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Exc. 2. Nouns in do and go are feminine, and have the genitive in inis; as, arundo, arundīnis, a reed; imāgo, imaginis, an image.

But the following are mafculine :

Cardo, -ĭnis, a binge.

Cudo, -ōnis, a leather cap.

Harpǎgo, -čnis, a drag.

Ligo, -ōnis, a fpade.

Margo, -inis, the brink of a rivet.

alfo fem.

Ordo, -inis, order.

Tendo, -inis, a tendon.

Udo, -ōnis, a linen or woolen fock.

Cupido, defire, is often mafc. with the poets; but in prose always feminine.

Exc. 3. The following nouns have inis:

Apollo, -inis, the god Apollo.

Homo, -inis, a man or woman.

Nemo, -inis, m or f. no body.

Turbo, -inis, m a whirlwind.

Caro, flesh. fem has carnis: Anio, mase the name of a river, Anienis: Nerio, Nerienis, the wife of the god Mars; from the obfolete nominatives Anien, Nerien. Turbo, the name of a man, has ōnis.

Exc. 4. Greek nouns in o are feminine, and have us in the genitive, and o in the other cafes fingular; as, Dido, the name of a woman; genit. Didûs, dat. Dido, &c. Sometimes they are declined regularly; thus, Dido, Di dōnis fo echo, ûs, f. the refounding of the voice from a rock or wood; Argo, -ûs, the name of a ship; halo, -onis, f. a circle about the fun or moon.


C, D, L.

3. Nouns in c and I are neuter, and form the genitive by adding is; as,

animal, animalis, a living creature; halec, halēcis, a kind of

[blocks in formation]

D is the termination only of a few proper names, which form the genitive by adding is; as, David, Davidis.


4. Nouns in n are mafculine, and add is in

the negative.

Exc. 1. Nouns in men are neuter, and make their genitive in inis; as flumen, fluminis, a river.

The following nouns are likewise neuter :

Gluten, -inis, glue..
Unguen, -inis, ointment.

Inguen, -inis, the groin,
Pollen, -inis, fine flour.

Exc. 2. The following mafculines have inis; pečen, a comb; tubicen, a trumpeter; tibicen, a piper, and ofcen, v. ofcinis, fc. avis, f. a bird, which foreboded by finging.

Exc. 3. The following nouns are feminine: Sindon, -onis, fine linen; äedon, onis, a nightingale; Halcyon, -onis, a bird called the King's fifher; icon, -onis, an image. Exc. 4. Some Greek nouns have ontis; as, Laomedon, -ontis, a king of Troy. So Acheron, Chameleon, Phaethon, Charon, &c.

AR and UR.

5. Nouns in ar and ur are neuter, and add is to form the genitive; as,

calcar, calcāris, a fpur; murmur, murmuris, a noise.

Except. Ebur, -ŏris, n. ivory.

Far, farris, n corn.
Femur, -ŏris, n. the thigh.
Furfur, -ŭris, m. bran.
Fur, fùris, m. a thief.
Hepar, -ǎtis, or -ătos, n.
the liver.

Jecur, -õris, or jecinoris, n. the


Robur, -ŏris, n. firength.
Salar, -aris, m. a trout.
Turtur, -ŭris, m. a turtle-dove.
Vultur, -ŭris, m. a vulture.

ER and QR.


6. Nouns in er and or are masculine, and form the genitive by adding is; as,

anfer, anseris, a goofe; agger, -ĕris, a rampart; aer, -ĕris, the air; carcer, -ĕris, a prifon; affer, -eris, a plank; dolor, -ōris, pain; color, -ōris, a colour.

Exc. 1. The following nouns are neuter:

Ador, -oris, fine wheat.

Equor, -ŏris, a plain, the fea.

„Cadāver, -ĕris, a dead carcafe.

Papaver, -ĕris, poppy.
Piper, -ĕris, pepper.
Spinther, -ēris, a clasp.

or Achilli, contracted for Achillei or Achillei, of the fecond decl. from Achilleus: So Ulyffes, Pericles, Verres, Ariftotěles, &c.


9. Nouns in is are feminine, and have their genitive the fame with the nominative; as, auris, auris, the ear; avis, avis, a bird.

Exc. 1. The following nouns are mafculine, and form the genitive according to the general rule:

Axis, axis, an axle-tree. Enfis, a sword.
Aqualis, a water-pot, Fafcis, a bundle.

an ever.

Callis, a beaten road.

Fecialis, a herald.

Caulis, the falk of an Fuftis, a staff.


Collis, a bill.

Patruelis, a coufin-ger


Pifcis, a fifb.

Follis, a pair of bellows.

[blocks in formation]

Menfis, a month.

Torris, a fire-brand.

[world. Vectis, a lever.

Mugilis, or -il, a mul- Unguis, the nail.

Cenchris, a kind of let-fifb. ferpent.

Orbis, a circle, the Vermis, a worm.

To thefe add Latin nouns in nis; as, panis, bread; crinis, the hair; ignis, fire; funis, a rope, &c. But Greek nouns in nis are feminine, and have the genitive in ĭdis; as, tyrannis, tyrannidis, tyranny.

Exc. 2. The following nouns are also masculine, but form their genitive differently:

Cinis, ĕris, afbes.

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Cucumis, -is, or -ĕris, a cucumber. Dis, dītis, the god of riches, or rich, an adj.

Glis, gliris, a rat.

[blocks in formation]

Impubis, or impubes, -is, or ĕris, Sanguis, -inis, blood.

not marriageable. aftone.

Lapis, -idis, a

Semis, iffis, the half of any thing.
Vomis, or -er, -ĕris, a ploughfbare

Samnis and Quiris, pubis and impubis, from the nature of their fignification, may also be feminine, being properly adjectives. Pulvis and cinis are likewife fometimes feminine. Semis is alfo fometimes neuter, and then it is indeclinable. Exfanguis, bloodless, an adj. has exfanguis in the gen.

Exc. 3. The following are either mafc. or femin. and form the genitive according to the general rule;

[blocks in formation]

Finis, the end: fines, Scrobis, or ferobs, a

[blocks in formation]

Exc. 4 Thefe feminines have idis: Caffis, -idis, a hel met; cufpis, -idis, the point of a fpear; capis, -īdis, a kind of cup; promulis, idis, a kind of drink, metheglin. Lis, strife, f. has tītis.

Exc. 5. Greek nouns in is are generally feminine, and form the genitive varioufly: Some have eos or ios; as, hærefis, -eos, or -ios, or is, a herefy; bafis, -is, f. the foot of a pillar; phrafis, a phrafe; phthifis, a confumption; počfis, poetry; metropolis, a chief city, &c. Some have idis, or idos; as, Paris, -idis, or idos, the name of a man; afpis, -idis, f. an afp; ephemeris, -idis, f. a day-book; Iris, -idis, f. the rainbow; pyxis, -idis, f. a box. So Ægis, the fhield of Pallas; cantharis, a fort of fly; perifcělis, a garter; probofcis, an elephant's trunk; pyramis, a pyramid; and tigris, a tiger, idis, feldom tigris: all fem. Part have idis; as, Pfophis, -īdis, the name of a city: others have inis; as, Eleufis, inis, the name of a city: and some have entis; as, Simois, Simoentis, the name of a river. Charis, one of the graces, has Charitis.


10. Nouns in os are mafculine, and have the genitive in ōtis; as,

nepos, -ōtis, a grand child; facerdos, -ōtis, a priest.

Exc. 1. The following are feminine :

Arbos, or -or, -ŏris, a tree.
Cos, cōtis, a whetstone.

Dos, dotis, a dowry.

Exc. 2. The following

genitive :

Flos, floris, a flower.
Honos, or -or, -ōris, bonour.
Labos, or or, -ōris, labour.

Eos, cois, the morning.

Glos, glōris, the bufband's fifter, or brother's wife.

mafculines are excepted in the

Lepos, or -or, -ōris, wit.
Mos, moris, a custom.
Ros, rōris, dew.

Custos, -ōdis, a keeper; also fem.
Heros, herois, a hero.

Minos, -õis, a king of Crete.


Tros, Trois, a Trojan.

Eos, bovis, m. or f. an ox or cảnờ.

Exc. 3. Os, offis, a bone; and as, oris, the mouth, neu

Exc. 4. Some Greek nouns have õis; as, heros, -õis, a hero, or great man: So, Minos, a king of Crete; Tros, a Trojan; thos, a kind of wolf.


11. Nouns in us are neuter, and have their

genitive in oris; as

pettus, pecoris, the breaft; tempus, temporis, time.

Exc. 1. The following neuters have ĕris.

[blocks in formation]

Latus, the fide.

Thus, acĕris, funĕris, &c. Glomus, a clew, is sometimes masculine, and has glomi, of the fecond declenfion. Venus, the goddess of love, and vetus, old, an adjective, likewise have ĕris.

The following nouns are feminine, and form

Exc. 2. the genitive variously:

Incus, -ūdis, an anvil.

Palus, -ūdis, a pool or morafs.
Pecus, (not used) -ŭdis, a fheep.
Subfcus, -ŭdis, a dove-tail.
Tellus, -ūris, the earth.

Juventus, -ūtis, youth.

Salus, -ūtis, fafety.

Senectus, -ūtis, old age.
Servitus, -ūtis, flavery.

Virtus, utis, virtue.

Intercus, -ŭtis, an hydropfy.

Intercus is properly an adjective, having aqua understood.

Exc. 3. Monofyllables of the neuter gender have ūris,

in the genitive; as,

Crus, cruris, the leg.

Jus, jūris, law or right: also broth. Pus, pūris, the corrupt matter of any fore.

Rus, rūris, the country.
Thus, thūris, frankincense.
So Mus, mūris, mafc. a mouse.

Ligus, or ur, a Ligurian, has Liguris; lepus, mafc. a hare, leporis; fus, mafc. or fem. a fwine, fuis; grus, mafc. or fem. a crane, gruis.

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