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locus, or negotiam and a preposition, may be understood; as, Interes loci, i. e. inter ea negotia loci; Ubi terrarum, for in quo loco terrarum.

Obf. 2. We usually fay pridie, poftridie ejus diei, feldom diem; but pridie, poftridie, Kalendas, Nonas, Idus, ludos Apollinares, natalem ejus, abfolutionem ejus, &c. rarely Kalendarum, &c.

Obf. 3. En and ecce are construed either with the nominative or accufative; as,

En hoftis, or hoftem; Ecce miserum hominem, Cic. Sometimes a dative is added; as, Ecce tibi Strato, Ter. Ecce duas (scil, aras) tiọ bi, Daphni, Virg. In like manner is construed hem put for ecce; as, Hem tibi Davum, Ter. But in all these examples fome verb must be understood.

XLI. Some derivative adverbs govern the case of their primitives; as,

Omnium optimè loquitur,
Convenienter naturæ,
Venit obviam ei,

Proxime caftris or caftra,

He speaks the best of all.
Agreeably to nature.
He came to meet him.
Next the camp.


1. PREPOSITIONS governing the Accufative.

AD aftra, to the fars; religari ad afferem, to be bound to a plank; ad diem veniam, folvam, &c. at or on; ad portam, oftium, fores, at, before; ad urbem, Tiberim, near, at: ad templa fupplicatio, in; ad fummum, at moft; ad fummam, on the whole, Cic.; ad ultimum, extremum, at laft, finally; ad v. in fpeciem, to appearance; mentis ad omnia capacitas; annus fatalis ad interitum; lenius ad severitatem, for, with respect to, Cic.; ad vivum, fc. corpus, to the quick; ad judicem agere, before; nihil ad Cæfarem, in comparison of; numero ad duodecim, to the number of; omnes ad unum, to a man; ad hoc, befides; ad vulgi opinionem, according to; homo ad unguem factus, an accomplished man; herbæ ad lunam meffæ, by the light of, Virg.; ad tempus venit, at; Ira brevis eft & ad tempus, for; ad tempus confilium capiam, according to, Cic.; ad decem annos, after; annos ad quinquaginta natus, about, Cic.; nebula erat ad multum diei, for a great part of the day, Liv.; ad pedes jacere, provolvi, procumbere, & ad genua; ad manus effe, at; ad manus venire, to come to a clofe engagement; ad libellam deberi, to a farthing, no more and no less; ad hæc vifa auditaque, upon feeing and hearing these things, Liv.

AD feems fometimes to be taken adverbially; as, Ad duo millia cæfa funt; ad mille hominum amiffum eft; ad ducenti perierunt, about, Liv.

Arud forum, at; apud me cœnabis, at my house; apud fenatum, judices v. aliquem dicere, before; apud majores noftros, among; apud

Xenophontem, in the book of; Eft mihi fides, vel valeo, apud illum, y bave credit with him; facio te apud illum deum, Ter.

ANTE diem, focum, &c. before.

ADVERSUS, V. -um; CONTRA hoftes, againft; adverfus infimos juftitia est servanda, towards; adverfum hunc loqui, to, Ter. Lerina adverfum Antipolim, over against, Plin.

CIS vel CITRA flumen, on this fide; citra neceffitatem, without; Ede citra cruditatem, bibe citra ebrietatem, Sen.

CIRCUM & CIRCA regem, about; Varia circa hæc opinio, Plin. ERGA amicos, towards. EXTRA muros; Extra jocum, periculum, noxiam, fortem, without; nemo extra te, defides; extra conjurationem, not concerned in, Sall.

INFRA tectum, below the roof.

INTER fratres, among; Inter & fuper cænam, during, in the time of s inter hæc parata, during these preparations, Sall. Inter tot annos, in, Cic. Inter diem; whence, interdiu, in the day time; inter fe amant, they love ane another; Quafi non norimus nos inter nos, Ter.

INTRA privatos parietes, intra paucos, annos, within; intra famam eft, less than report, Quinct.

JUXTA macellum, near the foambles.

OB lucrum, for gain; ob oculos, before; ob industriam for de induftria, on purpose, Plaut.

PENES quem, or quem penes, in the power of; Penes te es? Are you in your fenfes? Hor.

PER agros, through; per vim, per fcelus, by; per anni tempus, per ætatem licet, for, by reason of.

PONE caput, behind.

POST hoc tempus, after; post tergum, behind; post homines natos, poft hominum memoriam, fince the world began.

PRÆTER te nemo, no body, befides or except; præter cafam fugere, beyond; præter legem, morem, æquum & bonum, fpem, opinionem, &c. contrary to, againft, beyond; præter cæteros excellere, lamentari, above; præter ripam ire, along, near; præter oculos, before, Cic.

PROPTER virtutem, for, on account of; propter aquæ rivum, near, bard by, Virg.

SECUNDUM facta & virtutes tuas, according to, Ter. fecundum littús, fecundum aurem vulneratus eft, near to; in actione fecundum vocem vultus plurimum valet; fecundum patrem tu es proximus, after, next to; Prætor fecundum me decrevit, fententiam, dedit, for, my favour, Cic.


SECUS viam, by, along.
SUPRA terram, above.
TRANS mare, over, beyond.
ULTRA Oceanum, beyond.

To prepofitions governing the accufative are commonly added CIRCITER, PROPE, USQUE & VERSUS; as, Circiter meridiem, about mid-day; prope muros, near the walls; ufque Puteolos, Tharfam ufque, as far as; Orientem versus, towards the caft. But in thefe ad is

understood; which we find sometimes expressed; as, Prope ad an num, Nep. Ab ovo ufque ad mala, Hor. "Ad oceanum verfus, Cæf in Italiam verfus, Cic.

2. PREPOSITIONS governing the Ablative.

A patre, ab omnibus, abs te, by or from; a puero, vel pueris, a pueritia, incunabulis, teneris unguibus, &c. from a child, ever fince childhood; ab ovo usque ad mala, from the beginning to the end of fupper ; a manu, fc. fervus, an amanuenfis or clerk; ad manum, a waiting man; a pedibus, a footman; a latere principis, an attendant. So a fecretis, rationibus, conuliis, cyathis, &c. a fecretary, accountant, &c. fores a nobis, for nostræ. Injuria ab illo, for illius, Ter. a cœna, after; Secundus, tertius a Romulo; ictus ab latere, on or in; a fenatu ftare, for, in defence of; ab oculis doleo, Plaut. ab ingenio improbus, a pecunia & militibus imparatus, as to, with respect to, Cic. Eft calor a fole; omiffiores ab re, too careless about money; a villa mercenarium vidi, Ter.

ABSQUE caufa, without; abfque te effet, recte ego mihi vidiffem, i. e. fi tu non effes, nifi tu effes, but for you, had it not been for you, Ter. Abfque is chiefly used by comic writers; fine, by orators.

CLAM patre & patrem, without the knowledge of.
CORAM omnibus, before, in the prefence of

CUM exercitu, with; teftis mecum eft annulus, in my poffeffion, Ter. cum prima luce, at break of day; cum imperio effe, in; cum primis, in primis, in the first place; cum metu dicere, cum lætitia vivere, cum cura, &c. Cic. We fay, mecum, tecum, fecum, nobifcum, vobifcum; rarely cum me, cum te, &c. and quocum or cum quo, quibuscum & cum quibus.

De lana caprina rixantur, about, concerning; De tanto patrimonio nihil relictum eft, of; de loco fuperiore, from de die, by day; de nocte, by night; de integro, anew, afre; de v. ex improvifo, unexpectedly; de v. ex industria, on purpose; de meo, at my expense; Id de lucro putato effe, clear gain, Ter.; dev, ex compacto agere, by agreement; de transverso, cross-wise, athwart; de v. ex ejus sententia, confilio, according to; qua. hac de caufa, for; homo de plebe; templuma de marmore, of; de fcripto dicere, to read a speech; de Pilio emit, from, Cic. De fervis fideliffimus; De ipfius exercitu non amplius hominum mille cecidit, Nep. Robur de exercitu, Liv. Adolescens de fummo loco, Plaut. De procul afpicere, Id.

E foro, Ex ædibus, from, out of; e contrario, v. contraria parte, on the contrary; e regione, over againft; e republica, e re alicujus, for the good of; ftatim e fomno, ex fuga, ex tanta properantia, aliud ex alio malum, from, after; e vestigio, out of hand, immediately; poculum ex auro; ex equo pugnare, on borse back; facere pugnam ex commodo, on advantageous ground, Sall.; diem ex die expectare, from day to day, day after day; ex ordine, in order; magna ex parte, for the most part; ex supervacuo, superfluously; ex tua dignitate v. virtute, ex

decreto fenatûs, enatura, according to; so vulgus ex veritate pauca, ex opinione multa æstimat; ex v. de more, ad v. in morem alicujus. Ex animo, from the beart; Infolentia ex profperis rebus, e via languere, ex doctrina nobilis, on account of; ex ufu eft tibi, of advantage ; ex eo die, fince; ex amicis certis certiflimus, of or among; ex pedibus laborare, to be ill of the gout, Cic. E re nata, as the matter ftands, Ter. Commenta mater eft, effe ex alio viro, Nefcio quo, puerum natum, by, Id.

PRO gloria certare, for; Rati noctem pro fe, favourable to them, Sall. Hoc eft pro me, Cic. pro templo, tribunali, concione, roftris, caftris, foribus, before; pro fua dignitate, fapientia, &c. pro poteftate cogere, pro tempore, re, loco, fuo jure, according to; eft pro prætore, pro te molam, comes facundus pro vehiculo eft, for, inflead of ; pro viribus, pro parte virili, pro fua quifque parte v. facultate, to one's ability or power, Parum tibi pro eo, quod a te habeo, reddidi, Cic. in comparison of, confidering; pro ut, pro eo ac, pro eo ut mereor, as I deferve; pro fe quifque, uterque, &c. for his own part; pro rata parte, pro portione, in proportion; pro cive fe gerit; agere pro victoribus; pro fuo uti; pro rupto fædus habet, for, as; fo pro certo, infecto, comperto, nihilo, conceffo, &c. habeo, duco. Pro occifo relictus eft, Cic.

PRE fe pugionem tulit, before; fpeciem præ fe boni viri fert, pretends to be, Ter. præ lacrymis non poffum fcribere, for, because of; illum præ me contempfi, in comparison of; So the adv. præut; as, præut hujus rabies quæ dabit, Ter.

PALAM populo, omnibus, before, with the knowledge of

SINE labore, without; fine ulla caufa, pompa, moleftia, querela, impensa, &c.; homo fine re, fide, spe, fortunis, fede, &c. Cic.

Capulo TENUS, up to the bilt. Tenus is conftrued with the genitive plural, when the word wants the fing. as, Cumarum tenus, as far as Cume or when we speak of things, of which we have by nature only two; as, Oculorum, aurium, narium, labrorum, lumborum, crurum tenus, up to. We alfo find Corcyræ tenus, & ostiis tenus, Liv. Colchis tenus, Flor. Pectoribus tenus, Ovid.

To prepofitions governing the abl. is commonly added PROCUL; as, Procul domo, far from home; but here a is understood which is alfo often expreffed; as, Procul a patria, Virg. Procul ab oftentatione, Quinct. Culpa eft procul a me, Ter.

3. PREPOSITIONS governing the Accuf. and Abl.

XLIV. The prepofitions in, fub, fuper, and fubter, gov. ern the accufative, when motion to a place is fignified; but when motion or reft in a place is fignified, in and fub govern the ablative; fuper and fubter either the accufative or ablative.

IN, when it fignifies into, governs the accufative; when it fignifies in or among, it governs the ablative; as,

IN urbem ire, into; amor in patriam, in te benignus, towards; in lucem, until day; in eam fententiam, to that purpose, on that head; in rem tuam eft, for your advantage; in utramque partem difputare, on both fides, for and againft; litura in nomen, on, Cic. poteftas in filium, over; in aliquem dicere, againft; mirum in mo dum, after; in pedes ftare, in aurem dormire, on; in os laudare, to, before; in v. inter patres lectus, into the number of; in vulgus probari, fpargere, &c. among; crefcit in dies, in fingulos dies, omnes in dies, every day; in diem pofterum, proximum, decimum, againft; in diem vivere, to live from hand to mouth, not think of to-morrow; Eft in diem, will happen fometime after, Ter. Induciæ in duos menfes datæ, in hunc diem, annum, &c. for; Ternis affibus in pe dem, v. in fingulos pedes, tranfegit, He bargained for three fhillings a foot, or for every foot; So in jugerum, militem, capita, naves, &c. In medimna fingula, H. S. quinos denos dedifti, Cic.

IN portu navigo, in tempore, in ; effe in poteftate, v. în potestatem, honore, v. honorem, mente v. mentem; in manu v. manibus effe; habere, tenere, in one's power, on hand; in amicis, among ; in oculis, before. Occifus eft in provinciam, for in provincia, Sall. In pueritia, adolefcentia, fenectute, abfentia, for puer or pueri, when a boy or boys, &c. Hoc in tempore, Nep. In loco fratris diligere, for ut fratrem, Ter.

SUB terras ibit imago, fub afpectum cadit, under ; sub ipfum funus, near, just before, Hor. fub lucem, ortum lucis, noctem, vefperam, brumam, i. e. incipiente luce, &c. at the dawn of day, &c. fub idem tempus, about; fub eas literas recitatæ funt tuæ, fub feftos dies, after, Cic.

SUB muro, rege, pedibus, &c. under; sub urbe, near, Ter, fub ea conditione, v. -em, on or with.

SUPER Numidiam, above, beyond; fuper ripas, upon; fuper hæc ; fuper morbum etiam fames affixit, befides, Liv. fuper arbore, fronde fuper viridi, upon; super hac re fcribere, his accenfa fuper, concerning; alii fuper alios trucidantur, Liv. Super cœnam, fuper vinum et cpulas, for inter, during, Curt. Nec fuper ipfe fuâ molitur laude laborem, for, Virg.

SUBTER terram v. terra, under.

Obf. 1. When prepofitions do not govern a cafe, they are reckoned adverbs.

Such are, Ante, circa, clam, coram, contra, infra, intra, juxta, palam, pone, poft, propter, fecus, fubter, fuper, fupra, ultra. But in most of these the cafe feems to be implied in the fenfe; as, Longo poft tempore venit, fc. poft id tempus. Adverfus, juxta, propter, fecus, fecundum, & clam are by fome thought to be always ad

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