inactive; sluggish.

In-es'ti-ma-ble. Too valuable for esti- | Me-moʻri-al. That which preserves the

mation; invaluable.

In-ev'i-ta-ble. Not to be avoided; un



Not to be moved by entreaty; unyielding.

In-ex tri-ca-ble. Not to be disentangled.

In-fal'li-ble. Incapable of error; unfailing.

In-fat'u-a-ted. Inspired with an ex-
travagant passion.

In-hos pit-a-ble. Affording no shelter
to strangers; repulsive..
In-i'ti-a-tive. Introducing; an intro-
ductory step.

In-ter-lace'. To weave or plait toge-

In-ter-po-si'tion. Act of placing he


In-ter-reg'num. The time a throne is vacant between two successive reigns. In-ter-ven'tion. A coming between; mediation.

In-tol'er-ance. Want of forbearance toward others of different religious views from ourselves; disposition to persecute.

In-trigue' (in-treeg'). Plot; secret ma


In-tu'i-tive-ly. By immediate knowl-
edge; without reasoning.
In-ure'. To habituate; to familiarize.
In-veigh (in-va'). To exclaim against;
to censure.

In-vig'o-rate. To strengthen.
In-vin'ci-ble. Not to be conquered.
In-vul'ner-a-ble. Incapable of being
wounded; secure from injury.
Ir'ri-ta-ble. Easily provoked.

remembrance of anything.

Mer'ce-na-ry. To be obtained or hired
for money; venal. Mercenaries, hired

Mer-cu'ri-al. Pertaining to quicksilver;
easily excited; sprightly.
Me-te-or-o-log/ic-al. Pertaining to
meteorology, the science of atmospheric

Mi-gration. Change of residence from
one country to another.
Migra-to-ry. Wandering; nomadic.
Mis-de-mean'or. Misbehavior; an

Mo-rass'. A marsh; a swamp.
Mor'tar. A cannon for throwing bombs.
Mulet. To fine; a fine.
Mu-nic'i-pal. Belonging to a corpora-
tion or city.

Mu-nif'i-cence. Liberality; generos-
Mu'ti-ny. A revolt in the navy or army.
Mys'ter-y. Something that cannot be
understood or explained.

Myth-ol'o-gy. The fables relating to

the heathen deities.

Nar cot'ic. Producing sleep.
Nat'u-ral-ize. To invest with the priv-
ileges of a native citizen.
Nau'ti-cal. Pertaining to ships or sail-


| Ne-go'ti-a-tion. Transaction of busi-
ness; a treaty.

Non-con-form'ist. One who refuses
to conform to the established religion.
Ob-scene'. Offensive; disgusting.
O-dor-if'er-ous. Giving scent; fra-

Ju-di'ci-a-ry. Pertaining to courts of On'er-ous. Burdensome.

justice; body of judges. Ju-ris-dic'tion. Legal authority.

Le'gend. A fable; myth; an inscrip-

Leg is la'tor (lej-). A law-giver.
Le-via-than. A large sea-animal.

Lieu-ten'ant (loo-). An officer second
in rank; a deputy.

Lim-pid'i-ty. Clearness.

Op-por-tune'. Seasonable.
Op'u-lent. Wealthy; rich.

Or-de'al. A formal and severe trial.
Or'gies. (or'jeez). Frantic revels.
Os-en'si-bly. Apparently.

Os-ten-ta'tious. Showy; pompous.
O-ver-ween'ing. Vain; conceited.

Pa-cif'i-ca-to-ry. Tending to make

Luff. To turn the head of a ship toward Pal-i-sade'. A defense formed by poles

the wind,

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or stakes driven into the ground.
Pan-e-gyr'ic. A laudatory speech; a

Pan'ic. A sudden fright; an alarm.
Pan'o-ply. Complete armor for defense.
Par'a-lyze. To deprive of sense and

Parliament. The legislature of Great
Britain, consisting of Lords and Com


Pa-ter'nal. Pertaining to a father.
Pe-cu ́ni-a-ry. Relating to money.
Pe'nal. Relating to punishment.
Pen'u-ry. Extreme poverty.
Per-e-gri-na'tion. Travelling about;
foreign travel.

Per'emp-tor-i-ly. In the manner of a
command; positively.

Per'fi-dy. Breach of faith; treachery.

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