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XXIX. An Imperfonal verb governs the dative; as, Expedit reipublice, It is profitable for the state. Verbs which in the active voice govern only the dative, are used imperfonally in the passive, and likewise govern the dative; as, Favetur mihi, I am favoured, and not Ego faveor. So Nocetur mihi, imperatur mihi, &c. We find however, Hæc ego procurare imperor; Ego cur invideor, for imperatur, invidetur mihi, Hor. Obf. 1. Thefe verbs, Poteft, cœpit, incipit, definit, debet, and folet, are used imperfonally, when joined with imperfonal verbs; as,

Non poteft credi tibi, You cannot be believed; Mihi non poteft noceri, I cannot be hurt; Negat jucunde posse vivi fine virtute, Cic. Per virtutem potest iri ad astra. Aliorum laudi & gloriæ invideri folet, The praife and glory of others ufe to be envied, Id.

Obf. 2. Various verbs are used both perfonally and imperfonally; as, Venit in mentem mihi hæc res, vel de hac re, vel hujus rei, fcil. memoria; This thing came into my mind. Eft curæ mihi hæc res, wel de hac re. Doleo, vel dolet mihi, id factum effe.

Obf. 3. The neuter pronoun it is always joined with impersonal verbs in English; as, It rains, it fhines, &c. And in Latin an infinitive is commonly subjoined to Impersonal verbs, or the fubjunctive with ut, forming a part of a sentence which may be fuppofed to fupply the place of a nominative; as, Nobis non licet peccare, the fame with peccatum; Omnibus bonis expedit rempublicam effe falvam, i. e. Salus reipublicæ expedit omnibus bonis, Cic. Accidit, evenit, contigit, ut ibi essemus. These nominatives, hoc, illud, id, idem, quod, &c. are fometimes joined to Imperfonal verbs; as, Idem mihi licet, Cic. Eadem licent, Catull.

Obf. 4. The dative is often understood; as, Faciat quod libet, fe. fibi, Ter. Stat cafus renovare omnes, fc. mihi, I am refolved, Virg. ·

Exc. 1. REFERT and INTEREST require the genitive; as,

Refert patris, It concerns my father. Intereft omnium, It is the inter

eft of all.

But mea, tua, fua, noftra, veftra, are put in the accufative plural neuter; as,

Non mea refert,

It does not concern me. Obf. 1. Some think mea, tua, fua, &c. to be in the ablat. fing. fem. We fay either cujus interest, and quorum intereft; or cuja intereft, from cujus, a, um.

Obf. 2. Refert and intereft are often joined with these nominatives, Id, hoc, illud, quid, quod, nihil, &c. alfo with common nouns; and with thefe genitives, Tanti, quanti, magni, permagni, parvi, pluris; Hoc parvi refert; Illud mea magni intereft, Cic.


Ufque adeo magni refert ftudium, Lucr. Inceffus in gravida, refert,


They are frequently conftrued with these abverbs, Tantum, quantum, multum, plus, plurimum, infinitum, parum, maxime, vehementer, minime, &e, as, Faciam, quod maxime reipublicæ intereffe judicabo, Cic. Sometimes instead of the genit. they take the accufative with the prep. ad; as, Quid id ad me, aut ad meam rem refert, Perfæ quid rerum gerant? Of what importance is it? . Plant Magni ad honorem noftrum intereft, Cic. rarely the dative; as, Dic. quid referat intra naturæ fines viventi, &c. Hor. Sometimes they are placed abfolutely; as, Magnopere interest opprimi Dolobellam, it is of great importance, Cic. Permultum intereft, qualis primus aditus fit, Id. Adeone eft fundata leviter fides, ut ubi fim, quam qui fim, magis referat? Liv. Plurimum enim intererit, quibus artibus, aut quibus hunc tu moribus inftituas, Juv.

Obf. 3. The genitive after refert and intereft is governed by fome fubftantive understood, with which the poffeffives mea, tua, fua, &c. likewise agree; as, Interest Ciceronis, i. e. eft inter negotia Ciceronis: Refert patris, i. e. refert se hæc res ad negotia patris; So interest mea eft inter negotia mea.

Exc. II. These five MISERET, POENITET, PUDET, TÆDET, and PIGET, govern the accufative of a perfon, with the genitive of a thing; as,

Miferet me tui, I pity you.
Panitet me peccati, I repent of my fin.

Tædet me vita, I am weary of life.

Obf. 1. The genitive here is properly governed either by negotium understood, or by fome other fubftantive of a fignification fimilar to that of the verb with which it is joined; as, Miseret me tui, that is, negotium or miseratio tui miferet me.

Obf. 2. An infinitive or fome part of a sentence may supply the place of the genitive; as, Pœnitet me peccaffe, or quod peccaverim. The accufative is frequently underfood; as, Scelerum fi bene pœnitet, feil. nos.


Obf. 3. Miferet, pænitet, &c. are fometimes ufed perfonally, efpecially when joined with these nominatives, boc, id, quod, &. as, Ipfe fui miferet, Lucr.; Nonne hæc te pudent? Ter. Nihil, quod pœnitere poffit, facias, Cic.

We fometimes find miferet joined with two accufatives, as, Menedemi vicem miferet me, fail., fecundum, or quod ad. Ter.

Obf. 4. The preterites of miferet, pudet, tædet, and piget, when used in the paffive form, govern the fame cafes with the active; as, Miferitum eft me tuarum fortunarum, Ter. We likewife find miferefcit and miferetur used imperfonally; as, Miferefcit me tui, Ter.; Mife reatur te fratrum; Neque me tui, neque tuorum liberorum mifereri poteft, Cic.

Exc. III. DECET, DELECTAT, JUVAT, and OPORTET, govern the accufative of a perfon, with the infinitive; as,

Delectat me ftudere,
Non decet te rixari,

It delights me to study.
It does not become you to fcold.

Obf. 1. These verbs are fometimes ufed perfonally; as, Parvum parva decent, Hor. Eft aliquid quod non opporteat, etiamfi liceat, Cic. Hæc facta ab illo oportebant, Ter.

Obf. 2. Decet is fometimes construed with the dative; as, Ita nobis decet, Ter.

Obf. 3. Oportet is elegantly joined with the subjunctive mode, ut being understood; as,

Sibi quifque confulat oportet, Cic. Or with the perfect participle esse or fuiffe being understood; as, Communicatum oportuit; manfum oportuit; Adolefcenti morem geftum oportuit, The young man fhould have been humoured, Ter.

Obf. 4. Fallit, fugit, præterit, latet, when ufed imperfonally, also govern the accufative with the infinitive; as, In lege nullâ effe ejufmodi caput, non te fallit; De Dionyfio fugit me ad te antea fcribere, Cic.

NOTE. Attinet, pertinet, & spectat, are conftrued with ad; Ad rempublicam pertinet, me confervari, Cic. And fo perfonally, Ille ad me attinet, belongs, Ter. Res ad arma fpectat, looks, points, Cic.


XXX. One verb governs another in the infinitive; as,
Cupio difcere,
I defire to learn.

Obf. 1. The infinitive is often governed by adjectives; as, Horatius eft dignus legi, Quinctil. And fometimes depends on a fubftantive; as, Tempus equûm fumantia folvere colla, Virg.

Obf. 2. The word governing the infinitive is fometimes understood; as, Mene incepto defiftere victam, fcil. decet, or par est, Virg, Videre eft. Dicere non eft, feil. copia or facultas, Horat. And fometimes the infinitive itself is to be fupplied; as, Socratem fidibus docuit, fcil. canere, Cic. So Difcere, fcire fidibus.

Obs. 3. The infinitive was not improperly called by the ancients Nomen verbi, The name or noun of the verb; because it is both joined with an adjective like a fubftantive, as, Velle fuum cuique eft, Every one has a will of his own; and likewife fupplies the place of a noun, not only in the nominative, but also in all the oblique cafes; as, I. In the nominative, Latrocinari, fraudare, turpe eft, Cic. Didiciffe fideliter artes emollit mores, Ovid. 2. In the genitive, Peritus cantare,for cantandi, or cantûs, Virg. 3. In the dative, Paratus fervire, for fervituti, Sall. 4. In the accufative, Da mibi fallere, for artem fallendi, Horat. Quod faciam fupereft, præter amare, nihil, Ovid. 5. In the vocative, O vivere noftrum, ut non fentientibus effluis! For vita noflra. 6. In the ablative, Dignus amari, for amore, or qui ametur, Virg.

Obf. 4. Inftead of the infinitive a different conftruction is often ufed after verbs of doubting, willing, ordering, fearing, hoping; in short, after any verb which has a relation to futurity; as, Dubitat ita

facere, or more frequently, an, num, or utrum ita fa&turus fit; Dubitavit an faceret necne; Non dubito quin fecerit. Vis me facere, or ut faciam. Metuit tangi, or ne tangatur. Spero te venturum effe, or fore ut venias. Nunquam putavi fore ut ad te fupplex venirem, Cic. Exiflimabant futurum fuiffe ut oppidum amitteretur, Cæf.

“Obf. 5. To, which in English is the fign of the infinitive, is omitted after bid, dare, need, make, fee, bear, feel, and some others; as, I bid bim do it and in Latin may often be rendered otherwife than by the infinitive; as, I am fent to complain, Mittor queftum, or ut querar, &c. Ready to hear, Promptus ad audiendum; Time to read, Tempus legendi; Fit to swim, Aptus natando; Easy to say, Facile dictu; I am to write, Scripturus fum; A house to let, or more properly, to be let, Domus locanda : He was left to guard the city, Relictus eft ut tueretur urbem.


XXXI. Participles, Gerunds, and Supines, govern the cafe of their own verbs; as,

Amans virtutem, Loving virtue. Carens fraude, Wanting guile.

Obf. 1. Paffive participles often govern the dativé, particularly when they are used as adjectives; as,

Sufpectus mibi, Sufpected by me; Sufpectiores regibus, Sall. Invifus mibi; hated by me, or hateful to me: Indies invifior, Suet. Occulta, et maribus non invifa folum, fed etiam inaudita facra, unfeon. Cic.

EXOSUS, PEROSUS, and often also PERTESUS, govern the accufative; as, Tædas exofa jugales, Ovid. Plebs confulum nomen haud fecus quam regum perofa erat, Liv. Pertæsus ignaviam suam; femet ipfe, difpleafed with, Suet. vitam, weary of, Juftin. levitatis, Cic.

Verbals in BUNDUS govern the cafe of their own verbs; as, Gratulabundus patriæ, Juft. Vitabundus caftra hoftium, Liv. So fometimes alfo nouns; as, Juftitia eft obtemperatio fcriptis legibus, Cic. Infidiæ confuli, Sell. Domum reditionis fpe fublata, Ces. Spectatio ludos, Plaut.

Obf. 2. These verbs, do, reddo, volo, curo, facio, habeo, comperid, with the perfect participle, form a periphrafis fimilar to what we use in English; as, Compertum habeo, for comperi, I have found, Sall. Effectum dabo, for efficiam; Inventum tibi curabo, et adductum tuum Pamphilum, i. e. inveniam et adducam, Ter. Sometimes the gerund is used with ad; as, Tradere ei gentes diripiendas, or ad diripiendum, Cic. Rogo, accipio, do aliquid utendum, or ad utendum; Mifit mihi librum legendum, or ad legendum, &c.

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Obf. 3. These verbs, curo, habeo, mando, loco, conduco, do, tribuo, mitte, &c. are elegantly construed with the participle in dus instead of the infinitive; as, Funus faciendum curavi, for fieri, or ut fieret: Columnas ædificandas locavit, Cic.


XXXI. Gerunds are construed like substantive nouns ;

Studendum eft mibi, I must study. Aptus fudendo, Fit for studying.
Tempus Audendi,
Time of study.

But more particularly;

I. The Gerund in DUM with the verb eft governs the dative; as,

Legendum eft mibi, I must read. Moriendum eft omnibus, All must die.
So Scio legendum esse mibi; moriendum effe omnibus, &c.

Obf. 1. This gerund always imports obligation or neceffity; and may be refolved into oportet, neceffe eft, or the like, and the infinitive or the subjunctive, with the conjunction ut; as, Omnibus eft moriendum, or Omnibus neceffe eft mori, or ut moriantur; or Neceffe eft ut omnes moriantur. Confulendum eft tibi a me, I must confult for your good; for Oportet ut confulam tibi, Cic.

Obf. 2. The dative is often understood; as, Orandum est, ut sit mens fana in corpore fano, f. tibi, Juv. Hic, vincendum, aut moriendum, milites, est, sc. vobis, Liv. Deliberandum est diu, quod ftatuendum eft femel, fa tibi vel alicui, P. Syr.

11. The gerund in DI is governed by fubftantives or adjectives; as,

Tempus legendi, Time of reading. Cupidus difcendi, Defirous of learning.

Obf. This gerund is sometimes conftrued with the genitive plu ral; as, Facultas agrorum condonandi, for agros, Cic. Copia fpectandi comœdiarum, for comœdias, Ter. But chiefly with pronouns; as, In caftra venerunt fui purgandi causa, Caf. Veftri adhortandi caufa, Liv. Ejus videndi cupidus, fc. fœminæ, Ter. The gerund here is fuppofed to govern the genitive like a fubftantive noun.

III. The gerund in DO of the dative cafe is governed by adjectives fignifying usefulness or fitnefs; as,

Charta utilis fcribendo, Paper useful for writing.

Obf. 1. Sometimesthe adjective is understood; as, Non eft folvendo, fcil. par, or babilis, He is not able to pay. Is finis cenfendo factus eft,


Obf. 2. This gerund is fometimes governed alfo by verbs; 39, Adeffe fcribendo, Cic. Aptat habendo enfem, for wearing; Virg

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